484 research outputs found

    Hash-based core genome multi-locus sequencing typing for Clostridium difficile

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    A new approach is presented for the analysis of structures with time-dependent loading based on mathematical programming in the function space L2. The solution occurred in the vector space. In this paper the computational model of the structures with damping is detailed by the use of internal variables. The energy dissipation is taken into account. A comparison between the conventional and this new model can be read

    Optimizing DNA Extraction Methods for Nanopore Sequencing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Directly from Urine Samples

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    Empirical gonorrhea treatment at initial diagnosis reduces onward transmission. However, increasing resistance to multiple antibiotics may necessitate waiting for culture-based diagnostics to select an effective treatment. There is a need for same-day culture-free diagnostics that identify infection and detect antimicrobial resistance. We investigated if Nanopore sequencing can detect sufficient Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA to reconstruct whole genomes directly from urine samples. We used N. gonorrhoeae-spiked urine samples and samples from gonorrhea infections to determine optimal DNA extraction methods that maximize the amount of N. gonorrhoeae DNA sequenced while minimizing contaminating host DNA. In simulated infections, the Qiagen UCP pathogen mini kit provided the highest ratio of N. gonorrhoeae to human DNA and the most consistent results. Depletion of human DNA with saponin increased N. gonorrhoeae yields in simulated infections but decreased yields in clinical samples. In 10 urine samples from men with symptomatic urethral gonorrhea, ≥92.8% coverage of an N. gonorrhoeae reference genome was achieved in all samples, with ≥93.8% coverage breath at ≥10-fold depth in 7 (70%) samples. In simulated infections, if ≥104 CFU/ml of N. gonorrhoeae was present, sequencing of the large majority of the genome was frequently achieved. N. gonorrhoeae could also be detected from urine in cobas PCR medium tubes and from urethral swabs and in the presence of simulated Chlamydia coinfection. Using Nanopore sequencing of urine samples from men with urethral gonorrhea, sufficient data can be obtained to reconstruct whole genomes in the majority of samples without the need for culture

    A Bayesian mixture modelling approach for spatial proteomics.

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    Analysis of the spatial sub-cellular distribution of proteins is of vital importance to fully understand context specific protein function. Some proteins can be found with a single location within a cell, but up to half of proteins may reside in multiple locations, can dynamically re-localise, or reside within an unknown functional compartment. These considerations lead to uncertainty in associating a protein to a single location. Currently, mass spectrometry (MS) based spatial proteomics relies on supervised machine learning algorithms to assign proteins to sub-cellular locations based on common gradient profiles. However, such methods fail to quantify uncertainty associated with sub-cellular class assignment. Here we reformulate the framework on which we perform statistical analysis. We propose a Bayesian generative classifier based on Gaussian mixture models to assign proteins probabilistically to sub-cellular niches, thus proteins have a probability distribution over sub-cellular locations, with Bayesian computation performed using the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm, as well as Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC). Our methodology allows proteome-wide uncertainty quantification, thus adding a further layer to the analysis of spatial proteomics. Our framework is flexible, allowing many different systems to be analysed and reveals new modelling opportunities for spatial proteomics. We find our methods perform competitively with current state-of-the art machine learning methods, whilst simultaneously providing more information. We highlight several examples where classification based on the support vector machine is unable to make any conclusions, while uncertainty quantification using our approach provides biologically intriguing results. To our knowledge this is the first Bayesian model of MS-based spatial proteomics data.LG was supported by the BBSRC Strategic Longer and Larger grant (Award BB/L002817/1) and the Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 110170/Z/15/Z awarded to KSL. PDWK was supported by the MRC (project reference MC_UP_0801/1). CMM was supported by a Wellcome Trust Technology Development Grant (Grant number 108467/Z/15/Z). OMC is a Wellcome Trust Mathematical Genomics and Medicine student supported financially by the School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Fast approximate inference for variable selection in Dirichlet process mixtures, with an application to pan-cancer proteomics.

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    The Dirichlet Process (DP) mixture model has become a popular choice for model-based clustering, largely because it allows the number of clusters to be inferred. The sequential updating and greedy search (SUGS) algorithm (Wang & Dunson, 2011) was proposed as a fast method for performing approximate Bayesian inference in DP mixture models, by posing clustering as a Bayesian model selection (BMS) problem and avoiding the use of computationally costly Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Here we consider how this approach may be extended to permit variable selection for clustering, and also demonstrate the benefits of Bayesian model averaging (BMA) in place of BMS. Through an array of simulation examples and well-studied examples from cancer transcriptomics, we show that our method performs competitively with the current state-of-the-art, while also offering computational benefits. We apply our approach to reverse-phase protein array (RPPA) data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) in order to perform a pan-cancer proteomic characterisation of 5157 tumour samples. We have implemented our approach, together with the original SUGS algorithm, in an open-source R package named sugsvarsel, which accelerates analysis by performing intensive computations in C++ and provides automated parallel processing. The R package is freely available from: https://github.com/ococrook/sugsvarsel.Medical Research Council, Funder Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000265, Wellcome Trust Mathematical Genomics and Medicine student supported financially by the School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge. Grant Number: MC_UU_00002/10, MC_UU_00002/13

    Occurrence and characterization of Escherichia coli ST410 co-harbouring blaNDM-5, blaCMY-42 and blaTEM-190 in a dog from the UK.

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    Background/Objectives:Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) are a public health threat, and have been found in humans, animals and the environment. Carbapenems are not authorized for use in EU or UK companion animals, and the prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (CRGNB) in this population is unknown. Methods:We investigated CRGNB isolated from animal specimens received by one diagnostic laboratory from 34 UK veterinary practices (September 2015-December 2016). Any Gram-negative isolates from clinical specimens showing reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones and/or aminoglycosides and/or cephalosporins were investigated phenotypically and genotypically for carbapenemases. A complete genome assembly (Illumina/Nanopore) was generated for the single isolate identified to investigate the genetic context for carbapenem resistance. Results:One ST410 Escherichia coli isolate [(CARB35); 1/191, 0.5%], cultured from a wound in a springer spaniel, harboured a known carbapenem resistance gene (blaNDM-5). The gene was located in the chromosome on an integrated 100 kb IncF plasmid, also harbouring other drug resistance genes (mrx, sul1, ant1 and dfrA). The isolate also contained blaCMY-42 and blaTEM-190 on two separate plasmids (IncI1 and IncFII, respectively) that showed homology with other publicly available plasmid sequences from Italy and Myanmar. Conclusions:Even though the use of carbapenems in companion animals is restricted, the concurrent presence of blaCMY-42 and other antimicrobial resistance genes could lead to co-selection of carbapenemase genes in this population. Further studies investigating the selection and flow of plasmids carrying important resistance genes amongst humans and companion animals are needed

    Detection of mixed infection from bacterial whole genome sequence data allows assessment of its role in Clostridium difficile transmission

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    Bacterial whole genome sequencing offers the prospect of rapid and high precision investigation of infectious disease outbreaks. Close genetic relationships between microorganisms isolated from different infected cases suggest transmission is a strong possibility, whereas transmission between cases with genetically distinct bacterial isolates can be excluded. However, undetected mixed infections-infection with ≥2 unrelated strains of the same species where only one is sequenced-potentially impairs exclusion of transmission with certainty, and may therefore limit the utility of this technique. We investigated the problem by developing a computationally efficient method for detecting mixed infection without the need for resource-intensive independent sequencing of multiple bacterial colonies. Given the relatively low density of single nucleotide polymorphisms within bacterial sequence data, direct reconstruction of mixed infection haplotypes from current short-read sequence data is not consistently possible. We therefore use a two-step maximum likelihood-based approach, assuming each sample contains up to two infecting strains. We jointly estimate the proportion of the infection arising from the dominant and minor strains, and the sequence divergence between these strains. In cases where mixed infection is confirmed, the dominant and minor haplotypes are then matched to a database of previously sequenced local isolates. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm with in silico and in vitro mixed infection experiments, and apply it to transmission of an important healthcare-associated pathogen, Clostridium difficile. Using hospital ward movement data in a previously described stochastic transmission model, 15 pairs of cases enriched for likely transmission events associated with mixed infection were selected. Our method identified four previously undetected mixed infections, and a previously undetected transmission event, but no direct transmission between the pairs of cases under investigation. These results demonstrate that mixed infections can be detected without additional sequencing effort, and this will be important in assessing the extent of cryptic transmission in our hospitals

    Clostridium difficile in England: can we stop washing our hands? – Authors' reply

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    In their letter, Esther van Kleef and colleagues describe a mathematical model showing that hospital infection control interventions can preferentially reduce hospital-adapted strains over community-adapted strains within and outside hospitals, questioning our conclusion that restrictions in fluoroquinolone use were responsible for most of the decline in Clostridium difficile infection.1 “All models are wrong, but some are useful” (George E P Box). The key is not whether a model can reproduce findings from an empirical study, but whether the assumptions underpinning it are sufficiently plausible. Unfortunately, several features are implausible in van Kleef and colleagues' model, which seems more appropriate for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

    Plasmid classification in an era of whole-genome sequencing: application in studies of antibiotic resistance epidemiology

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    Plasmids are extra-chromosomal genetic elements ubiquitous in bacteria, and commonly transmissible between host cells. Their genomes include variable repertoires of ‘accessory genes,’ such as antibiotic resistance genes, as well as ‘backbone’ loci which are largely conserved within plasmid families, and often involved in key plasmid-specific functions (e.g., replication, stable inheritance, mobility). Classifying plasmids into different types according to their phylogenetic relatedness provides insight into the epidemiology of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance. Current typing schemes exploit backbone loci associated with replication (replicon typing), or plasmid mobility (MOB typing). Conventional PCR-based methods for plasmid typing remain widely used. With the emergence of whole-genome sequencing (WGS), large datasets can be analyzed using in silico plasmid typing methods. However, short reads from popular high-throughput sequencers can be challenging to assemble, so complete plasmid sequences may not be accurately reconstructed. Therefore, localizing resistance genes to specific plasmids may be difficult, limiting epidemiological insight. Long-read sequencing will become increasingly popular as costs decline, especially when resolving accurate plasmid structures is the primary goal. This review discusses the application of plasmid classification in WGS-based studies of antibiotic resistance epidemiology; novel in silico plasmid analysis tools are highlighted. Due to the diverse and plastic nature of plasmid genomes, current typing schemes do not classify all plasmids, and identifying conserved, phylogenetically concordant genes for subtyping and phylogenetics is challenging. Analyzing plasmids as nodes in a network that represents gene-sharing relationships between plasmids provides a complementary way to assess plasmid diversity, and allows inferences about horizontal gene transfer to be made

    Symptoms and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Positivity in the General Population in the United Kingdom

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    BACKGROUND: “Classic” symptoms (cough, fever, loss of taste/smell) prompt severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing in the United Kingdom. Studies have assessed the ability of different symptoms to identify infection, but few have compared symptoms over time (reflecting variants) and by vaccination status. METHODS: Using the COVID-19 Infection Survey, sampling households across the United Kingdom, we compared symptoms in PCR-positives vs PCR-negatives, evaluating sensitivity of combinations of 12 symptoms (percentage symptomatic PCR-positives reporting specific symptoms) and tests per case (TPC) (PCR-positives or PCR-negatives reporting specific symptoms/ PCR-positives reporting specific symptoms). RESULTS: Between April 2020 and August 2021, 27 869 SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive episodes occurred in 27 692 participants (median 42 years), of whom 13 427 (48%) self-reported symptoms (“symptomatic PCR-positives”). The comparator comprised 3 806 692 test-negative visits (457 215 participants); 130 612 (3%) self-reported symptoms (“symptomatic PCR-negatives”). Symptom reporting in PCR-positives varied by age, sex, and ethnicity, and over time, reflecting changes in prevalence of viral variants, incidental changes (eg, seasonal pathogens (with sore throat increasing in PCR-positives and PCR-negatives from April 2021), schools reopening) and vaccination rollout. After May 2021 when Delta emerged, headache and fever substantially increased in PCR-positives, but not PCR-negatives. Sensitivity of symptom-based detection increased from 74% using “classic” symptoms, to 81% adding fatigue/weakness, and 90% including all 8 additional symptoms. However, this increased TPC from 4.6 to 5.3 to 8.7. CONCLUSIONS: Expanded symptom combinations may provide modest benefits for sensitivity of PCR-based case detection, but this will vary between settings and over time, and increases tests/case. Large-scale changes to targeted PCR-testing approaches require careful evaluation given substantial resource and infrastructure implications