107 research outputs found

    El tutor como agente de cambio en la formación integral del estudiante

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    La tutoría es una función inherente al quehacer del docente, que se refleja en el entorno social del alumno y por lo mismo, es considerada como un elemento de cambio en la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU), la cual consiste en el acompañamiento, supervisión, orientación y guía del tutor en relación con el beneficiado al que se busca fortalecer en su desarrollo psicológico, social, académico y profesional. La labor del tutor cumple con el compromiso social del Modelo Educativo de la UANL, misma que se ve reflejada en su rendimiento académico, diversas formas de integración, participación universitaria entre otras. En la relación del tutor – tutorado debe mantenerse un ambiente de respeto y armonía entre ambos participantes y también deben aplicarse principios éticos y morales para que esta función tutorial rinda los frutos esperados

    Adopting ecological restoration goals as a critical goal in mining tailings mitigation: a methodological proposal

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: México presenta acumulaciones de materiales tóxicos e inestables desechados por la minería, llamados jales, representando un riesgo potencial y efectivo para los ecosistemas y la sociedad. La restauración ecológica en combinación con otras estrategias de mitigación ofrece una alternativa para disminuir estos impactos ambientales y revertir la degradación del ecosistema por los jales. Este trabajo plantea algunas consideraciones y propone una metodología para aplicar la restauración ecológica a los jales.Métodos: Se describieron las afectaciones y riesgos ocasionados por el depósito de jales a partir de las características de los materiales y del ecosistema donde se depositan, aplicando y adecuando criterios como los utilizados en la Evaluación del Impacto Ecológico. A partir de esto, se plantearon algunas consideraciones para mitigar los jales. También se analizaron las limitaciones de algunas técnicas de mitigación con organismos o materia orgánica, por sus impactos colaterales potenciales.Resultados clave: La propuesta metodológica considera acciones de mitigación de un jal que integren al ecosistema y su funcionamiento, dirigidos hacia una restauración ecosistémica. Por una parte, estos lineamientos consideran aspectos relacionados con la toxicidad y estabilidad de los jales y, por la otra, características y procesos ecosistémicos afectados por su depósito. Esta propuesta considera diez pasos que incorporan distintos aspectos que deben abordarse para la restauración en los depósitos de jales.Conclusiones: Mediante un enfoque ecosistémico, como en la restauración ecológica, se resuelven los problemas ambientales de contaminación e inestabilidad de los jales. Evitando también los impactos colaterales de las propias estrategias de mitigación como la creación de trampas ecológicas o haciendo biodisponibles los contaminantes, introduciéndolos a la cadena trófica sin compensar los impactos ecosistémicos provocados por su depósito.Background and Aims: In Mexico there are accumulations of toxic and unstable materials discarded by mining, called tailings, which represent a potential and effective risk for ecosystems and society. Ecological restoration in combination with other mitigation strategies offer an alternative to mitigate these environmental impacts and reverse the ecosystem degradation caused by tailings. This work raises some considerations and proposes a methodology to apply the ecological restoration to tailings.Methods: The effects and risks caused by the deposit of tailings in the open pit were described based on the characteristics of the materials and the ecosystem in which they are deposited, applying and adapting criteria such as those used in the Evaluation of the Ecological Impact. Based on this, some guidelines and considerations were proposed to mitigate tailings. The limitations of some mitigation techniques with organisms or organic matter were also analyzed, due to their potential collateral impacts.Key results: The methodological proposal considers actions to mitigate a mining tailing that integrate the ecosystem and its functioning, directed towards an ecosystem restoration. On the one hand, these guidelines consider aspects related to the toxicity and stability of tailings and, on the other hand, the characteristics and ecosystem processes affected by their deposit. This proposal considers ten steps that incorporate different aspects that must be addressed to achieve restoration in tailings deposits.Conclusions: Through an ecosystem approach, as in ecological restoration, the environmental problems of contamination and instability of the tailings are solved. Also avoiding the collateral impacts of the mitigation strategies themselves, such as the creation of ecological traps or making contaminants bioavailable, introducing them into the food chain without compensating for the ecosystem impacts caused by their deposit

    Photographic capture of medium-sized mammals in ecological restoration experimental plots in a cattle pasture landscape in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: En un experimento de restauración iniciado en 2006 en un pastizal inducido, dentro de un paisaje dominado por selva tropical lluviosa en Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, se establecieron 24 parcelas cercadas, con tres tratamientos de restauración. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar, mediante fototrampeo, cuáles especies de mamíferos terrestres medianos o grandes (≥1 kg de peso) y con qué frecuencia visitaban las parcelas, a 12 años de iniciado el experimento.Métodos: Se utilizaron cámaras-trampa, en 18 de las 24 parcelas. Se hicieron dos muestreos, uno en el periodo lluvioso de 2018 y otro en el seco de 2019. Se determinó el número de especies y de registros fotográficos independientes para cada una, en cada tratamiento (parcelas excluidas del forrajeo del ganado: a) sin adición de plantas -sucesión natural-; con plantación de árboles, b) dispersados por viento y c) dispersados por animales) y temporada de muestreo.Resultados clave: El esfuerzo total de muestreo fue de 290 días/cámara-trampa. En el periodo lluvioso se obtuvieron 12 fotografías y cuatro vídeos de tlacuache (Didelphis spp.), armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) y guaqueque mexicano (Dasyprocta mexicana). En la época seca se registró al armadillo en 10 fotografías y cinco vídeos. Hubo pocos registros de mamíferos medianos, en comparación con fototrampeos en la selva conservada de la zona, y en solo siete de las 18 parcelas muestreadas. En general, hubo más registros en parcelas con cualquier tipo de plantación que en las de sucesión natural y esto fue más evidente en la época de lluvias. Conclusiones: La respuesta de los mamíferos medianos terrestres a la restauración parece ser más lenta que la registrada para otros grupos faunísticos (p. ej., murciélagos). Para evaluar la recuperación de la funcionalidad ecológica que incluye los roles ecológicos que desempeñan los mamíferos medianos en este experimento, se debe continuar y ampliar el esfuerzo de monitoreo.Background and Aims: In an experiment initiated in 2006 in an induced pasture, within a landscape dominated by tropical rainforest, in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, 24 fenced plots with three restoration treatments were established. Our objective was to determine with camera trapping, which species of medium or large terrestrial mammals (≥1 kg in weight), and with what frequency, visited the plots 12 years after the establishment of the experiment.Methods: Camera traps were used in 18 of the 24 plots. Two censuses were carried out, one in the rainy season of 2018 and the other in the dry season of 2019. The number of species and the independent photographic records of each one were determined for each treatment (plots excluded from cattle: a) with no addition of plants -natural succession-; with tree plantations, b) dispersed by wind, and c) dispersed by animals) and each sampling season.Key results: The total sampling effort was 290 camera trap days. For the rainy season, 12 photographs and four videos of opossum (Didelphis spp.), nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) and Mexican agouti (Dasyprocta mexicana) were obtained. For the dry season, the armadillo was recorded in 10 photographs and five videos. There were few records of medium-sized mammals, compared to photo trapping in conserved forest in the area and only in seven of the 18 sampled plots. Overall, there were more records in plantations than in natural succession, and this was more evident in the rainy season.Conclusions: The response of medium-sized terrestrial mammals to restoration seems to be slower than recorded for other faunal groups (e.g., bats). To assess the recovery of ecological functionality that includes the ecological roles played by medium-sized mammals in this experiment, monitoring effort should be continued and expanded

    Biobanks: Experience of the School of Medicine and the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

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    Medical research has greatly beneited from molecular biology and increasingly relies on tools from the “omics” disciplines (mainly genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics). The availability of biological samples preserved with high quality standards is a sine qua non condition for such studies and their repositories are referred to as biobanks. Biobanks support the transportation, storage, preservation, and initial pathological and analytical examinations of biospecimens, as well as the protection of relevant information and the comparison of clinical and laboratory findings. A biobank facility is one of the most valuable tools the academic medicine organizations can offer to their researchers to improve the competitiveness of their current and future medical research. it acts as an essential bridge and an effective catalyst for research synergies between basic and clinical sciences, and it can be potentiated with efforts to raise funds for acquiring and maintaining cutting-edge analytical infrastructure to better serve its clinical, pharmaceutical and biotech clients

    (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate Synthetic Analogues Inhibit Fatty Acid Synthase and Show Anticancer Activity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

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    ()-Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) is a natural polyphenol from green tea with reported anticancer activity and capacity to inhibit the lipogenic enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN), which is overexpressed in several human carcinomas. To improve the pharmacological profile of EGCG, we previously developed a family of EGCG derivatives and the lead compounds G28, G37 and G56 were characterized in HER2-positive breast cancer cells overexpressing FASN. Here, diesters G28, G37 and G56 and two G28 derivatives, monoesters M1 and M2, were synthesized and assessed in vitro for their cytotoxic, FASN inhibition and apoptotic activities in MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. All compounds displayed moderate to high cytotoxicity and significantly blocked FASN activity, monoesters M1 and M2 being more potent inhibitors than diesters. Interestingly, G28, M1, and M2 also diminished FASN protein expression levels, but only monoesters M1 and M2 induced apoptosis. Our results indicate that FASN inhibition by such polyphenolic compounds could be a new strategy in TNBC treatment, and highlight the potential anticancer activities of monoesters. Thus, G28, G37, G56, and most importantly M1 and M2, are anticancer candidates (alone or in combination) to be further characterized in vitro and in vivo

    Siembra directa de árboles nativos para la restauración de la selva estacionalmente seca

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    Background and Aims: Dry forest is in extreme need of restoration given its high deforestation rates. For its restoration, direct seeding, which refers to the sowing of seeds directly in the soil, has been suggested. The objective of this study was to evaluate the success of direct seeding of nine native tree species.Methods: Emergency was evaluated for 30 days and survival for one year for four early-successional and five late-successional tree species sown in habitats with different cover of herbs and trees in two areas under restoration in Morelos and Puebla, Mexico. Key results: The most successful species given emergence and seedling survival were the early successional trees Spondias purpurea (16.79%) in El Limón, and Senegalia macilenta (20.38%) in Teotlalco; the other tree species had <10% of success. In both localities, successional status of the sown tree species was not a good predictor of emergence percentage. The cover of herbaceous and trees favored the emergence of late-successional species, while the early-successional species did not respond to plant cover; the opposite was true for seedling survival: late-successional species did not respond to plant cover changes.Conclusions: The highest mortality was registered in those areas without restoration intervention due in part, to the lack of plant cover. Also, since tree performance varied greatly by successional status and among covers, we recommend: 1) using different combination of early and late-successional tree species for direct seeding under contrasting covers and 2) establishing a cover with fast-growing trees under which the seeds of species that benefit from shade are sown and 3) to favor natural succession to increase the success of direct seeding.Antecedentes y Objetivos: La selva estacionalmente seca requiere de acciones de restauración dadas sus altas tasas de deforestación. Para su restauración se ha sugerido el uso de la siembra directa, que se refiere a la colocación de semillas directamente en el suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el éxito de la siembra directa de semillas de árboles de nueve especies nativas.Métodos: La emergencia se evaluó durante 30 días y la sobrevivencia después de un año para cuatro especies sucesionales tempranas y cinco tardías sembradas en hábitats con distinta cobertura de hierbas y árboles en dos áreas bajo restauración en Morelos y Puebla, México. Resultados clave: Las especies más exitosas por su emergencia y sobrevivencia de plántulas fueron las sucesionales tempranas: Spondias purpurea (16.79%) en El Limón y Senegalia macilenta (20.38%) en Teotlalco; el resto de las especies presentaron porcentajes de éxito de <10%. En ambas localidades, el estatus sucesional de las especies no explicó el porcentaje de emergencia. La cobertura de hierbas y árboles favoreció la emergencia de las especies tardías, mientras que las tempranas no respondieron a la cobertura; lo opuesto se observó con la sobrevivencia de las plántulas: las tardías no respondieron a los cambios en la cobertura vegetal.Conclusiones: La mayor mortalidad de plántulas se registró en los sitios sin intervención de restauración, debido en parte a la falta de cobertura vegetal. Dado que el éxito de las especies por estatus sucesional y entre coberturas fue altamente variable, se recomienda: 1) usar distintas combinaciones de semillas de especies tempranas y tardías para la siembra directa bajo coberturas contrastantes, 2) establecer una cobertura con árboles de rápido crecimiento bajo la cual se siembren las semillas de especies que se benefician de la sombra y, 3) favorecer la sucesión natural para aumentar el éxito de la siembra directa

    Olfactomedin‑like 2 A and B (OLFML2A and OLFML2B) expression profile in primates (human and baboon)

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    Background: The olfactomedin‑like domain (OLFML) is present in at least four families of proteins, including OLFML2A and OLFML2B, which are expressed in adult rat retina cells. However, no expression of their orthologous has ever been reported in human and baboon. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in ocular tissues of baboons (Papio hamadryas) and humans, as a key to elucidate OLFML function in eye physiology. Methods: OLFML2A and OLFML2B cDNA detection in ocular tissues of these species was performed by RT‑PCR. The amplicons were cloned and sequenced, phylogenetically analyzed and their proteins products were confirmed by immunofluorescence assays. Results: OLFML2A and OLFML2B transcripts were found in human cornea, lens and retina and in baboon cornea, lens, iris and retina. The baboon OLFML2A and OLFML2B ORF sequences have 96% similarity with their human’s orthologous. OLFML2A and OLFML2B evolution fits the hypothesis of purifying selection. Phylogenetic analysis shows clear orthology in OLFML2A genes, while OLFML2B orthology is not clear. Conclusions: Expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in human and baboon ocular tissues, including their high simi‑ larity, make the baboon a powerful model to deduce the physiological and/or metabolic function of these proteins in the eye

    Comparison of an increased waist circumference with a positive hydrogen breath test as a clinical predictor of lactose intolerance

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    ABSTRACT Introduction. Lactose intolerance is a common disease in pediatrics, and its wrong diagnosis will lead to morbidity. The primary objective of this study was to assess the usefulness of an increased waist circumference during the hydrogen breath test as a predictor of lactose intolerance. The secondary objective was to analyze the impact of body mass index, waist circumference measurement, and age on the abdominal distension of patients with lactose intolerance. Population and methods. A total of 138 subjects aged 3 to 15 years were included. They underwent serial measurements of the waist circumference and hydrogen levels in the breath every 30 minutes over 3 hours during the hydrogen breath test. Results. Out of the entire sample, 35 (25.4%) patients had lactose intolerance. An increase of 0.85 cm in waist circumference compared to the baseline waist circumference results in a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 85% to predict lactose intolerance (odds ratio: 42.14, 95% confidence interval: 13.08-135.75, p ≤ 0.001). The body mass index and waist circumference measurement did not affect abdominal distension (p= not significant); however, age modified the time of distension. Conclusions. A 0.85 cm increase in waist circumference compared to the baseline waist circumference during the hydrogen breath test is a useful parameter for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance in pediatrics. Variations in relation to body mass index and waist circumference did not affect the usefulness of an increased waist circumference, unlike age. Key words: lactose intolerance, waist circumference, diagnosis, exhaled hydrogen breath, child

    Molecular cloning of the myo-inositol oxygenase gene from the kidney of baboons

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    Abstract. The enzyme myo-Inositol oxygenase (MIOX) is also termed ALDRL6. It is a kidney‑specific member of the aldo‑keto reductase family. MIOX catalyzes the first reaction involved in the myo‑inositol metabolism signaling pathway and is fully expressed in mammalian tissues. MIOX catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of myo‑Inositol and its epimer, D-chiro-Inositol to D-glucuronate. The dioxygen-dependent cleavage of the C6 and C1 bond in myo‑Inositol is achieved by utilizing the Fe2+/Fe3+ binuclear iron center of MIOX. This enzyme has also been implicated in the complications of diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy. The MIOX gene was amplified with reverse transcription‑polymerase chain reaction from baboon tissue samples, and the product was cloned and sequenced. MIOX expression in the baboon kidney is described in the present study. The percentages of nucleotide and amino acid similarities between baboons and humans were 95 and 96%, respectively. The MIOX protein of the baboon may be structurally identical to that of humans. Furthermore, the evolutionary changes, which have affected these sequences, have resulted from purifying forces. Key words: animal models, gene expression, kidney, myo-inositol oxygenase, Old World monke