637 research outputs found

    Microwave Driven Magnetic Plasma Accelerator Studies (CYCLOPS)

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    A microwave-driven cyclotron resonance plasma acceleration device was investigated using argon, krypton, xenon, and mercury as propellants. Limited ranges of propellant flow rate, input power, and magnetic field strength were used. Over-all efficiencies (including the 65% efficiency of the input polarizer) less than 10% were obtained for specific impulse values between 500 and 1500 sec. Power transfer efficiencies, however, approached 100% of the input power available in the right-hand component of the incident circularly polarized radiation. Beam diagnostics using Langmuir probes, cold gas mapping, r-f mapping and ion energy analyses were performed in conjunction with an engine operating in a pulsed mode. Measurements of transverse electron energies at the position of cyclotron resonant absorption yielded energy values more than an order of magnitude lower than anticipated. The measured electron energies were, however, consistent with the low values of average ion energy measured by retarding potential techniques. The low values of average ion energy were also consistent with the measured thrust values. It is hypothesized that ionization and radiation limit the electron kinetic energy to low-values thus limiting the energy which is finally transferred to the ion. Thermalization by electron-electron collision was also identified as an additional loss mechanism. The use of light alkali metals, which have relatively few low lying energy levels to excite, with the input power to mass ratio selected so as to limit the electron energies to less than the second ionization potential, is suggested. It is concluded, however, that the over-all efficiency for such propellants would be less than 40 per cent

    Higher serum levels of periostin and the risk of exacerbations in moderate asthmatics

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    BACKGROUND: In asthma, exacerbations and poor disease control are linked to airway allergic inflammation. Serum periostin has been proposed as a systemic biomarker of eosinophilic inflammation. This pilot study aims at evaluating whether in patients with moderate asthma, higher baseline levels of serum periostin are associated with a greater risk of exacerbation. METHODS: Fifteen outpatients with moderate allergic asthma were recruited. Serum concentrations of periostin were assessed (ELISA) at baseline, and the frequency of asthma exacerbations was recorded during a one-year follow-up. RESULTS: Patients (M/F: 10/5, mean age of 47.6\u2009\ub1\u200911.0 years) had mean ACQ score of 5.5\u2009\ub1\u20094.2 and FEV1%pred of 81.9\u2009\ub1\u200921.7 %. Baseline serum levels of periostin did not correlate with lung function parameters, nor with the ACQ score (p 650.05 for all analyses). Five subjects (33 % of the study group) reported one or more exacerbations during the following year. Baseline serum levels of periostin were significantly higher in subjects who experienced one or more exacerbations during the one year period of follow-up, compared with subjects with no exacerbations: median serum periostin level was 4047 ng/ml (range: 2231 to 4889 ng/ml) and 222 ng/ml (range 28.2 to 1631 ng/ml) respectively; p\u2009=\u20090.001. CONCLUSION: The findings of the present pilot study could form the basis for the design of larger studies aiming at developing strategies to identify asthmatic patients at risk for exacerbations

    Indacaterol/glycopyrronium/mometasone fixed dose combination for uncontrolled asthma

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    Introduction: Asthma symptoms can be relieved through a maintenance treatment combining long-acting β2-agonist and inhaled corticosteroids (LABA/ICS). However, for patients with inadequately controlled asthma, the LABA/ICS combination might not be sufficient, and clinical guidelines recommend the administration of inhaled long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMA) as an add-on therapy to better control asthma and improve lung function. For nearly two decades, the only LAMA to be approved on the market has been tiotropium. Areas covered: We reviewed recent clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of LABA/LAMA/ICS fixed dose combinations by searching the PubMed database. Molecular mechanisms and clinical data support the use of a once-daily, single-inhaler fixed dose combination of the LABA/LAMA/ICS indacaterol/glycopyrronium/mometasone (IND/GLY/MF), the first therapy combining three agents in a fixed dose approved in Europe for the treatment of uncontrolled asthma. Expert opinion: IND/GLY/MF was superior to both IND/MF and salmeterol/fluticasone, a well-established LABA/ICS combination improving the lung function in uncontrolled asthma. Moreover, IND/GLY/MF, delivered through the Breezhaler inhaler in a single inhalation, is the first inhaled therapy prescribed alongside a digital companion, a sensor and the Propeller app, allowing for improved treatment adherence, reduced rescue inhaler usage and hospitalizations, increased patient satisfaction and asthma control

    Surgical complications after pancreatic transplantation: A computed tomography imaging pictorial review

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    pancreatic transplantation should start with the evaluation of the arterial Y-graft, the venous anastomosis and the duodenojejunostomy. With regard to complications, CT allows for the identification of vascular complications, such as thrombosis or stenosis of blood vessels supplying the graft, the detection of pancreatic fluid collections, including pseudocysts, abscesses, or leaks, the assessment of bowel complications (anastomotic leaks, ileus or obstruction), and the identification of bleeding. The aim of this pictorial review is to illustrate CT findings of surgical-related complications after pancreatic transplantation. The knowledge of surgical techniques is of key importance to understand postoperative anatomic changes and imaging evaluation. Therefore, we first provide a short summary of the main techniques of pancreatic transplantation. Then, we provide a practical imaging approach to pancreatic transplantation and its complications providing tips and tricks for the prompt imaging diagnosis on CT.Pancreatic transplantation is considered by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes an acceptable surgical procedure in patients with type 1 diabetes also undergoing kidney transplantation in pre-final or end-stage renal disease if no contraindications are present. Pancreatic transplantation, however, is a complex surgical procedure and may lead to a range of postoperative complications that can significantly impact graft function and patient outcomes. Postoperative computed tomography (CT) is often adopted to evaluate perfusion of the transplanted pancreas, identify complications and as a guide for interventional radiology procedures. CT assessment afte

    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: Uncommon imaging presentation, evolution and comparison of guidelines

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    Pancreatic cystic lesions are often asymptomatic, incidentally detected and include a range of entities with varying degrees of concern for malignancy. Among these, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) are considered premalignant pancreatic lesions, with a broad pathological spectrum ranging from lesions without dysplasia, which can be managed conservatively, to malignant lesions that require surgical resection. The increasing use of CT and MRI has led to increased recognition of this entity incidentally, with branch-duct IPMN representing the most common subtype and the most challenging lesions in terms of patient management. The main imaging modality involved in diagnosis and surveillance of IPMN is MRI. Radiologists play an important role in the management of patients with IPMN, including lesion detection, characterization, follow-up and prognostication, allowing early MRI identification of features that are concerning for malignancy. The main aim of this pictorial review is to illustrate MRI features of IPMN and to discuss risk stratification scores based on different guidelines, with a main focus on branch-duct IPMN. The secondary aims include the presentation of common and uncommon imaging evolution of BD-IPMN as well as the discussion on current controversies on the appropriate management of IPMN

    Novel Biological Therapies for Severe Asthma Endotypes

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    Severe asthma comprises several heterogeneous phenotypes, underpinned by complex pathomechanisms known as endotypes. The latter are driven by intercellular networks mediated by molecular components which can be targeted by specific monoclonal antibodies. With regard to the biological treatments of either allergic or non-allergic eosinophilic type 2 asthma, currently available antibodies are directed against immunoglobulins E (IgE), interleukin-5 (IL-5) and its receptor, the receptors of interleukins-4 (IL-4) and 13 (IL-13), as well as thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and other alarmins. Among these therapeutic strategies, the best choice should be made according to the phenotypic/endotypic features of each patient with severe asthma, who can thus respond with significant clinical and functional improvements. Conversely, very poor options so far characterize the experimental pipelines referring to the perspective biological management of non-type 2 severe asthma, which thereby needs to be the focus of future thorough research

    Mandibular reconstruction with bridging customized plate after ablative surgery for ONJ: A multi‐centric case series

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    Purpose: Computer‐aided methods for mandibular reconstruction have improved both functional and morphological results in patients who underwent segmental mandibular resection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the overlaying of virtual planning in terms of measures of the Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Manufacturing CAD/CAM plate for mandibular reconstruction in patients who are ineligible for the insertion of reconstructing the titanium plate supported by fibular free flap, due to their poor health status, or in the presence of specific contraindications to autologous bone flap harvest. Materials and methods: The retrospective study performed analyzed the results of nine patients. The patients were treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of Policlinico S. Orsola of Bologna, Italy, and Policlinico San Marco, Catania, Italy, from April 2016 to June 2021. Superimposition between planning and post operative Computed Tomography CT scan was performed to assess the accuracy. Results: All reconstructive procedures were carried out successfully. No microsurgery‐related complications occurred. In two cases, we had plate misplacement, and in one case, plate exposure that led to plate removal. The average accuracy of the series assessed after CT superimposition, as previously described, was 0.95 mm. Conclusions: Considering that microvascular bone transfer is a high‐risk procedure in BRONJ patients, we can conclude that the positioning of a customized bridging mandibular prosthesis (CBMP), whether or not it is associated with a microvascular soft tissue transfer, is a safe technique in terms of surgical outcome and feasibility