1,527 research outputs found

    Literature Review: Diverting Mentally Ill Offenders from Jail

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    This literature review describes literature available on the topic of diverting mentally ill offenders from jail; outlines major themes found in the literature; analyzed programs described in the literature by type; and highlights recommendations from the literature.Criminal Justice Systems ProjectIntroduction / Description of Literature / Common Themes / Analysis / Recommendation / Abstracts / Bibliograph

    Dispositions of DWI Arrestees: Anchorage, 1996

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    This study explores the dispositions of subjects arrested in Anchorage, Alaska during 1996 for driving while intoxicated (DWI). The project was designed to describe the Anchorage criminal justice system’s processing of DWI offenders and to isolate legal and extralegal variables that predict various offender dispositions. This report presents a literature review of studies relating to legal and extra-legal factors affecting court processing of offenders; discusses methodologies of the present study; presents flow charts of DWI arrestee processing in Anchorage; and presents the multivariate analysis that isolates significant correlates of DWI arrest disposition.Anchorage Safe Communities Alaska Highway Safety Planning Agency, Alaska Department of TransportationIntroduction / Literature Review / Data and Method / Profiles / Dispositions of DWI Suspects in Anchorage: The Process / Correlates of Disposition / Summary / Bibliography / Appendix - Sex and Race Specific Flow Chart

    Flora of a Sand Prairie in Black Hawk County, Iowa

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    A 14.6 ha (36 acre) natural area consisting of marshes, moist to dry sandy prairie, and wet to moist swale was found 16 km (10 miles) northwest of the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. An annotated flora of 280 species of vascular plants was compiled during the 1970 growing season. In addition to many species of vascular plants restricted to prairie remnants, sphagnum moss occurs in small patches in the swale. The occurrence of Carex leptalea Wahl represents the first reported collection in Iowa

    Sphagnum Taxa and Their Distribution in Iowa

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    Sphagnum was known previously from eight counties in Iowa based on documented specimens. Undocumented collections were also reported from Buchanan, Cedar, and Johnson Counties. We have added four new species (S. compactum, S. fimbriatum, S. squarrosum, and S. warnstorfii) and three new varieties (S. subsecundum var. subsecundum, S. recurvum var. amblyphyllum, and S. recurvum var. recurvum) to the state flora, and four new stations in three counties (Black Hawk, Iowa, and Marion) where sphagnum was previously unknown. Sphagnum is presently represented in Iowa by documented collections of 13 taxa from 13 stations in 9 counties, mostly in the eastern third of the state

    Highway Performance and Time-Sensitive Industries

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    Communities and states are using every means available to them to attract and retain economic activity. One such strategy is to plan for the changing needs of new and existing businesses. In the past two decades, firms have come to view time as one of their most precious resources. Some businesses have adopted efficiently timed production methods like just-in-time, in which inventory and safety stock are minimized; deliveries of intermediate goods at all stages of production are synchronized with suppliers so that at no point do products linger. Highway projects that reduce unanticipated delays enhance the ability of time sensitive businesses to maintain closely timed production and sales schedules. Perhaps the most important type of delay in this context is that produced by incidents, which are events that disrupt normal traffic flow. In addition to accidents, incidents include stalled vehicles, debris on the road, or other impediments to orderly flow. While they are rare events, incidents do happen, and they can greatly affect travel times, especially on roads operating at near capacity. Highway improvements can reduce the likelihood of incidents and reduce the severity of impacts when incidents do occur. How to measure increases in highway system performance for time-sensitive businesses when these systems are upgraded is a focus of this monograph. We begin by examining the changes in the business environment that precipitated the movement toward time-sensitive production. Then, from an extensive survey, we conclude that although businesses in Iowa are somewhat less time-sensitive than businesses in many other places, Iowa’s businesses anticipate tighter production schedules in the future. We show how traffic incidents and incident-produced congestion erode highway performance for time-sensitive industries. An analysis of the causes and consequences of incident-produced delays provides the foundation for our model of incident-produced delay, which we have developed to gauge highway performance for time-sensitive firms. This research was a joint effort between researchers at the University of Iowa Public Policy Center and Iowa State University’s Department of Transportation and Logistics. The Iowa Department of Transportation provided funding for this project

    The Elatinaceae in Iowa

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    The first record of a member of the Elatinaceae, Elatine triandra Schk., is reported from a marsh in Dickinson County, Iowa

    Book Reviews

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    Simultaneous effects on parvalbumin-positive interneuron and dopaminergic system development in a transgenic rat model for sporadic schizophrenia

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    To date, unequivocal neuroanatomical features have been demonstrated neither for sporadic nor for familial schizophrenia. Here, we investigated the neuroanatomical changes in a transgenic rat model for a subset of sporadic chronic mental illness (CMI), which modestly overexpresses human full-length, non-mutant Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), and for which aberrant dopamine homeostasis consistent with some schizophrenia phenotypes has previously been reported. Neuroanatomical analysis revealed a reduced density of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and reduced dopaminergic fibres in the striatum. Parvalbumin-positive interneuron occurrence in the somatosensory cortex was shifted from layers II/III to V/VI, and the number of calbindin-positive interneurons was slightly decreased. Reduced corpus callosum thickness confirmed trend-level observations from in vivo MRI and voxel-wise tensor based morphometry. These neuroanatomical changes help explain functional phenotypes of this animal model, some of which resemble changes observed in human schizophrenia post mortem brain tissues. Our findings also demonstrate how a single molecular factor, DISC1 overexpression or misassembly, can account for a variety of seemingly unrelated morphological phenotypes and thus provides a possible unifying explanation for similar findings observed in sporadic schizophrenia patients. Our anatomical investigation of a defined model for sporadic mental illness enables a clearer definition of neuroanatomical changes associated with subsets of human sporadic schizophrenia
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