172 research outputs found

    A Meta-analytic Investigation of the Predictors of Educational and Vocational Goals for Latina/o Students

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    Despite the growth of the U.S. Latina/o population, there exists a pattern of academic underachievement and low career attainment among Latina/o communities (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). In light of disparities in educational and vocational attainment, much has been written about the educational and career goal formation processes of Latina/o students. However, the empirical studies that address predictors of educational and vocational goals present a complex picture. To advance knowledge in this area, the current study provided a meta-analytic review of the correlates of educational and career goals for Latina/o students, accounting for the similarities and differences across 26 independent samples drawn from 25 studies. In conceptualizing the career development of Latina/o students, Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) was used as the foundation for examining the relations among the predictor and outcome variables of interest. Correlates of educational and vocational goals included career-relevant person variables (i.e., career-related self-efficacy), sociocultural person variables (i.e., acculturation and ethnic identity), and contextual variables (i.e., barriers and support). Specifically, an empirical synthesis was conducted of 87 correlations from 16 published studies (with 17 samples) and nine unpublished reports that examined predictors of Latina/o students' educational and vocational goals. Findings indicated that across various study and sample characteristics, effect sizes were small for all the correlates of interest with the exception of career-related self-efficacy (which evidenced a moderate effect size). Additionally, type of goal measure, developmental stage of sample, and study source provided adequate models of moderation. Type of goal measure was found to moderate the effects of career-related self-efficacy, perception of barriers, and support from an important adult on educational/vocational goals while developmental stage of the sample moderated the main effects of perception of barriers. Moreover, study source moderated the effects of career-related self-efficacy, support from an important adult, and support from peers. To end, the contributions of the current work highlighted limitations in the literature, generated directions for future research, and provided recommendations for intervention and prevention efforts with Latina/o communities

    Eficacia en España de los matrimonios celebrados en el extranjero

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    La institución jurídica del matrimonio se ha configurado, tradicionalmente, como uno de los aspectos más problemáticos del Derecho de familia. Esto tiene su origen en numerosas razones: las diferencias que existen en su concepción entre los distintos ordenamientos jurídicos, la pluralidad de leyes personales susceptibles de aplicación, los cambios sociales experimentados en los últimos años, etc. Sin embargo, el alto grado de conflictividad que le caracteriza es equiparable, cuanto menos, a la importancia que tiene para la sociedad. De ahí, el fundamento de la realización de este trabajo. Con él se busca abordar la figura del matrimonio desde un punto de vista jurídico, con el objetivo último de obtener una visión general, lo más amplia posible, de la configuración que da la legislación, en la actualidad, al matrimonio cuando en él concurre un elemento subjetivo internacional.Departamento de Derecho Mercantil, Derecho del Trabajo e Internacional PrivadoGrado en Derecho y Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    El concurso de acreedores: aspectos generales, datos estadísticos y perspectivas de futuro en materia de regulación

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    Ya desde sus orígenes, el Derecho Concursal se ha configurado como un Derecho complejo y en constante cambio. Esto y las numerosas modificaciones a las que se ha visto sometido durante los últimos años podrían considerarse el fundamento del desconocimiento general que hoy en día existe sobre esta materia. A lo largo de este trabajo, se va a ir analizando el conjunto de elementos que configuran el sistema concursal español vigente en la actualidad y las distintas reformas que se han ido realizando al respecto. Y, todo ello, con el objetivo último de conocer, al menos en sus aspectos más básicos, la problemática que rodea a la realidad concursal española actual y las distintas soluciones planteadas hasta el momentoFrom the moment of its emergence, Bankruptcy Law has been widely known for being a complex and changeable Law. This and the large number of modifications to which it has been subjected during the past years may explain the general ignorance that exists nowadays on this matter. This paper aims to analyce the different aspects that constitute the currently Spanish Bankruptcy system and the several reforms which have been performed. And all of this, has the ultimate porpose of getting to know the basic aspects of this topic, the controversy surrounding it, and the solutions proposed so far.Departamento de Derecho Mercantil, del Trabajo e Internacional PrivadoGrado en Derecho y Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Evaluation of a Culturally Inclusive Model of Sexual Minority Identity Formation

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    In the current work, the reliability and validity of a measure of sexual minority identity formation (the Same-Sex Orientation Identity Questionnaire; SSOIQ) was assessed with a racially/ethnically diverse sample. The SSOIQ was developed to measure one's location in a sexual minority identity formation process. The measure was derived from the Fassinger and colleagues (McCarn & Fassinger, 1996)) dual-trajectory model that hypothesizes two separate but reciprocal processes of individual sexual identity development and group membership identity development. Estimates of internal consistency reliability were assessed through Cronbach's alpha. A preliminary evaluation of the theoretical model underlying the measure was conducted by examining the interrelationships of the conceptually distinct phases of the model. Convergent validity was partially established through relationships of the measure to measures of identity confusion, internalized homonegativity, same group orientation, and outness. Discriminant validity was partially established using a measure of dogmatism

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la municipalidad provincial de Trujillo, 2020

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    La presente investigación se elaboró con la finalidad de analizar la relación y el nivel de los factores de riesgo psicosocial y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo, junio y julio 2020” Se realizó una investigación de campo de nivel descriptivo y enfoque cuantitativo correlacional, representada por una población de 1900 trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo, contando con una muestra de 316 trabajadores entre el mes de junio y julio del 2020. El instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta constituida por 20 item en factores de riesgo psicosocial y 13 ítem en desempeño laboral. Las tabulaciones se presentaron en tablas y se emplearon gráficos para medir la frecuencia de las respuestas, los cuales aportaron distintas conclusiones. Se concluye que existe correlación en los factores de riesgo psicosocial relacionándose de manera directa y altamente significativa con la eficacia del desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.961, p < 0.01); el nivel alcanzado en los factores de riesgo psicosocial de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo, predomina un nivel medio (60.1%), en cuanto al desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo, predomina el nivel medio (57.3%); Los factores de riesgo psicosocial se relacionan de manera directa y altamente significativa con la eficiencia del desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.961, p < 0.01);los factores de riesgo psicosocial se relacionan de manera directa y altamente significativa con la calidad laboral del desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.958, p < 0.01).In the present investigation it was elaborated with the purpose of analyzing the relation and level of the psychosocial risk factors and the labor performance of the workers of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, June and July 2020 "" A descriptive level field research was carried out with a correlational quantitative approach, represented by a population of 1,900 workers from the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, with a sample of 316 workers between June and July 2020. The instrument used was the survey consisting of 20 items on psychosocial risk factors and 12 items on job performance. The tabulations were presented in tables and graphs were used to measure the frequency of the responses, which contributed different conclusions to the present study. It was concluded that there is a correlation in psychosocial risk factors, directly and highly significantly related to the effectiveness of the labor performance of the workers of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.961, p <0.01); the level reached in the psychosocial risk factors of the workers of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, predominantly a medium level (60.1%), regarding the labor performance of the workers of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, predominantly the medium level (57.3% ); Psychosocial risk factors are directly and highly significantly related to the efficiency of the labor performance of the workers of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.961, p <0.01); Psychosocial risk factors are directly and highly significantly related to the quality of work performance of workers in the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo (Tau-b = 0.958, p <0.01).Tesi

    Perfil del consumidor de productos gourmet en la ciudad de Trujillo – La Libertad – Perú en el 2016

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    RESUMEN En la actualidad, el rubro de la gastronomía ha crecido notoriamente. Este fenómeno, ha conllevado a que todos los aspectos involucrados evolucionen, como es el caso de la comercialización de estos productos y por ende de los consumidores. Por este motivo, gran cantidad de empresas se han enfocado en la gastronomía gourmet, una de las más exigentes en cuanto a patrones de elección y que muestra un importante y significativo crecimiento en los últimos años. Se decidió hacer el siguiente estudio con la intención de aplicar las diversas teorías e investigaciones para demostrar su utilidad en la determinación del perfil del consumidor, ya que, al tener esta variable correctamente definida, permite tener claridad sobre sus características, siendo un aspecto importante para cualquier toma de decisión. Por este motivo, la hipótesis planteada fue que: los consumidores de productos gourmet son hombres y mujeres entre 25 y 60 años, de NSE AB, con niveles de estudio superiores e ingresos familiares mayores a S/ 3,000.00 de los distritos de Trujillo y Víctor Larco que buscan calidad de producto y realizan sus compras de manera quincenal en centros de retail moderno. Para obtener la información necesaria y comprobar la hipótesis planteada, se realizó un estudio basado en una técnica cuantitativa, con el respaldo de la validación del cuestionario elaborado. La herramienta utilizada para la investigación fue la encuesta. Para su aplicación, se delimitó el universo a hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 60 años de los distritos de Trujillo y Víctor Larco, obteniendo una muestra a estudiar de 384 personas. El presente estudio, además de contribuir con la definición del perfil del consumidor de productos gourmet, permitió conocer cuáles son los atributos más valorados a la hora de elegir determinado producto, qué marcas son las preferidas y los motivos por los cuales son de primera elección; factores de toma de decisión importantes sobre los cuales pueden basarse las empresas que se desarrollan en este rubro. Como resultado de la investigación, concluimos que las características del perfil del consumidor son: hombre y mujeres entre 25 y 60 años con estudios universitarios, ingresos entre S/ 2500 – S/ 3000 de los NSE AB y B de los distritos de Trujillo y Víctor Larco que buscan productos de calidad y realizan las compras de manera quincenal-mensual en supermercados. Finalmente, dejamos a su sabio discernir el aporte del presente estudio, desplegado para quien solicite dicho trabajo y con el deseo que brinde resultados positivos para quienes tomen en cuenta la presente información.ABSTRACT At present, the gastronomy sector has grown significantly. This phenomenon, has led to all aspects involved evolve, as is the case of the marketing of these products and therefore of consumers. For this reason, a large number of companies have focused on gourmet cuisine, one of the most demanding in terms of choice patterns and showing significant and significant growth in recent years. The following investigation was made with the intention of applying the different theories to prove its usefulness in the determination of the consumer profile, since, having this variable correctly defined, allows to have clarity on its characteristics, being an important aspect for any decision-making process. For this reason, the hypothesis was that: consumers of gourmet products are men and women between 25 and 60 years old, of NSE AB, with higher levels of study and family income higher than S / 3,000.00 in the districts of Trujillo and Víctor Larco who seek product quality and make their purchases on a fortnightly basis in modern retail centers. To obtain the correct information and verify the hypothesis, the study was carried out based on a quantitative technique, with the backing of the validation of the elaborated questionnaire. The tool used for the research was the survey. For its application, the universe was delimited to men and women between 18 and 60 years of the districts of Trujillo and Víctor Larco, obtaining a sample to study of 384 people. The present study, besides contributing to the definition of the profile of the consumer of gourmet products, allowed to know which attributes are most valued when choosing a particular product, which brands are preferred and the reasons why they are first choice; Important decision-making factors on which the companies that are developing in this area can be based. As a result of the research, we conclude that the characteristics of the consumer profile are: men and women between 25 and 60 years old with university studies, average income between 2500 and 3000 soles of the NSE AB and B of the districts of Trujillo and Victor Larco Look for quality products and make the purchases on a bi-monthly basis in supermarkets. Finally, we let his sage discern the contribution of the present study, deployed for those who request such work and with the desire to provide positive results for those who take this information into account

    Molecular mapping of virus-infected cells with immunogold and metal-tagging transmission electron microscopy

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    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been essential to study virus-cell interactions. The architecture of viral replication factories, the principles of virus assembly and the components of virus egress pathways are known thanks to the contribution of TEM methods. Specially, when studying viruses in cells, methodologies for labeling proteins and other macromolecules are important tools to correlate morphology with function. In this review, we present the most widely used labeling method for TEM, immunogold, together with a lesser known technique, metal-tagging transmission electron microscopy (METTEM) and how they can contribute to study viral infections. Immunogold uses the power of antibodies and electron dense, colloidal gold particles while METTEM uses metallothionein (MT), a metal-binding protein as a clonable tag. MT molecules build gold nano-clusters inside cells when these are incubated with gold salts. We describe the necessary controls to confirm that signals are specific, the advantages and limitations of both methods, and show some examples of immunogold and METTEM of cells infected with viruses.This work has been funded by grant RTI2018-094445-B100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (C.R.). We are grateful to Ms. Sara Y. Fernández-Sánchez for critically reading the manuscript. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).S

    Cellular Electron Microscopy Imaging Reveals the Localization of the Hfq Protein Close to the Bacterial Membrane

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    Background: Hfq is a bacterial protein involved in several aspects of nucleic acid transactions, but one of its bestcharacterized functions is to affect the post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA by virtue of its interactions with stressrelated small regulatory (sRNA). Methodology and Principal Finding: By using cellular imaging based on the metallothionein clonable tag for electron microscopy, we demonstrate here that in addition to its localization in the cytoplasm and in the nucleoid, a significant amount of Hfq protein is located at the cell periphery. Simultaneous immunogold detection of specific markers strongly suggests that peripheral Hfq is close to the bacterial membrane. Because sRNAs regulate the synthesis of several membrane proteins, our result implies that the sRNA- and Hfq-dependent translational regulation of these proteins takes place in the cytoplasmic region underlying the membrane. Conclusions: This finding supports the proposal that RNA processing and translational machineries dedicated to membrane protein translation may often be located in close proximity to the membrane of the bacterial cell

    Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Intracellular Assembly of a Functional Viral RNA Replicase Complex

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    Positive-strand RNA viruses, which can be devastating pathogens in humans, animals and plants, replicate their genomes on intracellular membranes. Here, we describe the three-dimensional ultrastructural organization of a tombusvirus replicase in yeast, a valuable model for exploring virus–host interactions. We visualized the intracellular distribution of a viral replicase protein using metal-tagging transmission electron microscopy, a highly sensitive nanotechnology whose full potential remains to be developed. These three-dimensional images show how viral replicase molecules are organized when they are incorporated into the active domains of the intracellular replication compartment. Our approach provides a means to study protein activation mechanisms in cells and to identify targets for new antiviral compounds

    Noncanonical Role for the Host Vps4 AAA+ ATPase ESCRT Protein in the Formation of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus Replicase

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    Assembling of the membrane-bound viral replicase complexes (VRCs) consisting of viral- and host-encoded proteins is a key step during the replication of positive-stranded RNA viruses in the infected cells. Previous genome-wide screens with Tomato bushy stunt tombusvirus (TBSV) in a yeast model host have revealed the involvement of eleven cellular ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) proteins in viral replication. The ESCRT proteins are involved in endosomal sorting of cellular membrane proteins by forming multiprotein complexes, deforming membranes away from the cytosol and, ultimately, pinching off vesicles into the lumen of the endosomes. In this paper, we show an unexpected key role for the conserved Vps4p AAA+ ATPase, whose canonical function is to disassemble the ESCRT complexes and recycle them from the membranes back to the cytosol. We find that the tombusvirus p33 replication protein interacts with Vps4p and three ESCRT-III proteins. Interestingly, Vps4p is recruited to become a permanent component of the VRCs as shown by co-purification assays and immuno-EM. Vps4p is co-localized with the viral dsRNA and contacts the viral (+)RNA in the intracellular membrane. Deletion of Vps4p in yeast leads to the formation of crescent-like membrane structures instead of the characteristic spherule and vesicle-like structures. The in vitro assembled tombusvirus replicase based on cell-free extracts (CFE) from vps4Δ yeast is highly nuclease sensitive, in contrast with the nuclease insensitive replicase in wt CFE. These data suggest that the role of Vps4p and the ESCRT machinery is to aid building the membrane-bound VRCs, which become nuclease-insensitive to avoid the recognition by the host antiviral surveillance system and the destruction of the viral RNA. Other (+)RNA viruses of plants and animals might also subvert Vps4p and the ESCRT machinery for formation of VRCs, which require membrane deformation and spherule formation