2,662 research outputs found

    Primeiro registro de madeira de annonaceae para o neógeno da América do Sul, Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil

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    The relief of the regions of Manaus and Itacoatiara,Central Amazon, is supported by Neogene siliciclastic rocks, boundedat the base and top by lateritic paleosols and covered by quaternary sedimentarydeposits from the Solimões-Amazon river system. This unitis informally assigned to the Novo Remanso Formation, consists ofusually reddish and ferruginized sandstones, conglomerates and pelites,with few identified fossil records, a fact that has hindered its stratigraphicposition, and the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the lastphase of the Amazon Basin settling. This study describes, for the firsttime, the occurrence of fossil wood in outcroppings of the left bank ofthe Amazon River, where anatomical and morphological data has enabledits characterization to the species level. Thus, the data marks therecord of the Annonaceae in South America, as well as the depositionalprocesses related to incorporation of organic material in the sandylayer and the fossilization processes that allowed its preservation. In anunprecedented way, this study has described Duguetiaxylon amazonicumnov. gen and sp. and provided information on the anatomical andsystematic character, as well as data on plant-insect interaction, and abetter understanding of the family.O relevo das regiões de Manaus e Itacoatiara, na Amazônia Central, é suportado por rochas siliciclásticas neogênicas, delimitadas na base e no topo por paleossolos lateríticos e cobertas por depósitos sedimentares quaternários do sistema fluvial Solimões-Amazonas. Essa unidade é informalmente atribuída à Formação Novo Remanso, constituída geralmente de arenitos avermelhados e ferruginizados, conglomerados e pelitos, com poucos registros fósseis identificados, fato que tem impedido sua posição estratigráfica e a reconstrução paleoambiental da última fase do assentamento da Bacia Amazônica. Este estudo descreve, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de madeira fóssil em afloramentos da margem esquerda do Rio Amazonas, onde dados anatômicos e morfológicos possibilitaram sua caracterização ao nível da espécie. Assim, os dados marcam o registro de Annonaceae na América do Sul, bem como os processos deposicionais relacionados à incorporação de material orgânico na camada arenosa e os processos de fossilização que permitiram sua preservação. De modo sem precedentes, este estudo descreve Duguetiaxylon amazonicum nov. gen e sp. e fornece informações sobre as características anatômicas e sistemáticas, bem como dados sobre a interação planta-inseto e melhor compreensão da família.Fil: Amaral Soares, Emilio Alberto. Universidade Federal Do Amazonas; BrasilFil: Cabral Kloster, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Riker, Silvio Roberto. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; BrasilFil: Da Cruz Lima, Felipe José. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil ; BrasilFil: Motta, Marcelo Batista. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; Brasi

    Os impactos do 11/09 na política imigratória norte-americana e as mudanças na opinião pública

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    Os atentados de 11 de setembro nos Estados Unidos causaram impactos que repercutiram em diversas áreas. A imigração, por exemplo, passou a ser foco de divergências tanto na academia quanto na própria sociedade. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho busca analisar especificadamente os impactos sentidos pela política imigratória e pela opinião pública estadunidense adotando como marco histórico o pós-11 de setembro de 2001. Para tanto, buscase fazer uma contextualização histórica, abrangendo o período desde a formação do país em 1776 até o começo dos anos 2000, data em que ocorreram os atentados. A partir dessa perspectiva, o trabalho analisará as ações tomadas pelo governo em reação aos ataques e as consequências para a política imigratória do país. Além disso, serão analisados os impactos na opinião pública dos Estados Unidos, como a percepção dos próprios cidadãos norte-americanos a respeito dos impactos dos imigrantes em diversos temas de interesse público, tais como segurança, economia e valores morais. Por fim, uma análise geral do papel das empresas de encarceramento privado a fim de evidenciar a compra de influência política e a tentativa de manter os interesses privados, utilizam-se os casos das empresas CoreCivic e GEO Group, que tiveram papel ativo na expansão do aparato imigratório estadunidense durante os anos 2000.The 9/11 attacks in the United States caused impacts that had repercussions in several areas. Immigration, for instance, has become a focus of divergences in academia in society overall. The present paper seeks to analyze specifically the impacts felt by the immigration policy and by the American public opinion adopting as historical landmark the post-September 11, 2001. In this regard, we seek to make a historical contextualization, encompassing the period of the country formation in 1776 until the beginning of the 2000s, when the attacks took place. From this perspective, the work will analyze the actions taken by the government in reaction to the attacks and the consequences for the country's immigration policy. Moreover, the impact on public opinion in the United States, such as the perception of US citizens about the impacts of immigrants on various issues of public interest, such as security, economics and moral values, will be analyzed. Finally, a general analysis of the role of private incarceration companies in order to evidence the purchase of political influence and the attempt to maintain private interests, using as example the companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, which played an active role in the expansion of the US immigration apparatus during the 2000s

    The Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Abell 85: The Largest Core Known so far

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    We have found that the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in Abell~85, Holm 15A, displays the largest core so far known. Its cusp radius, rγ=4.57±0.06r_{\gamma} = 4.57 \pm 0.06 kpc (4.26±0.064.26^{\prime\prime}\pm 0.06^{\prime\prime}), is more than 18 times larger than the mean for BCGs, and 1\geq1 kpc larger than A2261-BCG, hitherto the largest-cored BCG (Postman, Lauer, Donahue, et al. 2012) Holm 15A hosts the luminous amorphous radio source 0039-095B and has the optical signature of a LINER. Scaling laws indicate that this core could host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of mass M(1091011)MM_{\bullet}\thicksim (10^{9}-10^{11})\,M_{\odot}. We suggest that cores this large represent a relatively short phase in the evolution of BCGs, whereas the masses of their associated SBMH might be set by initial conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters on October 6th, 2014, replacement of previous manuscript submitted on May 30th, 2014 to astro-p

    Spots of interaction: an investigation on the relationship between firms and universities in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Spots of interaction summarize the nature of partial connections (between science and technology) operating in the Brazilian system of innovation. A pilot study in Minas Gerais, Brazil, uses two new research tools (for immature NSIs) and presents a database with research groups located in universities and a database built upon an adapted version of the pioneering Yale and Carnegie Mellon Surveys. These complementary databases identify spots of interaction, indicating how economic sectors use specific science and engineering fields. This investigation identifies a dual role of universities in immature NSIs, as substitutes and/or complements firms R&D.systems of innovation, underdevelopment, interactions between science and technology, surveys, universities

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    Estimation of area loss of Bogota’s wetlands in the last five decades due construction and respective effects

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    Ostentando el título de la ciudad más poblada de Colombia, Bogotá demanda la mayor cantidad de suelos urbanizables desde la década del cincuenta, debido a la migración de la población rural a las urbes donde se desarrolló la industrialización, y en el caso particular del territorio nacional el desplazamiento del campesinado aumenta por el conflicto armado, como consecuencia a estos fenómenos económicos y sociales se tiene que dar acogida a los nuevos grupos, los cuales empiezan a asentarse en la periferia Bogotana, surgiendo la necesidad de abastecimiento de servicios públicos, vías de acceso, hospitales, colegios, entre otros. Esto conlleva a un crecimiento desaforado de la ciudad en donde en algunos periodos intercensales por decenio muestra un aumento de más del doble de la población, ahora bien, aumentando el factor de la falta de planeación urbanística de la segunda mitad del siglo pasado y las políticas ambientales inexistentes, se ven afectados la mayoría de humedales de la ciudad, debido a los rellenos que se efectúan en estos cuerpos de agua por la construcción de vivienda y diferentes estructuras de uso institucional, estas prácticas sin control conllevan al deterioro de éstos, desde la contaminación hasta su parcial o completa desecación.With the title of the most populous city in Colombia, Bogota demands the greatest amount of urban land since the 1950s, due to the migration of the rural population to the cities where the industrialization took place, and in the particular case of the national territory The displacement of the peasantry is increased by the armed conflict, as a consequence of these economic and social phenomena the new incoming groups must be welcomed, which begin to settle in the Bogotana periphery, arising the need to supply public services, roads Access, hospitals, schools, among others. This leads to an uncontrolled growth of the city where, in some inter-census periods per decade, there is an increase of more than double the population, but increasing the factor of the lack of urban planning in the second half of the last century and the loss of environmental policies, most of the city's wetlands are affected, due to the landfills that are carried out in these bodies of water, the construction of housing and different structures for institutional use, these uncontrolled practices lead to the deterioration of these, From contamination to partial or complete desiccation.Colombia Foresta

    An Investigation of Proteolytic, Lipolytic Activity and Biofilm Formation by Psychrotrophic Bacteria Isolated from Buffalo Milk

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the enzymatic activity of 21 bacteria isolated from refrigerated raw buffalo milk, as well as to evaluate the production of biofilm by these bacteria. Proteolytic, lipolytic and lecithinase activity, as well as the production of exopolysaccharides were evaluated at different temperatures. For all of the psychrotrophic bacteria, biofilm formation on microtiter plates was evaluated at different temperatures and in the presence of residual buffalo and bovine milk. All cultures showed a proteolytic profile while 9 cultures showed lipase activity. Lecithinase production was found in 7 of the evaluated psychrotrophic bacteria. The ability to produce exopolysaccharides was found in 12 bacteria. Of the 21 bacterial isolates, 16 were biofilm producers at 7°C. At 23°C, 20 isolates were found to be biofilm producers. At a temperature of 37°C, biofilm formation by 17 isolates was weak. In the presence of residual buffalo milk, 7 were biofilm producers, while 16 bacteria produced biofilm in residual bovine milk. The results of this study show that many isolates of psychrotrophic bacteria from raw buffalo milk have the potential to produce extracellular enzymes as well as biofilm. This deserves special attention when considering the best practices to recommend during the collection of raw milk in establishments which process milk