228 research outputs found

    Modular Invariance Faces Precision Neutrino Data

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    We analyze a modular invariant model of lepton masses, with neutrino masses originating either from the Weinberg operator or from the seesaw. The constraint provided by modular invariance is so strong that neutrino mass ratios, lepton mixing angles and Dirac/Majorana phases do not depend on any Lagrangian parameter. They only depend on the vacuum of the theory, parametrized in terms of a complex modulus and a real field. Thus eight measurable quantities are described by the three vacuum parameters, whose optimization provides an excellent fit to data for the Weinberg operator and a good fit for the seesaw case. Neutrino masses from the Weinberg operator (seesaw) have inverted (normal) ordering. Several sources of potential corrections, such as higher dimensional operators, renormalization group evolution and supersymmetry breaking effects, are carefully discussed and shown not to affect the predictions under reasonable conditions.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; further comments, one on the quark sector, adde

    BasisGen: automatic generation of operator bases

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    BasisGen is a Python package for the automatic generation of bases of operators in effective field theories. It accepts any semisimple symmetry group and fields in any of its finite dimensional irreducible representations. It takes into account integration by parts redundancy and, optionally, the use of equations of motion. The implementation is based on well-known methods to generate and decompose representations using roots and weights, which allow for fast calculations, even with large numbers of fields and high-dimensional operators. BasisGen can also be used to do some representation-theoretic operations, such as finding the weight system of an irreducible representation from its highest weight or decomposing a tensor product of representations.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO project FPA2016-78220-C3-1-P (Fondos FEDER), the Junta de Andalucía Grant FQM101 and the Spanish MECD Grant FPU14

    Structural assessment of the ITER Fast-Ion Loss Detector

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    ITER is an experimental nuclear fusion reactor where the aim is to achieve a technology that provides clean, safe and unlimited energy. To reach this point it is necessary to study the plasma and the physical phenomena that occur during the fusion reaction, to finally be able to control the plasma and generate energy. Hence the experimental character of the reactor. Diagnostic systems such as FILD (Fast-Ion Loss Detector) play an important role in understanding the fusion process. But the fact of being incorporated in this system means that it is exposed to certain loads, such as those generated by electromagnetic disruptions. The main objective of this master thesis is to achieve a FILD design that is capable of resisting static loads due to electromagnetic disruptions, starting from an initial concept of the device. To achieve this objective, a study of electromagnetic loads that act on FILD during a magnetic disruption is performed. Simulations are carried out using a finite element model to make changes in the conceptual design and obtain a device that can resist these loads optimally.Universidad de Sevilla. Master Thesis Industrial Engineerin

    Training Neural Networks with Universal Adiabatic Quantum Computing

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    The training of neural networks (NNs) is a computationally intensive task requiring significant time and resources. This paper presents a novel approach to NN training using Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), a paradigm that leverages the principles of adiabatic evolution to solve optimisation problems. We propose a universal AQC method that can be implemented on gate quantum computers, allowing for a broad range of Hamiltonians and thus enabling the training of expressive neural networks. We apply this approach to various neural networks with continuous, discrete, and binary weights. Our results indicate that AQC can very efficiently find the global minimum of the loss function, offering a promising alternative to classical training methods.Comment: 14 page

    The emergence of electroweak Skyrmions through Higgs bosons

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    Skyrmions are extended field configurations, initially proposed to describe baryons as topological solitons in an effective field theory of mesons. We investigate and confirm the existence of skyrmions within the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and study their properties. We find that the interplay of the electroweak sector with a dynamical Higgs field and the Skyrme term leads to a non-trivial vacuum structure with the skyrmion and perturbative vacuum sectors separated by a finite energy barrier. We identify dimension-8 operators that stabilise the electroweak skyrmion as a spatially localised soliton field configuration with finite size. Such operators are induced generically by a wide class of UV models. To calculate the skyrmion energy and radius we use a neural network method. Electroweak skyrmions are non-topological solitons but are exponentially long lived, and we find that the electroweak skyrmion is a viable dark matter candidate. While the skyrmion production cross section at collider experiments is suppressed, measuring the size of the Skyrme term in multi-Higgs-production processes at high-energy colliders is a promising avenue to probe the existence of electroweak skyrmions

    Caracterización de la gestión de residuos hospitalarios y similares en cami vista hermosa, Bogota

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    Antecedentes. La gestión ambiental de los residuos, se enmarca en la política pública, la cual involucra los residuos de carácter peligroso de una forma generalizada. Solo hasta el año 2000, se establecen los lineamientos reglamentarios para la gestión integral de los residuos hospitalarios y similares en Colombia. Objetivo. Caracterizar la gestión de residuos hospitalarios y similares en CAMI VISTA HERMOSA Bogotá. Métodos. La investigación se desarrolló en la Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud de primer nivel CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, correspondiente a una Empresa Social del Estado. Se desarrolló un estudio tipo corte transversal, donde se caracterizaron cuantitativa y cualitativamente los residuos generados por día, a través de la consolidación de la información en el formato RH1, establecido por el Manual para la Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos Hospitalarios y Similares. Resultados. Se identificaron residuos como, Biosanitarios, Cortopunzantes, Fármacos, Metales Pesados, Ordinarios, Reciclables y Anatomopatológicos por medio del formato RH1, así mismo fueron cuantificados en cada una de las áreas involucradas en el proceso de prestación del servicio, mostrando la fluctuación en el comportamiento referente a pesos y tipos de estos, determinados por distintos factores, entre los que se tienen: la creciente asistencia a los servicios por consultas de enfermedades respiratorias, asociadas a las temporadas de lluvia y por la inadecuada segregación de los residuos en distinta áreas. Conclusiones. La recolección de la información, sirvió como herramienta para identificar los puntos críticos, donde se realiza una segregación inadecuada de los residuos. Información que además fue útil como estrategia para reorganizar los procesos de cambio desde la óptica del Plan de Gestión de Residuos Hospitalarios y Similares.Palabras Clave: Bioseguridad, Centro de Atención Medico Integral (CAMI), Gestión de Residuos, Impacto Ambiental, Salud Pública.AbstractBackground: The environmental management of residues is defined within the public policy, which involves the hazardous waste from a general standpoint. Only until 2000, the mandatory guidelines were established for the comprehensive management of hospital waste and similar in Colombia. Objective. To characterize the management of hospital and similar waste in CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, Bogotá. Methods. Research was performed at the first level healthcare provider CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, a public social company. A cross – section type study was performed, where the daily-base generated waste was characterized qualitatively and quantitatively, through the consolidation of the information in the RH1 form, established by the Manual for the Comprehensive Management of Hospital Solid Waste and Similar. Results. Biosanitary, sharps, drug, heavy metal, ordinary, recyclable and anatomic-pathological wastes were identified by using the RH1 form; similarly, they were quantified in each of the areas involved in the service providing process, showing the fluctuation in the behavior related to weights and each of their classes, determined by several factors including: the increasing number of medical appointments regarding respiratory diseases associated with raining seasons and the inappropriate waste disposal in different areas. Conclusions. Data collection was a tool that allowed to identify critical points such as the inappropriate waste disposal. Besides, the information was useful as a strategy to reorganize processes of change according to the Plan of Management of Hospital Waste and Similar.Keywords: Biosafety, Waste Management, Environmental Impact, Public Health. Resumo  Antecedentes. A gestão ambiental dos resíduos faz parte da política pública, a qual involucra os resíduos de carácter perigoso de uma forma generalizada. Apenas até 2000, se estabelecem os lineamentos regulamentários para a gestão integral dos resíduos hospitalares e similares na Colômbia. Objetivo. Caracterizar a gestão de resíduos hospitalares e similares no CAMI VISTA HERMOSA Bogotá. Métodos. A pesquisa se desenvolveu na Instituição Oferente de Serviços de Saúde de primeiro nível CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, correspondente a uma Empresa Social do Estado. Desenvolveu-se um estudo tipo corte transversal, onde se caracterizaram quantitativa e qualitativamente os resíduos gerados por dia, através da consolidação das informações no formato RH1, estabelecido pelo Manual para a Gestão Integral dos Resíduos Sólidos Hospitalares e Similares. Resultados. Identificaram-se resíduos tais como: Biosanitarios, Perfurocortantes, Medicamentos, Metais Pesados, Ordinários, Recicláveis e Anatomopatológicos por médio do formato RH1, assim mesmo foram quantificados em cada uma das áreas involucradas no processo de prestação do serviço, mostrando a flutuação no comportamento referente a pesos e tipos destes, determinados por diferentes fatores, entre eles: a crescente assistência aos serviços por consultas de doenças respiratórias, associadas às temporadas de chuva e pela inadequada segregação dos resíduos em diferentes áreas. Conclusões. A recolecção da informação serviu como ferramenta para identificar os pontos críticos, onde se realiza uma segregação inadequada dos resíduos. Esta informação também foi útil como estratégia para reorganizar os processos de mudança desde a óptica do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Hospitalares e Similares.Palavras-chave: Biossegurança, Centro de Atenção Medico Integral (CAMI), Gerenciamento de Resíduos, Impacto Ambiental, Saúde Pública

    Modular invariant models of lepton masses at levels 4 and 5

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    We explore alternative descriptions of the charged lepton sector in modular invariant models of lepton masses and mixing angles. In addition to the modulus, the symmetry breaking sector of our models includes ordinary flavons. Neutrino mass terms depend only on the modulus and are tailored to minimize the number of free parameters. The charged lepton Yukawa couplings rely upon the flavons alone. We build modular invariant models at levels 4 and 5, where neutrino masses are described both in terms of the Weinberg operator or through a type I seesaw mechanism. At level 4, our models reproduce the hierarchy among electron, muon and tau masses by letting the weights play the role of Froggatt-Nielsen charges. At level 5, our setup allows the treatment of left and right handed charged leptons on the same footing. We have optimized the free parameters of our models in order to match the experimental data, obtaining a good degree of compatibility and predictions for the absolute neutrino masses and the CP violating phases. At a more fundamental level, the whole lepton sector could be correctly described by the simultaneous presence of several moduli. Our examples are meant to make a first step in this direction.This project has received support in part by the MIUR-PRIN project 2015P5SBHT 003 \Search for the Fundamental Laws and Constituents" and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nº 674896 and 690575. The research of F. F. was supported in part by the INFN. The research of J. C. C. was supported by the Spanish MINECO project FPA2016-78220-C3- 1-P, the Junta de Andalucía grant FQM101 and the Spanish MECD grant FPU14

    Contabilidad y cobros de rentas en la Santa Capilla de San Andrés de Jaén. Dos siglos y medio tras la búsqueda de la eficiencia (1650-1900). (Accounting and income collection at the Santa Capilla de San Andrés in Jaén. Two and a half centuries in search of efficiency (1650-1900).

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    La Santa Capilla de San Andrés de Jaén es una institución benéfica que tiene sus orígenes en 1515 y aún pervive. Su contabilidad, establecida para la rendición de cuentas por parte del receptor, se sustentó en el método de cargo y data y en diversos libros necesarios, tales como los de hacienda, de gastos de meses o el cuaderno de no cobrados. En este trabajo, sobre la base del análisis de la enorme cantidad de datos que suministran sus cuentas entre 1650 y 1900, hemos estudiado la función de cobro de rentas del receptor y la eficiencia en el desempeño de la misma, así como la legitimación conseguida por los principales promotores de cambios en orden a su mejora. The Santa Capilla de San Andrés in Jaén is a charity institution founded in 1515 that still functions. Its accounting system was established to take the accounts to the receptor or collector. The accounting was performed by the Charge and Discharge method and besides the main book of this method it was also supported by several books, such as the book of the hacienda, the monthly expenses book and the booklet of outstanding income. In this paper, we have studied the collection function performed by the receptor on the basis of the huge amount of data provided by the account books regarding the period 1650-1900. By fulfilling this task we have devoted special attention to the efficieny with which the collection function was performed, as well as to the changes introduced to improve it and the success met in this process.Contabilidad eclesiástica, método de cargo y data, administración de rentas. Ecclesiastical accounting, Charge and Discharge method, income management.

    Experimental investigation and model validation of a CaO/Ca(OH)2 fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical energy storage applications

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    The CaO/Ca(OH)2 hydration/dehydration chemical loop has long been recognized as a potential candidate for application in energy storage systems for concentrated solar plants. However, the technology still remains at a conceptual level because little information has been published on the performance of the key reactors in the system. In this work, we experimentally investigate the hydration and dehydration reactors in a 5.5 kWth batch fluidized bed reactor, in conditions relevant to larger systems (superficial gas velocities of up to 0.53 m/s, temperatures of up to 500°C for dehydration, input H2O(v) fractions between 0 and 0.8 etc.). Furthermore, to assist in the interpretation of the experimental results, a standard 1D bubbling reactor model has been formulated and fitted to the experimental results by including kinetic information at particle level independently measured in a thermogravimetric apparatus. The results indicate that the hydration reaction is mainly controlled by the slow kinetics of the CaO material tested while significant emulsion-bubble mass-transfer resistances were identified during dehydration due to the much faster dehydration kinetics.The financial support provided by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program (StoRRe Project GA 282677) is acknowledged. Y.A. Criado thanks the Government of the Principality of Asturias for a Ph.D. fellowship (Severo Ochoa Program).Peer reviewe

    Continuous CaO/Ca(OH)2 Fluidized Bed Reactor for Energy Storage: First Experimental Results and Reactor Model Validation

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04105Novel thermochemical energy storage systems that employ fluidized beds of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for hydration/dehydration reactions are under development because of the inherent advantages of the low cost of the materials and their relatively high temperature operation windows (450 °C–550 °C). We report in this work the results of the first steady state experiments conducted in a new pilot plant designed to test the concept under realistic reactor conditions. The pilot has a fluidized bed reactor with an internal diameter of 0.108 m and a height of 780 mm fed continuously with gas and solids as well as heat exchangers to supply/extract the required reaction heat. The experimental results during dynamic and steady state periods were fitted to a KL reactor bubbling bed model, using kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric studies and a single crossflow factor. The resulting continuous reactor model will serve as useful tool for the continued scaling up of this technology.Financial support provided by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program (StoRRe Project GA 282677) is acknowledged.Peer reviewe