531 research outputs found

    Microbial evaluation of full-scale wastewater treatment plants by microscopy survey and chemometric analysis

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017[Excerpt] Activated sludge (AS) systems, are constituted by living organisms, mainly bacteria (floc-forming and filamentous), protozoa and metazoa. The later play an important role on grazing bacteria, and are known to be dependent on the working operational parameters (incoming effluent, dissolved oxygen, nitrification, hydraulic and sludge retention times, transient phenomena, etc.) and the system itself (conventional activated system – CAS, oxidation ditch – OD, trickling filter – TF, etc.). Floc-forming bacteria, such as aerobic heterotrophic, autotrophic (nitrifying and sulfur-oxidizing), denitrifying, sulfatereducing and phosphate accumulating bacteria (PAO), are the main organisms responsible for pollution reduction in AS systems. On the other hand, the major role played by filamentous bacteria, rests on the establishment of the microbial aggregates structure, a key feature regarding sludge settling ability. It is known that AS systems are prone to be affected by bulking, foaming, pin point flocs and dispersed growth occurrences, causing poor sludge settling abilities and affecting the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) performance. In fact, an excess of filamentous bacteria, resulting in filamentous bulking or foaming events, or a shortage, resulting in dispersed growth or pinpoint flocs formation, leads to settling problems in the secondary clarifier. Furthermore, it is possible to establish a close correlation between the predominance of certain protozoa and metazoa taxa, several AS systems operational and settling problems occurrences. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An IT value management capability model for portuguese universities: a Delphi study

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    One of the most common dilemmas faced today by organizations and their leaders is how to guarantee value from high level IT investments, i.e. how organizations ensure expected benefits from growth in IT investments. Knowledgeable about this reality, organizations seek solutions to solve this problem, either through the adoption of frameworks developed and proposed by the professional community (COBIT5; VAL IT 2.0; IT-CMF), or alternatively, by designing and implementing their own models. The aforementioned, for organizations in general, is not different in the context of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This paper adopts a Resource-Based View theory (RBV) to identify a set of competences and resources, which contribute to develop and conceptualize an IT Value Management Capability Model. The identified items were submitted to a panel of experts through a Delphi study in order to validate and propose a baseline to assist academic and practitioners understand essential requirements to implement an IT Value Management Capability Model (ITVMCM) in Portuguese public universities.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Optimized, automated shimming procedure for improved experimental cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy at ultra-high magnetic fields

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    Background: As técnicas de ressonância magnética cardíaca por imagem (MRI) e espetroscopia (MRS) são ferramentas usadas para caraterizar, de forma não invasiva, modelos de rato com doenças cardíacas humanas. As experiências são tipicamente conduzidas em sistemas de Ressonância Magnética (MR) equipados com magnetos de elevada intensidade (≥ 7 Tesla). Um requisito fundamental da MR é a homogeneidade do campo magnético estático, B0 (Grutter, 1993), e as flutuações (inomogeneidades) do campo magnético principal na região de imagem devem ser menores a três partes por milhão (3 ppm). Inserindo uma amostra aumenta-se a inomogeneidade do campo (devido a diferentes graus de magnetização ao longo da amostra como resposta a B0 ("suscetibilidade magnética")), a qual necessita de ser compensada (Crijns et al, 2011; Koch et al, 2006). Homogeneizar (shimming) o campo magnético estático é uma tarefa crucial em qualquer experiência de MR para maximizar a resolução e a razão entre sinal e ruído. Isto é particularmente importante em campos magnéticos de elevada intensidade devido à dependência linear da suscetibilidade magnética com B0. O ajuste manual das bobinas de shim é laborioso e subjetivo. Para além disso, este processo é particularmente desafiante onde vários tecidos (por exemplo, osso, fluxo de sangue, entre outros) estão numa vizinhança próxima dentro do tórax, tendo cada um diferentes suscetibilidades magnéticas e movimentos relativos. Métodos automáticos de shimming, como o FASTMAP ou FASTERMAP (Shen et al, 1997), estão experimental e clinicamente bem estabelecidos no tecido cerebral mas falham no coração devido à fase de sinal mal definida de MR, particularmente no interior dos ventrículos. Com base numa técnica previamente implementada para o cérebro humano, foi investigada a implementação de uma nova abordagem para corações de ratos, in vivo, capaz de homogeneizar B0 na região de interesse, com uma forma aleatória. Objetivo: O objetivo deste projeto é investigar os parâmetros ótimos de digitalização e pós-processamento, por forma a otimizar e alcançar um procedimento automático de shimming, potenciando, assim, as técnicas de MRI e MRS cardíacas. Métodos: Diversos ratos (n=5) foram submetidos à técnica de MR, realizada num magneto horizontal de 9.4 Tesla (T). A aquisição de imagem foi conduzida através de sequências rápidas echo variando os seguintes parâmetros: resolução, compensação de fluxo (on / off), orientação (short-axis / axial) e dimensão (multi-cortes 2D vs 3D). Três diferentes configurações de bobinas de shim foram investigadas e a sequência ótima de MR foi avaliada. Resultados: O nível de 17% de threshold demonstrou ser aceitável para a remoção das discontinuidades de fase. A análise quantitativa do desempenho das diferentes abordagens de phase unwrapping mostrou que a abordagem 3D é a mais eficaz na resolução das discontinuidades de fase presentes nos mapas de campo. A aplicação de orientação axial, os dados de maior resolução, a ausência de compensação de fluxo e a introdução de bobinas de shim de maiores ordens demonstraram um peso significativo na redução das inomogeneidades de B0, quando aplicados. Conclusões: Este projeto permitiu estabelecer parâmetros ótimos de aquisição e opções de pós-processamento que melhoram a homogeneidade de B0, importantes na validação de futuros estudos complementares.Background: Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy are tools to non-invasively characterize rodent models of human heart disease. The experiments are typically carried out on dedicated MR systems equipped with ultra-high field magnets (≥ 7 Tesla). One fundamental requirement of MR is the homogeneity of the static magnetic field B0 (Grutter, 1993), and fluctuations of the main magnetic field (B0 inhomogeneities) within the scan region should be less than three parts per million (3 ppm). Inserting a sample inherently increases the field inhomogeneity (due to different degree of magnetization across the sample in response to the B0 field (“magnetic susceptibility”)), which needs to be compensated for (Crijns et al, 2011; Koch et al, 2006). Homogenizing (i.e. shimming) the static magnetic field is crucial for any MR experiment in order to maximize resolution and signal-to-noise. This is particularly important at ultra-high magnetic fields due to linear dependence of magnetic susceptibility. Adjusting the three linear and typically up to 14 higher order shims manually is laborious and subjective. Moreover, this process is particularly challenging where various tissues (i.e. heart and skeletal muscle, bone, lungs and flowing blood) are in close vicinity within the chest, each having different magnetic susceptibilities and relative motions. Auto-shim methods such as FASTMAP or FASTERMAP (Shen et al, 1997), are clinically and experimentally well established in brain tissue, but inevitably fail in the heart due to the ill-defined phase of the MR-signal, particularly inside the ventricles. Based on a technique, previously applied to human brain – implemented a novel approach for the application to mouse hearts in vivo, that is able to homogenize the B0-field in an arbitrarily shaped, but connected region of interest. Aim: The aim of this project is to investigate optimal scan parameters and post-processing approach to optimize and advance an automated shimming procedure for improved experimental cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy at ultra-high magnetic fields. Methods: Mice (n = 5) underwent MR experiments carried out in a 9.4 Tesla (T) horizontal magnet. The image acquisition was performed using fast gradient echo sequences varying the following parameters: resolution, flow compensation on / off, orientation (short-axis / axial), and dimension (2D multislice vs 3D). Three different shim coils’ configurations (shim coils up to the third order) were investigated and optimal MR sequence was assessed. Results: The threshold level of 17% proved to be acceptable for removal of phase discontinuities and hence it was used in subsequent studies. Quantitative analysis of the performance of different phase unwrapping approaches showed that the 3D approach is the most effective in resolving phase discontinuities present in field maps. The application of axial orientation, highest resolution data, absence of compensation flow and the introduction of higher order shim coils showed a significant reduction of B0 inhomogeneities when applied. Conclusions: This project established optimal acquisition parameters and post-processing options to improve the homogeneity of B0, and will aid the validation process in further follow-up studies

    Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens

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    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) have recently received wide attention in the scientific community due to their extensive consumption for human health and consequent discharge to the environment. Release of PhACs into the environment, even in trace amounts, can cause serious environmental damage. This has become a major concern and their removal from water sources is a priority. Although a few PhACs are efficiently removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), others remain recalcitrant, and their release is causing damage. In this review, the current state of the art on the biological removal processes of sulfonamide sulfamethoxazole (SMX), the anticonvulsant carbamazepine (CBZ), and steroid estrogens 17-estradiol (E2) and 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2) are discussed, along with their environmental impact. Other systems beyond activated sludge, such as membrane bioreactors, enzymatic membrane reactors, fungi treatments and hybrid systems are also becoming of major interest and are being evaluated for the removal of these compounds. Future perspectives are addressed.Cristiano Leal is recipient of a fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-69-2015-15) funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microbial-based evaluation of foaming events in full-scale wastewater treatment plants by microscopy survey and quantitative image analysis

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    Activated sludge systems are prone to be affected by foaming occurrences causing the sludge to rise in the reactor and affecting the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) performance. Nonetheless, there is currently a knowledge gap hindering the development of foaming events prediction tools that may be fulfilled by the quantitative monitoring of AS systems biota and sludge characteristics. As such, the present study focuses on the assessment of foaming events in full-scale WWTPs, by quantitative protozoa, metazoa, filamentous bacteria, and sludge characteristics analysis, further used to enlighten the inner relationships between these parameters. In the current study, a conventional activated sludge system (CAS) and an oxidation ditch (OD) were surveyed throughout a period of 2 and 3 months, respectively, regarding their biota and sludge characteristics. The biota community was monitored by microscopic observation, and a new filamentous bacteria index was developed to quantify their occurrence. Sludge characteristics (aggregated and filamentous biomass contents and aggregate size) were determined by quantitative image analysis (QIA). The obtained data was then processed by principal components analysis (PCA), cross-correlation analysis, and decision trees to assess the foaming occurrences, and enlighten the inner relationships. It was found that such events were best assessed by the combined use of the relative abundance of testate amoeba and nocardioform filamentous index, presenting a 92.9 % success rate for overall foaming events, and 87.5 and 100 %, respectively, for persistent and mild events


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    Este texto aborda a viabilidade de implantação de um projeto de eficiência energética nas instalações de uma empresa de distribuição de Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo (GLP) na cidade de Porto Velho/RO. Para tanto foi proposta a correção do fator de potência da carga instalada a partir da instalação de bancos de capacitores nos Quadros de Distribuição Geral de Baixa Tensão (QDGBT) da área de produção, logística e administração. A proposta foi baseada em dados obtidos nas faturas mensais de energia elétrica da empresa, considerando os valores de energia ativa, reativa, aparente, demanda, excedentes e multas mensais. Esses dados foram consolidados em tabelas, gráficos e figuras anexas ao texto. A proposta apresenta também uma sugestão de investimento e previsão de retorno dos gastos em 24 meses com a redução dos valores das faturas mensais de energia elétrica. A análise de carga da empresa, a memória de cálculos necessários para o correto dimensionamento dos bancos de capacitores, o local ideal para instalação, relação de componentes e o custo para a confecção dos bancos de capacitores entre outros elementos foram considerados na proposta. Ressalta-se que essa proposta foi apresentada durante a realização do estágio discente do curso de Sistemas Elétricos do Instituto Luterano de Ensino Superior de Porto Velho/RO (ULBRA/RO)


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    A Responsabilidade Social do Pesquisador em Educação

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    Neste texto, critico a ideia de que a responsabilidade social do pesquisador em educação possa ser compreendida através do bin6mio "competênciatécnica mais compromisso políticos". Analiso esta responsabilidade, examinando seus diversos aspectos, para sugerir uma outra perspectiva de síntese

    Mecanismo de ativação de canais iônicos dependentes de voltagem, Kv e Nav, e a interação com anestésicos gerais

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2013.O papel fundamental dos canais catiônicos dependentes de voltagem (VGCC) nos mais diversos organismos baseia-se no seu complexo mecanismo de ativação, i.e a transição entre dois estado fisiológicos funcionais desses canais: ativado/aberto (AT) e desativado/fechado (RT). Logo após a publicação da primeira estrutura cristalográfica do canal de mamífero Kv1.2 na conformação AT, alguns modelos do estado RT tem sido propostos na literatura para este canal. Para todos esses modelos, análises estruturais tem sugerido um consenso com os dados experimentais, destacando portanto a natureza inequívoca dessas estruturas RT. Tomados em conjunto, os estudos estruturais sobre o Kv1.2 são até agora o único conjunto de dados disponível, no nível das interações atômicas, para o entendimento sobre o mecanismo de ativação da superfamília VGCC. Recentemente, a estrutura cristalográfica de um canal de sódio de procarioto, dependente de voltagem (NavAb), foi resolvida numa conformação interpretada como estado pré-ativado do canal. Como um possível ancestral da superfamília dos canais de sódio e cálcio dependentes de voltagem de vertebrados, o surgimento da estrutura atomística do NavAb nos proporciona a primeira, e até então a única, estrutura de alta resolução para estender nossa compreensão sobre outros membros da superfamília VGCC. Dessa forma, de modo a contribuir com o referido tema, consideramos as estruturas AT e RT do Kv1.2, equilibradas na membrana, como guias estruturais em uma série de simulações de dinâmica molecular no intuito de investigar o processo de ativação do canal NavAb. Além de identificar a estrutura cristalográfica do NavAb como um estado intermediário dentro do caminho de ativação, nosso trabalho permitiu determinar conformações relacionadas aos estados fisiológicos funcionais estruturalmente relacionados às estruturas AT e RT. De maneira geral, os resultados suportam a ideia de um mecanismo de ativação altamente conservado ao longo de toda a superfamília de VGCC. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe critical role of voltage-gated cation channels (VGCCs) relies on a complex voltage-dependent activation mechanism linking two physiologically relevant channel states, activated- open (AT) and resting-closed (RT) states. Following the early publication of the x-ray crystal structure of the mammalian Kv1.2 channel in the AT conformation, atomistic models for the RT state of the channel have been proposed. For all of these models, structural analyses demonstrated a consensual explanation of experimental data, thereby highlighting the unambiguous nature of these RT structures. Taken together, these structural studies on Kv1.2 have contributed so far with most of our atomic-level knowledge on the activation mechanism of VGCCs. More recently, the x-ray structure of a prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel, NavAb, was resolved in a conformation that was interpreted as representative of the pre-open state of the channel. As one of the possible ancestors of the large family of vertebrate voltage- + ++gated Na and Ca channels, the appearance of the NavAb structure has provided us with a first, and so far unique, template to extend our knowledge towards other members of the large family of VGCCs. Accordingly, in this contribution, we have considered the well-understood AT and RT structures of Kv1.2, equilibrated in a lipid bilayer, as guide structural models to drive a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations aimed at to study the activation process of NavAb. While identifying the reported NavAb structure as an intermediate conformation, not fully-activated, our work has enabled us to determine channel conformations likely related to the RT and AT states of the channel. Overall, the structural results support an activation mechanism highly conserved across the entire family of VGCCs