161 research outputs found

    La Interdisciplinariedad de la Música en la Etapa de Educación Primaria

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    Este trabajo expone los resultados de una experiencia educativa sobre la interdisplinariedad y la enseñanza de la música en la educación primaria. Concretamente, dos profesores especialistas en educación musical y tutores de las clases han llevado a cabo esta experiencia, bajo la coordinación de un especialista en didáctica musical. Tal circunstancia enmarca el estudio de la interdisciplinariedad de la música bajo las características especiales de este profesorado. La experiencia ha sido realizada en dos diferentes centros escolares de Sevilla: CEIP Al-Ándalus de Utrera (Caso 1) y CEIP Nuestra Sra del Amparo de Dos Hermanas (Caso 2) en los cursos 1º y 31 de Educación Primaria. Hay una palabra recurrente en el lenguaje de la educación: interdisciplinariedad. Constante en cualquier evolución formal y administrativa (LOGSE, LOCE y LOE), este concepto permanece invariable a lo largo del discurso didáctico usual. No obstante, existen muchas publicaciones sobre este tema, pero escasas referencias sobre desarrollos de investigación acerca de su puesta en práctica en el aulaThis paper presents the results of a learning experience on interdisciplinarity and music teaching in primary education. More specifically, two teachers, who are specialist in musical education and class tutor, have carried out this experience. A specialist in music didactics has coordinated them. Therefore, the present experience provides an analysis of music and interdisciplinary for this particular teacher profile. This experience has been performed at two different schools in Seville: CEIP Al- Ándalus de Utrera (Case 1) and CEIP Ntra. Sra. Del Amparo de Dos Hermanas (Case 2). The research respectively deals with students from 1st and 3rd course of primary education. There is a recurrent word in current educational language: interdisciplinarity. Unvarying for any formal and legislative change (LOGSE, LOCE and LOE), it belongs to the common didactic discourse. Nevertheless, there are many open issues and few research studies dealing with its implementation in the classroom

    Accurate mode characterization of two-mode optical fibers by in-fiber acousto-optics

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    Acousto-optic interaction in optical fibers is exploited for the accurate and broadband characterization of two-mode optical fibers. Coupling between LP01 and LP1m modes is produced in a broadband wavelength range. Difference in effective indices, group indices, and chromatic dispersions between the guided modes, are obtained from experimental measurements. Additionally, we show that the technique is suitable to investigate the fine modes structure of LP modes, and some other intriguing features related with modes' cut-off

    Refractometric sensor based on whispering-gallery modes of thin capillaries

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    Whispering-gallery modes resonances of submicron wall thickness capillaries exhibit very large wavelength shifts as a function of the refractive index of the medium that fills the inside. The sensitivity to refractive index changes is larger than in other optical microcavities as microspheres, microdisks and microrings. The outer surface where total internal reflection takes place remains always in air, enabling the measure of refractive index values higher than the refractive index of the capillary material. The fabrication of capillaries with submicron wall thickness has required the development of a specific technique. A refractometer with a response higher than 390 nm per refractive index unit is demonstrated. These sensors are readily compatible with microfluidic systems

    Wavelength multiplexed hydrogen sensor based on palladium-coated fibre-taper and Bragg grating

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    A novel configuration of a wavelength multiplexed hydrogen sensor based on a palladium-coated tapered fibre and a fibre Bragg grating is presented. This scheme allows cascading several sensors along a single fibre, which increases the capability of implementing multipoint sensor networks for volumetric detection. Moreover, in this configuration the light interacts twice with the palladium layer, thus enhancing the sensitivity of the sensor

    Polarization Modulation Instability in Dispersion-Engineered Photonic Crystal Fibers

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    Generation of widely spaced polarization modulation instability (PMI) sidebands in a wide collection of photonic crystal fibers (PCF), including liquid-filled PCFs, is reported. The contribution of chromatic dispersion and birefringence to the net linear phase mismatch of PMI is investigated in all-normal dispersion PCFs and in PCFs with one (or two) zero dispersion wavelengths. Large frequency shift sidebands are demonstrated experimentally. Suitable fabrication parameters for air-filled and liquid-filled PCFs are proposed as guidelines for the development of dual-wavelength light sources based on PMI

    Electrically tunable photonic true-time-delay line

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    We present a new application of the acousto-optic superlattice modulation of a fiber Bragg grating based on the dynamic phase and group delay properties of this fiber-optic component. We demonstrate a tunable photonic true-time-delay line based on the group delay change of the light reflected from the grating sidebands. The delay is electrically tuned by adjusting the voltage applied to a piezoelectric transducer that generates the acoustic wave propagating along the grating. In our experiments, a truetime delay of 400 ps is continuously adjusted (300 ps within the 3 dB amplitude range of the first sideband), using a 12 cm long uniform grating

    El Quijote en las escuelas

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    Estudio premiado por la Asociación provincial de maestros de escuelas públicas de Barcelona, en el Certamen literario conmemorativo del 3er. centenario de la publicación de "El Quijote

    Passively Modelocked All-PM Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser at 2.07 μm

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    Here we present a self-started passively mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser with in-band pumping at 1561 nm that fully retains polarization and emits beyond 2 μm. We obtained a sequence of light pulses at 13.084 MHz, where the pulse and spectral widths were 94 ps and 70 pm, respectively, at 2069.5 nm. The measured instantaneous angular frequency shows that these light pulses are chirp-free

    Q-switched all-fiber laser based on magnetostriction modulation of a Bragg grating

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    We report an actively Q-switched all-fiber laser based on magnetostriction modulation of a Bragg grating. The laser employs a pair of Bragg gratings as reflective mirrors, one of which is bonded to a magnetostrictive element. Lengthening of the magnetostrictive element when a magnetic field is applied shifts the Bragg wavelength of the grating, allowing control of the Q-factor of the cavity and, thus, performing active Q-switching. The magnetostrictive modulator is small, compact and requires less than 300 mW electrical drive power. Using erbium-doped fiber and a maximum pump power of 120 mW, Q-switch pulses of more than 1 W peak power were obtained, with a pulse repetition rate that can be continuously varied from 1 Hz to 125 kHz