847 research outputs found

    Using real-time simulation to assess the impact of a high penetration of LV connected microgeneration on the wider system performance during severe low frequency

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    In addition to other measures such as energy saving, the adoption of a large amount of microgeneration driven by renewable and low carbon energy resources is expected to have the potential to reduce losses associated with producing and delivering electricity, combat climate change and fuel poverty, and improve the overall system performance. However, incorporating a substantial volume of microgeneration within a system that is not designed for such a paradigm could lead to conflicts in the operating strategies of the new and existing centralized generation technologies. This paper investigates the impact of tripping substantial volumes of LV connected microgeneration on the dynamic performance of a large system during significant low frequency events. An initial dynamic model of the UK system based on a number of coherent areas as identified in the UK Transmission Seven Year Statement (SYS) has been developed within a real time digital simulator (RTDS) and this paper presents the early study results

    Requirements to Testing of Power System Services Provided by DER Units

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    The present report forms the Project Deliverable ‘D 2.2’ of the DERlab NoE project, supported by the EC under Contract No. SES6-CT-518299 NoE DERlab. The present document discuss the power system services that may be provided from DER units and the related methods to test the services actually provided, both at component level and at system level

    Methodology for testing loss of mains detection algorithms for microgrids and distributed generation using real-time power hardware–in-the-loop based technique

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    The effective integration of distributed energy resources in distribution networks demands powerful simulation and test methods in order to determine both system and component behaviour, and understand their interaction. Unexpected disconnection of a significant volume of distributed generation (DG) could have potentially serious consequences for the entire system [1], this means DG sources can no longer be treated as purely negative load. This paper proposes a method of testing loss-of-mains (LOM) detection and protection schemes for distributed energy resources (DER) using real-time power hardware-in-the-loop (RT PHIL). The approach involves connecting the generator and interface under test (e.g. motor-generator set or inverter, controlled by an RTS – Real Time Station[3]) to a real-time simulator (an RTDS – Real Time Digital Simulator[2]) which simulates the local loads and upstream power system. This arrangement allows observation of the interaction with other controls in the network beyond the local microgrid area. These LOM schemes are of increasing importance because with growing penetration levels of distributed generation the network operator has less visibility and control of the connected generation. Furthermore when the generation and load in a particular network area are closely matched (e.g. a grid-connected microgrid), it becomes increasingly difficult to detect a loss of grid supply at the generator. This work builds upon the existing LOM testing methodology proposed in [4]. By utilising RT PHIL and a laboratory microgrid, the testing environment has been brought to a new level of functionality where system integrity can be more rigorously and realistically evaluated

    ¡Puro gringo! Perfiles de la inmigración italiana en las colonias Santafesinas

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    La radicación de italianos en las llanuras del interior argentino tuvo perfiles particulares, en especial en la pampa santafesina, gracias al impacto de las políticas provinciales en la distribución de la tierra. Política que permitió la fundación de ¿colonias¿, el trazado de una impresionante red de vías férreas y de caminos que hicieron cambiar sustancialmente los modos y fluencias en las comunicaciones y regulaciones económicas, culturales y sociales de la región y del país. El factor extranjero hace que se sancione el nombre ¿Pampa Gringa¿ (en sustancia ¿habitada por extranjeros¿) a la zona (la que también comprende al este de Córdoba). Y por extensión, dada su masividad numérica, ¿gringo¿ al italiano. Apelativo que hoy día define orgullosamente la identidad de sus habitantes, descendientes en un 70% de aquel aluvión itálico. El trabajo propone un breve recorrido histórico, un análisis de los alcances del término y su emergencia en la literatura argentina y local.The establishment of Italians in the inland plains of Argentina had particular backgrounds, especially in the Pampa Santafesina, thanks to the impact of provincial policies in the distribution of the land. This policy allowed the foundation of 'colonies', the layout of impressive railway networks and roads that made substantial changes in the ways and flows of communications, and economic, cultural and social regulations of the region and the country. The foreign factor makes the name 'Pampa Gringa' approved (in essence, 'inhabited by foreigners') to the area (also comprising the East of Córdoba). By extension, and given the great number of inhabitants, 'gringo' to the Italian. This name nowadays defines, proudly, the identity of their inhabitants, who are 70% descendants of that Italian deluge. This article proposes a brief historical approach, an analysis of the scope of the term and its emergence in the local and Argentinian literature

    Optimizing the roles of unit and non-unit protection methods within DC microgrids

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    The characteristic behavior of physically compact, multiterminal dc networks under electrical fault conditions can produce demanding protection requirements. This represents a significant barrier to more widespread adoption of dc power distribution for microgrid applications. Protection schemes have been proposed within literature for such networks based around the use of non-unit protection methods. This paper shows however that there are severe limitations to the effectiveness of such schemes when employed for more complex microgrid network architectures. Even current differential schemes, which offer a more effective, though costly, protection solution, must be carefully designed to meet the design requirements resulting from the unique fault characteristics of dc microgrids. This paper presents a detailed analysis of dc microgrid behavior under fault conditions, illustrating the challenging protection requirements and demonstrating the shortcomings of non-unit approaches for these applications. Whilst the performance requirements for the effective operation of differential schemes in dc microgrids are shown to be stringent, the authors show how these may be met using COTS technologies. The culmination of this work is the proposal of a flexible protection scheme design framework for dc microgrid applications which enables the required levels of fault discrimination to be achieved whilst minimizing the associated installation costs

    Traducción literaria en Argentina. Tradición, matrices culturales y tra-dicciones en perspectiva comparada

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    El advenimiento de la aldea global y los procesos acaecidos durante la segunda mitad del S.XX han provocado un auge notable de estudios y una redefinición de función que cumple la traducción como práctica social e indicador de tradiciones de lecturas y como el paradigma de toda práctica de intermediación lingüística, semiótica y cultural. Re-visión sobre todo de: 1) el papel del traductor en las operaciones de escritura y re-escritura en el entramado cultural; 2) la compleja relación que se establece entre textos y versiones, 3) la incidencia de la traducción en la conformación o redefinición de una tradición o sistema literario y 4) el papel que juegan los marcos culturales de partida y de llegada en la determinación de su validación. Desde los parámetros de los estudios comparados es interesante analizar estas operaciones por el modo en que, aún la traducción intralingüística, permite hacer visibles fenómenos de interferencia y de intraducibilidad que pueden sólo ser explicados en función del contexto y de las matrices culturales que dan marco de referencia. Proponemos entonces, desde el juego homofónico de "traducción, tradición y tra-dicción", analizar algunos casos paradigmáticos que ponen de relieve la incidencia de las matrices culturales europeas en la conformación idiosincrática argentina y los efectos diversos de lectura que este fenómeno inter-fiere

    Literatura italiana y argentina en contacto en Borges, Puig y Pedroni.

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    International White Book on DER Protection : Review and Testing Procedures

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    This white book provides an insight into the issues surrounding the impact of increasing levels of DER on the generator and network protection and the resulting necessary improvements in protection testing practices. Particular focus is placed on ever increasing inverter-interfaced DER installations and the challenges of utility network integration. This white book should also serve as a starting point for specifying DER protection testing requirements and procedures. A comprehensive review of international DER protection practices, standards and recommendations is presented. This is accompanied by the identifi cation of the main performance challenges related to these protection schemes under varied network operational conditions and the nature of DER generator and interface technologies. Emphasis is placed on the importance of dynamic testing that can only be delivered through laboratory-based platforms such as real-time simulators, integrated substation automation infrastructure and fl exible, inverter-equipped testing microgrids. To this end, the combination of fl exible network operation and new DER technologies underlines the importance of utilising the laboratory testing facilities available within the DERlab Network of Excellence. This not only informs the shaping of new protection testing and network integration practices by end users but also enables the process of de-risking new DER protection technologies. In order to support the issues discussed in the white paper, a comparative case study between UK and German DER protection and scheme testing practices is presented. This also highlights the level of complexity associated with standardisation and approval mechanisms adopted by different countries