25 research outputs found

    John Locke’s algorithm and the commonplace books

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    The paper examines the bibliographic genre of the collections of loci communes, better known in the Anglo-Saxon world with the expression of commonplace books, heirs to the fertile and flourishing tradition of ars excerpendi, i.e. the art of compiling collections of extracts and reading notes. In particular, we analyze the indexing system devised by the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the word-subject coding device: an algorithm that governs the order of texts, thus relieving memory of such a quantity of data that it is inevitably subject to forgetfulness.Il contributo prende in esame il genere bibliografico delle raccolte di loci communes, meglio note nel mondo anglosassone con l’espressione di commonplace books, eredi della feconda e rigogliosa tradizione dell’ars excerpendi, vale a dire dell’arte di compilare raccolte di estratti e appunti di lettura. In particolare, si analizza il sistema di indicizzazione ideato dal filosofo inglese John Locke (1632-1704) e il dispositivo di codifica delle parole-soggetto: un algoritmo che governa l’ordine dei testi, sgravando così la memoria da una quantità tale di dati da essere inevitabilmente soggetti alla dimenticanza

    Wine Lees as Source of Antioxidant Molecules: Green Extraction Procedure and Biological Activity

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    An ultrasound-assisted extraction method, employing ethanol and water as solvents at low temperature (30 °C) and reduced time (15 min), was proposed to extract bioactive molecules from different cultivars (Magliocco Canino, Magliocco Rosato, Gaglioppo, and Nocera Rosso) of wine lees. All the extract yields were evaluated and their contents of phenolic acids, flavonoids, and total polyphenols were determined by means of colorimetric assays and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques. Radical scavenging assays were performed and the Magliocco Canino extracted with a hydroalcoholic mixture returned the best results both against ABTS (0.451 mg mL−1) and DPPH (0.395 mg mL−1) radicals. The chemometric algorithms principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square regression (PLS) were used to process the data obtained from all qualitative–quantitative sample determinations with the aim of highlighting data patterns and finding possible correlations between composition and antioxidant features of the different wine lees cultivars and the extraction procedures. Wine lees from Magliocco Canino and Magliocco Rosato were found to be the best vegetable matrices in terms of metabolite content and antioxidant properties. The components extracted with alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solvents, specifically (−)-epigallocatechin gallate, chlorogenic acid, and trans-caftaric acid, were found to be correlated with the antioxidant capacity of the extracts. Multivariate data processing was able to identify the compounds related to the antioxidant features. Two PLS models were optimized by using their concentration levels to predict the IC50 values of the extracts in terms of DPPH and ABTS with high values of correlation coefficient R2, 0.932 and 0.824, respectively, and a prediction error lower than 0.07. Finally, cellular (SH-SY5Y cells) antioxidant assays were performed on the best extract (the hydroalcoholic extract of Magliocco Canino cv) to confirm its biological performance against radical species. All these recorded data strongly outline the aptness of valorizing wine lees as a valuable source of antioxidants

    Proposta di formalizzazione linguistica nella descrizione delle risorse elettroniche [Italian version presented at the International Conference]

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    The less structured area or field in a catalographic record for electronic resources is that related to the description of its content. Its function is to help the reader in deciding if it’s necessary to see the original document. Therefore a linguistic formalization it’s needed of the field "Description" or "Contents note" so that it can represent the rich and dynamic combining tipology of electronic resources. It’s very important to know and efficiently manage the reticular system of semantic relations that's the basis for the organization of a subject discipline, and the multiplicity of the contexts in which those relations can be defined, as it’s important to indicate a hierarchy of descriptive levels for isolating those elements that can satisfact the curiosity or the interest of different communities of readers. In this prospective, fundamental is the role that academic libraries could play (and in part already play)


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    Il volume raccoglie la maggior parte dei contributi che sono stati presentati e discussi il 30 e 31 maggio 2013, nel corso del primo “Seminario nazionale di biblioteconomia” organizzato, nell’ambito delle attività scientifiche del Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza, da Alberto Petrucciani e Giovanni Solimine, con il patrocinio della Facoltà di Lettere, dell’Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB) e della Società ital..

    1. Seminario Nazionale di Biblioteconomia

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    DIDATTICA E RICERCA NELL’UNIVERSITA ITALIANA E CONFRONTI INTERNAZIONALI Il volume raccoglie la maggior parte dei contributi che sono stati presentati e discussi il 30 e 31 maggio 2013, nel corso del primo “Seminario nazionale di biblioteconomia” organizzato, nell’ambito delle attività scientifiche del Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza, da Alberto Petrucciani e Giovanni Solimine, con il patrocinio della Facoltà di Lettere, dell’Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB) e della Società italiana di scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche (SISBB)

    Beyond the Pillars of Hercules: Linked data and cultural heritage

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    The term linked data refers to a «set of best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the Web. These best practices were introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in his Web architecture note Linked Data and have become known as the Linked Data principles» (Heath and Bizer). 1 The underlying paradigm is that of the traditional web, the web of hypertext or documents, focused, as we know, on a small but effective number of standards: HTML as a markup language and format for page layouts, formatting and visualization; HTTP, the universal protocol for the transmission of information in hypertext; URI, the only and universal identification system. This “simple ” logical architecture is the basis of the underlying principles for publishing and sharing structured data on the web: the use of URIs to identify not only web documents and digital contents, but also objects in the real world and abstract concept

    The manifest topicality of a «librarianship canon» for collection management

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    Il contributo propone una riflessione sull’attualità del libro di Giovanni Solimine Le raccolte delle biblioteche: progetto e gestione, pubblicato nel 1999, in cui l’autore proponeva un canone biblioteconomico per la gestione delle collezioni, basato su una visione olistica della biblioteca.The contribution proposes a reflection on the topicality of Giovanni Solimine’s Le raccolte delle biblioteche: progetto e gestione, published in 1999. In the book, the author proposed a librarianship canon for collection management based on a holistic vision of the library

    Reti di archivi per gli archivi in rete

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    La pubblicazione documenta solo in parte l’intensa attività di investigazione e di studio, che si ù espressa in una serie di incontri, seminari e workshop, promossi e coordinati da DigiLab, in quanto centro di competenza, che ha messo a disposizione della comunità di ReCAP l’esperienza e i risultati scientifici prodotti dai suoi ricercatori, nei termini soprattutto dell’analisi di standard, linee guida, modelli tecnologici e architetture logiche dei sistemi di gestione e conservazione documentale