2,831 research outputs found

    Upper limits on gravitational-wave signals based on loudest events

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    Searches for gravitational-wave bursts have often focused on the loudest event(s) in searching for detections and in determining upper limits on astrophysical populations. Typical upper limits have been reported on event rates and event amplitudes which can then be translated into constraints on astrophysical populations. We describe the mathematical construction of such upper limits.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    FINDCHIRP: an algorithm for detection of gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries

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    Matched-filter searches for gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration use the FINDCHIRP algorithm: an implementation of the optimal filter with innovations to account for unknown signal parameters and to improve performance on detector data that has nonstationary and non-Gaussian artifacts. We provide details on the FINDCHIRP algorithm as used in the search for subsolar mass binaries, binary neutron stars, neutron star-black hole binaries, and binary black holes.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, journal version with Creative Commons 4.0 open-access license adde

    A power filter for the detection of burst sources of gravitational radiation in interferometric detectors

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    We present a filter for detecting gravitational wave signals from burst sources. This filter requires only minimal advance knowledge of the expected signal: i.e. the signal's frequency band and time duration. It consists of a threshold on the total power in the data stream in the specified signal band during the specified time. This filter is optimal (in the Neyman-Pearson sense) for signal searches where only this minimal information is available.Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, GWDAW '99 proceedings contribution, submitted to Int. J. Modern Phys.

    Tumbleweeds and airborne gravitational noise sources for LIGO

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    Gravitational-wave detectors are sensitive not only to astrophysical gravitational waves, but also to the fluctuating Newtonian gravitational forces of moving masses in the ground and air around the detector. This paper studies the gravitational effects of density perturbations in the atmosphere, and from massive airborne objects near the detector. These effects were previously considered by Saulson; in this paper I revisit these phenomena, considering transient atmospheric shocks, and the effects of sound waves or objects colliding with the ground or buildings around the test masses. I also consider temperature perturbations advected past the detector as a source of gravitational noise. I find that the gravitational noise background is below the expected noise floor even of advanced interferometric detectors, although only by an order of magnitude for temperature perturbations carried along turbulent streamlines. I also find that transient shockwaves in the atmosphere could potentially produce large spurious signals, with signal-to-noise ratios in the hundreds in an advanced interferometric detector. These signals could be vetoed by means of acoustic sensors outside of the buildings. Massive wind-borne objects such as tumbleweeds could also produce gravitational signals with signal-to-noise ratios in the hundreds if they collide with the interferometer buildings, so it may be necessary to build fences preventing such objects from approaching within about 30m of the test masses.Comment: 15 pages, 10 PostScript figures, uses REVTeX4.cls and epsfig.st

    The Spartan 1 mission

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    The first Spartan mission is documented. The Spartan program, an outgrowth of a joint Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) development effort, was instituted by NASA for launching autonomous, recoverable payloads from the space shuttle. These payloads have a precise pointing system and are intended to support a wide range of space-science observations and experiments. The first Spartan, carrying an NRL X-ray astronomy instrument, was launched by the orbiter Discovery (STS51G) on June 20, 1985 and recovered successfully 45 h later, on June 22. During this period, Spartan 1 conducted a preprogrammed series of observations of two X-ray sources: the Perseus cluster of galaxies and the center of our galaxy. The mission was successful from both on engineering and a scientific viewpoint. Only one problem was encountered, the attitude control system (ACS) shut down earlier than planned because of high attitude control system gas consumption. A preplanned emergency mode then placed Spartan 1 into a stable, safe condition and allowed a safe recovery. The events are described of the mission and presents X-ray maps of the two observed sources, which were produced from the flight data

    The Decline and Fall of the Empire of the St. Lawrence

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    Duality of Quasilocal Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    We consider T-duality of the quasilocal black hole thermodynamics for the three-dimensional low energy effective string theory. Quasilocal thermodynamic variables in the first law are explicitly calculated on a general axisymmetric three-dimensional black hole solution and corresponding dual one. Physical meaning of the dual invariance of the black hole entropy is considered in terms of the Euclidean path integral formulation.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, no figures, to be published in Class. Quantum Grav. Some minor changes, references adde

    Moduli, Scalar Charges, and the First Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    We show that under variation of moduli fields ϕ\phi the first law of black hole thermodynamics becomes dM=κdA8π+ΩdJ+ψdq+χdpΣdϕdM = {\kappa dA\over 8\pi} + \Omega dJ + \psi dq + \chi dp - \Sigma d\phi, where Σ\Sigma are the scalar charges. We also show that the ADM mass is extremized at fixed AA, JJ, (p,q)(p,q) when the moduli fields take the fixed value ϕfix(p,q)\phi_{\rm fix}(p,q) which depend only on electric and magnetic charges. It follows that the least mass of any black hole with fixed conserved electric and magnetic charges is given by the mass of the double-extreme black hole with these charges. Our work allows us to interpret the previously established result that for all extreme black holes the moduli fields at the horizon take a value ϕ=ϕfix(p,q)\phi= \phi_{\rm fix}(p,q) depending only on the electric and magnetic conserved charges: ϕfix(p,q) \phi_{\rm fix}(p,q) is such that the scalar charges Σ(ϕfix,(p,q))=0\Sigma ( \phi_{\rm fix}, (p,q))=0.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, more detailed versio

    Response of the Brazilian gravitational wave detector to signals from a black hole ringdown

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    It is assumed that a black hole can be disturbed in such a way that a ringdown gravitational wave would be generated. This ringdown waveform is well understood and is modelled as an exponentially damped sinusoid. In this work we use this kind of waveform to study the performance of the SCHENBERG gravitational wave detector. This first realistic simulation will help us to develop strategies for the signal analysis of this Brazilian detector. We calculated the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of frequency for the simulated signals and obtained results that show that SCHENBERG is expected to be sensitive enough to detect this kind of signal up to a distance of 20kpc\sim 20\mathrm{kpc}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Amaldi 5 Conference Proceedings contribution. Submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Finite size effects on thermal denaturation of globular proteins

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    Finite size effects on the cooperative thermal denaturation of proteins are considered. A dimensionless measure of cooperativity, Omega, scales as N^zeta, where N is the number of amino acids. Surprisingly, we find that zeta is universal with zeta = 1 + gamma, where the exponent gamma characterizes the divergence of the susceptibility for a self-avoiding walk. Our lattice model simulations and experimental data are consistent with the theory. Our finding rationalizes the marginal stability of proteins and substantiates the earlier predictions that the efficient folding of two-state proteins requires the folding transition temperature to be close to the collapse temperature.Comment: 3 figures. Physical Review Letters (in press