17 research outputs found

    A motif within the N-terminal domain of TSP-1 specifically promotes the proangiogenic activity of endothelial colony-forming cells

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    Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) gives rise to fragments that have both pro- and anti-angiogenic effects in vitro and in vivo. the TSP-HepI peptide (2.3 kDa), located in the N-terminal domain of TSP-1, has proangiogenic effects on endothelial cells. We have previously shown that TSP-1 itself exhibits a dual effect on endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFC) by enhancing their adhesion through its TSP-HepI fragment while reducing their proliferation and differentiation into vascular tubes (tubulogenesis) in vitro. This effect is likely mediated through CD47 binding to the TSP-1 C-terminal domain. Here we investigated the effect of TSP-HepI peptide on the angiogenic properties of ECFC in vitro and in vivo. TSP-HepI peptide potentiated FGF-2-induced neovascularisation by enhancing ECFC chemotaxis and tubulogenesis in a Matrigel plug assay. ECFC exposure to 20 mu g/mL of TSP-HepI peptide for 18 h enhanced cell migration (p < 0.001 versus VEGF exposure), upregulated alpha 6-integrin expression, and enhanced their cell adhesion to activated endothelium under physiological shear stress conditions at levels comparable to those of SDF-1 alpha. the adhesion enhancement appeared to be mediated by the heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) syndecan-4, as ECFC adhesion was significantly reduced by a syndecan-4-neutralising antibody. ECFC migration and tubulogenesis were stimulated neither by a TSP-HepI peptide with a modified heparin-binding site (S/TSP-HepI) nor when the glycosaminoglycans (GAGS) moieties were removed from the ECFC surface by enzymatic treatment. Ex vivo TSP-HepI priming could potentially serve to enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic neovascularisation with ECFC. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Groupe d'Etude et de Recherches sur l'Hemostase (GEHT)Region Ile-de-France (CORDDIM)Leducq TransAtlantic Network of ExcellenceUniv Estado Rio de Janeiro, Dept Biol Celular, Lab Biol Celula Endotelial & Angiogenese LabAngio, Inst Biol Roberto Alcantara Gomes, BR-20550011 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilINSERM, U765, Paris, FranceUniv Paris 05, Paris, FranceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biofis, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilHop Europeen Georges Pompidou, AP HP, Dept Haematol, Paris, FranceINSERM, Paris Cardiovasc Res Ctr, U970, Paris, FranceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biofis, São Paulo, BrazilLeducq TransAtlantic Network of Excellence: 04CVD01-LENALeducq TransAtlantic Network of Excellence: 04CVD02 -LINATCNPq: E-26/110.780/2010CAPES: 629/09Web of Scienc

    Proxima meloi Laranjeira & Gonçalves & Domahovski & Takiya 2022, sp. nov.

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    Proxima meloi sp. nov. (Figs 33–51, 56, 57) Diagnosis. Forewing (Fig. 36) without dark maculae. Male pygofer (Fig. 39), in lateral view, with apical portion rounded, not curved or folded inwardly. Subgenital plate (Fig. 40), in ventral view, with inner margin strongly expanded. Style (Fig. 42), in lateral view, with blade approximately straight, higher at base and narrowing towards the apex; ventral margin weakly serrated. Aedeagus (Figs 43, 44) with atrial processes not bifid and as long as shaft; shaft without processes; apex bifid into acute processes directed anteriorly. Measurements (mm). 11.8–12.9 mm (male); 12.8–13.5 mm (female). Coloration. As in generic description. External morphology. Crown-face transition (Fig. 34) with transverse striae only close to the eye, smooth on the median portion. Forewing (Fig. 36) with extra-numerary veins on discal, subapical and apical cells, sometimes apical half almost reticulate. Other characters as in generic description. Male terminalia. Sternite VIII (Fig. 37), in ventral view, approximately 1.4 times wider than long, strongly convex; lateral margins parallel; posterior margin widely rounded, emarginated medially. Valve (Fig. 38), in ventral view, approximately 2.7 times wider than long; posterior margin slightly excavated medially. Pygofer (Fig. 39), in lateral view, approximately 1.8 times longer than high; internal surface of lateral lobe with a thickening of the integument at anterodorsal portion; ventral margin rounded and expanded ventrally; posterodorsal and posteroventral margins approximately straight and strongly convergent at apex; apex rounded. Subgenital plate (Fig. 39), in lateral view, strongly curved dorsally; in ventral view (Fig. 40), 2.5 times longer than wide; subtriangular, outer margin slightly excavated; inner margin expanded and widely rounded; apex rounded. Connective (Fig. 41), in dorsal view, large and wide; arms 1.2 times longer than stalk; anterior margin deeply excavated. Style (Fig. 41), in dorsal view, with lateral lobe rounded; in lateral view (Fig. 42), blade approximately straight, higher at base and narrowed towards apex; ventral margin weakly serrated; apex acute and curved dorsally. Aedeagus (Figs 43, 44) with preatrium reduced; dorsal apodeme moderately developed with dorsal margin deeply excavated, lateral margins slightly produced laterally; atrial processes long, wide at base and narrowing towards apex, as long as the shaft, apex rounded; shaft long and tubular, widely curved anterodorsally; apex bifid (from apical third of shaft) into acute processes directed anteriorly. Female terminalia. Sternite VII (Fig. 45), in ventral view, approximately 1.4 times wider than long; posterolateral angle rounded; posterior margin slightly excavated near lateral angles, median portion strongly projected posteriorly with distinct median lobe deeply excavated medially. Pygofer (Fig. 46), in lateral view, approximately 1.3 times longer than high; macrosetae distributed at ventral half and apex; apex rounded. First valvifer (Fig. 47), in lateral view, subelliptic, slightly higher than wide; posterior margin truncated. First valvula (Figs 47, 48), in lateral view, approximately 8.6 times longer than high; apex subacute. Second valvula (Figs 49, 50), in lateral view, approximately 10.5 times longer than high; dorsal margin with four rounded teeth, basal tooth larger than others and apical tooth reduced; apex rounded.Second valvifer (Fig. 51), in lateral view, approximately 2.2 times higher than wide.Gonoplac (Fig. 51), in lateral view, approximately 3.6 times longer than high. Other characters as in generic description. Etymology. The new species is named in tribute to Dr. Gabriel A. R. Melo, Hymenoptera specialist and one of the collectors of the type-series. Material examined: Holotype male: “ Brasil, Bahia, 10 Km a\ NE de Encruzilhada,\ 15. 483ºS 40.824ºW,\ 830m 15.xii.2012,\ G. Melo & P. Grossi \Arm luminosa” (DZUP). Paratypes: Bahia: 2 &male;, 3 &female;, same data as holotype (DZUP); 9 &male;, 1 &female;, “ Brasil, Bahia, 6 Km a\ SE de Encruzilhada,\ 15. 567ºS 40.870ºW,\ 910m 16.xii.2012,\ G. Melo & P. Grossi \ Arm luminosa” (4 &male;, 1 &female;, DZRJ DZRJ-AUCH 0232, 0233, 0234, 0235, 0236; 1 &male;, MZSP; 4 &male;, DZUP); 4 &male;, 2 &female;, “ Brasil, Bahia,\ Encruzilhada \ XII.1980 \ M. Alvarenga leg.” (DZUP); 2 &male;, 1 &female;, “ Brasil, Bahia,\ Encruzilhada \ XI.1975 \ M. Alvarenga leg.” (MNRJ); 2 &male;, 2 &female;, “ Encruzilhada \ BA. Brasil XI/74\ M. Alvarenga ” (DZUP); 1 &male;, “ Encruzilhada \ BA. Brasil XII./80\ M. Alvarenga ” (DZUP); Minas Gerais: 1 &male;, “ Brasil, Minas Gerais, 12km a N de\ Águas Vermelhas, Faz.\ Faceiro, 15.640ºS \ 41.477ºW, 845m,\ 12.xii.2012 G. Melo & P.\ Grossi. Arm luminosa” (DZUP); 1 &female;, “ Brasil, Minas Gerais, 22km \ a NE de Pedra Azul, 15.819ºS 41.200ºW, 745m,\ 13.xii.2012, G. Melo &\ P. Grossi ” (DZUP). Notes. Proxima meloi sp. nov. can be distinguished from other species of Proxima by its subgenital plate (Fig. 40) with inner margin strongly expanded medially and by the aedeagus (Fig. 43) with atrial processes simple and as long as shaft.Published as part of Laranjeira, Vanessa Cristina, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2022, Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species, pp. 573-586 in Zootaxa 5091 (4) on pages 580-584, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.4.5, http://zenodo.org/record/586423

    Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species

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    Laranjeira, Vanessa Cristina, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz, Takiya, Daniela Maeda (2022): Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species. Zootaxa 5091 (4): 573-586, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5091.4.

    Proxima nigromaculata Laranjeira & Gonçalves & Domahovski & Takiya 2022, sp. nov.

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    Proxima nigromaculata sp. nov. (Figs 13–32, 54, 55) Diagnosis. Forewing (Fig. 16) with pair of dark brown maculae at apical third. Male pygofer (Figs 19, 20) with apex folded inwardly. Subgenital plate (Fig. 21), in ventral view, with inner margin mostly straight. Style (Figs 22, 23), in lateral view, with blade sinuous and slender; ventral margin smooth. Aedeagus (Figs 24, 25) with atrial processes not bifid and not exceeding apex of shaft; apex bifid into filiform projections directed posteroventrally. Measurements (mm). 10.8–13.0 mm (male); 13.4–15.4 mm (female). Coloration. Color pattern as in generic description, except for two dark brown maculae on corium of the forewing, one at the base of the first apical cell and appendix, and the other at wing apex (Figs 16, 54, 55). External morphology. Forewing (Fig. 16) with or without few extra-numerary veins on apical half, frequently on subapical cells. Other characters as in generic description. Male terminalia. Sternite VIII (Fig. 17), in ventral view, subrectangular; approximately 1.3 times wider than long; lateral margins parallel; posterolateral angles rounded; posterior margin with a median lobe slightly emarginated medially. Valve (Fig. 18), in ventral view, approximately 2.4 times wider than long; anterior and posterior margins rectilinear. Pygofer (Fig. 19), in lateral view, approximately 2.3 times longer than high; inner surface of lateral lobe with a thickening of the integument at anterodorsal portion; ventral margin slightly rounded; posterior margin sinuous; apex rounded, folded inwardly (Fig. 20). Subgenital plate (Fig 21), in ventral view, 3.6 times longer than wide; ligulate; outer margin rectilinear; inner margin slightly rounded; apex widely rounded. Connective (Fig. 22), in dorsal view, with arms longer than stalk; anterior margin deeply excavated; stalk short and enlarged apically. Style (Fig. 22), in dorsal view, with lateral lobe slightly rounded; in lateral view (Fig. 23), with blade sinuous and slender, slightly narrowing towards apex; ventral margin smooth; apex strongly curved dorsally. Aedeagus (Figs 24, 25) with preatrium moderately developed; dorsal apodeme underdeveloped with dorsal margin straight, weakly projected laterally; atrial processes slightly sclerotized, short, not exceeding apex of shaft, expanded preapically and with apex acute and curved ventrally; shaft broad at base and narrowing towards the apex, flattened dorsoventrally at apical half; apex bifid into poorly sclerotized filiform projections directed posteroventrally. Female terminalia. Sternite VII (Fig. 26), in ventral view, approximately 1.3 times wider than long; lateral margins parallel; posterolateral angle subacute; posterior margin excavated near lateral angles, with distinct median lobe excavated medially. Pygofer (Fig. 27), in lateral view, approximately 1.4 times longer than high; macrosetae distributed at apical half and along ventral margin; apex slightly truncated. First valvifer (Fig. 28), in lateral view, subquadrangular, as high as long, posterior margin rounded. First valvula (Figs 28, 29), in lateral view, approximately 7.1 times longer than high; apex subacute. Second valvula (Figs 30, 31), in lateral view, approximately 11.2 times longer than high; dorsal margin with three teeth widely separated in the apical half, being the basal larger than others; apex rounded. Second valvifer (Fig. 32), in lateral view, approximately 2.2 times higher than wide. Gonoplac (Fig. 32), in lateral view, approximately 3.7 times longer than high. Other characters as in generic description. Etymology. The species epithet refers to the black maculae on the forewing. Material examined: Holotype male: “ Brasil, Paraná, Tibagi \ P. E. do Guartelá, 1000m \ 24º33’47”S 50º15’26”W \ 21-24.XI.2016 Sweep \ A.C. Domahovski leg.” (DZUP). Paratypes: Paraná: 1 &male;, 1 &female;, “ Brasil, PR, Antonina \ Res. Rio Cachoeira \ 25,316ºS 46.696ºW \ 50m 20-25.xi.2014 \ Luminosa \ Entomologia UFPR ” (DZUP); Espírito Santo: 2 &male;, “ Brasil, ES, Domingos Martins,\ Cultivo soja, 20°22’17,3”S \ 41°03’47,7”W, 950 m,\ 30.XI.2016, J. S. Zanuncio \ Junior leg.” (DZUP); Maranhão: 1 &female;, “ Brasil, MA, Caxias,\ Povoado do Ouro Light\ trap 01.ii.2014 Grossi &\ Pinto Jr. Legs. ” “ DZRJ-AUCH \ 0230”(DZRJ); Minas Gerais: 1 &male;, 1 &female;, “Serra do Caraça\ MG Brasil \ 27.XI a 5.XII.1972 \ Exp. Mus. Zool.” (MZSP); Rio de Janeiro: 1 &male;, “ Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, P.N. de\ Itatiaia, Quiosque do poço\ azul, 22°27’07”S,\ 44°36’45”W, 17-18.xi.2012,\ D.M.Takiya & A.P.M.Santos ” “DNA voucher\ Entomologia, DZRJ \ ENT 1292 ” “ DZRJ-AUCH \ 0229”(DZRJ); 1 &male;, “ Brasil, RJ, Nova Friburgo\ Sans Sousi\ 20.XII.2008 - 15.I.2009 \ P. Grossi leg. Luz ” “ DZRJ-AUCH \ 0231”(DZRJ); Rio Grande do Sul: 1 &male;, “ Brasil, RS, Passo Fundo,\ M. Atlântica, 28º13’50.7”S \ 52º24’17,04”W, 671 m,\ 24.III.2017, P. R. V. \ da Silva Pereira leg.” (DZUP). Notes. Proxima nigromaculata sp. nov. differs from other species of the genus by its forewing (Fig. 16) with a pair of dark maculae at apical third, male pygofer (Fig. 19) with apex folded inwardly, and aedeagus (Fig. 24) with atrial processes poorly sclerotized and distinctly shorter than shaft.Published as part of Laranjeira, Vanessa Cristina, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2022, Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species, pp. 573-586 in Zootaxa 5091 (4) on pages 577-580, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.4.5, http://zenodo.org/record/586423

    FIGURES 13–25 in Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species

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    FIGURES 13–25. Proxima nigromaculata sp. nov., male holotype. 13, head and thorax, dorsal view. 14, head and thorax, lateral view. 15, head, ventral view. 16, forewing. 17–25, male terminalia: 17, sternite VIII, ventral view. 18, valve, ventral view. 19, pygofer, valve and subgenital plate, lateral view. 20, pygofer, apical portion. 21, subgenital plate, ventral view. 22, style and connective, dorsal view. 23, style, lateral view. 24, aedeagus, lateral view. 25, aedeagus, posterior view. Scale bars in mm.Published as part of Laranjeira, Vanessa Cristina, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2022, Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species, pp. 573-586 in Zootaxa 5091 (4) on page 578, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.4.5, http://zenodo.org/record/586423

    Proxima ocellata DeLong & Freytag 1975

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    Proxima ocellata DeLong & Freytag, 1975 (Figs 1–12, 52, 53) Proxima ocellata DeLong & Freytag, 1975: 111. Diagnosis. Forewing (Fig. 4) without dark maculae. Male pygofer (Fig. 7), in lateral view, with apical portion curved dorsally. Subgenital plate (Fig. 8), in ventral view, with inner margin slightly convex. Style (Fig. 10), in lateral view, with ventral margin excavated at median third and serrated. Aedeagus (Figs 11, 12) with atrial processes bifid apically; shaft with pair of lateral bifid subapical processes; apex bifid, forming short spatulate processes. Measurements (mm). 8.8 (male). Coloration. Color pattern as in generic description. External morphology. Forewing (Fig. 4) without extra-numerary veins. Other characters as in generic description. Male terminalia. Sternite VIII (Fig. 5), in ventral view, subrectangular; approximately 1.4 times wider than long; lateral margins rectilinear; posterolateral angles rounded; posterior margin with a small median lobe, slightly emarginated medially. Valve (Fig. 6), in ventral view, approximately 2.5 times wider than long; posterior margin slightly excavated medially. Pygofer (Fig. 7), in lateral view, with ventral margin broadly rounded; posterior margin oblique; apex subacute, curved dorsally. Subgenital plate (Fig. 8), in ventral view, 3.5 times longer than wide; ligulate; outer lateral margin slightly excavated medially; inner lateral margin widely rounded; apex rounded. Connective (Fig. 9), in dorsal view, with robust arms slightly longer than stalk; anterior margin slightly excavated; stalk short and expanded apically. Style (Fig. 9), in dorsal view, with truncated lateral lobe; in lateral view (Fig. 10), with high blade for almost entire length, abruptly narrowing apically; ventral margin serrated, excavated at median third; apex acute and curved dorsally. Aedeagus (Figs 11, 12) with preatrium short; dorsal apodeme poorly developed, with dorsal margin rounded, not expanded laterally; pair of atrial processes strongly expanded medially, ventral margin with tooth at median third, apical third bifid, forming a dorsal branch with approximately twice the length of the ventral branch, both acute and direct anteriorly; shaft long, slender and subtubular, slightly flattened laterally, with pair of lateral, short and bifid subapical processes, ventral branch about twice longer and thicker than dorsal branch; apex bifid, forming short spatulate processes, poorly sclerotized. Female unknown. Material examined. Minas Gerais: 1 &male;, “ Brasil, Minas Gerais,\ Itabirito, Vale dos Tropeiros, Cachoeira das Carrancas,\ 10.x.2010, 20°12’28.3”S,\ 43°38’26”W, 1046m, L.\ Dumas & N. Ferreira Jr. ”, “DNA voucher\ Entomologia, DZRJ \ ENT 1313 ” “ DZRJ- AUCH \ 0228” (DZRJ). Notes. Proxima ocellata can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus by its aedeagus with bifid atrial processes (Fig. 11).Although in this study, the holotype was not studied, there is no doubt about the identification of the specimen redescribed here, which agrees completely with the original description and illustrations (DeLong & Freytag, 1975).Published as part of Laranjeira, Vanessa Cristina, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2022, Review of Proxima DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) with description of two new species from Brazil and identification key to species, pp. 573-586 in Zootaxa 5091 (4) on pages 575-577, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.4.5, http://zenodo.org/record/586423

    Enterocyte ultrastructural alterations following intestinal obstruction in rats Alterações ultra-estruturais do enterócito após obstrução intestinal em ratos

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the small intestinal mucosa ultrastructure, and to characterize the enterocyte lesion severity caused by mechanical intestinal obstruction combined or not with an ischemia of the mesenteric marginal vessels arch. METHODS: It was used 47 Wistar rats divided into 4 groups as follows: Group 1- Control rats (C), Group 2- sham rats (S), Group 3- rats submitted to intestinal obstruction excluding marginal vessel (OEV), Group 4- Intestinal obstruction including marginal vessels (OIV). Rats of groups 3 and 4 were allotted into two subgroups for the removal of small intestinal tissue samples, one at the proximal (P), and the other at the distal (D) segments from the obstruction site. Samples of groups 2, 3, 4 were obtained 24, 48, and 72 hours after post operation care. Small intestinal tissue samples of group 1 were excised following laparotomy. Imaging in Light and Transmission Electronic Microscopy were used for morphological and morphometric studies. The results were analyzed by using the ANOVA and Newman-Keuls tests. RESULTS: No irreversible lesion was observed. In the 24 hours microvilli volume of group 3 turned down at the proximal site henceforth enlarging very slowly within the next 72 hours. At the distal site significant microvilli shrinkage was observed up to 48 hours. Then they recovered their volume after 72 hours. In the 24 hours microvilli volume of group 4 grew twice in comparison with the microvilli of group 1 rats but after 72 hours there was drastic volume shrinkage, shape alterations, and severe flatness, especially in the distal segments of the obstruction site. CONCLUSIONS: Terminal ileum mechanical obstruction with mesenteric marginal arch ischemia led to reversible ultrastructural alterations after 72 hours, and the injury is proportional to the persistence of the obstructive process. Furthermore the mesenteric vessels of the marginal arcade play an important role in the maintenance of mucosal integrity, when such obstructive disorder is present.<br>OBJETIVO: Analisar as alterações ultra-estruturais da mucosa do intestino delgado e caracterizar a severidade das lesões causadas por uma obstrução intestinal mecânica, associada ou não a isquemia da arcada marginal mesentérica. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 47 ratos, da linhagem Wistar, distribuídos em quatro grupos, da seguinte forma: Grupo 1 - Controle (C), Grupo 2- Simulação (S), Grupo 3- Ratos com obstrução intestinal sem inclusão de vaso marginal (OEV), Grupo 4 - Obstrução intestinal com inclusão de vaso marginal (OIV). Os animais dos grupos 3 e 4 foram redistribuídos em dois subgrupos com coleta de amostras do intestino delgado, à montante (P) e à jusante (D) do ponto de obstrução. Nos grupos 2, 3 e 4, as amostras foram colhidas com 24, 48 e 72 horas de pós-operatório. No grupo 1, este material foi retirado após laparotomia. Realizaram-se estudos morfológicos e morfométricos dos microvilos através das Microscopias Óptica e Eletrônica de Transmissão. Os resultados foram analisados mediante os testes estatísticos de ANOVA e Newman-Keuls. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas lesões irreversíveis. No grupo 3 com 24 horas, o volume dos microvilos diminuiu, à montante, com discreto aumento em 72 horas. Á jusante, houve redução significante até 48 horas, com recuperação em 72 horas. No grupo 4, o volume dos microvilos quase dobrou em relação ao grupo 1, com 24 horas, mas reduziu-se, drasticamente, em especial à jusante, com 72 h de evolução, apresentando deformidade e achatamento severos, achados estes estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSÕES: A obstrução intestinal mecânica do íleo terminal, associada ou não a isquemia da arcada mesentérica marginal, causa alterações ultra-estruturais reversíveis dos enterócitos, cuja gravidade é diretamente proporcional à duração do processo mórbido obstrutivo, até 72 horas de evolução. Aduz-se que, os vasos mesentéricos da arcada marginal exercem um papel relevante na preservação da mucosa intestinal, na presença destes quadros obstrutivos

    Estudo da morfologia renal após a oclusão da aorta abdominal infra-renal em ratos

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    OBJETIVO: Relacionar as alterações morfológicas renais sob microscopia de luz, de ratos submetidos à oclusão de aorta, em modelo que simule a condição clínica de reparação cirúrgica de um aneurisma de aorta abdominal. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar (N = 60), machos pesando entre 200 e 250g, foram distribuídos em três grupos: I (simulado); II (isquemia); III (isquemia + reperfusão); e cada grupo redistribuído em dois subgrupos: A (30 min); B (60 min). Foi realizada isquemia utilizando clamp vascular (8mm) na aorta abdominal infra-renal de acordo com o grupo estudado. Ao final de cada experimento os animais foram mortos e realizada análise histológica renal cortical e medular (descritiva e morfométrica) através de metodologia convencional (parafina-hematoxilinaeosina). A análise semiquantitativa de lesão tubular e intersticial foi realizada de acordo com o índice de lesão tubular e índice de lesão intersticial. Para a análise estatística foram aplicados os seguintes testes: Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Comparações múltiplas (p < 0,001). RESULTADOS: Observou-se no grupo III alterações histológicas tubulares e intersticiais significantes com relação aos outros grupos (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A oclusão da aorta abdominal infra-renal em ratos está associada a lesões estruturais renais tanto tubulares quanto intersticiais principalmente na fase de reperfusão