26 research outputs found

    Extending Nunchaku to Dependent Type Theory

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    Nunchaku is a new higher-order counterexample generator based on a sequence of transformations from polymorphic higher-order logic to first-order logic. Unlike its predecessor Nitpick for Isabelle, it is designed as a stand-alone tool, with frontends for various proof assistants. In this short paper, we present some ideas to extend Nunchaku with partial support for dependent types and type classes, to make frontends for Coq and other systems based on dependent type theory more useful.Comment: In Proceedings HaTT 2016, arXiv:1606.0542

    Language and Proofs for Higher-Order SMT (Work in Progress)

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    Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers have throughout the years been able to cope with increasingly expressive formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic modulo theories. Nevertheless, higher-order logic within SMT is still little explored. One main goal of the Matryoshka project, which started in March 2017, is to extend the reasoning capabilities of SMT solvers and other automatic provers beyond first-order logic. In this preliminary report, we report on an extension of the SMT-LIB language, the standard input format of SMT solvers, to handle higher-order constructs. We also discuss how to augment the proof format of the SMT solver veriT to accommodate these new constructs and the solving techniques they require.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2017, arXiv:1712.0089

    Satisfiability Modulo Bounded Checking

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    International audienceWe describe a new approach to find models for a computational higher-order logic with datatypes. The goal is to find counterexamples for conjectures stated in proof assistants. The technique builds on narrowing [14] but relies on a tight integration with a SAT solver to analyze conflicts precisely, eliminate sets of choices that lead to failures, and sometimes prove unsatisfiability. The architecture is reminiscent of that of an SMT solver. We present the rules of the calculus, an implementation, and some promising experimental results

    SMT Solving Modulo Tableau and Rewriting Theories

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    International audienceWe propose an automated theorem prover that combines an SMT solver with tableau calculus and rewriting. Tableau inference rules are used to unfold propositional content into clauses while atomic formulas are handled using satisfiability decision procedures as in traditional SMT solvers. To deal with quantified first order formulas, we use metavariables and perform rigid unification modulo equalities and rewriting, for which we introduce an algorithm based on superposition, but where all clauses contain a single atomic formula. Rewriting is introduced along the lines of deduction modulo theory, where axioms are turned into rewrite rules over both terms and propositions. Finally, we assess our approach over a benchmark of problems in the set theory of the B method

    Detection of First Order Axiomatic Theories

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    International audienceAutomated theorem provers for first-order logic with equality have become very powerful and useful, thanks to both advanced calculi --- such as superposition and its refinements --- and mature implementation techniques. Nevertheless, dealing with some axiomatic theories remains a challenge because it gives rise to a search space explosion. Most attempts to deal with this problem have focused on specific theories, like AC (associative commutative symbols) or ACU (AC with neutral element). Even detecting the presence of a theory in a problem is generally solved in an ad-hoc fashion. We present here a generic way of describing and recognizing axiomatic theories in clausal form first-order logic with equality. Subsequently, we show some use cases for it, including a redundancy criterion that can be applied to some equational theories, extending some work that has been done by Avenhaus, Hillenbrand and Löchne

    SMT Solving Modulo Tableau and Rewriting Theories

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    International audienceWe propose an automated theorem prover that combines an SMT solver with tableau calculus and rewriting. Tableau inference rules are used to unfold propositional content into clauses while atomic formulas are handled using satisfiability decision procedures as in traditional SMT solvers. To deal with quantified first order formulas, we use metavariables and perform rigid unification modulo equalities and rewriting, for which we introduce an algorithm based on superposition, but where all clauses contain a single atomic formula. Rewriting is introduced along the lines of deduction modulo theory, where axioms are turned into rewrite rules over both terms and propositions. Finally, we assess our approach over a benchmark of problems in the set theory of the B method

    An Automation-Friendly Set Theory for the B Method

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    International audienceWe propose an automation-friendly set theory for the B method. This theory is expressed using first order logic extended to poly-morphic types and rewriting. Rewriting is introduced along the lines of deduction modulo theory, where axioms are turned into rewrite rules over both propositions and terms. We also provide experimental results of several tools able to deal with polymorphism and rewriting over a benchmark of problems in pure set theory (i.e. without arithmetic)

    Superposition for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Logic

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    We introduce refutationally complete superposition calculi for intentional and extensional clausal λ\lambda-free higher-order logic, two formalisms that allow partial application and applied variables. The calculi are parameterized by a term order that need not be fully monotonic, making it possible to employ the λ\lambda-free higher-order lexicographic path and Knuth-Bendix orders. We implemented the calculi in the Zipperposition prover and evaluated them on Isabelle/HOL and TPTP benchmarks. They appear promising as a stepping stone towards complete, highly efficient automatic theorem provers for full higher-order logic

    Superposition for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Logic

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    International audienceWe introduce refutationally complete superposition calculi for intentional and extensional λ-free higher-order logic, two formalisms that allow partial application and applied variables. The calculi are parameterized by a term order that need not be fully monotonic, making it possible to employ the λ-free higher-order lexicographic path and Knuth-Bendix orders. We implemented the calculi in the Zipperposition prover and evaluated them on TPTP benchmarks. They appear promising as a stepping stone towards complete, efficient automatic theorem provers for full higher-order logic