859 research outputs found

    Weathering of the Ethiopian volcanic province: a new weathering index to characterize and compare soils

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    © Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston 2015.Soil formation occurs through numerous physical and chemical weathering processes acting to alter the parent rock on the Earths surface. Samples of surface soils were collected over a range of elevations (2000-3600 m) from profiles directly overlying basaltic to more felsic parent rocks, over a region in NW Ethiopia. The soils were investigated to determine their chemical composition and X-ray diffraction was used to identify and quantify individual mineral phases. The data set was analyzed using non-parametric statistics (Spearmans Rank and Mann-Whitney U tests) to compare the soils forming over the two parent rocks. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify the mineral alteration assemblage and formation during pedogenesis. The extent of alteration was quantified using several chemical weathering indices (Chemical Index of Alteration = CIA; Chemical Index of Weathering = CIW), including an index calculated by multivariate analyses of the soil chemical composition data (weathering W index). Further to this we devised and tested a new weathering index (Wmin) using multivariate analysis of the soil mineralogy, to estimate the extent of weathering and physico-chemical proprieties of the parent rock from which the soil formed. The soils present a fair to advanced stage of alteration, with abundant iron (Fe) oxides (up to 40 wt%) and phyllosilicates (up to 57 wt%), including kaolinite-smectite (K-S) mixed-layer phases. The K-S was composed of either 30-50% kaolinite or 94-98% kaolinite layers. Discrete kaolinite was also present. The bimodal K-S mineralogical composition is likely due to two precursor phases: feldspar for the kaolinite-rich K-S and volcanic glass for the smectite-rich K-S. K-S with intermediate composition (50-94% kaolinite) was rare, due to its instability. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the chemical compositions of the soils developed on the two different parent volcanic compositions. The soils overlying the more felsic parent rocks were less altered than those overlying the flood basalt. When comparing the weathering indices calculated in this study, we conclude that while the CIA and CIW may be more readily determined, the W and Wmin indices can elucidate information on the composition of the original rock from which they formed. The W index is more sensitive to certain variables when compared with the newly derived mineralogical Wmin index; however the Wmin index takes into account mineral phases within the sample, which provides a more detailed interpretation of weathering rates than chemistry alone. In addition the Wmin index correlated with meteorological variables, such as elevation (and consequently temperature and precipitation), known to influence the degree of pedogenesis. The Wmin index can be used to enhance our understanding of the processes that occur during weathering processes to supplement information gained from traditional chemical weathering indices

    Spatial variability in HIV prevalence declines in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa

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    AbstractEvidence suggests substantial declines in HIV prevalence in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. However, the observed aggregate declines at the national level may obscure local variations in the temporal dynamics of the infection. Using spatial scan statistics, we identified marked spatial variability in the within-country declines in HIV prevalence in Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. Our study suggests that the declines in the national HIV prevalence in some of the SSA countries may not be representative of downward trends in prevalence in areas of high HIV prevalence, as much as the result of sharp declines in prevalence in areas of already low HIV prevalence. Our findings provide insights for resource allocation and HIV prevention interventions in these countries

    Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tau protein by the catalytic subunit of PKA, as probed by electrophoretic mobility retard

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    Background: Tau is a microtubule associated protein that regulates the stability of microtubules and the microtubule-dependent axonal transport. Its hyperphosphorylated form is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies and the major component of the paired helical filaments that form the abnormal proteinaceous tangles found in these neurodegenerative diseases. It is generally accepted that the phosphorylation extent of tau is the result of an equilibrium in the activity of protein kinases and phosphatases. Disruption of the balance between both types of enzyme activities has been assumed to be at the origin of tau hyperphosphorylation and the subsequent toxicity and progress of the disease. Objective: We explore the possibility that, beside the phosphatase action on phosphorylated tau, the catalytic subunit of PKA catalyzes both tau phosphorylation and also tau dephosphorylation, depending on the ATP/ADP ratio. Methods: We use the shift in the relative electrophoretic mobility suffered by different phosphorylated forms of tau, as a sensor of the catalytic action of the enzyme. Results: The results are in agreement with the long-known thermodynamic reversibility of the phosphorylation reaction (ATP + Protein = ADP+Phospho-Protein) catalyzed by PKA and many other protein kinases. Conclusion: The results contribute to put the compartmentalized energy state of the neuron and the mitochondrial-functions disruption upstream of tau-related pathologiesFinancial support has been provided by a grant from the Spanish Government PGC2018 096177-B-10

    Modelos no lineales de previsión para series temporales de interés farmacéutico. Aplicación al caso de la escarlatina

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras el ajuste de un modelo no lineal y un modelo robusto de predicción a la serie temporal correspondiente a la incidencia de la escarlatina en Catalunya desde el año 2000 hasta mediados del 2005, según los datos publicados en el Butlletí Epidemiològic de Catalunya (BEC) por el Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya.El ajuste se ha realizado tanto por mínimos cuadrados como mediante el método de la mínima mediana de residuales. Los intervalos de confianza, dada la no normalidad de las residuales, se han estimado mediante la técnica del bootstrap. El modelo se ha validado comparando las predicciones realizadas para las últimas 47 semanas frente a los casos declarados en el BEC. Salvo episodios de incidencia aguda, las previsiones resultan aceptables.El modelo sinusoidal ajustado muestra una tendenciacon un periodo de 52 semanas, una incidencia máximahacia la segunda quincena de marzo y una mínima incidenciasobre la segunda quincena de septiembre. Lospuntos de inflexión se sitúan, aproximadamente, coincidiendocon los solsticios de verano e invierno

    Isothermal molecular-dynamics calculations

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    We have performed long-time runs of molecular-dynamics computer simulations of a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system, without any scaling procedure. The thermodynamic properties show spontaneous fluctuations except when the system is far from the melting zon

    Influencias estructuralistas en la lexicología rusa

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    Sin duda las teorías estructuralistas que surgieron en las escuelas lingüísticas de Ginebra, Praga y Copenhague tuvieron gran repercusión en todo el ámbito europeo. En la lingüística rusa estas tendencias inspiraron a muchos lingüistas que después aplicaron a todos los niveles lingüísticos, obteniendo excelentes resultados en el ámbito lexicológico especialmente. El objeto de estudio de este artículo es ver los nexos de unión entre la lingüística rusa y el estructuralismo y citar algunos lingüistas rusos que aplicaron estas teorías al campo de la lexicología.The structuralist theories that arose in the linguistic schools of Geneva, Prague and Copenhagen had, without a question, a great impact at a European level. In the Russian linguistic these trends inspired many linguists who later on, with excellent results, applied them at all linguistic levels, especially in the field of lexicology. The purpose of this paper is to look at what exits in common between the Russian linguistic and the Structuralism and to name some of the Russian linguistics who applied these theories to the field of lexicology

    Shortcuts in a Nonlinear Dynamical Braneworld in Six Dimensions

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    We consider a dynamical brane world in a six-dimensional spacetime containing a singularity. Using the Israel conditions we study the motion of a 4-brane embedded in this setup. We analyse the brane behaviour when its position is perturbed about a fixed point and solve the full nonlinear dynamics in the several possible scenarios. We also investigate the possible gravitational shortcuts and calculate the delay between graviton and photon signals and the ratio of the corresponding subtended horizons.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. References and discussion added. Title changed to match the version accepted in Class. and Quant. Gra

    Remote experiments for STEM education and engagement in rural schools: The case of project R3

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    Rural schools tend not to have enough laboratory and experimentation equipment, which can be an obstacle that hinders student learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas. Moreover, this loss of competencies can reduce their employment opportunities while society itself is deprived of that human capital. Remote laboratories have emerged as a way of countering the effects of insufficient investment in equipment or the inability to acquire the latter. By way of example, the goal of Project R3, which is presented in this article, is to reduce the absence or shortage of laboratories in the rural world via the use of remote experimentation. Specifically, this article presents the experience, the results, and the main conclusions of Project R3 during its first year of life. It is worth noting that Project R3 has been deployed not only in rural but also in urban environments, making it possible to compare learning results and satisfaction levels for students in both spheres and identify those experiments that provide the best learning experience and are most popular among pupils and teachers. The main objective is that from the local analysis (the Project has only been conducted in Spain) it might be possible to draw conclusions of a global nature that might be extrapolated to other countries in the European Union with similar socio-demographics. Initial results are in the direction of certifying that student achievement and satisfaction are higher in rural than in urban environments

    La regeneración del pinsapar en la sierra de Grazalema. I: análisis de la fase de plántula

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    Se estudia la dinámica de la regeneración del pinsapar en la Sierra de Grazalema. Previamente se ha llevado a cabo una diferenciación del conjunto del pinsapar a partir de la información disponible de inventarios, fotointerpretación, bibliografía y datos de campo, dando como resultados cuatro tipos estructurales: Pinsapar puro estructurado, Pinsapar puro latizal-fustal, Quejigal con pinsapos y Encinar con pinsapos. En este estudio, el análisis del proceso de regeneración se centra en el regenerado en estado de plántula, donde la mortalidad puede tener una incidencia enorme debida especialmente a la sequía estival propia del ámbito mediterráneo. Se ha establecido un dispositivo de muestreo sistemático en los cuatro estratos, medido una vez finalizada la germinación de semillas del año y después del verano. Con los datos obtenidos se ha estudiado tanto la incorporación, como la mortalidad de nuevas plántulas. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre los estratos de pinsapar puro y los mixtos, tanto en incorporación de nuevas plántulas como en mortalidad. También existen diferencias dentro de los dos estratos de pinsapar pur