1,034 research outputs found

    Closed-Loop Perching and Spatial Guidance Laws for Bio-Inspired Articulated Wing MAV

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    This paper presents the underlying theoretical developments and successful experimental demonstrations of perching of an aerial robot. The open-loop lateral-directional dynamics of the robot are inherently unstable because it lacks a vertical tail for agility, similar to birds. A unique feature of this robot is that it uses wing articulation for controlling the flight path angle as well as the heading. New guidance algorithms with guaranteed stability are obtained by rewriting the flight dynamic equations in the spatial domain rather than as functions of time, after which dynamic inversion is employed. It is shown that nonlinear dynamic inversion naturally leads to proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, thereby providing an exact method for tuning the gains. The effectiveness of the proposed bio-inspired robot design and its novel closed-loop perching controller has been successfully demonstrated with perched landings on a human hand

    A Spectroscopic Study of a Large Sample of Wolf-Rayet Galaxies

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    We analyze long-slit spectral observations of 39 Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies with heavy element mass fraction ranging over 2 orders of magnitude, from Zsun/50 to 2Zsun. Nearly all galaxies in our sample show broad WR emission in the blue region of the spectrum (the blue bump) consisting of an unresolved blend of N III 4640, C III 4650, C IV 4658 and He II 4686 emission lines. Broad C IV 5808 emission (the red bump) is detected in 30 galaxies. Additionally, weaker WR emission lines are identified, most often the N III 4512 and Si III 4565 lines, which have very rarely or never been seen and discussed before in WR galaxies. These emission features are characteristic of WN7-WN8 and WN9-WN11 stars respectively. We derive the numbers of early WC (WCE) and late WN (WNL) stars from the luminosities of the red and blue bumps, and the number of O stars from the luminosity of the Hbeta emission line. Additionally, we propose a new technique for deriving the numbers of WNL stars from the N III 4512 and Si III 4565 emission lines. This technique is potentially more precise than the blue bump method because it does not suffer from contamination of WCE and early WN (WNE) stars and nebular gaseous emission. The N(WR)/N(O+WR) ratio decreases with decreasing metallicity, in agreement with predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. The N(WC)/N(WN) ratios and the equivalent widths of the blue bump EW(4650) and of the red bump EW(5808) derived from observations are also in satisfactory agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Astrophys.

    Discovery and quantitative spectral analysis of an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    We have discovered an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11 following Smith et al.) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300, the first object of this class found outside the Local Group, during a recent spectroscopic survey of blue supergiant stars obtained at the ESO VLT. The light curve over a five-month period in late 1999 displays a variability at the 0.1 mag level. The intermediate resolution spectra (3800-7200 A) show a very close resemblance to the Galactic LBV AG Car during minimum. We have performed a detailed non-LTE analysis of the stellar spectrum, and have derived a chemical abundance pattern which includes H, He, C, N, O, Al, Si and Fe, in addition to the stellar and wind parameters. The derived stellar properties and the He and N surface enrichments are consistent with those of other Local Group WN11 stars in the literature, suggesting a similar quiescent or post-LBV evolutionary status.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) after high-dose melphalan in patients with advanced colon cancer.

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    Nine patients with progressive, metastatic disease from primary carcinoma of the colon were entered into a phase I/II study using continuous intravenous infusions of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and high dose melphalan (120 mg m-2). GM-CSF was given alone to six patients during the first part of the study to determine a dose that would produce a peripheral leucocyte count (WCC) greater than or equal to 50 X 10(9) 1(-1) and was initially given at 3 micrograms kg-1 day-1 and escalated to 10 micrograms kg-1 day-1 after 10 days. The infusion was discontinued when the WCC exceeded 50 X 10(9) 1(-1) and after a gap of one week, melphalan was given over 30 min. GM-CSF was recommenced 8 h later and was continued until the neutrophil count had exceeded 0.5 X 10(9) 1(-1) for greater than 1 week. One patient achieved a WCC greater than 50 X 10(9) 1(-1) with GM-CSF 3 micrograms kg-1 day-1, but the other five who entered this phase of the study required dose escalation to 10 micrograms kg-1. No toxicity attributed to GM-CSF was seen. After melphalan, the median times to severe neutropenia (less than 0.5 X 10(9) 1(-1] and thrombocytopenia (greater than 20 X 10(9) 1(-1] were 6 and 9 days respectively. The median durations of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were 14 and 10 days respectively. All patients required intensive support with a median duration of inpatient stay of 24 days. There was one treatment related death due to renal failure. One complete and two partial remissions (33% response rate) were seen but these were of short duration (median of 10 weeks). This study demonstrates that GM-CSF given by continuous intravenous infusion produces significant increments of peripheral granulocyte counts at 3 and 10 micrograms kg-1 day-1 and is not associated with any toxicity. The duration of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia induced by high-dose melphalan appears to be reduced by the subsequent administration of GM-CSF to times which are at least as short as have been reported in historical series which have used autologous bone marrow rescue

    Teachers as leaders in a knowledge society: encouraging signs of a new professionalism

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    [Abstract]: Challenges confronting schools worldwide are greater than ever,and, likewise, many teachers possess capabilities, talents, and formal credentials more sophisticated than ever. However, the responsibility and authority accorded to teachers have not grown significantly, nor has the image of teaching as a profession advanced significantly. The question becomes, what are the implications for the image and status of the teaching profession as the concept of knowledge society takes a firm hold in the industrialized world? This article addresses the philosophical underpinnings of teacher leadership manifested in case studies where schools sought to achieve the generation of new knowledge as part of a process of whole-school revitalization. Specifically, this article reports on Australian research that has illuminated the work of teacher leaders engaged in the IDEAS project, a joint school revitalization initiative of the University of Southern Queensland and the Queensland Department of Education and the Arts

    V605 Aql: The Older Twin of Sakurai's Object

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    New optical spectra have been obtained with VLT/FORS2 of the final helium shell flash (FF) star, V605 Aql, which peaked in brightness in 1919. New models suggest that this star is experiencing a very late thermal pulse. The evolution to a cool luminous giant and then back to a compact hot star takes place in only a few years. V605 Aql, the central star of the Planetary Nebula (PN), A58, has evolved from Teff_{eff}\sim5000 K in 1921 to \sim95,000 K today. There are indications that the new FF star, Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr), which appeared in 1996, is evolving along a similar path. The abundances of Sakurai's Object today and V605 Aql 80 years ago mimic the hydrogen deficient R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars with 98% He and 1% C. The new spectra show that V605 Aql has stellar abundances similar to those seen in Wolf-Rayet [WC] central stars of PNe with ~55% He, and ~40% C. The stellar spectrum of V605 Aql can be seen even though the star is not directly detected. Therefore, we may be seeing the spectrum in light scattered around the edge of a thick torus of dust seen edge-on. In the present state of evolution of V605 Aql, we may be seeing the not too distant future of Sakurai's Object.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, ApJ Letters in pres

    A Survey of Local Group Galaxies Currently Forming Stars: III. A Search for Luminous Blue Variables and Other H-alpha Emission-Lined Stars

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    We describe a search for H-alpha emission-lined stars in M31, M33, and seven dwarfs in or near the Local Group (IC 10, NGC 6822, WLM, Sextans B, Sextans A, Pegasus and the Phoenix dwarf) using interference filter imaging with the KPNO and CTIO 4-m telescope and Mosaic cameras. The survey is aimed primarily at identifying new Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) from their spectroscopic similarity to known LBVs, avoiding the bias towards photometric variability, which may require centuries to manifest itself if LBVs go through long quiescent periods. Followup spectroscopy with WIYN confirms that our survey detected a wealth of stars whose spectra are similar to the known LBVs. We "classify" the spectra of known LBVs, and compare these to the spectra of the new LBV candidates. We demonstrate spectacular spectral variability for several of the new LBV candidates, such as AM2, previously classified as a Wolf-Rayet star, which now shows FeI, FeII and Balmer emission lines but neither the NIII 4634,42 nor HeII 4686 emission that it did in 1982. Profound spectral changes are also noted for other suspected and known LBVs. Several of the LBV candidates also show >0.5 mag changes in V over the past 10-20 years. The number of known or suspected LBVs is now 24 in M31, 37 in M33, 1 in NGC 6822, and 3 in IC 10. We estimate that the total number of LBVs in M31 and M33 may be several hundred, in contrast to the 8 known historically through large-scale photometric variability. This has significant implications for the time scale of the LBV phase. We also identify a few new WRs and peculiar emission-lined objects.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. Version with higher quality figures may be downloaded from http://www.lowell.edu/users/massey/has.pdf.g

    The Ethics of Corporate Governance

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    How should corporate directors determine what is the right decision? For at least the past 30 years the debate has raged as to whether shareholder value should take precedence over corporate social responsibility when crucial decisions arise. Directors face pressure, not least from ethical investors, to do the good thing when they seek to make the right choice. Corporate governance theory has tended to look to agency theory and the need of boards to curb excessive executive power to guide directors' decisions. While useful for those purposes, agency theory provides only limited guidance. Supplementing it with the alternatives - stakeholder theory and stewardship theory - tends to put directors in conflict with their legal obligations to work in the interests of shareholders. This paper seeks to reframe the discussion about corporate governance in terms of the ethical debate between consequential, teleological approaches to ethics and idealist, deontological ones, suggesting that directors are - for good reason - more inclined toward utilitarian judgments like those underpinning shareholder value. But the problems with shareholder value have become so great that a different framework is needed: strategic value, with an emphasis on long-term value creation judged from a decidedly utilitarian standpoint

    Studies of the dose-effect relation

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    Dose-effect relations and, specifically, cell survival curves are surveyed with emphasis on the interplay of the random factors — biological variability, stochastic reaction of the cell, and the statistics of energy deposition —that co-determine their shape. The global parameters mean inactivation dose, , and coefficient of variance, V, represent this interplay better than conventional parameters. Mechanisms such as lesion interaction, misrepair, repair overload, or repair depletion have been invoked to explain sigmoid dose dependencies, but these notions are partly synonymous and are largely undistinguishable on the basis of observed dose dependencies. All dose dependencies reflect, to varying degree, the microdosimetric fluctuations of energy deposition, and these have certain implications, e.g. the linearity of the dose dependence at small doses, that apply regardless of unresolved molecular mechanisms of cellular radiation action

    Quantitative analysis of WC stars: Constraints on neon abundances from ISO/SWS spectroscopy

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    Neon abundances are derived in four Galactic WC stars -- gamma Vel (WR11, WC8+O7.5III), HD156385 (WR90, WC7), HD192103 (WR135, WC8), and WR146 (WC5+O8) - using mid-infrared fine structure lines obtained with ISO/SWS. Stellar parameters for each star are derived using a non-LTE model atmospheric code (Hillier & Miller 1998) together with ultraviolet (IUE), optical (INT, AAT) and infrared (UKIRT, ISO) spectroscopy. In the case of gamma Vel, we adopt results from De Marco et al. (2000), who followed an identical approach. ISO/SWS datasets reveal the [NeIII] 15.5um line in each of our targets, while [NeII] 12.8um, [SIV] 10.5um and [SIII] 18.7um are observed solely in gamma Vel. Using a method updated from Barlow et al. (1988) to account for clumped winds, we derive Ne/He=3-4x10^-3 by number, plus S/He=6x10^-5 for gamma Vel. Neon is highly enriched, such that Ne/S in gamma Vel is eight times higher than cosmic values. However, observed Ne/He ratios are a factor of two times lower than predictions of current evolutionary models of massive stars. An imprecise mass-loss and distance were responsible for the much greater discrepancy in neon content identified by Barlow et al. Our sample of WC5--8 stars span a narrow range in T* (=55--71kK), with no trend towards higher temperature at earlier spectral type, supporting earlier results for a larger sample by Koesterke & Hamann (1995). Stellar luminosities range from 100,000 to 500,000 Lo, while 10^-5.1 < Mdot/(Mo/yr) < 10^-4.5, adopting clumped winds, in which volume filling factors are 10%. In all cases, wind performance numbers are less than 10, significantly lower than recent estimates. Carbon abundances span 0.08 < C/He < 0.25 by number, while oxygen abundances remain poorly constrained.Comment: 16 pages,7 figures accepted for MNRA