404 research outputs found

    Modelos de monarquía en el proceso de afirmación nacional de España, 1808-1923

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    Los mecanismos que en otros países aseguraron el éxito a las Monarquías en su adaptación al Estado nacional no tuvieron en absoluto la misma importancia en España. Los autores proponen que la explicación debe tener en cuenta el ascenso de una fuerte identidad política nacional – a raíz de la revolución liberal –, que no tuvo correspondencia en un monarquismo ampliamente consensuado. En lugar de ello, se desarrollaron diversos modelos concurrentes de entender la Monarquía. La limitada capacidad de consenso de todos ellos favoreció a largo plazo un cierto republicanismo por defecto o latente. El llamativo protagonismo de la Corona en el siglo XX fue, por tanto, un factor reciente y controvertido.I meccanismi che in altri paesi europei assicurarono il successo delle monarchie nel loro processo di adattamento allo Stato-nazione non ebbero un’identica importanza in Spagna. Secondo gli autori, la spiegazione di questa differenza deve prendere in considerazione l’affermazione di una forte identità politica nazionale in Spagna – prodottasi a seguito della rivoluzione liberale – a cui non corrispose l’emergere di una sola idea di monarchia; al contrario, sorsero differenti modelli di monarchia, alternativi fra loro. La limitata capacità che tali modelli ebbero di guadagnare consenso favorì, nel lungo periodo, un certo repubblicanesimo latente. Il protagonismo della Corona nel XX secolo deve, perciò, essere considerato un fenomeno piuttosto recente e ancora oggetto di dibattito.The mechanisms that ensured the success of the Monarchies during their adaptation to the nation state in other European countries were not of equal importance in Spain. According to the authors, any explanation of this difference should pay attention to the outbreak of a strong political national identity in Spain – following the liberal revolution – which did not meet as counterpart a broadly accepted monarchism. Instead different competing models of understanding monarchy came in. Since all of them showed a limited ability to gain agreement, some “default” or “silent republicanism” was favoured in the long term. The king’s leading role in the early twentieth century was, therefore, a rather fresh and controversial phenomenon

    Active methodologies mediated by technologies for the development of professional skills in a special modality professional programme

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    The article presents an action-research programme implemented in the 2019/2020 academic year to carry out the external internships of the students of a Special Modality Professional Training Programme in Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services. Due to the pandemic in 2020, students could not carry out their internships in person in companies to complete their training in the programme. Given the importance that this internship has for the development of their skills and their incorporation into the working world, we proposed its completion in a virtual and synchronous way, using virtual and educational platforms like Genially and the Google Suite tools. In this virtual environment, we recreated a work setting in which they had to connect daily at the established time and perform the functions of an administrative assistant working in the different departments of the company. While the programme was ongoing, we reviewed and adapted the environment based on the results we were obtaining. The objective of this work was to show the effectiveness of active methodologies in the training of students in a special modality professional programme that, together with a Research-Action approach, facilitates the development of the students' work skills while enriching the process and experience of the internship for the teachers involved

    New mobility technologies and regional status in the automotive industry value chain: the case of Spain and Portugal

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    New mobility technologies related to autonomous, connected, and shared vehicles have prompted the entry of new players into the automotive industry, which has influenced the industry's traditional configuration of regional status. Under the global value chain (GVC) approach, this research proposes a new framework for defining a ‘core–periphery’ spatial model of the automotive industry. Under that model, based mainly on the key variables of domestic firms linked to new mobility technologies, analysis is made of the comparative status of regions of the European automotive industry traditionally regarded as peripheral (Portugal) and semi-peripheral (Spain). Results indicate that domestic firms located in each of those two regions do not differ in terms of decision-making power, first-level supply positioning, added value of activities, and technological innovation. This implies that the two regions now share the same status within the new (autonomous, connected, and shared) mobility value chain. This has relevant implications for public policies throughout the European automotive industry. Policies should focus on innovation in new mobility technologies and on the creation of an ecosystem adequate to develop strong domestic capabilities around these new mobility technologies, in order to ensure more favourable regional status in the spatial model of this competitive industry.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2023-147496OB-I00Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/03182/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/03182/2020Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    A comparison of Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II), Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-II) and SNAPPE-II in predicting parenteral nutrition necessity in low birth weight preterm neonates.

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    Advances in perinatal care have made it possible to improve survival of low birth weight neonates. Clinical risk index for babies (CRIB-II), score for neonatal acute physiology (SNAP-II), and SNAP-perinatal extension-II (SNAPPE-II) have been used as mortality predictors for preterm infants. Feeding intolerance is very frequent in preterm neonates, and the development of an early effective biomarker for its prediction could be useful for carrying out a proper feeding strategy. Our aim was to compare the ability of CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II in predict the feeding intolerance and parenteral nutrition necessity in preterm neonates. Methods: A retrospective cohort study on preterm neonates’ born at Jaen Hospital Complex with low birth weight and ≤ 36 weeks of gestation was done. Epidemiological, clinical and clinical scores CRIB II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II were recorded. Results: 255 low birth weight preterm neonates, 131 males (51.4%), aged ≤32 weeks of gestation (71%), were enrolled at our hospital. Parenteral nutrition needed were significantly higher in preterm neonates weighed 2500-1500 g (73.3%) and ≤ 1000g (87%). CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II mean values were higher in neonates group subjected to parenteral nutrition compared with oral nutrition (p<0.05). CRIB-II and SNAPPE-II scores significantly correlated with parenteral nutrition days (p<0.05). Overall mortality rate was 11%. The 78.6% of all deceased infants needed parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II) better than SNAPPE-II correlated with the feeding intolerance and thus the parenteral nutrition days in preterm neonates with low birth weight.Subvencionado: Ayuda del Plan Propio de Investigación de la UMA. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Validation of an experimental animal model for corneal additive surgery

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To assess the hen cornea as a model for training and future wound healing studies after implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS) by clinical and optical outcomes. Setting: University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. Design: Experimental study. Methods: One 90°, 150-μm thick polymethyl methacrylate Ferrara ICRS segment was manually implanted at 70-80% depth of 192 Gallus domesticus corneas. Clinical follow-up for 6 months included monitoring corneal thickness, epithelial wound closure, edema, haze, and the location and severity of deposits. The refractive state was also measured. After each animal was euthanized, corneas were processed for direct transmittance and histological analysis. Results: Complications were present in 16% of the eyes. Epithelial wound closure was completed at 3 ± 2 days. A slight corneal edema in the channel site was present for the first 15 days. All corneas had deposits by 4 months located along the inner, outer curvatures and under the segments. Corneal haze was present only at the incision site. ICRS induced hyperopic changes in the refractive state without changes in direct transmitance of central cornea. New cells and extracellular matrix were present around the segment where deposits were seen on clinical follow-up. Conclusions: With hen as an animal model, ICRS were implanted in a precise and reproducible way after a learning curve. Similar to humans, the follow-up period during the first 6 months after implantation showed fast wound closure, deposits, and haze at the incision site. ICRS in hens also reduced the refractive power withoutaffecting the central cornea

    Tissue reaction after intrastromal corneal ring implantation in an experimental animal model

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose To evaluate corneal wound healing in the hen animal model after additive surgery with an intracorneal ring segment (ICRS). Methods We implanted one ICRS in each eye of 76 hens. In control group 1 (n=22 hens), the stromal channel was prepared but no ICRS was inserted. In control group 2 (n=2 hens), no surgery was performed. Animals were randomly separated into groups and euthanized after clinical follow-up of 4 and 12 hours, 1, 2, 3, and 7 days, and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 months. Corneas were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Apoptosis was measured by terminal uridine nick end-labeling assays. Cell proliferation and myofibroblast-like differentiation were assayed by BrdU and α-smooth muscle actin immunofluorescence microscopy. Stromal matrix changes were documented by electron microscopy. Results Epithelial and stromal cell apoptosis around the ICRS-implanted and control group 1 eyes peaked at 12 hours, but continued for 72 hours. In ICRSimplanted eyes, epithelial and stromal proliferation was present at 12 and 24 hours, respectively, and peaked at 7 days and 72 hours, respectively. Some proliferation in the ICRS-implanted group continued through the 6- month follow-up, and myofibroblast-like cells differentiated one to three months after ICRS implantation. The segments rotated within the stroma as the limbal inferior angle approached the epithelium. Conclusions Wound healing after ICRS implantation in hen corneas was similar to that of other corneal surgical wounds in stages. However, there were some specific features related to the small size of the epithelial wound and the device permanently implanted inside the cornea

    Intervención cognitivo-conductual para favorecer calidad de vida, bienestar psicológico y funcionamiento cognitivo en adultos mayores

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    El envejecimiento saludable es un proceso mediante el cual se busca mantener la capacidad funcional de las personas y permitir el bienestar durante la vejez, por ello, el objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de un programa de intervención cognitivo-conductual mediado por la tecnología para favorecer la capacidad funcional: funcionamiento cognitivo, calidad de vida y bienestar psicológico en adultos mayores, bajo un diseño de N = 1, con tres réplicas (pre-post-test) y seguimiento a los tres meses, con la finalidad de favorecer los niveles de capacidad funcional medida por los tres indicadores mencionados. Mediante una prueba T de Wilcoxon para medidas repetidas se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en las mediciones pre-post-test para las variables en las tres participantes, excepto para la participante 2, cuyo funcionamiento cognitivo se mantuvo en el post-test. Se concluye que existe suficiente evidencia para afirmar que se favoreció o, al menos, se mantuvo la capacidad funcional en las personas mayores después de la intervención en los tres indicadores

    Effects of Fruit Position in Standard Place Pack Cartons and Gamma 1 Irradiation on the Postharvest Quality of ‘Barnfield’ Navel Oranges

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    The objective of this study was to determine if oranges in the top and bottom layers within a Standard Place Pack were impacted differently by irradiation after long-term storage. ‘Barnfield’ Navel oranges were packed in Standard Place Pack cartons and treated with 0, 0.15, or 1 kGy of gamma irradiation. The fruit were stored for 3 weeks at 5 °C and then for 1 week at 20 °C. After storage, the fruit from the top and bottom layers were separately evaluated for quality. The development of stem-end rind breakdown (SERB) was the main cause of quality loss and was greater in irradiated fruit in the top layer. Fruit in the bottom layer showed more physical damage (flattening) but lower incidence of SERB. The changes in individual sugar content were minimal but significant for layer. The content of individual organic acids was consistently lower in irradiated fruit from the bottom layer. Layer type showed a stronger effect on phenolic compounds than irradiation dose. The tristimulus color, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and firmness of fruit were not influenced by irradiation dose or layer type. The results show that damage in irradiated Navel oranges depends on dose and layer, with the top layers showing greater physiological damage and bottom layers showing more physical damage