681 research outputs found

    Outcomes following oesophagectomy in patients with oesophageal cancer: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database

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    Introduction: This report describes the case mix and outcomes of patients with oesophageal cancer admitted to adult critical care units following elective oesophageal surgery in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Methods: Admissions to critical care following elective oesophageal surgery for malignancy were identified using data from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) Case Mix Programme Database. Information on admissions between December 1995 and September 2007 were extracted and the association between in-hospital mortality and patient characteristics on admission to critical care was assessed using multiple logistic regression analysis. The performance of three prognostic models (Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II and the ICNARC physiology score) was also evaluated. Results: Between 1995 and 2007, there were 7227 admissions to 181 critical care units following oesophageal surgery for malignancy. Overall mortality in critical care was 4.4% and in-hospital mortality was 11%, although both declined steadily over time. Eight hundred and seventy-three (12.2%) patients were readmitted to critical care, most commonly for respiratory complications (49%) and surgical complications (25%). Readmitted patients had a critical care unit mortality of 24.7% and in-hospital mortality of 33.9%. Overall in-hospital mortality was associated with patient age, and various physiological measurements on admission to critical care (partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2):fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio, lowest arterial pH, mechanical ventilation, serum albumin, urea and creatinine). The three prognostic models evaluated performed poorly in measures of discrimination, calibration and goodness of fit. Conclusions: Surgery for oesophageal malignancy continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Age and organ dysfunction in the early postoperative period are associated with an increased risk of death. Postoperative serum albumin is confirmed as an additional prognostic factor. More work is required to determine how this knowledge may improve clinical management

    Elastic energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles

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    In recent experiments [M. Dubois, B. Dem\'e, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J.-C. Dedieu, C. Vautrin, S. D\'esert, E. Perez, and T. Zemb, Nature (London) Vol. 411, 672 (2001)] the spontaneous formation of hollow bilayer vesicles with polyhedral symmetry has been observed. On the basis of the experimental phenomenology it was suggested [M. Dubois, V. Lizunov, A. Meister, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J. M. Verbavatz, E. Perez, J. Zimmerberg, and T. Zemb, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Vol. 101, 15082 (2004)] that the mechanism for the formation of bilayer polyhedra is minimization of elastic bending energy. Motivated by these experiments, we study the elastic bending energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles. In agreement with experiments, and provided that excess amphiphiles exhibiting spontaneous curvature are present in sufficient quantity, we find that polyhedral bilayer vesicles can indeed be energetically favorable compared to spherical bilayer vesicles. Consistent with experimental observations we also find that the bending energy associated with the vertices of bilayer polyhedra can be locally reduced through the formation of pores. However, the stabilization of polyhedral bilayer vesicles over spherical bilayer vesicles relies crucially on molecular segregation of excess amphiphiles along the ridges rather than the vertices of bilayer polyhedra. Furthermore, our analysis implies that, contrary to what has been suggested on the basis of experiments, the icosahedron does not minimize elastic bending energy among arbitrary polyhedral shapes and sizes. Instead, we find that, for large polyhedron sizes, the snub dodecahedron and the snub cube both have lower total bending energies than the icosahedron

    Offenders' Crime Narratives across Different Types of Crimes

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    The current study explores the roles offenders see themselves playing during an offence and their relationship to different crime types. One hundred and twenty incarcerated offenders indicated the narrative roles they acted out whilst committing a specific crime they remembered well. The data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) and four themes were identified: Hero, Professional, Revenger and Victim in line with the recent theoretical framework posited for Narrative Offence Roles (Youngs & Canter, 2012). Further analysis showed that different subsets of crimes were more like to be associated with different narrative offence roles. Hero and Professional were found to be associated with property offences (theft, burglary and shoplifting), drug offences and robbery and Revenger and Victim were found to be associated with violence, sexual offences and murder. The theoretical implications for understanding crime on the basis of offenders' narrative roles as well as practical implications are discussed

    Bonding in Functionalized Aziridines: Nitrogen-15 and Carbon-13 Studies

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    Two isomeric pairs of cis- and trans-1-cyclohexyl-2-phenyl-3-benzoylaziridines have been synthesized: (1) with a nitrogen-15 labelled nitrogen, and (2) with carbon-13 labelled ring carbons. The carbon-13 to X (where X=nitrogen-15, carbon-13 or hydrogen-I) spin-spin coupling constants were measured and interpreted in terms of stereoelectronic effects. X-ray crystallographic data (earlier determined for cisand trans-1-cyclohexyl-2-phenyl-3-(p-toluyl)aziridines)1 appear in good agreement with the NMR data. Bonding is discussed for the three-ring itself (NMR studies) and for its substituents (X-ray studies). It is concluded that stereochemical interaction of the Van der Waals type is an important determinant of aziridine bond length. Three-ring to carbonyl hyperconjugation is correlated with stereoelectronic interactions in the trans isomer

    Fullerene‐like structures of Cretaceous crinoids reveal topologically limited skeletal possibilities

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    There are few cases where numbers or types of possible phenotypes are known, although vast state spaces have been postulated. Rarely applied in this context, graph theory and topology enable enumeration of possible phenotypes and evolutionary transitions. Here, we generate polyhedral calyx graphs for the Late Cretaceous, stemless crinoids Marsupites testudinarius and Uintacrinus socialis (Uintacrinoidea Zittel) revealing structural similarities to carbon fullerene and fulleroid molecules (respectively). The U. socialis calyx incorporates numerous plates (e.g. graph vertices |V| ≥ 197), which are small, light, low‐density and have four to eight sides. Therefore, the corresponding number of possible plate arrangements (number of polyhedral graphs) is large (≫1 × 1014). Graph vertices representing plates with sides >6 introduce negative Gaussian curvature (surface saddle points) and topological instability, increasing buckling risk. However, observed numbers of vertices for Uintacrinus do not allow more stable pentaradial configurations. In contrast, the Marsupites calyx dual graph has 17 faces that are pentagonal or hexagonal. Therefore, it is structurally identical to a carbon fullerene, specifically C30‐D5h. Corresponding graph restrictions result in constraint to only three structural options (fullerene structures C30‐C2v 1, C30‐C2v 2 and C30‐D5h). Further restriction to pentaradial symmetry allows only one possibility: the Marsupites phenotype. This robust, stable topology is consistent with adaptation to predation pressures of the Mesozoic marine revolution. Consequently, the most plausible evolutionary pathway between unitacrinoid phenotypes was a mixed heterochronic trade‐off to fewer, larger calyx plates. Therefore, topological limitations radically constrained uintacrinoid skeletal possibilities but thereby aided evolution of a novel adaptive phenotype