411 research outputs found

    Wasted Food, Wasted Energy: The Embedded Energy in Food Waste in the United States

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    This work estimates the energy embedded in wasted food annually in the United States. We calculated the energy intensity of food production from agriculture, transportation, processing, food sales, storage, and preparation for 2007 as 8080 ± 760 trillion BTU. In 1995 approximately 27% of edible food was wasted. Synthesizing these food loss figures with our estimate of energy consumption for different food categories and food production steps, while normalizing for different production volumes, shows that 2030 ± 160 trillion BTU of energy were embedded in wasted food in 2007. The energy embedded in wasted food represents approximately 2% of annual energy consumption in the United States, which is substantial when compared to other energy conservation and production proposals. To improve this analysis, nationwide estimates of food waste and an updated estimate for the energy required to produce food for U.S. consumption would be valuable

    Evaluation of Data and Tools from CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS)

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    This report assesses nine CCAFS tools/datasets in terms of who is using them and for what purposes, and explores whether and how the use of CCAFS data and tools has contributed to outcomes, in particular to changes in knowledge, attitude or skills, as well as potential changes in behaviour and practice among different user groups, where possible

    Globular Aggregates Stemming from the Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic N-Annulated Perylene Bisimide in Aqueous Media

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    Herein, we describe the synthesis of highly emissive amphiphilic N-annulated PBI 1 decorated with oligo ethylene glycol (OEG) side chains. These polar side chains allow the straightforward solubility of 1 in solvents of different polarity such as water, iPrOH, dioxane, or chloroform. Compound 1 self-assembles in aqueous media by π-stacking of the aromatic units and van der Waals interactions, favored by the hydrophobic effect. The hypo- and hypsochromic effect observed in the UV-Vis spectra of 1 in water in comparison to chloroform is diagnostic of H-type aggregation. Solvent denaturation experiments allow deriving the free Gibbs energy for the self-assembly process in aqueous media and the factor m that is indicative of the influence exerted by a good solvent in the stability of the final aggregates. The ability of compound 1 to self-assemble in water yields globular aggregates that have been visualized by TEM imaging.Depto. de Química OrgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEMCIUComunidad de Madridpu

    Diversidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en áreas restauradas de la quebrada La Colorada, municipio de Villa de Leyva, Colombia

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    The ecological restoration is analternative oriented to the recovery of ecosystems,which is why it is essential to follow this strategy overtime, in order to establish possible changes on thestructure and function of intervened areas. In thiswork, the diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates ofthe La Colorada stream was evaluated, as variabledescriptive elements in an ecological restorationprocess carried out in the hydrological roundzones of the system, this as a strategy, in front ofthe transformation of vegetation cover related toforest fires, tourism, colonization of invasive plants,planted forests of introduced species, amongothers, that affect ecosystem goods and services.To compare the composition and structure of themacroinvertebrate community between one zoneand another without ecological restoration, inthe La Colorada stream, Villa de Leyva, Boyacá,four seasons were established in areas of Andeanforest influenced by forest fires, two of them withecological restoration processes, and two withoutecological restoration, in which the monitoring ofphysicochemical parameters and biotic indiceswas carried out. For the analysis of results,Shannon-Weaver (H’), Simpson (D) and Pielou’sEquity (J’) indices were calculated. Significantdifferences were registered in the compositionand structure of the benthic community associatedto the restored areas, determining three classes,seven orders, fifteen families, and eighteengenera of macroinvertebrates, in comparison with:two classes, five orders, seven families, and tengenera in the control zone (without restoration).The most abundant taxa were Basommatophora(36%), Hemiptera (17%) and Tricladida (12%). Thestations sampled showed moderate biologicaldiversity and low dominance. The highest values ofdiversity were registered in the sites with ecologicalrestoration processes.La restauración ecológica es una alternativa orientada a la recuperación de ecosistemas, razón por la cual, es fundamental el seguimiento de esta estrategia en el tiempo, con el fin de establecer los posibles cambios sobre la estructura y función de áreas intervenidas. En este trabajo se evalúa la diversidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos de la quebrada La Colorada, como elementos descriptores variables en un proceso de restauración ecológica realizado en zonas ronda hídrica del sistema, esto como estrategia, frente a la transformación de coberturas vegetales relacionadas con incendios forestales, turismo, colonización de plantas invasoras y bosques plantados de especies introducidas, entre otros, que afectan bienes y servicios ecosistémicos. Para comparar la composición y estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados entre una zona y otra sin restauración ecológica, en la quebrada La Colorada, Villa de Leyva, Boyacá, se establecieron cuatro estaciones en áreas de bosque andino influenciados por incendios forestales, dos de ellas con procesos de restauración ecológica y dos sin restauración ecológica, en las que se realizó el seguimiento de parámetros fisicoquímicos e índices bióticos. Para el análisis de resultados se calcularon los índices de Shannon-Weaver (H’), Simpson (D) y Equidad de Pielou (J’). Además, se registraron diferencias significativas en la composición y estructura de la comunidad bentónica asociada a las áreas restauradas y se determinaron tres clases, siete órdenes, quince familias y dieciocho géneros de macroinvertebrados, en comparación con: dos clases, cinco órdenes, siete familias y diez géneros en la zona control (sin restauración). Los taxa más abundantes fueron Basommatophora (36 %), Hemiptera (17 %) y Tricladida (12 %). Las estaciones muestreadas mostraron una diversidad biológica moderada y una baja dominancia. Los valores más altos de diversidad se registraron en los sitios con procesos de restauración ecológica

    Alimentación restringida en pollos de engorde: respuesta a un método moderado.

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    En la granja avícola de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, se realizó esta investigación con el fin de evaluar el efecto de una restricción de alimento durante el período de crecimiento sobre el consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y mortalidad del pollo de engorde sacrificados a los 42 días de edad. Se utilizaron 960 pollos Peterson sin sexar, distribuidos en tres tratamientos : alimentación a libre voluntad (T1), restricción de alimento del día 8 a 14 (T2) y del dia 8 a 21 de edad (T3). en todos los tratamientos. Los pollos recibieron una dieta de iniciación (1-28 días) y finalización (28-42 días), en forma de harina y balanceadas según las recomendaciones del NRC (1995). El consumo de alimento durante el período de restricción en los tratamientos T2 y T3 fue inferior(

    Metodologías activas y gamificación en las asignaturas de iniciación a la programación

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    Aprender a programar es una tarea compleja que requiere del desarrollo de diversas habilidades. Los estudiantes que se inician en la programación se encuentran con serias dificultadas en el aprendizaje de esta materia. Actualmente en los nuevos Grados se han introducido asignaturas relacionadas con las tecnologías de la información, en donde se realiza un primer contacto con la programación. En esta comunicación presentamos el trabajo realizado para el desarrollo de una metodología docente para la enseñanza de programación, basada en el uso de metodologías activas y el empleo de gamificación para incentivar la participación del alumnado y aumentar su motivación. Comentamos la implantación de esta metodología en un curso de iniciación a la programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática y exponemos los resultados obtenidos.Learning programming is a complex task that requires the development of various skills. Students who are new to programming encounter serious difficulties in learning the subject. Nowadays degrees in the new study system have introduced subjects related to information technology, where students make their first contact with programming. In this paper we present the work done to develop a methodology for teaching programming based on the use of active methodologies and gamification, to encourage student participation and increase motivation. We discuss the implementation of this methodology in an introductory course to programming in the Degree in Computer Science and present some results

    Optimal Nitrogen Fertilization to Reach the Maximum Grain and Stover Yields of Maize (Zea mays L.): Tendency Modeling

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    Utilization of maize stover to the production of meat and milk and saving the grains for human consumption would be one strategy for the optimal usage of resources. Variance and tendency analyses were applied to find the optimal nitrogen (N) fertilization dose (0, 100, 145, 190, 240, and 290 kg/ha) for forage (F), stover (S), cob (C), and grain (G) yields, as well as the optimal grain-to-forage, cob-to-forage, and cob-to-stover ratios (G:F, C:F, and C:S, respectively). The study was performed in central Mexico (20.691389° N and −101.259722° W, 1740 m a.m.s.l.; Cwa (Köppen), 699 mm annual precipitation; alluvial soils). N-190 and N-240 improved the individual yields and ratios the most. Linear and quadratic models for CDM, GDM, and G:F ratio had coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.20–0.46 (p < 0.03). Cubic showed R2 = 0.30–0.72 (p < 0.02), and the best models were for CDM, GDM, and the G:F, C:F, and C:S DM ratios (R2 = 0.60–0.72; p < 0.0002). Neither SHB nor SDM negatively correlated with CDM or GDM (r = 0.23–0.48; p < 0.0001). Excess of N had negative effects on forage, stover, cobs, and grains yields, but optimal N fertilization increased the proportion of the G:F, C:F, and C:S ratios, as well as the SHB and SDM yields, without negative effects on grain production