46 research outputs found

    Contributions of Heterosis and Epistasis to Hybrid Fitness

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    Early-generation hybrid fitness is difficult to interpret because heterosis can obscure the effects of hybrid breakdown. We used controlled reciprocal crosses and common garden experiments to distinguish between effects of heterosis and nuclear and cytonuclear epistasis among morphotypes and advanced-generation hybrid derivative populations in the Piriqueta caroliniana (Turneraceae) plant complex. Seed germination, growth, and sexual reproduction of first-generation hybrids, inbred parental lines, and outbred parental lines were compared under field conditions. Average vegetative performance was greater for hybrids than for inbred lines, and firstseason growth was similar for hybrids and outbred parental lines. Hybrid survival surpassed that of inbred lines and was equal to or greater than outbred lines’ survival, and more F₁ than parental plants reproduced. Reductions in hybrid fitness due to Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities (epistasis among divergent genetic elements) were expressed as differences in vegetative growth, survival, and reproduction between plants from reciprocal crosses for both F₁ and backcross hybrid generations. Comparing performance of hybrids against parental genotypes from intra- and interpopulation crosses allowed a more robust prediction of F₁ hybrids’ success and more accurate interpretations of the genetic architecture of F₁ hybrid vigor

    Is Biomass a Reliable Estimate of Plant Fitness?

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    The measurement of fitness is critical to biological research. Although the determination of fitness for some organisms may be relatively straightforward under controlled conditions, it is often a difficult or nearly impossible task in nature. Plants are no exception. The potential for long-distance pollen dispersal, likelihood of multiple reproductive events per inflorescence, varying degrees of reproductive growth in perennials, and asexual reproduction all confound accurate fitness measurements. For these reasons, biomass is frequently used as a proxy for plant fitness. However, the suitability of indirect fitness measurements such as plant size is rarely evaluated. This review outlines the important associations between plant performance, fecundity, and fitness. We make a case for the reliability of biomass as an estimate of fitness when comparing conspecifics of the same age class. We reviewed 170 studies on plant fitness and discuss the metrics commonly employed for fitness estimations. We find that biomass or growth rate are frequently used and often positively associated with fecundity, which in turn suggests greater overall fitness. Our results support the utility of biomass as an appropriate surrogate for fitness under many circumstances, and suggest that additional fitness measures should be reported along with biomass or growth rate whenever possible

    Variation in Sex Allocation and Floral Morphology in an Expanding Distylous Plant Hybrid Complex

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    Premise of research. Sex allocation, the relative energy devoted to producing pollen, ovules, and floral displays, can significantly affect reproductive output and population dynamics. In this study, we investigated floral morphology and gamete production in bisexual, distylous plants from a self-incompatible hybrid complex (Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana Walter [Arbo]; Turneraceae). Sampling focused on two parent types (C, V) and their stable hybrid derivative (H). Since H morphotypes are heterotic for growth and fruit production, we hypothesized that they would produce larger flowers with more gametes. We also anticipated that plants with long styles (long morphs) would produce less pollen than short morphs, since long-morph pollen is larger. Methodology. Over two consecutive summers, flowers were collected from 1465 individual plants in 28 field populations. Floral parameters were measured digitally, and each flower’s pollen number, ovule number, and stigma-anther separation was quantified under a dissecting microscope. Gamete production (n = 332) and stigma-anther separation (n = 119) were also quantified for plants from a greenhouse accession. Pivotal results. Floral display differed among morphotypes, with H plants producing the largest flowers and C plants displaying the least petal separation. Hybrid morphotypes produced significantly more pollen than parental morphotypes, and pollen quantity was significantly greater for long morphs. Ovule production, however, was greatest for V flowers. Stigma-anther separation differed between years and style morphs (greater for short morphs) but not among morphotypes or within a single season. Conclusions. Differences in pollen production between morphs were not consistent with trade-offs in pollen size and number or selection for increased male function in short morphs. Greater stigma-anther separation in short morphs supported the hypothesis of selection to reduce pollen interference. Enhanced floral display and pollen production followed other heterotic traits observed in H morphotypes. The superior ability of H morphotypes to attract pollinators and sire seeds might partially explain this hybrid zone’s continuing expansion

    Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Micro-UAVs, Drones) in Plant Ecology

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    Premise of the study: Low-elevation surveys with small aerial drones (micro–unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs]) may be used for a wide variety of applications in plant ecology, including mapping vegetation over small- to medium-sized regions. We provide an overview of methods and procedures for conducting surveys and illustrate some of these applications. Methods: Aerial images were obtained by flying a small drone along transects over the area of interest. Images were used to create a composite image (orthomosaic) and a digital surface model (DSM). Vegetation classification was conducted manually and using an automated routine. Coverage of an individual species was estimated from aerial images. Results: We created a vegetation map for the entire region from the orthomosaic and DSM, and mapped the density of one species. Comparison of our manual and automated habitat classification confirmed that our mapping methods were accurate. A species with high contrast to the background matrix allowed adequate estimate of its coverage. Discussion: The example surveys demonstrate that small aerial drones are capable of gathering large amounts of information on the distribution of vegetation and individual species with minimal impact to sensitive habitats. Low-elevation aerial surveys have potential for a wide range of applications in plant ecology

    Postpollination mechanisms influencing mating patterns and fecundity: an example from Eichhornia paniculata

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    Plant mating systems are influenced by the amount and genetic composition of pollen grains deposited on stigmas and by the ability of recipients to discriminate among pollen from different sources. We describe an experimental procedure that uses limiting and excess pollinations with mixtures of genetically marked pollen to partition the siring success of donors into three components: prefertilization gamete attrition (failure of male gametophytes before fertilization), pollen competitive ability (differences in pollen tube growth rate), and postfertilization gamete attrition (embryo abortion). Regression models for the relationships of pollen load size with each pollen\u27s siring success and total recipient fecundity indicate that, for mixtures of self and outcross pollen, differences in gamete attrition, pollen competitive ability, and postfertilization success will have distinct and predictable effects on mating patterns and fecundity. Mating systems that rely on differences in pollen competitive ability result in outcrossing frequencies that increase with pollen load size, with seed production remaining high over a broad range of load sizes. In contrast, for mating systems governed by differences in gamete attrition, the frequency of outcrossed progeny will not vary greatly with pollen load size, but reduced fecundity will be expected over a wider range of pollen load sizes. These predictions were confirmed by analyzing the response of siring success and fecundity in response to pollen load size in the tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae). Experimental manipulations of the size and composition of pollen loads allow prediction of the frequency of outcrossed progeny produced under varying pollen environments

    Patterns of Fitness and Fluctuating Asymmetry Across a Broad Hybrid Zone

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    We estimated levels of developmental instability in leaves, as indicated by fluctuating asymmetry (i.e., random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry), across a broad hybrid zone between two taxa in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex. Previous studies have indicated that this hybrid zone was initiated in southern Florida and has expanded northward. We found that plants from the hybrid zone generally had higher levels of leaf developmental instability than plants from allopatric regions, but the increase in asymmetry was not substantial. Although it is usually assumed that developmental instability is associated with lower fitness, these Piriqueta hybrids from central Florida are similar in fitness (estimated by vegetative growth, survival, and reproduction over three growing seasons) to plants from the allopatric regions, and levels of asymmetry were not correlated with fitness for population averages or individuals. We interpret these patterns as evidence that mildly deleterious genetic incompatibilities, which contribute to developmental instability, may have been fixed in hybrid populations as a result of genetic drift

    How to Make a Weed: The Saga of the Slender False Brome Invasion in the North American West and Lessons for the Future

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    Historical herbarium collections and genetic analyses indicate that slender false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) was first introduced in test gardens in Oregon in the early 1900 s as part of the USDA’s plant introduction program. A small number of naturalized populations were established, but it was not until several decades later that this alien species became an aggressive invader. The Oregon invasive strains of false brome were generated as a consequence of mating among genetically divergent lineages. The resulting hybrid populations contained high levels of genetic variation that fueled the evolution of specific adaptations to the Pacific Northwest climate and ultimately generated genetically superior lineages. Although the false brome invasion has caused significant ecological and economic harm and is expected to continue spreading across western North America, understanding the circumstances that have promoted its success may provide valuable lessons for the management of native plants under pressure from global climate change

    Genetic Markers in Plant Evolutionary Ecology

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    Genetic markers have provided plant ecologists with a method of assessing levels of genetic relatedness among individuals and populations. In recent years a number of techniques based on DNA sequence variation have been developed to complement allozyme methods that are already widely used. Some of these new markers are more variable than protein-based markers, allowing more precise estimates of genetic differences among individuals and populations. Other DNA-based markers are based on organelle genomes that are inherited uniparentally. These cytoplasmic markers can provide a method for assessing the separate effects of seed and pollen dispersal on gene flow within and among populations and species. Studies of hybrid populations have been facilitated by the development of inferential techniques for assessing levels of selection and patterns of introgression between species. Genetic markers have also been used to describe mating patterns within populations and to examine the ecological and genetic mechanisms that contribute to variation in selfing and reproductive success. Integration of ecological methods with genetic marker techniques continues to provide novel approaches to the study of evolutionary processes in plant populations

    Comparative studies of evolutionary responses to light environments in Arabidopsis

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    In this article, we compare the reaction norms to foliage shade (changes in light quality, spatially fine-grained environmental variation) and photoperiod (day length, spatially coarse-grained environmental variation) in several haplotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from Scandinavia. We found that both across-environment means and phenotypic plasticities evolved continuously and very rapidly within this group. Both character means and trait plasticities were highly integrated, in part as predicted by the adaptive plasticity hypothesis for response to foliage shade (the so-called shade-avoidance syndrome). We found that a significant but small fraction of the variance in across-treatment trait means and plasticities in response to one environmental factor is explained by variation of the same traits in response to the other factor. Genetic relatedness based on chloroplast DNA sequence variation among haplotypes was not associated with variation in across-treatment character means or their plasticities, suggesting that evolution of these characters has occurred on a local geographic scale via reticulation (outcrossing) among maternal lines rather than by the differential survival of selfing lineages