15 research outputs found

    When multidisciplinary surgical trans-orbital approaches should be considered to reach the skull base

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    SUMMARY The transorbital approaches are a group of surgical procedures performed passing through the orbital spaces and aimed to reach deeper areas. This kind of surgery has been proved to be safe and effective in the management of selected lesions of the anterior, middle and infratemporal fossa. The aim of the present study is to perform a review of the literature, in order to draw the reader’s attention on the main features of this kind of surgery, focusing on the anatomical background and the surgical setting; we will also summary the current indications and contraindications to this approach and find out the related complications and the possible alternatives. Even if we consider the transorbital approach as a promising route to the skull base, we underline that there is no better approach over another and the choice must always consider several elements. Furthermore, as for every skull base procedure, a multidisciplinary management is strongly advisable

    Endoscopic-assisted transorbital surgery: Where do we stand on the scott’s parabola? personal considerations after a 10-year experience

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    Transorbital approaches are genuinely versatile surgical routes which show interesting potentials in skull base surgery. Given their "new" trajectory, they can be a very useful adjunct to traditional routes, even being a valid alternative to them in some cases, and add valuable opportunities in selected patients. Indications are constantly expanding, and currently include selected intraorbital, skull base and even intra-axial lesions, both benign and malignant. Given their relatively recent development and thus unfamiliarity among the skull base community, achieving adequate proficiency needs not only a personalized training and knowledge but also, above all, an adequate case volume and a dedicated setting. Current, but mostly future, applications should be selected by genetic, omics and biological features and applied in the context of a truly multidisciplinary environment

    Effectiveness of superior eyelid endoscopic-assisted approach in the management of selected orbital abscess: Considerations on 4 cases

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    Orbital abscess is one of the most serious complications of acute rhinosinusitis and requires surgical management to avoid further complications such as visual loss and intracranial extension of the infectious process. Endoscopic sinus surgery is the most frequently used procedure in such cases, even if its use may be insufficient in some cases. The aim of the present study is to present our experience on the management of selected orbital abscesses through a superior eyelid endoscopic approach in combination with endonasal surgery. Personal considerations on four cases and lessons learned are described

    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis and laryngeal involvement: Review of the literature and a cross-sectional prospective experience

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    Background Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis and granulomatosis with polyangiitis show variable otorhinolaryngological involvement. Up to 14 per cent of granulomatosis with polyangiitis patients have subglottis involvement; little is known about the laryngeal involvement in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Method A literature review was conducted, together with a prospective cross-sectional analysis of 43 eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis patients. All patients underwent fibre-optic laryngoscopy with narrow-band imaging, and completed health-related questionnaires. Results The literature review showed only two cases of laryngeal involvement in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis; in our cohort, no cases of subglottis stenosis were found, but local signs of laryngeal inflammation were present in 72 per cent of cases. Of the patients, 16.2 per cent had a pathological Reflux Finding Score (of 7 or higher). Conclusion Laryngeal inflammation in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is frequent. It is possibly due more to local factors than to eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis itself. However, ENT evaluation is needed to rule out possible subglottis inflammation. These findings are in line with current literature and worthy of confirmation in larger cohorts

    Endoscopic-assisted transoral-transpharyngeal approach to parapharyngeal space and infratemporal fossa: focus on feasibility and lessons learned

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    The parapharyngeal space (PPS) is a challenging anatomical region, rich in vascular and nervous vital structures. Surgery is considered the treatment of choice for the majority of PPS lesions. Herein, we present a retrospective evaluation on ten patients with various types of lesions of the parapharyngeal and infratemporal fossa (ITF) regions operated on via an endoscopic-assisted transoral-transpharyngeal approach (EATTA), focusing on feasibility and safety. A retrospective evaluation of patients treated by means of EATTA to PPS and/or ITF lesions was carried out. The clinical records of patients who were operated on with EATTA for PPS and/or ITF lesions between March 2009 and October 2015 at two referral centres were reviewed and the intra-operative and post-operative complications were analysed. Ten patients who underwent EATTA on the PPS and ITF were included in this series. The procedure was performed in six patients for tumour removal, in three patients for diagnostic purposes and in one patient for pain control. No major complications occurred. No conversion to external approach was required. We observed only two minor complications which were promptly solved. No dysphagia or other problems during the food intake were observed in our series. One day after surgery all patients, except one, referred a value of VAS minor than 4. To date, no evidence of disease recurrence has been assessed in all six oncological cases. Although preliminary, our experience seems to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of EATTA when properly planned and performed

    Comparison of a purely endoscopic three-layer technique versus pericranial flap for reconstruction of anterior skull base defects after sino-nasal tumor resection: assessment of postoperative frontal lobe sagging and frontal lobe falling

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    The evolution of endoscopic skull base approaches has enabled surgeons to manage selected skull base tumors through a transnasal endoscope-assisted approach. On the other side, more extensive lesions may require a combined cranioendoscopic approach. In this paper, we analysed and compared the incidence of frontal lobe sagging after endoscopic multilayer (EM) reconstruction versus pericranial flap (PF) reconstruction

    Intraoperative intraorbital bleeding: considerations from a collaborative and retrospective Italian study with a management algorithm proposal

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    Background: Intraoperative intraorbital bleeding is a rare but potentially catastrophic event that can lead even to blindness, if not treated promptly. The goal of surgery is to quickly reduce intraorbital pressure thus restoring normal visual function. Aim of our work is to propose a practical algorithm helping the surgeon in the setting of this critical event. Methodology: An Italian multi-institutional retrospective study was conducted. All the cases of intraoperative intra-orbital bleeding requiring at least some form of surgical management were analyzed. Cases simply managed conservatively were excluded from this analysis. Results: Sixteen cases were collected. Of these, 12 were initially treated with a medial wall orbital decompression, while 4 were treated via a lateral canthotomy and inferior cantholysis (LCC). Ten patients recovered completely. Four patients presented post-op sequelae (diplopia, enophthalmous and/or eyelid malpositioning). Two major negative outcomes (blindness) were observed. Conclusions: Timely surgical intervention is critical. According to the setting in which the bleeding occurs, different options are available. LCC is probably the most rapid maneuver that can be done to reduce intraorbital pressure. Anyway, if the patient is still in the OR and a complete ethmoidectomy yet done we advise, as first step, to perform a medial orbital wall decompression. orrected

    Focus on the involvement of the nose and paranasal sinuses in Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome): Nasal cytology reveals infiltration of eosinophils as a very common feature

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    Background: Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a necrotizing vasculitis that predominantly affects small- to medium-sized vessels. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of extrapulmonary symptoms, including sinonasal and paranasal sinus abnormalities. These are the most common features of this disease, constituting diagnostic criteria for EGPA. However, the actual clinical features, cellular mechanisms and impact on patients' quality of life (QoL) are still a matter of study. Methods: Thirty-nine EGPA patients underwent multidimensional rhinological evaluations, including rhinofibroscopy, nasal cytology, and QoL questionnaires. This was coupled with respiratory and rheumatological assessments. Results: Twenty-eight patients were diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Of these, 18 had nasal polyposis (NP). Chronic rhinitis was diagnosed in 10 patients. Of these, 3 had allergic rhinitis (AR) and seven had non-AR (NAR). Overall, only 1 patient (2.6%) was normal. Nasal cytology showed that hypereosinophilia was present in 17/28 patients with CRS, 4/7 patients with NAR and all patients with AR. SNOT-22 and SF-36 showed a severe impact of nasal symptoms on QoL. No differences in asthma control or rheumatological patterns for EGPA were observed among patients with or without NP. Conclusions: Even when the rheumatological assessment scored EGPA "under control" according to the Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score and Vasculitis Damage Index, sinonasal diseases and related nasal inflammatory processes were not controlled. Therefore, there is a need for clinical monitoring and targeted treatment to control the inflammatory processes and improve the QoL of EGPA patients