324 research outputs found

    Non-protected Labour in one West African Capital: Characteristics of Jobs and Occupational Mobility in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

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    The microeconomic analysis of labour mobilisation and labour relationships in developing countries, though diverse in its hypotheses, methods and results, still nurtures the idea of dualistically segmented labour markets. This binary rural/urban segmentation leaves in the dark an important stratum of developing countries' labour markets, namely the urban informal sector. How does this huge group of unprotected workers gain access to jobs? Do labour relations comprise a social security dimension? We focus on the contractual forms that unregistered employment relationships take. We successively explore the content of employment relationships and compare it to existing classifications. We also assess the role of friends and families in accessing jobs and the changing social embeddedness over time of labour arrangements to highlight the crucial importance of interpersonal ties for informal work trajectories.

    Introducing passive matched field acoustic tomography

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    In acoustic tomography sea-basin environmental parameters such as temperature profiles and current-velocities are derived, when ray propagation models are adopted, by the travel time estimates relative to the identifiable ray paths. The transmitted signals are either single frequency, or impulsive, or intermittent and deterministic. When the wavelength is comparable with the scale lengths present in the propagation scenario, Matched Field Tomography (MFT) is used, entailing the consideration of waveguide modes instead of rays. A new concept in tomography is introduced in the paper, that employs passively the noise emitted by ships of opportunity (cargoes, ferries) as source signals. The passive technique is acoustic-pollution-free, and if a basin is selected in which a regular ship traffic occurs data can be received on a regular schedule, with no transmission cost. A novel array pre-processor for passive tomography is introduced, such that the signal structure at the pre-processor output is nearly the same as that obtainable in the case of single-frequency source signals. Hence, at the pre-processor output all the tomographic inversion methods valid for active tomography employing single-frequency sources can be applied. The differences between active and passive tomography are pointed out and the potential of passive techniques is illustrated by simple propagation scenarios adopting either rays or waveguide modes

    Strujanje uzrokovano vjetrom u stratificiranom fluidu: numeričko istraživanje i primjena na Tršćanski zaljev u uvjetima jake bure

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    This study investigates the circulation driven by a severe bora wind event in the Gulf of Trieste during the stratification season. A preliminary numerical analysis of the wind driven transport in the surface boundary layer is carried out for an idealized, laterally unbounded, shallow domain. Then, the simulations are focused on the Gulf of Trieste, using a realistic bathymetry and assuming stably stratified initial conditions. First, the model is driven by constant wind forcing, then qualitative and quantitative estimations of the dynamics of the basin are made reproducing the strong Bora event of the 25 June 2002. Numerical results show good agreement with in situ measurements and remotely sensed images. The relevance of coastal upwelling and its persistence are also assessed. The results prove that mixing and coastal upwelling (both wind-driven) govern the circulation of the basin. When bora starts blowing, buoyant surface water is moved by EKMAN transport offshore inducing a bottom onshore current. Simultaneously, wind driven stirring breaks the initial stable stratification. The surface offshore current generates a sea surface level setup on the northern boundary. When bora decreases, this surface tilt is no longer sustained, and a reversal of the circulation is observed in the upper layer. The sensitivity to the wind forcing is also discussed. All of these issues are crucial to environmental problems such as pollutant dispersion or anoxia phenomena in the bottom layers of the Gulf.U ovom se radu analizira strujanje u Tršćanskom zaljevu uzrokovano jakom burom u vertikalno stratificiranom slučaju. Preliminarna numerička analiza strujnog polja uzrokovanog vjetrom urađena je za idealizirani slučaj horizontalno neograničene domene. Zatim su numeričke simulacije primijenjene na Tršćanski zaljev upotrebivši realnu batimetriju i uz pretpostavku vertikalno stabilne stratifikacije. 25. lipnja 2002. godine najprije je primjenijen stacionaran vjetar, a zatim realistična situacija jake bure. Rezultati numeričke integracije pokazuju dobro slaganje s in situ i daljinskim mjerenjima. Posebna je pažnja poklonjena intenzitetu obalnog “upwellinga” i njegovoj postojanosti. Rezultati ukazuju da su vertikalno miješanje i “upwelling” odgovorni za strujanje u bazenu. Bura uzrokuje EKMANOV transport i odnosi slatku vodu prema sredini zaljeva, te uzrokuje formiranje pridnene struje ka obali. Istovremeno vertikalno miješanje slabi vertikalnu stabilnost vodenog stupca. Površinska struja od obale prema sredini zaljeva uzrokuje nagib razine mora od sjeverne obale ka jugu. Kada prestane bura nagib razine mora se više ne može održati i javlja se površinska struja suprotnog smjera. U ovom je radu također istraživana osjetljivost numeričkih rješenja na utjecaj vjetra. Ovi su procesi važni za širenje otpadnih tvari kao i za eventualnu pojavu anoksije u pridnenom sloju zaljeva


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    Gabe Art dalam menjalankan operasional pemesanan melakukan banyak pekerjaan seperti mendata jumlah barang, mendata komsumen, mendata pemesanan barang, mendata pelunasan barang, serta membuat laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan oleh manajer, dimana dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya tersebut, karyawan kadang menemukan kesulitan dan kesalahan, misalnya kesulitan mencari data, proses pendataan yang memakan waktu lama, terjadinya redudansi data, hilangnya faktur pembelian maupun penjualan, penyimpanan data yang kurang aman dan proses pembuatan laporan yang kurang efektif. Permasalahan tersebut menyebabkan tidak adanya informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak terkait. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyajikan informasi pemeasanan barang secara cepat, tepat dan efisien akan sangat dibutuhkan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode dalam penyusunanan sistem Jogiyanto yang dimulai dari tahapan perencanaann, analisis sistem, desain sistem dan implementasi sistem. Dari hasil penelitian sistem tersebut, akan menghasilkan proses pendataan barang, pendaataan pelanggan, transaksi pemesanan, transaksi penjualan serta laporan yang dibutuhkan. Sistem tersebut diharapkan akan menghasilkan keseragaman informasi, sehingga akan memudahkan para pengguna informasi untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan

    EMG Analysis and Motor Unit Recruitment in the Rectus Femoris of College Students

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    The rectus femoris works as part of the quadriceps muscle group to provide the force needed to generate very explosive movements during knee extension. Because many sports require explosive movements from the lower body, many strength coaches implement exercise routines that strengthen the muscles and prevent injuries. In the general population, activities using knee extension are essential in getting the full benefit of a designed exercise program. Muscle fibers provide the contractile force needed to accomplish a movement. Commonly, a deficiency is present in people who tend to favor one leg more than the other during activity. This is due to factors such as improper training, improper biomechanics, and joint injury. Having a strength imbalance from one leg to the other can strongly influence the amount of force generated, and therefore the amount of weight lifted. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these subjects had an imbalance in the contractile force of the rectus femoris. The participants were all kinesiology students in a Master’s degree program. Their age ranges from 22 years of age to 25 years of age. The instruments being used for this procedure are a leg extension machine and Biopac EMG. Each participant was required to perform five reps of a single leg extension for each leg, after determining maximum voluntary contraction. To analyze data that is collected. Data was analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. Muscle contractions were compared between and within subjects and compared from the participant’s dominant to non-dominant leg. For this particular study, the purpose was calculating whether the contractions are different from dominant leg to non-dominant leg. The results indicate that participants have a significant decrease in the contractile force from their dominant to non-dominant leg; significance was set at p\u3c.05. This study shows where coaches, trainers, and athletes need to focus on strength training to correct muscle imbalances. Imbalances could indicate that subjects are not trained properly, or they are favoring one leg while performing explosive maneuvers, or have an injury that prevents proper firing motor unit recruitment (1, 4)

    Energy Expenditure and Economy During a Cycle Ergometer Test

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    Research has shown that submaximal cycle ergometer testing presents a reduced V02 max score when compared to that of the treadmill test. In this study, we compared a submaximal economy test on the Monark Cycle Ergometer. The purpose of this study was for each participant to perform the same test and compare economy, V02 ml/kg/min for a given workload, as well as calories burned between males and females during the nine minute test. By testing economy for each participant, we aim to determine whether males or females use oxygen more efficiently during testing. Before beginning the test, the Cosmed metabolic equipment was calibrated. The test was standardized to last for nine minutes at 70 rotations per minute and 1 kilopond of resistance. Based off of the comparison in V02 mL/kg/min and kCal mL/kg/min, the women had the highest V02 per given workload and also had the lowest calories burned. The women were the least efficient by having a higher V02 while working at the same intensity as the male participants. The research used to support this study indicates that there are two components for overall metabolic power during a dynamic leg exercise on the cycle ergometer; the power used to overcome the resistance applied to the ergometer and the rate of energy expenditure required to move the lower limbs without opposition against the opposition load (Girardis, Linnarsson, Moia, Pendergast, & Ferretti, 1999). It is also stated that during exercise at submaximal levels below lactate threshold the net V02 of the whole body is equivalent of the net rate of energy expenditure (Storer, Davis, & Caiozzo, 1990). The cycle ergometer is a good use to determine V02 by collecting expired air and the volume measured in the spirometer (Saltin & Astrand, 1967). For the results of this lab to be more accurate the resistance and intensity could have been changed at different stages of the test. This would have given and more accurate measure of the ability of each participant to reach the next stage of testing

    On the design of a sustainable ocean drifter for developing countries

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    More than fifty low and medium income countries rely on the sea for their economies. Despite its importance, there is a lack of oceanographic scientific data from these countries due to the high cost of equipment and to the running costs of measurement campaigns. In this paper we present a low-cost drifter based on a LoRa communication platform and tested in a coastal area (Gulf of Trieste). The system, built using low-cost off-the-shelf components, has at least the same performances of drifters that costs about three times as much and its operation does not require any recurring costs. The use of a LoRa allows several drifters to operate simultaneously in the same area, providing a rich and homogeneous database for the statistical post processing. The high transmission rate allows an almost instantaneous position determination, facilitating the drifter recovery for successive reuse, which essential in developing countries

    Passive ocean acoustic tomography: theory and experiment

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    In this paper the Passive Ocean Acoustic Tomography (P-OAT) methodology is presented. This technique, avoiding the use of a dedicated active sound source, estimates the sea water temperature spatial distribution from the received noise emitted from ships of opportunity. The feasibility of the proposed methodology has been confirmed both by test-runs on semi-synthetic data and by the use of real acoustic and environmental data collected during INTIMATE00 experiment performed on October 2000 in the Atlantic Ocean off the Portuguese coasts