Sphagnum Taxa and Their Distribution in Iowa


Sphagnum was known previously from eight counties in Iowa based on documented specimens. Undocumented collections were also reported from Buchanan, Cedar, and Johnson Counties. We have added four new species (S. compactum, S. fimbriatum, S. squarrosum, and S. warnstorfii) and three new varieties (S. subsecundum var. subsecundum, S. recurvum var. amblyphyllum, and S. recurvum var. recurvum) to the state flora, and four new stations in three counties (Black Hawk, Iowa, and Marion) where sphagnum was previously unknown. Sphagnum is presently represented in Iowa by documented collections of 13 taxa from 13 stations in 9 counties, mostly in the eastern third of the state

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