186 research outputs found

    Recent advances of graphene-based hybrids with magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    The utilization of graphene-based nanomaterials combined with magnetic nanoparticles offers key benefits in the modern biomedicine. In this minireview, we focus on the most recent advances in hybrids of magnetic graphene derivatives for biomedical applications. We initially analyze the several methodologies employed for the preparation of graphene-based composites with magnetic nanoparticles, more specifically the kind of linkage between the two components. In the last section, we focus on the biomedical applications where these magnetic-graphene hybrids are essential and pay special attention on how the addition of graphene improves the resulting devices in magnetic resonance imaging, controlled drug delivery, magnetic photothermal therapy and cellular separation and isolation. Finally, we highlight the use of these magnetic hybrids as multifunctional material that will lead to a next generation of theranostics

    The Covalent Functionalization of Graphene on Substrates

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    The utilization of grown or deposited graphene on solid substrates offers key benefits for functionalization processes, but especially to attain structures with a high level of control for electronics and \u201csmart\u201d materials. In this review, we will initially focus on the nature and properties of graphene on substrates, based on the method of preparation. We will then analyze the most relevant literature on the functionalization of graphene on substrates. In particular, we will comparatively discuss radical reactions, cycloadditions, halogenations, hydrogenations, and oxidations. We will especially address the question of how the reactivity of graphene is affected by its morphology (i.e., number of layers, defects, substrate, curvature, etc.)

    Management of tourist routes for Málaga

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    Ante la gran cantidad de turistas que cada año vienen a visitar la ciudad de Málaga y la gran cantidad de ofertas de elementos turísticos que nuestra ciudad ofrece, surge la necesidad de desarrollar una aplicación web (con un diseño responsive) en la que a través de una serie de elementos turísticos que previamente están definidos en el sistema, el usuario pueda organizar una ruta, en la que entre otros aspectos, se pueden seleccionar cuales de estos lugares les gustaría visitar, indicar el horario que tendrá disponible para realizar la ruta, así como el día de la semana y el lugar de partida. A través de estas preferencias elegidas por el usuario, el sistema se encargará de planificar una ruta donde se indicará entre otros aspectos: - Los elementos que son posible visitar atendiendo el horario y día elegido. - El orden en el que se deben de realizar las visitas. - El tiempo que se debe emplear en cada visita, el cual coincide con el tiempo medio que un usuario suele tardar en completar la visita de las instalaciones. - Rutas gráficas y paneles de indicaciones que mostrarán los pasos a seguir para ir desde un lugar turístico a otro

    Transitando identidades. La mediación artística en el proceso de rehabilitación de personas con problemas de adicciones

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    During 2010 y 2011, two volunteers, students from the Faculty of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, have developed a project in a support center for people with addiction problems. This center is Centre d’Atenció i Seguiment (CAS) in Sants district from Barcelona. In this article we present the theoretical framework and the experiences in order to substantiate how artistic experience contributes to the process of social reintegration of these individuals.Durante los años 2010 y 2011, dos voluntarios, estudiantes de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona, han desarrollado un proyecto en el Centre d’Atenció i Seguiment a personas con problemas de adicciones (CAS) del barrio barcelonés de Sants. Presentamos el marco teórico y las experiencias con el objetivo de corroborar cómo la experiencia artística contribuye al proceso de reinserción social de estos sujetos

    Structure of 4-(~-D-Erythrofuranosyl)-3-methyl- l-(p-tolyl)-4-imidazoline-2-thione Monohydrate, C 15H18N203S.H20

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    Mr=324.4, orthorhombic, P212t2 ~, a= 32.150(5), b=10.215(1), c=4.805(1)A, V= 1578.0 (4)/~3, Z = 4, D x = 1.36 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418A, #=1.953mm -1, T=300K, final R= 0.050 for 1361 observed [I>2tr(I)] independent reflexions. The sugar ring adopts a conformation intermediate between envelope 2E and twist 2T forms. The orientation of the imidazoline ring with respect to the furanose is anti; the glycosidic angle is 24.6 (7) °. The crystal packing is due to hydrogen bonds involving the hydration water molecules

    Lattice-Dynamical Calculation of Second-Order Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Molecular Crystals

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    A computer procedure has been developed to calculate second-order thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) intensity for molecular crystals from latticedynamical calculations with an atom-atom potential in the Born-von K~irmfin formalism. It is applied to monoclinic phenothiazine and different contributions to second-order TDS intensity, acoustic-acoustic, acoustic-optic and optic-optic, are compared. Calculations are also performed in the long-wave approximation allowing for dispersion (LWD) and correction factors of Bragg intensities due to TDS contribution in the LWD approximation are, generally but not always, lower than lattice-dynamical ones; the ratio between LWD and 'exact' factors ranges from 0.4 to 1.4 for reflections considered

    Structure of 1,3-Dihydro-4-[(2R)-2,5-dihydro-2-furyl]-3-phenyl-l-(p-tolyl)-2H-imidazole- 2-thione, C20HlsN2OS

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    Mr=334.4, orthorhombic, P212~2 ~, a= 9.366(4), b=20.616(5), c=9.137(4)A, V= 1764 (1) A 3, Z = 4, D x = 1.26 Mg m -3, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.7107 A, g = 0.18 mm -~, F(000) = 704, T= 300 K, final R--0.056 (wR =0.052) for 1979 observed reflections [I > 2a(/)]. The furanose ring is approximately planar because of the double bond, 1.289 (9) A, which affects the conformation of the ring. The dihedral angle between the furanose and imidazole least-squares planes is 69.9 (2) °. A possible C--H...O hydrogen bond has been detected involving C and O atoms in the furanose ring, giving infinite helical chains along [001 ]

    First- and Second-Order Thermal Diffuse Scattering (TDS) Intensity in Molecular Crystals: Influence on Crystal Structure Parameters

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    First- and second-order thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) intensities are calculated in the long-wave approximation allowing for dispersion (LWD) in monoclinic phenothiazine from polarization vectors and lattice-mode frequencies obtained from lattice dynamical calculations within the harmonic approximation and the external Born-von K~irmfin formalism using an atom-atom potential function in the form V(r) =-A/r6+ B exp (-Cr). The influence of firstand second-order TDS intensity on electronic density maps is analysed and compared. Least-squares refinements of positional and thermal parameters are carried out in different ranges of sin 0/A taking into account both first- and second-order TDS contributions and the results are discussed

    Lattice Dynamical Calculation of First-Order Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Phenothiazine

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    A computer program has been developed to calculate first-order thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) intensity from eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix obtained within the harmonic approximation with an atom-atom potential function and the external Born-yon Kfirmfin formalism. It is applied to monoclinic phenothiazine and correction factors of Bragg intensities due to TDS contribution are calculated and compared with the long-wave approximation. A Fourier difference synthesis is performed in order to reveal the influence of TDS contributions in electron density maps. A least-squares process is carried out to obtain the changes in structural parameters due to TDS contribution

    Lattice Dynamics and Thermal Crystallographic Parameters in Phenothiazine

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    A computer program has been developed to study the lattice dynamics of molecular crystals in the harmonic approximation with the external Born-yon KS.rm~n formalism and an atom-atom potential function. Dispersion curves are obtained for monoclinic phenothiazine together with frequency distribution functions and external mode contribution to thermodynamic functions. Lattice dynamical T, L and S rigid-body tensors are obtained and individual thermal tensors are compared with experiment. The disagreement with respect to experimental results is of the same order as the disagreement with a Schomaker-Trueblood fit of experimental data
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