69 research outputs found

    Zero-Shot Object Recognition Based on Haptic Attributes

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    International audienceRobots operating in household environments need to recognize a variety of objects. Several touch-based object recognition systems have been proposed in the last few years [2]– [5]. They map haptic data to object classes using machine learning techniques, and then use the learned mapping to recognize one of the previously encountered objects. The accuracy of these proposed methods depends on the mass of the the training samples available for each object class. On the other hand, haptic data collection is often system (robot) specific and labour intensive. One way to cope with this problem is to use a knowledge transfer based system, that can exploit object relationships to share learned models between objects. However, while knowledge-based systems, such as zero shot learning [6], have been regularly proposed for visual object recognition, a similar system is not available for haptic recognition. Here we developed [1] the first haptic zero-shot learning system that enables a robot to recognize, using haptic exploration alone, objects that it encounters for the first time. Our system first uses the so called Direct Attributes Prediction (DAP) model [7] to train on the semantic representation of objects based on a list of haptic attributes, rather than the object itself. The attributes (including physical properties such as shape, texture, material) constitute an intermediate layer relating objects, and is used for knowledge transfer. Using this layering, our system can predict the attribute-based representation of a new (previously non-trained) object and use it to infer its identity. A. System Overview An overview of our system is given in Fig. 1. Given distinct training and test data-sets Y and Z, that are described by an attribute basis a, we first associate a binary label a o m to each object o with o ∈ Y ∪ Z and m = 1. .. M. This results in a binary object-attribute matrix K. For a given attributes list during training, haptic data collected from Y are used to train a binary classifier for each attribute a m. Finally, to classify a test sample x as one of Z objects, x is introduced to each one of the learned attribute classifiers and the output attributes posteriors p(a m | x) are used to predict the corresponding object, provided that the ground truth is available in K. This extended abstract is a summary of submission [1] B. Experimental Setup To collect haptic data, we use the Shadow anthropo-morphic robotic hand equipped with a BioTac multimodal tactile sensor on each fingertip. We developed a force-based grasp controller that enables the hand to enclose an object. The joint encoder readings provides us with information on object shape, while the BioTac sensors provides us with information about objects material, texture and compliance at each fingertip 1. In order to find the appropriate list of attributes describing our object set (illustrated in Fig. 2), we used online dictionaries to collect one or multiple textual definitions of each object. From this data, we extracted 11 haptic adjectives, or descriptions that could be " felt " using our robot hand. These adjectives served as our attributes: made of porcelain, made of plastic, made of glass, made of cardboard, made of stainless steel, cylindrical, round, rectangular, concave, has a handle, has a narrow part. We grouped the attributes into material attributes, and shape attributes. During the training phase, we use the Shadow hand joint readings x sh to train an SVM classifier for each shape, and BioTacs readings x b to train an SVM classifier for each material attribute. SVM training returns a distance s m (x) measure for each sample x that gives how far x lies from the discriminant hyper-plane. We transform this score to an attribute posterior p(a m | x) using a sigmoid function

    Adaptive load control for IoT based on satellite communications

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    The Internet Of Things (IoT) market is growing more and more every year. Today, the number of IoT devices is estimated around 8 billion but forecasts announce 20 billion devices for 2020. Terrestrial or satellite communications systems are already deployed to answer the connectivity need. These systems rely on a Random Access CHannel (RACH) used either to send resource allocation requests or directly the useful message. Because of the number of IoT devices, the overload on the RACH is an emerging issue since it may cause a service outage. This is especially the case for IoT satellite systems because of the wide area covered by a single satellite. The Access Class Barring (ACB) is the load control mechanism used within the Narrow Band IoT. Unfortunately, no method was specified to compute the load control parameters. In this paper, in the context of a satellite IoT system, we propose a method to compute dynamically ACB based load control parameters. Thanks to our method, the load control mechanism reach excellent results regarding transmission reliability and energy consumption for various traffic scenarios

    Robotic manipulation planning for shaping deformable linear objects with environmental contacts

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    Humans use contacts in the environment to modify the shape of deformable objects. Yet, few papers have studied the use of contacts in robotic manipulation. In this paper, we investigate the problem of robotic manipulation of cables with environmental contacts. Instead of avoiding contacts, we propose a framework that allows the robot to use them for shaping the cable. We introduce an index to quantify the contact mobility of a cable with a circular contact. Based on this index, we present a planner to plan robot motions. The planner is aided by a vision-based contact detector. The framework is validated with robot experiments on different desired cable configurations

    Admittance control for collaborative dual-arm manipulation

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    Human-robot collaboration is an appealing solution to increase the flexibility of production lines. In this context, we propose a kinematic control strategy for dual-arm robotic platforms physically collaborating with human operators. Based on admittance control, our approach aims at improving the performance of object transportation tasks by acting on two levels: estimating and compensating gravity effects on one side, and considering human intention in the cooperative task space on the other. An experimental study using virtual reality reveals the effectiveness of our method in terms of reduced human energy expenditure

    Optimisation de réseaux mobiles hybrides satellite-terrestres

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    Le monde des communications par satellite est dominé par les systèmes de diffusion de la télévision. Cependant, des satellites de communication offrent aussi des services de téléphonie et de données. Ils sont regroupés dans les familles des systèmes fixes et mobiles et ciblent des marchés de niche. Dans cette thèse, nous avons la volonté d étendre les scénarios d utilisation de ces systèmes. Notre vision nous dicte que leur développement est lié à l utilisation de réseaux hybrides mobiles satellite-terrestre. En effet, une utilisation complémentaire des deux segments permet de s affranchir d une concurrence trop féroce des réseaux de télécommunications terrestres. Pour cela, nous optons pour deux applications qui nous paraissent prometteuses : un réseau mobile LTE (Long Term Evolution) avec des stations de base qui possèdent un backhaul satellite et un réseau MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) qui s interconnecte à des réseaux extérieurs grâce à des liaisons satellite. Nous soulevons l un des problèmes les plus contraignants du réseau mobile LTE avec des backhauls satellite : la gestion de la mobilité. L analyse du standard nous a conduits à conclure quant à la nécessité d optimiser les procédures du handover. Ceux qui nécessitent des modifications surviennent entre des stations de base qui n utilisent pas le même backhaul satellite et entre une station de base avec un backhaul satellite vers une avec un backhaul terrestre. Deux points nous ont semblé importants : la phase de préparation et le mécanisme qui permet d éviter les pertes. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle phase de préparation qui prend en compte le retard induit par la liaison satellite ainsi qu une phase de préparation à double décision combinée avec une préparation de multiples stations de base. Nous tentons ainsi de maximiser les chances de réaliser un handover avec succès. Puis, nous avons imaginé un mécanisme qui permet à la fois d éviter les pertes lors de l exécution du handover et de sauvegarder les précieuses ressources du satellite. Les réseaux MANET associés à des liaisons satellite offrent des caractéristiques très intéressantes pour les communications d urgence, telles que l indépendance vis-à-vis des infrastructures terrestres susceptibles d être endommagées par des catastrophes ainsi qu un déploiement rapide pour une intervention sur le théâtre des opérations. Nous avons souhaité améliorer l un des points cruciaux dans le cadre d une hybridation : la sélection de la passerelle satellite. Nous avons donc développé un mécanisme qui prend en compte la charge sur les passerelles satellite ainsi que le phénomène d oscillation de passerelle souvent négligé dans la littérature. Ces optimisations ont pour but de favoriser le développement de réseaux hybrides satellite terrestres en améliorant les performances de ces réseaux. L avenir nous semble prometteur quant à l utilisation de la technologie LTE avec un backhaul satellite pour lequel nous avons proposé une nouvelle gestion de la mobilité qui est primordiale pour son développement.Satellite communications are leaded by television broadcasting. Yet, fixed and mobile satellite systems provide voice services as well as IP-based applications. In this thesis, we try to develop user scenarios in order to extend their targeted market. Our vision to reach this objective consists to use hybrid satellite and terrestrial mobile networks. This network design avoids a competition between both segments in which a satellite success is difficult to imagine. Furthermore, hybrid networks may draw benefits from both segments. Two promising scenarios have been selected. The first one consists in a mobile LTE network (Long Term Evolution) with base stations backhauled by satellite links whereas the second scenario is composed of a Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) connected to external networks thanks to satellite systems. One of the main problems in the hybrid LTE scenario is caused by mobility procedures. As a consequence of the standard analysis, we have decided to optimize the mobility management in two cases: a handover between two base stations for which the backhaul is provided by two different satellite terminals and a handover from a base station with a satellite backhaul to one with a terrestrial backhaul. Two procedures have drawn our attention: the preparation phase and the loss avoidance mechanism during the execution phase. First of all, we design a new procedure for the preparation which takes into account the delay induced by the satellite link. This new phase is based on a twofold decision preparation associated with multiple preparations. This solution leads to an increase of handover success. The second optimization aims to avoid losses during the execution phase and, at the same time, save satellite resources. MANET and satellite hybridization leads to very interesting characteristics for public safety communications. Indeed, these networks are independent of terrestrial infrastructures that can be impaired or destroyed. Furthermore, they can be rapidly deployed in the theater of operation. Gateway selection is a crucial problem linked to hybrid MANET. Therefore, we have focused our work on this mechanism taking into account the measured load on the satellite links as well as an oftenneglected phenomenon, the gateway flapping. These optimizations tend to promote hybrid satellite and terrestrial networks improving their performance. A promising future is foreseen for the hybrid LTE technology and we have proposed a solution to a problem that may be very detrimental to its deployment.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Publier le métier, quelles perspectives ?

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    L\u27enjeu de cette journée est de réfléchir aux mutations actuelles de la production et de la diffusion de ressources à destination des communautés professionnelles des bibliothèques : - Édition de manuels et ressources en ligne - Recherches et réflexions professionnelles, ouvertes à de nouveaux métiers - Éditions homothétiques ou "pure player" - Modes de production spécifiques : ressources continues, blogs, carnets de recherche, tutoriels et manuels en ligne, etc. Crise du modèle actuel ? Évolution des besoins, des pratiques de lecture, des pratiques d’écriture ? … Sans doute un peu tout à la fois. Alors, comment penser l\u27avenir d\u27une littérature professionnelle utile

    Replication of Sculptures: From Virtual to Real World

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    International audienceThe paper presents an application for manually making replications of sculptures in a real material from a virtual representation of an original work. The application contributes to closely link the virtual and the real world. The technical solution uses virtual reality techniques for the guidance of gesture and constitutes an efficient alternative to current techniques used in art domain. The paper is focused on the presentation of the main capabilities of the system (hardware and functional description, techniques for computer aided gesture)

    Détection de Collisions pour la Robotique

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