307 research outputs found

    Photometry of SN 2002bo with template image subtraction

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    VRI photometry of the type Ia supernova 2002bo is presented. This SN exploded in a dusty region of the host galaxy NGC 3190, thus, subtraction of a template frame was necessary to obtain reliable photometry. We used a template frame of NGC 3190 taken during the course of our galaxy imaging project, fortunately, just a few days before SN 2002bo was discovered. The aim of this project is to collect template frames of nearby galaxies that are potential hosts of bright SNe. Subtraction of pre-SN images helped us to exclude the background light contamination of the host galaxy. The maximum occurred at JD 2452346, with maximal V brightness of 13.58. MLCS analysis led to T0(B)=JD 2452346.1 pm 0.8 (fiducial B-maximum), E(B-V)=0.24 pm 0.02, mu0=32.46 pm 0.06, Delta=-0.14 pm 0.04. E(B-V)=0.24(2) indicates a significant extinction in the host galaxy as the galactic reddening is negligible toward NGC 3190. The accepted value of Delta indicates that SN 2002bo was a slightly overluminous SN by about 0.14 relative to fiducial SN Type Ia. The distance turned out to be 31.0 pm 3 Mpc. In addition, the heavily obscured SN 2002cv was also detected on the I frame taken on JD 2452434 (June 8, 2002), and a variable star is found in the field, very close to the host galaxy.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    High fat diet feeding results in gender specific steatohepatitis and inflammasome activation

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    AIM: To develop an animal model that encompasses the different facets of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which has been a challenge. METHODS: In this study, we used a high fat diet (HFD) feeding supplemented with fructose and sucrose in the water mimicking the high-fructose corn syrup that is abundant in the diet in the United States. We used C57Bl/6 wild-type mice for short and long-term feedings of 6 and 16 wk respectively, and evaluated the extent of liver damage, steatosis, and inflammasome activation. Our methods included histopathological analysis to assess liver damage and steatosis, which involved H and E and oil-red-o staining; biochemical studies to look at ALT and triglyceride levels; RNA analysis using quantitative polymerase chain reaction; and cytokine analysis, which included the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method to look at interleukin (IL)-1beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) levels. Furthermore, at each length of feeding we also looked at insulin resistance and glucose tolerance using insulin tolerance tests (ITT) and glucose tolerance tests. RESULTS: There was no insulin resistance, steatosis, or inflammasome activation at 6 wk. In contrast, at 16 wk we found significant insulin resistance demonstrated by impaired glucose and ITT in male, but not female mice. In males, elevated alanine aminotransferase and triglyceride levels, indicated liver damage and steatosis, respectively. Increased liver TNFalpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 mRNA and protein, correlated with steatohepatitis. The inflammasome components, adaptor molecule, Aim2, and NOD-like receptor 4, increased at the mRNA level, and functional inflammasome activation was indicated by increased caspase-1 activity and IL-1beta protein levels in male mice fed a long-term HFD. Male mice on HFD had increased alpha-smooth muscle actin and pro-collagen-1 mRNA indicating evolving fibrosis. In contrast, female mice displayed only elevated triglyceride levels, steatosis, and no fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate gender differences in NASH. Male mice fed a long-term HFD display steatohepatitis and inflammasome activation, whereas female mice have steatosis without inflammation

    Der Einfluss des Mulchens zur Zwergstrauchreduktion auf die Tagfalter- und Heuschreckenfauna auf Weiden im Sömmerungsgebiet

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    Die Alpen gelten als Hotspot der Biodiversität in Europa. Die lange landwirtschaftliche Tradition förderte diesen Artenreichtum durch die Schaffung einer heterogenen Struktur. Alpine und subalpine Weiden gehören aufgrund dessen mit zu den artenreichsten Lebensräumen der Schweiz. Die zunehmende Verbuschung dieser Weiden durch Zwergsträucher kann die Diversität, aber auch den Futterertrag der weidenden Nutztiere verringern. Da der Futterertrag für die Sömmerung ausschlaggebend ist, kommt in Arosa (GR) seit mehreren Jahren der Forstmulcher zur Zwergstrauchreduktion zum Einsatz. Bisher ist noch wenig über die Auswirkungen des Mulchens von Zwergsträuchern auf die darin lebende Kleintierfauna bekannt. Darum wurde dieser Frage in der vorliegenden Arbeit mithilfe von Tagfaltern und Heuschrecken nachgegangen. Insgesamt wurden zwölf Flächen untersucht die in 4 Mulchflächen, 4 Fettweiden und 4 Zwergstrauchheiden gegliedert wurden. Gesamthaft konnten während der Erhebung 533 Tagfalterindividuen von 47 und Arten aus 5 Familien sowie 749 Heuschreckenindividuen von 11 Arten aus 2 Familien dokumentiert werden. 8 Tagfalter- und 2 Heuschreckenarten tragen den Rote-Liste-Status (CH) potenziell gefährdet. 1 Tagfalterart war ein Neufund in Arosa und 2 Tagfalterarten sind zudem auf der Liste der National prioritären Arten. Der statistische Vergleich der Flächen untereinander ergab in Bezug auf die Arten-, Individuen-, und Diversitätszahlen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Der Vergleich der Mulchflächen untereinander zeigte eine Tendenz zu mehr Arten und Individuen, je länger der Mulcheingriff zurück lag, auch wenn dieser nicht signifikant war. Obwohl keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Flächen festgestellt wurden, ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass das Mulchen einen negativen Einfluss auf die Population solcher Kleintiere hat. Daher sollte, mit angepassten Methoden und über einen längeren Zeitraum, weitere Forschung betrieben werden. Der Fund von 47 Tagfalter- und 11 Heuschreckenarten ist, im Angesicht der schwindenden Insektenzahlen, und der schwindenden Biodiversität, ein sehr erfreuliches Resultat, und zeigt die Wichtigkeit dieser Lebensräume für den Erhalt der Biodiversität im Alpenraum.The Alps are considered as hotspot of biodiversity in Europe. The long agricultural tradition promoted this species richness by creating a heterogeneous structure. Therefore, alpine and subalpine pastures are among the most species-rich habitats in Switzerland today. The increasing scrub encroachment of dwarf shrubs on pastures can reduce not only diversity but also the forage yield of grazing livestock. To maintain the forage yield nevertheless, the forest mulcher has been used for dwarf shrub reduction in Arosa (GR) for several years. Since not much is known about the effect of dwarf shrub mulching on the small animal fauna, this was investigated in the present study. From July 2021 to September 2021, a total of twelve plots were examined for their butterfly and grasshopper fauna. The study areas were divided into four mulched areas, four fat pastures and four dwarf shrub heaths. A total of 533 butterfly individuals of 47 species from 5 families and 749 grasshopper individuals of 11 species from 2 families were documented during the survey. 8 butterfly and 2 grasshopper species have the Red List status (CH) of potentially endangered. 1 butterfly species is a new discovery in Arosa and 2 butterfly species are also on the list of National Priority Species. The statistical comparison of the plots with each other showed no significant differences in terms of species, individual and diversity numbers. The comparison of the mulched areas with each other showed a tendency towards more species and individuals the longer the mulching intervention was in the past, although this was not significant. Although no significant differences were found between the plots, it cannot be excluded that mulching has a negative influence on the population of such small animals. Therefore, with adapted methods and over a longer period of time, further research should be conducted. The finding of 47 butterfly and 11 grasshopper species is, in the face of dwindling insect numbers and biodiversity, a very pleasing result and shows the importance of these habitats for the conservation of biodiversity in the Alpine region

    Comparison of three different camera systems monitoring the meteor activity over Hungary in 2020-2023

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    We present statistical analysis of visual meteor data taken with networks of meteor cameras operating in Hungary between 2020 and 2023. We use three different camera systems: a set of traditional MetRec-based video cameras, a self-developed automated DSLR camera system and a network of newly installed AllSky7 camera stations. Similarities and differences between the data produced by the three systems, aimed at recording different types of meteor phenomena, are presented and discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in WGN, the Journal of the International Meteor Organization (IMO

    A new sdO+dM binary with extreme eclipses and reflection effect

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    We report the discovery of a new totally-eclipsing binary (RA=06:40:29.11; Dec=+38:56:52.2; J=2000.0; Rmax=17.2 mag) with an sdO primary and a strongly irradiated red dwarf companion. It has an orbital period of Porb=0.187284394(11) d and an optical eclipse depth in excess of 5 magnitudes. We obtained two low-resolution classification spectra with GTC/OSIRIS and ten medium-resolution spectra with WHT/ISIS to constrain the properties of the binary members. The spectra are dominated by H Balmer and He II absorption lines from the sdO star, and phase-dependent emission lines from the irradiated companion. A combined spectroscopic and light curve analysis implies a hot subdwarf temperature of Teff(spec) = 55 000 +/- 3000K, surface gravity of log g(phot) = 6.2 +/- 0.04 (cgs) and a He abundance of log(nHe/nH) = -2.24 +/- 0.40. The hot sdO star irradiates the red-dwarf companion, heating its substellar point to about 22 500K. Surface parameters for the companion are difficult to constrain from the currently available data: the most remarkable features are the strong H Balmer and C II-III lines in emission. Radial velocity estimates are consistent with the sdO+dM classification. The photometric data do not show any indication of sdO pulsations with amplitudes greater than 7mmag, and Halpha-filter images do not provide evidence of the presence of a planetary nebula associated with the sdO star.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Increased oxidative capacity of circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in non-diabetic NASH patients

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    Background: Inflammation and oxidative stress are key factors in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Polymorphonuclear neutrophils are capable to produce significant amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the NADPH oxidase complex. Increased hepatic neutrophil infiltration has been described in steatohepatitis. We aimed to investigate the in vitro ROS generation by neutrophils of NASH patients and the hepatic NADPH oxidase activity in murine steatohepatitis. Material and methods: PMNs were isolated from peripheral blood of NASH patients (n=16) and healthy controls (n=16). In vitro ROS production was measured by luminol chemiluminescence after phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or opsonized zymosan stimulation. Hepatic lipid peroxidation and NADPH oxidase activation were measured in mice fed with methionine-choline-deficient (MCD) or -supplemented (MCS) diets. Results: PMA activated oxidative burst both in patients and controls. However, ROS production was significantly increased in non-diabetic NASH patients (n=9) compared to controls 30 min after the PMA stimulation. PMNs from NASH patients with diabetes mellitus (n=7) did not have higher ROS production after PMA-stimulation compared to controls. The PMA-induced peak chemiluminescence was significantly higher in the non-diabetic NASH patients compared to controls and diabetic NASH patients. No significant difference was observed without any stimulation and in opsonized zymosan induced chemiluminescence. Consistent with the increased oxidative capacity of PMNs in NASH patients, we found increased hepatic lipid peroxidation, higher expression and activation of the NADPH oxidase complex in MCD-steatohepatitis. Conclusion: Our finding supports the role of neutrophil oxidative stress in NASH. Our novel data suggests that the increased oxidative capacity of the PMNs it is not only localized to the liver but can have systemic effects and serve as a potential biomarker of NASH

    Activity of 50 Long-Period Comets Beyond 5.2 AU

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    Remote investigations of the ancient solar system matter has been traditionally carried out through the observations of long-period (LP) comets that are less affected by solar irradiation than the short-period counterparts orbiting much closer to the Sun. Here we summarize the results of our decade-long survey of the distant activity of LP comets. We found that the most important separation in the dataset is based on the dynamical nature of the objects. Dynamically new comets are characterized by a higher level of activity on average: the most active new comets in our sample can be characterized by afrho values >3--4 higher than that of our most active returning comets. New comets develop more symmetric comae, suggesting a generally isotropic outflow. Contrary to this, the coma of recurrent comets can be less symmetrical, ocassionally exhibiting negative slope parameters, suggesting sudden variations in matter production. The morphological appearance of the observed comets is rather diverse. A surprisingly large fraction of the comets have long, teniouos tails, but the presence of impressive tails does not show a clear correlation with the brightness of the comets.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The Young, Massive, Star Cluster Sandage-96 After the Explosion of SN 2004dj in NGC 2403

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    The bright Type II-plateau supernova (SN) 2004dj occurred within the young, massive stellar cluster Sandage-96 in a spiral arm of NGC 2403. New multi-wavelength observations obtained with several ground-based and space-based telescopes are combined to study the radiation from Sandage-96 after SN 2004dj faded away. Sandage-96 started to dominate the flux in the optical bands starting September 2006 (~800 d after explosion). The optical fluxes are equal to the pre-explosion ones within the observational uncertainties. An optical Keck spectrum obtained ~900 d after explosion shows the dominant blue continuum from the cluster stars shortward of 6000 \AA as well as strong SN nebular emission lines redward. The integrated spectral energy distribution (SED) of the cluster has been extended into the ultraviolet region by archival XMM-Newton and new Swift observations, and compared with theoretical models. The outer parts of the cluster have been resolved by the Hubble Space Telescope, allowing the construction of a color-magnitude diagram. The fitting of the cluster SED with theoretical isochrones results in cluster ages between 10--40 Myr, depending on metallicity and the model family. The isochrone fitting indicates that the resolved part of the cluster has a bimodal age distribution: a younger population at ~10--16 Myr, and an older one at ~32--100 Myr which is similar to the age distribution of the nearby field stars. These stars may have been captured from the field during the cluster formation. The young age of Sandage-96 suggest 12 < M_prog < 20 M_\odot as the most probable mass range for the progenitor of SN 2004dj. This is consistent with, but perhaps slightly higher than, most of the other Type II-plateau SN progenitor masses determined so far.Comment: accepted in Ap

    Progression of non-alcoholic steatosis to steatohepatitis and fibrosis parallels cumulative accumulation of danger signals that promote inflammation and liver tumors in a high fat-cholesterol-sugar diet model in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming a pandemic. While multiple \u27hits\u27 have been reported to contribute to NAFLD progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis and liver cancer, understanding the natural history of the specific molecular signals leading to hepatocyte damage, inflammation and fibrosis, is hampered by the lack of suitable animal models that reproduce disease progression in humans. The purpose of this study was first, to develop a mouse model that closely mimics progressive NAFLD covering the spectrum of immune, metabolic and histopathologic abnormalities present in human disease; and second, to characterize the temporal relationship between sterile/exogenous danger signals, inflammation, inflammasome activation and NAFLD progression. METHODS: Male C57Bl/6 mice were fed a high fat diet with high cholesterol and a high sugar supplement (HF-HC-HSD) for 8, 27, and 49 weeks and the extent of steatosis, liver inflammation, fibrosis and tumor development were evaluated at each time point. RESULTS: The HF-HC-HSD resulted in liver steatosis at 8 weeks, progressing to steatohepatitis and early fibrosis at 27 weeks, and steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and tumor development at 49 weeks compared to chow diet. Steatohepatitis was characterized by increased levels of MCP-1, TNFalpha, IL-1beta and increased liver NASH histological score. We found increased serum levels of sterile danger signals, uric acid and HMGB1, as early as 8 weeks, while endotoxin and ATP levels increased only after 49 weeks. Increased levels of these sterile and microbial danger signals paralleled upregulation and activation of the multiprotein complex inflammasome. At 27, 49 weeks of HF-HC-HSD, activation of M1 macrophages and loss of M2 macrophages as well as liver fibrosis were present. Finally, similar to human NASH, liver tumors occurred in 41% of mice in the absence of cirrhosis and livers expressed increased p53 and detectable AFP. CONCLUSIONS: HF-HC-HSD over 49 weeks induces the full spectrum of liver pathophysiologic changes that characterizes the progression of NAFLD in humans. NAFLD progression to NASH, fibrosis and liver tumor follows progressive accumulation of sterile and microbial danger signals, inflammasome activation, altered M1/M2 cell ratios that likely contribute to NASH progression and hepatic tumor formation
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