1,656 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eJhe in Gryllus assimilis\u3c/i\u3e: Cloning, sequence-activity associations and phylogeny

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    The 458 amino acid sequence of a mature JHE protein from the cricket Gryllus assimilis was identified after isolating the partial cDNA sequence encoding this protein from a fat body and midgut cDNA library. This hemimetabolan JHE sequence shows over 40% amino acid similarity to the known JHE sequences of several holometabolous insects. It also includes previously determined peptide sequences for G. assimilis JHE as well as two other motifs associated with JHE enzymes in holometabolous insects. The predicted molecular weight of the protein agrees with that of the JHE previously purified from G. assimilis. Partial genomic sequence encoding the Jhe contains two large (1330 and 2918 bp) introns. No coding DNA sequence variation was observed over a 1293 bp region between selected lines differing six to eight-fold in hemolymph JHE activity. However, a 19 bp indel was found in one of the introns; the insertion was strongly associated with elevated hemolymph activity, both in the selected lines and in the F2 progeny of crosses between them. Phylogenetic analyses localised the G. assimilis JHE to a clade containing dipteran and coleopteran JHEs, with lepidopteran JHEs occurring in a separate clade

    Longitudinal links between childhood peer acceptance and the neural correlates of sharing

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    Childhood peer acceptance is associated with high levels of prosocial behavior and advanced perspective taking skills. Yet, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these associations have not been studied. This functional magnetic resonance imaging study examined the neural correlates of sharing decisions in a group of adolescents who had a stable accepted status (n = 27) and a group who had a chronic rejected status (n = 19) across six elementary school grades. Both groups of adolescents played three allocation games in which they could share money with strangers with varying costs and profits to them and the other person. Stably accepted adolescents were more likely to share their money with unknown others than chronically rejected adolescents when sharing was not costly. Neuroimaging analyses showed that stably accepted adolescents, compared to chronically rejected adolescents, exhibited higher levels of activation in the temporo-parietal junction, posterior superior temporal sulcus, temporal pole, pre-supplementary motor area, and anterior insula during costly sharing decisions. These findings demonstrate that stable peer acceptance across childhood is associated with heightened activity in brain regions previously linked to perspective taking and the detection of social norm violations during adolescence, and thereby provide insight into processes underlying the widely established links between peer acceptance and prosocial behavior

    \u3ci\u3eJhe in Gryllus assimilis\u3c/i\u3e: Cloning, sequence-activity associations and phylogeny

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    The 458 amino acid sequence of a mature JHE protein from the cricket Gryllus assimilis was identified after isolating the partial cDNA sequence encoding this protein from a fat body and midgut cDNA library. This hemimetabolan JHE sequence shows over 40% amino acid similarity to the known JHE sequences of several holometabolous insects. It also includes previously determined peptide sequences for G. assimilis JHE as well as two other motifs associated with JHE enzymes in holometabolous insects. The predicted molecular weight of the protein agrees with that of the JHE previously purified from G. assimilis. Partial genomic sequence encoding the Jhe contains two large (1330 and 2918 bp) introns. No coding DNA sequence variation was observed over a 1293 bp region between selected lines differing six to eight-fold in hemolymph JHE activity. However, a 19 bp indel was found in one of the introns; the insertion was strongly associated with elevated hemolymph activity, both in the selected lines and in the F2 progeny of crosses between them. Phylogenetic analyses localised the G. assimilis JHE to a clade containing dipteran and coleopteran JHEs, with lepidopteran JHEs occurring in a separate clade

    Education in the working-class home: modes of learning as revealed by nineteenth-century criminal records

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    The transmission of knowledge and skills within the working-class household greatly troubled social commentators and social policy experts during the first half of the nineteenth century. To prove theories which related criminality to failures in working-class up-bringing, experts and officials embarked upon an ambitious collection of data on incarcerated criminals at various penal institutions. One such institution was the County Gaol at Ipswich. The exceptionally detailed information that survives on families, literacy, education and apprenticeships of the men, women and children imprisoned there has the potential to transform our understanding of the nature of home schooling (broadly interpreted) amongst the working classes in nineteenth-century England. This article uses data sets from prison registers to chart both the incidence and ‘success’ of instruction in reading and writing within the domestic environment. In the process, it highlights the importance of schooling in working-class families, but also the potentially growing significance of the family in occupational training

    Ictal propagation of high frequency activity is recapitulated in interictal recordings: effective connectivity of epileptogenic networks recorded with intracranial EEG

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    Seizures are increasingly understood to arise from epileptogenic networks across which ictal activity is propagated and sustained. In patients undergoing invasive monitoring for epilepsy surgery, high frequency oscillations have been observed within the seizure onset zone during both ictal and interictal intervals. We hypothesized that the patterns by which high frequency activity is propagated would help elucidate epileptogenic networks and thereby identify network nodes relevant for surgical planning. Intracranial EEG recordings were analyzed with a multivariate autoregressive modeling technique (short-time direct directed transfer function--SdDTF), based on the concept of Granger causality, to estimate the directionality and intensity of propagation of high frequency activity (70-175 Hz) during ictal and interictal recordings. These analyses revealed prominent divergence and convergence of high frequency activity propagation at sites identified by epileptologists as part of the ictal onset zone. In contrast, relatively little propagation of this activity was observed among the other analyzed sites. This pattern was observed in both subdural and depth electrode recordings of patients with focal ictal onset, but not in patients with a widely distributed ictal onset. In patients with focal ictal onsets, the patterns of propagation recorded during pre-ictal (up to 5 min immediately preceding ictal onset) and interictal (more than 24h before and after seizures) intervals were very similar to those recorded during seizures. The ability to characterize epileptogenic networks from interictal recordings could have important clinical implications for epilepsy surgery planning by reducing the need for prolonged invasive monitoring to record spontaneous seizures

    Tracking momentary experience in the evaluation of arts-on-prescription services: Using mood changes during art workshops to predict global wellbeing change

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    Aims: To measure the immediate impact of participating in arts-on-prescription workshops on multiple dimensions of mood and to evaluate whether improvement in mood is a mechanism for change, predicting improvements in global wellbeing before and after participation in arts-on-prescription programmes. Methods: The evaluation drew upon the experience sampling method, asking participants to complete a six-item mood questionnaire at the beginning and end of each workshop in a 12-week-long arts-on-prescription programme. Participants also completed a measure of global wellbeing at the beginning and end of the programme. Results: Multilevel modelling was used to test hypotheses since the data were hierarchical (with 1491 mood reports nested within 66 participants). There was a significant improvement in global wellbeing across participation in the arts-on-prescription programme. After each art workshop there was a significant increase on all dimensions of mood: hedonic tone (contentment); tense arousal (calmness); and energetic arousal (alertness). There was also a significant improvement in these dimensions of mood, over time, upon arrival at the art workshops each week. Furthermore, reduction in tense arousal after art workshops significantly predicted changes in global wellbeing. Conclusion: The findings suggest that a reduction in tense arousal (feeling less nervous, anxious and stressed) is a crucial component of arts-on-prescription services and make a direct link between experiences during art workshops and changes in global wellbeing for the first time. This strengthens the evidence base for arts-on-prescription and suggests that tracking experience across interventions is a useful evaluation tool, with much potential

    The ATLAS Readout System for LHC Runs 2 and 3

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    The ReadOut System (ROS) is a central part of the data acquisition (DAQ) system of the ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The system is responsible for receiving and buffering event data from all detector subsystems and serving these to the High Level Trigger (HLT) system via a 10 GbE network, discarding or transporting data onward once the trigger has completed its selection process. The ATLAS ROS was completely replaced during the 2013-2014 experimental shutdown in order to meet the demanding conditions expected during LHC Run 2 and Run 3 (2015-2025). The ROS consists of roughly one hundred Linux-based 2U-high rack-mounted servers equipped with PCIe I/O cards and 10 GbE interfaces. This paper documents the system requirements for LHC Runs 2 and 3 and the design choices taken to meet them. The results of performance measurements and the re-use of ROS technology for the development of data sources, test platforms for other systems, and another ATLAS DAQ system component, namely the Region of Interest Builder (RoIB), are also discussed. Finally performance results for Run 2 operations are presented before looking at the upgrade for Run 3.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, journal pape