531 research outputs found

    Reformism and Evaluation in the Field of Social and Political Sciences. Consequences for the Academic Community, Projects, People

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    After the introduction of the most recent University evaluation reforms, this article aims at presenting the first findings of a research project on these reforms and the evaluation processes carried out so far in the field of social and political sciences. In particular, the research wishes to investigate the relational dynamics, the behaviors and the values of the academic profession with special attention to the scientific activity, but without putting aside the implications for the teaching, management and the “third mission” activities. Inserted in the line of studies on higher education and evaluation well consolidated in Italy, the research is characterized by the added value  of  connecting the criticaltheoretical level to the empirical one

    Intervention for children with obesity and overweight and motor delays from low-income families: fostering engagement, motor development, self-perceptions, and playtime

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    Abstract: Obesity is increasing globally, affecting children’s health and development. This study examines the influence of a motor skill intervention on the daily routine, self-perceptions, body mass index, motor development, and engagement in physical education lessons of children with obesity and overweight with motor delays. Children were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The daily routine at home, self-perceptions, motor development, BMI, and engagement were assessed. Significant group by time interactions were found for play (p < 0.0001) and television (p < 0.0001) time, perceived social (p = 0.003) and motor (p < 0.0001) competence, global self-worth (p < 0.0001), BMI (p = 0.001), motor development (p < 0.0001), and engagement (p = 0.029). From pre-to-post intervention, children with obesity and overweight in the intervention group increased (1) playtime at home; (2) self-perceptions of social and motor competence and global worth; (4) engagement in the lessons, and improved scores, in motor skills; and (6) reduced BMI and screen time. The intervention promoted the health and improved the self-concept of children with obesity/ overweight

    Growth and mortality estimates of Sardinella brasiliensis in the southeastern Brazilian bight

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    Length frequency analisys were applied for sardine data collected from commercial catches throughout the southeastern Brazilian coast in 1977-1987. Age/length keys were obtained by otolith ring countings and utilized to transform length into age composition. Growth parameters were estimated by the von Bertalanffy growth equation using age and length data for each year and for all the period of investigation. The mean growth parameters for the entire period were estimated as L&#8734; = 271 mm and K= 0.59 year-1. Instantaneous total mortality (Z) coefficients per year were estimated using catch curves and methods based on the mean length of the fish caught. Total mortality rate for the entire period was obtained through the average of the annual values. Natural mortality (M) was estimated using the Paul/s empirical equation (1980a), and fishing mortality (F) by the difference between total and natural mortality values.The results were Z = 3.6 year-1; M = 0.96 year-1; and F= 2.6 year-1.Estudo sobre o crescimento e a mortalidade de Sardinella brasiliensis, da costa sudeste do Brasil, foi realizado para o período 1977 a 1987. As análises foram efetuadas a partir de dados existentes sobre distribuições de freqüência de comprimento de amostras da captura comercial. Chaves idade/comprimento, construidas a partir de leitura de anéis de crescimento em otólitos, dentro do Programa Integrado de Estudos Biológicos sobre a Sardinha - PIEBS, foram utilizadas para transformar as distribuiçes de comprimento em idade. Os parâmetros de crescimento da equação de von Bertalanffy foram estimados, anualmente e para o período como um todo, a partir de métodos que utilizam dados de idade e comprimento. Os parâmetros médios encontrados para o período foram: L&#8734; = 271 mm e K= 0,59 ano-1. Os coeficientes instantâneos de mortalidade total (Z) anuais foram calculados pelas curvas de captura e por métodos baseados no comprimento médio dos indivíduos nas capturas. A mortalidade total para todo o período foi obtida pela média dos valores anuais. O coeficiente instantâneo de mortalidade natural (M) foi estimado pela equação empírica de Pauly (1980a), usando um fator de correção de 0,8 para clupeoides, e o coeficiente instantâneo de mortalidade por pesca (F), pela diferença entre a mortalidade total e a natural. Os valores encontrados foram: Z= 3,6 ano-1, M = 0,96 ano-1 e F= 2,6 ano-1

    Peabody developmental motor scales-2: the use of rasch analysis to examine the model unidimensionality, motor function, and item difficulty

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    The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition (PDMS-2) is a valid and reliable instrument used in several countries, including Brazil, to assess gross and fine motor skills and identify motor deficits and eligibility for intervention for children with and without disabilities. However, the analysis of PDMS-2 items regarding the unidimensionality of the model, order of item difficulty, and whether the items portray the children's developmental trajectories still lacks investigation. Therefore, this study aims to: (1) analyze the unidimensionality of PDMS-2, (2) verify the model's capacity to explain the variance in the motor function responses, and (3) identify the level of difficulty of the items for Brazilian children. Children (n = 637; 51% girls) newborn to 71 months (M age = 21.7, SD = 18.6) were assessed using the PDMS-2. The Rasch analysis was conducted; the indexes of infit and outfit, and the point-biserial correlations coefficient were analyzed. The model unidimensionality was investigated using percentages of variance in the Rasch model (40% of variance). Results indicated that (1) for reflexes subscale, 62.5% of the items had correlations with the factor above 0.60, and two items had unadjusted infit and outfit; (2) for stationary subscale, 83.3% of the correlations of the items with the factor were above 0.50, and one item had unadjusted infit and outfit; (3) for locomotion subscale, 80.0% of the correlation of the items with the factor were above 0.50; all items had adequate infit and outfit; (4) for object manipulation subscale, 79.9% of the correlation of the items with the factor were above 0.50, and one item had unadjusted infit and outfit; (5) for grasping subscale, 92.3% of the correlation of the items with the factor were above 0.50, and one item had unadjusted infit and outfit; and (6) for the visual-motor integration subscale, 73.6% of the correlation of the items with the factor were above 0.50, and six items had unadjusted infit and outfit. The items with unadjusted fit were removed for further analysis. No changes in reliability and separation of items and people scores were observed without the unadjusted items; therefore, all items were maintained. A unidimensional model was found, and the reliability and discriminant capability of the items were adequate, and all items should be used to assess children. The PDMS-2 is appropriate for assessing Brazilian children

    Satisfação Laboral dos Médicos: O Impacto de Demandas e Recursos

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    El Modelo de Demandas y Recursos Laborales apunta que las demandas del trabajo agotan al trabajador, mientras que los recursos personales y del trabajo contribuyen a su crecimiento. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el impacto de un recurso del trabajo (enriquecimiento trabajo-familia) y de una demanda (sobrecarga) sobre la satisfacción laboral de los médicos, así como el papel mediador de un recurso personal (pasión armoniosa por el trabajo) en estas relaciones. En el estudio participaron 284 médicos brasileños, siendo el 52,1% del sexo femenino. Los resultados del modelado de ecuaciones estructurales apuntan que el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia se asoció positivamente con la satisfacción laboral, mientras que la sobrecarga se relacionó negativamente con dicha variable. Ambas relaciones se mediaron parcialmente mediante la pasión por el trabajo. Se concluyó que identificar y fortalecer el sentimiento de la pasión por el trabajo de los médicos puede contribuir a mejorar su bienestar laboral y, en consecuencia, el de sus familiares y clientes.According to the Work Demands and Resources Model, work demands exhaust workers while personal and work resources contribute to their growth. The present study aimed to identify the impact of a work resource (work-family enrichment) and a work demand (overload) on the occupational satisfaction of physicians, as well as the role of a personal resource (harmonious passion for work) as mediator of these relationships. A total of 284 Brazilian physicians participated in the study, of which 52.1% were females. The results of the structural equation modeling showed that work-family enrichment was positively related to occupational satisfaction, while overload was negatively related to this variable. Both relationships were partially mediated by passion for work. It was concluded that the identification and strengthening of the feelings of passion for work of physicians can contribute to the improvement of their occupational well-being, and, consequently, that of their families and customers.O Modelo de Demandas e Recursos do Trabalho preconiza que as demandas do trabalho exaurem o trabalhador enquanto os recursos pessoais e do trabalho contribuem para seu crescimento. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar o impacto de um recurso do trabalho (enriquecimento trabalho-família) e de uma demanda (sobrecarga) sobre a satisfação laboral dos médicos, bem como o papel mediador de um recurso pessoal (paixão harmoniosa pelo trabalho) nessas relações. Participaram do estudo 284 médicos brasileiros, sendo 52,1% do sexo feminino. Os resultados da modelagem de equações estruturais apontaram que o enriquecimento trabalho-família relacionou-se positivamente à satisfação laboral, enquanto a sobrecarga relacionou-se negativamente com tal variável. Ambas as relações foram parcialmente mediadas pela paixão pelo trabalho. Concluiu-se que a identificação e o fortalecimento do sentimento de paixão pelo trabalho dos médicos pode contribuir para a melhoria de seu bem-estar laboral e, em consequência, o de seus familiares e clientes

    Satisfação Laboral dos Médicos: O Impacto de Demandas e Recursos

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    O Modelo de Demandas e Recursos do Trabalho preconiza que as demandas do trabalho exaurem o trabalhador enquanto os recursos pessoais e do trabalho contribuem para seu crescimento. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar o impacto de um recurso do trabalho (enriquecimento trabalho-família) e de uma demanda (sobrecarga) sobre a satisfação laboral dos médicos, bem como o papel mediador de um recurso pessoal (paixão harmoniosa pelo trabalho) nessas relações. Participaram do estudo 284 médicos brasileiros, sendo 52,1% do sexo feminino. Os resultados da modelagem de equações estruturais apontaram que o enriquecimento trabalho-família relacionou-se positivamente à satisfação laboral, enquanto a sobrecarga relacionou-se negativamente com tal variável. Ambas as relações foram parcialmente mediadas pela paixão pelo trabalho. Concluiu-se que a identificação e o fortalecimento do sentimento de paixão pelo trabalho dos médicos pode contribuir para a melhoria de seu bem-estar laboral e, em consequência, o de seus familiares e clientes.According to the Work Demands and Resources Model, work demands exhaust workers while personal and work resources contribute to their growth. The present study aimed to identify the impact of a work resource (work-family enrichment) and a work demand (overload) on the occupational satisfaction of physicians, as well as the role of a personal resource (harmonious passion for work) as mediator of these relationships. A total of 284 Brazilian physicians participated in the study, of which 52.1% were females. The results of the structural equation modeling showed that work-family enrichment was positively related to occupational satisfaction, while overload was negatively related to this variable. Both relationships were partially mediated by passion for work. It was concluded that the identification and strengthening of the feelings of passion for work of physicians can contribute to the improvement of their occupational well-being, and, consequently, that of their families and customers.El Modelo de Demandas y Recursos Laborales apunta que las demandas del trabajo agotan al trabajador, mientras que los recursos personales y del trabajo contribuyen a su crecimiento. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el impacto de un recurso del trabajo (enriquecimiento trabajo-familia) y de una demanda (sobrecarga) sobre la satisfacción laboral de los médicos, así como el papel mediador de un recurso personal (pasión armoniosa por el trabajo) en estas relaciones. En el estudio participaron 284 médicos brasileños, siendo el 52,1% del sexo femenino. Los resultados del modelado de ecuaciones estructurales apuntan que el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia se asoció positivamente con la satisfacción laboral, mientras que la sobrecarga se relacionó negativamente con dicha variable. Ambas relaciones se mediaron parcialmente mediante la pasión por el trabajo. Se concluyó que identificar y fortalecer el sentimiento de la pasión por el trabajo de los médicos puede contribuir a mejorar su bienestar laboral y, en consecuencia, el de sus familiares y clientes

    The influence of a motor skill intervention on the motor performance and perceived competence of children with motor delays

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    Fundamentado em teorias de motivação (Ames, 1987, 1992a, b; Epstein, 1988, 1989; Nicholls, 1984) o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a influência de uma intervenção motora, com técnica de motivação orientada para a maestria (TMOM), no desenvolvimento motor e na percepção de competência física de crianças com idades entre seis e 10 anos que demonstraram atrasos motores previamente identificados. Noventa e uma crianças com atrasos motores foram aleatoriamente distribuídas em dois grupos: intervenção (N = 41) e controle (N = 50). Os participantes do grupo de intervenção foram submetidos a 12 semanas (duas sessões semanais). Ao início e término da intervenção, todos os participantes realizaram o Test o f Gross Motor Development - TGMD organizado por Ulrich (1985). Os participantes que experienciaram a intervenção também responderam a Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance - PSPCSA (Harter &amp; Pike, 1984) no início e no término da intervenção. A influência da intervenção na percepção de competência física foi avaliada através de ANOVA com medidas repetidas. Os resultados evidenciaram que a intervenção promoveu mudanças significantes e positivas em relação à percepção de competência física de meninos e meninas com atrasos no desenvolvimento motor. A ênfase na TMOM propicia ao professor oportunidades para criar experiências motoras que suprem as necessidades de todas as crianças, indiferentes de suas experiências prévias e diferentes níveis de habilidades, promovendo a autonomia das crianças colocando-as como sujeitos de suas conquistas. Em outras palavras, permite as crianças explorarem seu próprio processo de aprendizagemSupported by motivational theories (Ames, 1987, 1992a, b, Epstein, 1988, 1989, Nicholls, 1984), the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of a motor skill intervention program, with emphasis on a mastery motivational climate, on the motor development of children (six to 10 years old) with developmental delays. Furthermore, this study also investigated changes in perception of competence by the children exposed to the intervention program. Ninety-one children with motor developmental delays were randomly distributed in two groups, intervention (N = 41) and control (N = 50). The participants in the intervention group received a 12-week (2 week meetings) motor skill intervention with a mastery motivational climate. All participants were assessed pre- and post-intervention period using the Test of Gross Motor Development TGMD (Ulrich, 1985). Children who received the intervention were also assessed through the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance PSPCSA (Harter, 1984). The intervention program results were analyzed using a two-way independent ANOVA with repeated measures for pre- and post-intervention. The perception of competence were measured through a ANOVA with repeated measures for pre- and post-intervention. Results showed that the mastery motivational climate intervention promotes significant and positive changes on motor development and perceptions of competence by children with motor developmental delays. Mastery motivational climate allowed the teacher to create motor experiences that met the needs of all children, despite their previous experience and levels of ability, * and it also promoted the children's autonomy, placing them as the subject of their achievements. In other words, it allowed them to explore their own learning proces

    Motor development in the hospitalized infant and its biological and environmental characteristics

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    Introduction: Hospitalization is a risk factor for delayed motor development, due to the lack of adequate stimulation; therefore, it is important to assess child development during hospital admission.Methods: In this study, motor development of previously healthy hospitalized infants was assessed and associated with biological and environmental characteristics, including length of hospital stay and physiotherapeutic treatment. The assessment was made before discharge, with questionnaires and a motor assessment scale.Results: The sample of 32 infants aged from zero to 18 months had an average length of hospital stay of 4.94±2.39 days. 50% of infants were girls (n = 16) and mostly belonged to socioeconomic class C (n = 16). Length of hospital stay explained only 3.3% of motor development variation, showing no significant impact. Infants from lower socioeconomic classes were nearly six times more susceptible to motor delays than those belonging to higher classes (p = 0.05). During hospitalization, 25% of the sample (n = 8) was treated with physiotherapy. All these patients were hospitalized for respiratory dysfunction and presented five times less chance of altered motor development when compared to those who did not undergo physiotherapy.Conclusion: These results should be interpreted with caution, since the type of physiotherapy care provided and infant’s degree of motor impairment were unknown. In this study, length of stay and hospital environment were not significant risk factors when analyzed individually, concluding that the greater the exposure and the amount of associated factors, the more susceptible the infant will be to present motor delays.Keywords: Child development; hospitalization; developmental disabilities Introduction: Hospitalization is a risk factor for delayed motor development, due to the lack of adequate stimulation; therefore, it is important to assess child development during hospital admission. Methods: In this study, motor development of previously healthy hospitalized infants was assessed and associated with biological and environmental characteristics, including length of hospital stay and physiotherapeutic treatment. The assessment was made before discharge, with questionnaires and a motor assessment scale. Results: The sample of 32 infants aged from zero to 18 months had an average length of hospital stay of 4.94 ± 2.39 days. 50% of infants were girls (n = 16) and mostly belonged to socioeconomic class C (n = 16). Length of hospital stay explained only 3.3% of motor development variation, showing no significant impact. Infants from lower socioeconomic classes were nearly six times more susceptible to motor delays than those belonging to higher classes (p = 0.05). During hospitalization, 25% of the sample (n = 8) was treated with physiotherapy. All these patients were hospitalized for respiratory dysfunction and presented five times less chance of altered motor development when compared to those who did not undergo physiotherapy. Conclusion: These results should be interpreted with caution, since the type of physiotherapy care provided and infant’s degree of motor impairment were unknown. In this study, length of stay and hospital environment were not significant risk factors when analyzed individually, concluding that the greater the exposure and the amount of associated factors, the more susceptible the infant will be to present motor delays.Keywords: Child development; hospitalization; developmental disabilities 

    Gross motor skills trajectory variation between WEIRD and LMIC countries: a crosscultural study

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    Aim This study aimed to examine the prevalence of delays and borderline impaired performance for Brazilian girls and boys and the differences in the motor trajectories (locomotor and ball skills) of girls and boys (3- to 10-years-old) across WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic) countries and Brazil–a low- and middle-income country (LMIC). Methods We assessed 1000 children (524 girls; 476 boys), 3- to 10.9-year-old (M = 6.9, SD = 2.1; Girls M = 6.9, SD = 2.0; Boys M = 6.9, SD = 2.1), using the Test of Gross Motor Development-3. Using systematic search, original studies investigating FMS in children using the TGMD-3 were eligible; 5 studies were eligible to have the results compared to the Brazilian sample. One sample t-test to run the secondary data from Irish, American, Finnish, and German children (i.e., mean, standard deviation). Results The prevalence of delays and borderline impaired performance was high among Brazilian girls (28.3% and 27.5%) and boys (10.6% and 22.7%). The cross-countries comparisons showed significant (p values from .048 and < .001) overall lower locomotor and ball skills scores for Brazilian children; the only exceptions were skipping, catching, and kicking. We observed stability in performance, across countries, after 8-years-old, and no ceiling effects were found in the samples. Conclusions The Brazilian sample emphasized the need for national strategies to foster children’s motor proficiency. Differences in motor opportunities may explain the differences in motor trajectories between children in WEIRD and LMIC countries