6,744 research outputs found

    Finite Size Scaling of Domain Chaos

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    Numerical studies of the domain chaos state in a model of rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection suggest that finite size effects may account for the discrepancy between experimentally measured values of the correlation length and the predicted divergence near onset

    NASA rotor system research aircraft flight-test data report: Helicopter and compound configuration

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    The flight test activities of the Rotor System Research Aircraft (RSRA), NASA 740, from June 30, 1981 to August 5, 1982 are reported. Tests were conducted in both the helicopter and compound configurations. Compound tests reconfirmed the Sikorsky flight envelope except that main rotor blade bending loads reached endurance at a speed about 10 knots lower than previously. Wing incidence changes were made from 0 to 10 deg

    Dynamical Properties of Multi-Armed Global Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    Explicit formulas for the rotation frequency and the long-wavenumber diffusion coefficients of global spirals with mm arms in Rayleigh-Benard convection are obtained. Global spirals and parallel rolls share exactly the same Eckhaus, zigzag and skewed-varicose instability boundaries. Global spirals seem not to have a characteristic frequency ωm\omega_m or a typical size RmR_m, but their product ωmRm\omega_m R_m is a constant under given experimental conditions. The ratio Ri/RjR_i/R_j of the radii of any two dislocations (RiR_i, RjR_j) inside a multi-armed spiral is also predicted to be constant. Some of these results have been tested by our numerical work.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E as Rapid Communication

    Local unitary versus local Clifford equivalence of stabilizer and graph states

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    The equivalence of stabilizer states under local transformations is of fundamental interest in understanding properties and uses of entanglement. Two stabilizer states are equivalent under the usual stochastic local operations and classical communication criterion if and only if they are equivalent under local unitary (LU) operations. More surprisingly, under certain conditions, two LU equivalent stabilizer states are also equivalent under local Clifford (LC) operations, as was shown by Van den Nest et al. [Phys. Rev. \textbf{A71}, 062323]. Here, we broaden the class of stabilizer states for which LU equivalence implies LC equivalence (LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC) to include all stabilizer states represented by graphs with neither cycles of length 3 nor 4. To compare our result with Van den Nest et al.'s, we show that any stabilizer state of distance δ=2\delta=2 is beyond their criterion. We then further prove that LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC holds for a more general class of stabilizer states of δ=2\delta=2. We also explicitly construct graphs representing δ>2\delta>2 stabilizer states which are beyond their criterion: we identify all 58 graphs with up to 11 vertices and construct graphs with 2m12^m-1 (m4m\geq 4) vertices using quantum error correcting codes which have non-Clifford transversal gates.Comment: Revised version according to referee's comments. To appear in Physical Review

    A cusp electron gun for millimeter wave gyrodevices

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    The experimental results of a thermionic cusp electron gun, to drive millimeter and submillimeter wave harmonic gyrodevices, are reported in this paper. Using a "smooth" magnetic field reversal formed by two coils this gun generated an annular-shaped, axis-encircling electron beam with 1.5 A current, and an adjustable velocity ratio alpha of up to 1.56 at a beam voltage of 40 kV. The beam cross-sectional shape and transported beam current were measured by a witness plate technique and Faraday cup, respectively. These measured results were found to be in excellent agreement with the simulated results using the three-dimensional code MAGIC

    The modification of X and L band radar signals by monomolecular sea slicks

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    One methyl oleate and two oleyl alcohol surface films were produced on the surface of the North Sea under comparable oceanographic and meteorological conditions in order to investigate their influence on X and L band radar backscatter. Signals are backscattered in these bands primarily by surface waves with lengths of about 2 and 12 cm, respectively, and backscattered power levels in both bands were reduced by the slicks. The reduction was larger at X band than at L band, however, indicating that shorter waves are more intensely damped by the surface films. The oleyl alcohol film caused greater attenuation of short gravity waves than the film of methyl oleate, thus demonstrating the importance of the physicochemical properties of films on the damping of wind‐generated gravity capillary waves. Finally, these experiments indicate a distinct dependence of the degree of damping on the angle between wind and waves. Wind‐generated waves traveling in the wind direction are more intensely damped by surface films than are waves traveling at larger angles to the wind

    A Quantum Non-demolition measurement of Fock states of mesoscopic mechanical oscillators

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    We investigate a scheme that makes a quantum non-demolition measurement of the excitation level of a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator by utilizing the anharmonic coupling between two elastic beam bending modes. The non-linear coupling between the two modes shifts the resonant frequency of the readout oscillator proportionate to the excitation of the system oscillator. This frequency shift may be detected as a phase shift of the readout oscillation when driven on resonance. We show that in an appropriate regime this measurement approaches a quantum non-demolition measurement of the phonon number of the system oscillator. As phonon energies in micromechanical oscillators become comparable to or greater than the thermal energy, the individual phonon dynamics within each mode can be resolved. As a result it should be possible to monitor jumps between Fock states caused by the coupling of the system to the thermal reservoirs.Comment: revised, 21 pages, 9 figure

    Continuum-type stability balloon in oscillated granular layers

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    The stability of convection rolls in a fluid heated from below is limited by secondary instabilities, including the skew-varicose and crossroll instabilities. We observe a stability boundary defined by the same instabilities in stripe patterns in a vertically oscillated granular layer. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the mechanism of the skew-varicose instability in granular patterns is similar to that in convection. These results suggest that pattern formation in granular media can be described by continuum models analogous to those used in fluid systems.Comment: 4 pages, 6 ps figs, submitted to PR

    Convective Fingering of an Autocatalytic Reaction Front

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    We report experimental observations of the convection-driven fingering instability of an iodate-arsenous acid chemical reaction front. The front propagated upward in a vertical slab; the thickness of the slab was varied to control the degree of instability. We observed the onset and subsequent nonlinear evolution of the fingers, which were made visible by a {\it p}H indicator. We measured the spacing of the fingers during their initial stages and compared this to the wavelength of the fastest growing linear mode predicted by the stability analysis of Huang {\it et. al.} [{\it Phys. Rev. E}, {\bf 48}, 4378 (1993), and unpublished]. We find agreement with the thickness dependence predicted by the theory.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex with 3 eps figures. To be published in Phys Rev E, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Spin-Peierls transition of the first order in S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains

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    We investigate a one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model coupled to a lattice distortion by a quantum Monte Carlo method. Investigating the ground state energy of the static bond-alternating chain, we find that the instability to a dimerized chain depends on the value of the spin-phonon coupling, unlike the case of S=1/2. The spin state is the dimer state or the uniform Haldane state depending on whether the lattice distorts or not, respectively. At an intermediate value of the spin-phonon coupling, we find the first-order transition between the two states. We also find the coexistence of the two states.Comment: 7 pages, 12 eps figures embedded in the text; corrected typos, replaced figure