8,234 research outputs found

    La pintura abstracta matérica en Puerto Rico 1950-2020

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    [ES] La pintura abstracta de tipo matérico se manifestó en Puerto Rico para la década de 1950 siguiendo en sus inicios los signos del arte estadounidense y europeos. Esta incorpora cantidades significativas de materiales pictóricos y/o extrapictóricos sobre el soporte. El estilo abstracto en Puerto Rico fue politizado por un grupo de artistas que entendieron que era un arte integrista de la cultura estadounidense y primaron la figuración como el estilo idóneo para afirmar la identidad cultural puertorriqueña. Este conflicto surgió en el contexto de la aprobación de la constitución del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico en 1952 como fórmula de gobierno bajo los poderes plenos del Congreso de los Estados Unidos. El arte abstracto proliferó al margen del gobierno que auspiciaba a través del arte y la cultura el desarrollo de proyectos que sirvieron para forjar la idiosincrasia cultural puertorriqueña. Por una parte, analizamos la construcción de varios símbolos identitarios bajo el concepto de imágenes ardientes de Didi-Huberman para intentar explicar cómo la imagen figurativa se podría fijar en la memoria colectiva. Por otra parte, proponemos un análisis del fenómeno opuesto a la imagen, la abstracción matérica tomando en consideración la Teoría de la proyección sentimental de Theodoro Lipps esbozada por Wilheim Worringer. Esta argumenta que una de las posibles razones para que surja el "afán por la abstracción" proviene de una "intensa inquietud" provocada por las condiciones de vida adversas. Según Worringer, lo abstrayente evade representar la realidad por medio de las imágenes. Tomando en cuenta que la abstracción de tipo matérico se fundamenta en la incorporación de cargas de material pictórico o extra-pictóricos sobre el soporte o fuera del mismo, a modo de "derrame" de instalación-ambiente, proponemos que esta no necesariamente elude la realidad, sino que, forma parte de ella por el tipo de relieve que le identifica más con la tridimensionalidad. Consideramos el concepto de la transmodernidad esbozado por el filósofo Enrique Dussel como un acercamiento de análisis descolonizador que fija la atención en el reconocimiento de la producción local frente a las influencias extranjeras y más allá de ellas. En ese contexto que toma en cuenta las influencias euro-estadounidense pero que busca identificar razones locales que expliquen la manifestación de la pintura abstracta, identificamos las obras de tipo matérico más significativas en las colecciones públicas del país a lo largo de las décadas de 1950 al 2020. Finalmente, investigamos dos casos de estudio: los artistas Ivelisse Jiménez y Ángel Otero por ser estos representantes actuales de este tipo de arte con trayectorias consistentes. El análisis de sus obras nos permitió descubrir cuáles son sus influencias, a qué aluden sus abstracciones, qué tipo de evasión y regreso a la realidad, según Worringer y otras escuelas, plantean sus producciones artísticas y cuál es la aportación de la pintura abstracta de tipo matérico al conocimiento del arte en Puerto Rico.[CA] La pintura abstracta de tipus matèric es va manifestar a Puerto Rico en la dècada del 1950, tot seguint inicialment els signes de l'art estatunidenc i europeu. Aquest tipus de pintura incorpora damunt del suport quantitats significatives de materials pictòrics i/o extrapictòrics. L'estil abstracte el va polititzar a Puerto Rico un grup d'artistes que el considerava com una part integral de la cultura estatunidenca, i per tant primà la figuració, que veia com l'estil idoni per a afirmar la identitat cultural porto-riquenya. Aquest conflicte va sorgir en el context de l'aprovació de la constitució de l'Estat Lliure Associat de Puerto Rico l'any 1952, com a fórmula de govern sota els poders plens del Congrés dels Estats Units. L'art abstracte va proliferar al marge del govern, que afavoria a través de l'art i la cultura el desenvolupament de projectes que serviren per a forjar la idiosincràsia cultural porto-riquenya. D'una banda, analitzem la construcció de diversos símbols identitaris sota el concepte d'imatges ardents de Didi-Huberman, tot mirant d'explicar com la imatge figurativa es podria fixar en la memòria col·lectiva. D'altra banda, proposem una anàlisi del fenomen oposat a aquesta imatge: l'abstracció matèrica. I ho fem tot prenent en consideració la teoria de la projecció sentimental de Theodoro Lipps, esbossada per Wilheim Worringer, teoria que argumenta que una de les possibles raons perquè sorgisca l'"afany per l'abstracció" prové d'una "intensa inquietud" provocada per les condicions de vida adverses. Segons Worringer, l'abstraent evadeix representar la realitat per mitjà de les imatges. Tenint en compte que l'abstracció de tipus matèric es fonamenta en la incorporació de càrregues de material pictòric o extrapictòric damunt del suport -o bé fora del suport, a manera de vessament d'instal·lació ambient- proposem que aquesta abstracció no necessàriament eludeix la realitat, sinó que en forma part pel tipus de relleu, que la identifica més amb la tridimensionalitat. Considerem el concepte de la transmodernitat, esbossat pel filòsof Enrique Dussel com una aproximació d'anàlisi descolonitzadora que fixa l'atenció en el reconeixement de la producció local, enfront i més enllà de les influències estrangeres. En aquest context, que té en compte les influències europees i estatunidenques, però que cerca identificar raons locals que expliquen la manifestació de la pintura abstracta, identifiquem les obres de tipus matèric més significatives de les col·leccions públiques del país al llarg de les dècades que van del 1950 al 2020. Finalment, investiguem dos casos d'estudi: els artistes Ivelisse Jiménez i Ángel Otero, que són representants actuals d'aquest tipus d'art amb trajectòries consistents. L'anàlisi de les seues obres ens ha permès descobrir quines són les seues influències, a què al·ludeixen les seues abstraccions, quin tipus d'evasió i retorn a la realitat, segons Worringer i altres escoles, plantegen les seues produccions artístiques, i quina és l'aportació de la pintura abstracta de tipus matèric al coneixement de l'art a Puerto Rico.[EN] Abstract matter painting surge in the 1950s, following in its beginnings the signs of American and European art. It incorporates significant amounts of pictorial and/or all kind of materials on the support. The abstract style in Puerto Rico was politicized by a group of artists who understood it to be representative of the American culture and realistic art prevailed as the ideal style to affirm the Puerto Rican cultural identity. This conflict arose in the context of the approval of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in 1952 as a form of government under the full powers of the United States Congress. Abstract art proliferated outside the government that sponsored through art and culture the development of projects that served to forge the Puerto Rican cultural idiosyncrasy. On the one hand, we analyze the construction of various identity symbols under Didi-Huberman's concept of burning images; to try to explain how the figurative image could be fixed in the collective memory. On the other hand, we propose an analysis of the phenomenon opposed to the image, the material abstraction, taking into consideration Theodore Lipps' Theory of Sentimental Projection outlined by Wilheim Worringer. This argues that one of the possible reasons for the surge of the "desire for abstraction" comes from an "intense concern" caused by adverse living conditions. According to Worringer, the abstractions evades representing reality through images. Considering that abstract matter painting is based on the incorporation of loads of material on the support, or outside of it, as an installation-environment "spill", we propose that it does not necessarily elude reality, but is part of it due to the type of relief that identify more with tridimensionality. We consider the concept of transmodernity outlined by the philosopher Enrique Dussel as an approach to decolonizing analysis that focuses on the recognition of local production in the face of foreign influences and beyond. In this context that considers Euro-American influences but seeks to identify local reasons that explain the manifestation of abstract painting, we identify the most significant materic abstract paintings in the country's public collections throughout the 1950s to 2020. Finally, we investigate two case studies: the artists Ivelisse Jiménez and Ángel Otero for being these current representatives of this type of art with consistent trajectories. The analysis of his works allowed us to discover which are their influences, what they allude, what kind of evation and return to reality according to Worringer and other schools their work propose and what is the contribution of abstract matter painting to the knowledge of art in Puerto Rico.Cruz Corchado, R. (2022). La pintura abstracta matérica en Puerto Rico 1950-2020 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181338TESI

    The biology of myelodysplastic syndromes: unity despite heterogeneity

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) traditionally have been grouped together as a disease entity based on clinical phenomena seen in association. Despite the similarities, there is great heterogeneity among the syndromes. Recent insights have shown, however, that there exists a biologically cohesive theme that unifies and thereby validates the conceptual interconnectedness. The first suggestion that such a relationship existed where biology could directly explain the observed cytopenias was the finding of excessive premature apoptosis of hematopoietic cells in MDS marrows. This apoptosis was mediated by paracrine as well as autocrine factors implicating both the seed and the soil in the pathology of the disease. Pro-inflammatory cytokines in the marrow microenvironment were mainly the paracrine mediators of apoptosis, but how the clonal cells committed suicide because of autocrine stimulation had remained a mystery for more than a decade. It has been shown now that deregulation of ribosome biogenesis can initiate a stress response in the cell through the p53 signaling pathway. Congenital anemias had been associated with mutations in ribosomal protein genes. The surprise came with the investigation of 5q- syndrome patients where haplo-insufficiency of the ribosomal protein gene RPS14 was found to be the cause of this MDS subtype. Similar ribosomal deregulation was shown to be present in all varieties of MDS patients, serving as another unifying characteristic. In addition to these findings, there are other DNA-related abnormalities such as uniparental disomy, mutations in the TET2 gene, and epigenetic phenomena that are associated with and occur across all types of MDS. This paper summarizes the themes unifying this heterogeneous group of diseases

    Is the cloze procedure appropriate to evaluate health literacy in older individuals? Age effects in the test of functional health literacy in adults.

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    Health literacy has received increasing attention because of its importance for older individuals\u27 health, as studies have shown a close relation between older individuals\u27 health literacy and their health. Research also suggests that older individuals have low levels of health literacy, but this finding is variable and may depend on which health literacy test is used. Older individuals assessed with the Test of Functional Health Literacy (TOFHLA) score lower than younger individuals, but a previous study suggested that this may result from age-related differential item functioning (DIF) on the TOFHLA. The study reported here assessed age-related DIF in a sample of community-dwelling volunteers. Twenty-two percent of items were differentially more difficult for older individuals independent of their overall ability, and when these items were eliminated from the total score, age differences were no longer found. Performance on a working memory task predicted older but not younger individuals\u27 performance on the age-related items. At least part of older individuals\u27 apparent deficits in health literacy when assessed by the TOFHLA may be related to DIF on its items. The TOFHLA, and any measure that employs the cloze procedure to evaluate reading comprehension, should be used cautiously in older individuals

    Cost effectiveness of a computer-delivered intervention to improve HIV medication adherence.

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    BACKGROUND: High levels of adherence to medications for HIV infection are essential for optimal clinical outcomes and to reduce viral transmission, but many patients do not achieve required levels. Clinician-delivered interventions can improve patients\u27 adherence, but usually require substantial effort by trained individuals and may not be widely available. Computer-delivered interventions can address this problem by reducing required staff time for delivery and by making the interventions widely available via the Internet. We previously developed a computer-delivered intervention designed to improve patients\u27 level of health literacy as a strategy to improve their HIV medication adherence. The intervention was shown to increase patients\u27 adherence, but it was not clear that the benefits resulting from the increase in adherence could justify the costs of developing and deploying the intervention. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation of development and deployment costs to the effectiveness of the intervention. METHODS: Costs of intervention development were drawn from accounting reports for the grant under which its development was supported, adjusted for costs primarily resulting from the project\u27s research purpose. Effectiveness of the intervention was drawn from results of the parent study. The relation of the intervention\u27s effects to changes in health status, expressed as utilities, was also evaluated in order to assess the net cost of the intervention in terms of quality adjusted life years (QALYs). Sensitivity analyses evaluated ranges of possible intervention effectiveness and durations of its effects, and costs were evaluated over several deployment scenarios. RESULTS: The intervention\u27s cost effectiveness depends largely on the number of persons using it and the duration of its effectiveness. Even with modest effects for a small number of patients the intervention was associated with net cost savings in some scenarios and for durations greater than three months and longer it was usually associated with a favorable cost per QALY. For intermediate and larger assumed effects and longer durations of intervention effectiveness, the intervention was associated with net cost savings. CONCLUSIONS: Computer-delivered adherence interventions may be a cost-effective strategy to improve adherence in persons treated for HIV. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT01304186

    The warm interstellar medium around the Cygnus Loop

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    Observations of the oxygen lines [OII]3729 and [OIII]5007 in the medium immediately beyond the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant were carried out with the scanning Fabry-P\'erot spectrophotometer ESOP. Both lines were detected in three different directions - east, northeast and southwest - and up to a distance of 15 pc from the shock front. The ionized medium is in the immediate vicinity of the remnant, as evinced by the smooth brightening of both lines as the adiabatic shock transition (defined by the X-ray perimeter) is crossed. These lines are usually brighter around the Cygnus Loop than in the general background in directions where the galactic latitude is above 5 degrees. There is also marginal (but significant) evidence that the degree of ionization is somewhat larger around the Cygnus Loop. We conclude that the energy necessary to ionize this large bubble of gas could have been supplied by an O8 or O9 type progenitor or the particles heated by the expanding shock front. The second possibility, though highly atractive, would have to be assessed by extensive modelling.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, ApJ 512 in pres

    Development and initial validation of a computer-administered health literacy assessment in Spanish and English: FLIGHT/VIDAS.

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    Current measures of health literacy have been criticized on a number of grounds, including use of a limited range of content, development on small and atypical patient groups, and poor psychometric characteristics. In this paper, we report the development and preliminary validation of a new computer-administered and -scored health literacy measure addressing these limitations. Items in the measure reflect a wide range of content related to health promotion and maintenance as well as care for diseases. The development process has focused on creating a measure that will be useful in both Spanish and English, while not requiring substantial time for clinician training and individual administration and scoring. The items incorporate several formats, including questions based on brief videos, which allow for the assessment of listening comprehension and the skills related to obtaining information on the Internet. In this paper, we report the interim analyses detailing the initial development and pilot testing of the items (phase 1 of the project) in groups of Spanish and English speakers. We then describe phase 2, which included a second round of testing of the items, in new groups of Spanish and English speakers, and evaluation of the new measure\u27s reliability and validity in relation to other measures. Data are presented that show that four scales (general health literacy, numeracy, conceptual knowledge, and listening comprehension), developed through a process of item and factor analyses, have significant relations to existing measures of health literacy

    Patient journey for those with chronic low back pain in Brazil: a semi-systematic review on the best approach

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    Background. Managing patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) in many countries, including Brazil, is a major challenge at the primary and specialty care level. Moreover, the information about epidemiology and patient management with CLBP is sparse. The primary objective of this semi-systematic review was to build local evidence about the prevalence and management pattern of CLBP. Methods. This semi-systematic review used Medline, Embase, and Biosis via Ovid the platform and additional resources (Google, Google Scholar, Incidence and Prevalence Database, World Health Organization, Brazilian Ministry of Health, and anecdotal information from local experts) to identify relevant literature between 2002–2020 to map the patient journey. Original full-text articles from Brazil in English containing data on pre-defined patient journey touchpoints (awareness, screening, diagnosis, treatment, adherence, and control) were screened. Data were synthesized using a simple or weighted mean, as applicable for patient journey components. Results. Of 297 records including those provided by local experts, eight studies were included for analysis. Awareness of CLBP and CLBP-NeP was 30.4% and 12%, respectively. According to published studies, adherence and symptoms control of patients was estimated with a similar percentage of 38% and 18%, respectively for CLBP and CLBP-NeP. CLBP-NeP prevalence (3.6%) was lower than that of CLBP (20.6%). Except for a comparable percentage of the treated population, for CLBP (39.1%) and CLBP-NeP (38%), the percentage of remaining touchpoints are higher in the case of CLBP than in CLBP-NeP, implying an improved patient journey for CLBP. Conclusion. The study highlights the usefulness to improve patient outcomes at the national level by measuring these mapping patient journey touchpoints. The outcome of this evidence-based study was fruitful to bridges the know-do gap in CLBP patients. Therefore, it is recommended to ensure continuing medical education, patient awareness, and health system preparedness while embracing the emerging insights on pain management.Histórico - O tratamento de pacientes com lombalgia crônica (LC) em muitos países, incluindo o Brasil, é um grande desafio no nível de atendimento primário e especializado. Além disso, as informações sobre epidemiologia e tratamento de pacientes com LC são escassas. O objetivo principal desta revisão semi-sistemática foi a construção de evidências locais sobre a prevalência e o padrão de tratamento da LC. Métodos. Esta revisão semi-sistemática utilizou Medline, Embase e Biosis via plataforma Ovid e recursos adicionais (Google, Google Scholar, Banco de dados de incidência e prevalência, Organização Mundial da Saúde, Ministério da Saúde do Brasil e informações anedóticas de especialistas locais) para identificar literatura relevante entre 2002 e 2020 para mapear a jornada do paciente. Artigos de texto completos e originais do Brasil em inglês contendo dados sobre pontos de contato predefinidos na jornada do paciente (conscientização, triagem, diagnóstico, tratamento, adesão e controle) foram selecionados. Os dados foram obtidos usando uma média simples ou ponderada, conforme aplicável para os componentes da jornada do paciente. Resultados. De 297 registros, incluindo os fornecidos por especialistas locais, oito estudos foram incluídos para análise. A conscientização da LC e da LC-NeP foi de 30,4% e 12%, respetivamente. De acordo com estudos publicados, a adesão e o controle dos sintomas dos pacientes foram estimados com percentual semelhante de 38% e 18%, respetivamente para a LC e a LC-NeP. A prevalência de LC-NeP (3,6%) foi menor que a de LC (20,6%). Com exceção de uma porcentagem comparável da população tratada, para LC (39,1%) e LC-NeP (38%), a porcentagem de pontos de contato restantes foi maior no caso de LC do que no LC-NeP, o que implicava uma melhora no trajeto do paciente para a LC. Conclusão. O estudo destaca a necessidade de melhorar os resultados dos pacientes em nível nacional, medindo esses pontos de contato da jornada do paciente. O resultado deste estudo baseado em evidências é importante para preencher a lacuna de conhecimento do paciente com LC. Portanto, recomenda-se garantir a educação médica contínua, a conscientização do paciente e a restruturação do sistema de saúde brasileiro, ao mesmo tempo em que adota novas práticas sobre o gerenciamento da dor

    Análisis del uso de dispositivos tecnológicos en la juventud de la provincia del Guayas

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    La comunicación es el medio principal para mantener interconectados a todos los miembros de una sociedad, es la vía para fomentar no solo el desarrollo de una población sino además para fortalecer la unión entre la misma. El avance de la tecnología ha creado diversos escenarios y plataformas que décadas atrás eran inimaginables, los cuales partieron no solo de internet sino de la aparición de dispositivos electrónicos tales como los teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas y laptops los cuales revolucionaron al mundo. En Ecuador, el uso de las TIC también se ha disparado en los últimos años, tal como lo indica un último sondeo del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Estadísticas y Censos. El uso excesivo de estos aparatos, que sirven para estar conectados a internet, muchas veces causa un impacto negativo, sobre todo en los más jóvenes. Este es el análisis que esta investigación hizo sobre una muestra no probabilística de 298 habitantes de la provincia del Guayas, con un rango de edad que va desde los 14 hasta los 18 años. Además, se realizó una observación no estructurada donde se buscó verificar cuál es el mayor uso que estos jóvenes le dan a los teléfonos móviles y tabletas. El resultado que se obtuvo nos permite ver que este grupo humano más utiliza los teléfonos inteligentes como entretenimiento y nos permitió descubrir cuáles son los efectos negativos que provoca el uso excesivo de estos