3,517 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho objetiva investigar a relação entre escrita e embriaguez emFernando Pessoa a partir do referencial teórico da psicanálise, para isso adotou-se ométodo da psicanálise aplicada. Constatou-se por meio da análise dos escritos que o álcool e a escrita em Pessoa se entrelaçam no sentido de ambas serem utilizadascomo medidas paliativas frente ao mal-estar, e por terem o efeito de "narcose",modificando-se apenas no grau de moderação. Outra relação observada entre álcoolescrita se deu no sentido de ambas estarem atreladas ao corpo. Desta forma, concluise que uma escrita-alcoolizada em Pessoa é possível no sentido que nem toda ação tóxica desencadeia efeitos nocivos, e que a associação álcool-escrita podeproporciona uma relação entre a fantasia e a realidade gerando um apaziguamentodo sujeito frente ao mal-estar

    Residual and technical tax efficiency scores for Brazilian municipalities: a two-stage approach

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    Recurrent fiscal imbalances in terms of tax and expenditure assignments among central and local governments are a critical issue in public finance. To equalize tax capacities, cope with spillovers or to achieve national policy objectives, central governments often provide transfers to lower levels of government. These transfers may affect the incentives to improve fiscal performance because they may induce low tax effort in the regions (Litvack, Ahmad and Bird, 1998; Boadway et al., 1999).Recurrent fiscal imbalances in terms of tax and expenditure assignments among central and local governments are a critical issue in public finance. To equalize tax capacities, cope with spillovers or to achieve national policy objectives, central governments often provide transfers to lower levels of government. These transfers may affect the incentives to improve fiscal performance because they may induce low tax effort in the regions (Litvack, Ahmad and Bird, 1998; Boadway et al., 1999)

    Cabernet Sauvignon in tropical semi-arid climate (Pernambuco - Brasil): adaptation of some clones and their affinity to different rootstocks.

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    The variety Cabemet Sauvignon has revealed in the São Francisco Valley (9°02' S; 40°11' W) a high potential of quality, but with some limitations on its adaptation to this "terroir". The rootstocks with effective aftinity are yet unknown and the material with many virus infections makes difficult its culture, particularly in terms ofyield, which generally is very low. With the objective to maximize the behaviour ofthis variety in this terroir, a field trial was installed in Vinibrasil - Vinhos do Brasil, SA to compare the relations "variety x rootstock", with 5 clones (15, 169, 191,337 and 685) combined with 6 rootstocks (IAC-313, IAC-572, 1103-P, 420-A, 101-14 e S04). After seven harvests (two per year) consistent differences in yield were observed, mainly due to the rootstock. These disparities are due to the number of clusters and their medium weight. Autochthonous rootstocks (obtained at the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas), were those that generated the highest yield, with the IAC-313 the most productive. With regard to rootstocks commonly used in temperate climates, the 1103-P was one that showed behaviour closer to the Brazilian rootstock. The rootstocks with lower yields were generally the 101-14 Mgt and 420-A. At the qualitative level, we found only minor differences and not always in the same direction between the different rootstocks. There were no significant differences in average yield or quality among the different clones. Overall, the sensory analysis of wines produced from the clones, indicates the clones 337 and 685 as being the most agreeable, especially in the parameters of the aroma. The colour intensity is another parameter where those two clones have higher comparative values. In another way, the clone with lower colour intensity is the 191, which shows the lower content of red anthocyanins. These results show the possibility to growth C. Sauvignon in tropical semi-arid climate, with acceptable yields and high quality. On the another hand, in the establishment of new vineyards it is essential to choose the correct combination (clone x rootstock) and especially the appropriate rootstock


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    A characterization of the rains in the middle course of Salitre River Basin and its relation with the existing processes of water erosion is presented. Rainfall of 30 minutes was used to obtain the coefficient of disaggregation of rainfall. The annual maximum daily precipitation obtained from the National Water Agency database was adjusted according to the statistical distribution of Gumbel and the adjustment of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov adjustment. The individual erosive rains were established by the erosivity index (EI30) of each individual precipitation and kinetic energy were calculated according to Wischmeier and Smith, later compared to the methodology of Lombardi Neto and Moldenhauer. Higher precipitation intensities were observed for shorter run times and longer return periods. The highest rates of erosivity coincide with the highest rainfall indexes

    O uso do product placement em videoclipes: uma análise de Bad Romance e Telephone

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    The music vídeo has always been a relevant communication between artists, their fans and viewers. This study analyzes the insertion of brands and products in the video clips Bad Romance and Telephone, both by artist Lady Gaga. From the study, it was possible observe that the product placement tool has great potential in the field of publicity and advertising.El video musical siempre há sido una forma relevante de comunicación entre artistas, sus fans y espectadores. Este estudio analiza la inseción de marcas y produtos en los videoclips Bad Romance y Telephone, ambos de la artista Lady Gaga. A partir del estudio, se pudo observar que la herramienta de product placement tiene un gran potencial en el campo de la publicidad y la publicidad.O videoclipe sempre foi uma forma de comunicação relevante entre os artistas, seus fãs e espectadores. O presente estudo analisa a inserção de marcas e produtos nos videoclipes Bad Romance e Telephone, ambos da artista Lady Gaga. A partir do estudo, foi possível observar que a ferramenta product placement tem um grande potencial no campo da publicidade e propaganda


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    Considerando o avanço da cultura do eucalipto para a região do Cerrado e as controvérsias sobre as implicações positivas e negativas dessa expansão, este estudo realizou revisão narrativa de literatura de estudos empíricos recentes sobre o tema e analisou dados de publicações sobre a cultura do eucalipto, disponibilizadas por instituições oficiais especializadas, com o objetivo discorrer sobre o avanço da cultura do eucalipto, destacando os fatores condicionantes e as implicações econômicas, sociais e ambientais. Os resultados mostram que três estados (Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão e Tocantins) se destacam nacionalmente dentre aqueles de maior taxa de crescimento de área plantada no período de 2005 a 2021, e que o avanço do eucalipto para este bioma ocorreu devido a fatores como condições edafoclimáticas, desenvolvimento de novas mudas de plantas e disponibilidade de grandes extensões de áreas de pastagens. Se por um lado, a expansão da silvicultura do eucalipto implicou fatores econômicos positivos, por outro, potencializou problemas sociais e ambientais que, a julgar pelos estudos analisados, não compensarem os possíveis benefícios. O estudo permite reflexões sobre as implicações do avanço da cultura do eucalipto no Cerrado, trazendo evidências que podem ser melhor investigadas empiricamente por futuras específicas. Palavras-chave: Florestas; áreas plantadas no Cerrado; impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais