46 research outputs found

    Accelerated Springtime Melt of Snow on Tundra Downwind from Northern Alaska River Systems Resulting from Niveo-aeolian Deposition Events

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    It is well known that light-absorbing particulate matter (PM) enhances absorption of sunlight when deposited on ice and snow. Such increased absorption is due to a reduction in surface albedo, resulting in accelerated melt of frozen surfaces. In isolation, earlier melt enhances Arctic warming since dark surfaces underlying snow and ice are exposed and absorb additional solar energy. Here, we combine various observational tools to demonstrate that aeolian deposition of PM along fluvial features on the North Slope of Alaska resulted in a notable reduction of surface albedo in the spring of 2016, from values typical for snow (~0.8) to around 0.35 on average. This reduction resulted in accelerated snow and ice melt by up to three weeks compared to unaffected areas. This phenomenon was observed to some degree in 12 other years dating back to 2003. Deposition generally was found to occur near particular sections of the rivers, with several areas affected by events in multiple years. In all years, the deposition is attributed to high wind events. The extreme case in 2016 is linked to unusually strong and extraordinarily persistent winds during April. The deposited material is thought to be the natural sediment carried by the rivers, resulting in a seasonally replenished source of PM. These findings indicate a previously unreported impact of both fluvial and atmospheric processes on the seasonal melt of northern Alaska rivers.Il s’agit d’un fait bien connu que la matière particulaire photo-absorbante rehausse l’absorption de la lumière solaire lorsqu’elle est déposée sur la glace et la neige. Cette absorption accrue est attribuable à la réduction de l’albédo de la surface, ce qui se traduit par la fonte accélérée des surfaces glacées. Individuellement, la fonte hâtive augmente le réchauffement de l’Arctique parce que les surfaces sombres se trouvant sous la neige et la glace sont exposées et absorbent l’énergie solaire supplémentaire. Ici, nous recourons à divers outils d’observation pour montrer que le dépôt éolien de matière particulaire le long des caractéristiques fluviales de la North Slope de l’Alaska a entraîné une réduction notable de l’albédo de la surface au printemps de 2016, passant de valeurs typiques pour la neige de (~ 0,8) à environ 0,35 en moyenne. Cette réduction a donné lieu à l’accélération de la fonte de la neige et de la glace dans une mesure de trois semaines comparativement aux endroits qui n’ont pas été touchés par la réduction. Ce phénomène a été observé dans une certaine mesure pendant 12 autres années, remontant en 2003. De manière générale, des dépôts se sont ramassés près de segments particuliers des cours d’eau, et plusieurs des secteurs ont été touchés par des événements au cours de plusieurs années. Dans l’ensemble, les dépôts sont attribués à des vents violents. Le cas extrême de 2016 découle de vents inhabituellement forts et extraordinairement persistants en avril. La matière déposée serait peut-être du sédiment naturel transporté par les cours d’eau, ce qui donne lieu au réapprovisionnement saisonnier de la source de matière particulaire. Ces constatations mènent à une incidence antérieurement non déclarée des processus fluviaux et atmosphériques sur la fonte saisonnière des cours d’eau du nord de l’Alaska

    Impact of Asian Aerosols on Precipitation Over California: An Observational and Model Based Approach

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    Dust and pollution emissions from Asia are often transported across the Pacific Ocean to over the western United States. Therefore, it is essential to fully understand the impact of these aerosols on clouds and precipitation forming over the eastern Pacific and western United States, especially during atmospheric river events that account for up to half of California's annual precipitation and can lead to widespread flooding. In order for numerical modeling simulations to accurately represent the present and future regional climate of the western United States, we must account for the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions associated with Asian dust and pollution aerosols. Therefore, we have constructed a detailed study utilizing multi-sensor satellite observations, NOAA-led field campaign measurements, and targeted numerical modeling studies where Asian aerosols interacted with cloud and precipitation processes over the western United States. In particular, we utilize aerosol optical depth retrievals from the NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-11), and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) to effectively detect and monitor the trans-Pacific transport of Asian dust and pollution. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals are used in assimilating the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) in order to provide the model with an accurate representation of the aerosol spatial distribution across the Pacific. We conduct WRF-Chem model simulations of several cold-season atmospheric river events that interacted with Asian aerosols and brought significant precipitation over California during February-March 2011 when the NOAA CalWater field campaign was ongoing. The CalWater field campaign consisted of aircraft and surface measurements of aerosol and precipitation processes that help extensively validate our WRF-Chem model simulations. After validating the capability of the WRF-Chem in realistically simulating the aerosol-cloud precipitation interactions, we conduct sensitivity studies where the AOD is doubled to diagnose whether an increasing concentration of Asian aerosols over the western United States will lead to further impacts on the cloud and precipitation processes over California. We also perform sensitivity studies where the aerosols will be partitioned into dust-only and pollution-only in order to separate the impacts of the differing Asian aerosol species. The results of our WRF-Chem model simulations aim to show that the trans-Pacific transport of Asian aerosols influence the precipitation associated with atmospheric river events that can ultimately impact the regional climate of the western United States. 1 Universit

    Measurements of Isoprene-Derived Organosulfates in Ambient Aerosols by Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry—Part 2: Temporal Variability and Formation Mechanisms

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    Organosulfate species have recently gained attention for their potentially significant contribution to secondary organic aerosol (SOA); however, their temporal behavior in the ambient atmosphere has not been probed in detail. In this work, organosulfates derived from isoprene were observed in single particle mass spectra in Atlanta, GA during the 2002 Aerosol Nucleation and Characterization Experiment (ANARChE) and the 2008 August Mini-Intensive Gas and Aerosol Study (AMIGAS). Real-time measurements revealed that the highest organosulfate concentrations occurred at night under a stable boundary layer, suggesting gas-to-particle partitioning and subsequent aqueous-phase processing of the organic precursors played key roles in their formation. Further analysis of the diurnal profile suggests possible contributions from multiple production mechanisms, including acid-catalysis and radical-initiation. This work highlights the potential for additional SOA formation pathways in biogenically influenced urban regions to enhance the organic aerosol burden

    Contrasting local and long-range-transported warm ice-nucleating particles during an atmospheric river in coastal California, USA

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    Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) have been found to influence the amount, phase and efficiency of precipitation from winter storms, including atmospheric rivers.Warm INPs, those that initiate freezing at temperatures warmer than -10°C, are thought to be particularly impactful because they can create primary ice in mixed-phase clouds, enhancing precipitation efficiency. The dominant sources of warm INPs during atmospheric rivers, the role of meteorology in modulating transport and injection of warm INPs into atmospheric river clouds, and the impact of warm INPs on mixed-phase cloud properties are not well-understood. In this case study, time-resolved precipitation samples were collected during an atmospheric river in northern California, USA, during winter 2016. Precipitation samples were collected at two sites, one coastal and one inland, which are separated by about 35 km. The sites are sufficiently close that air mass sources during this storm were almost identical, but the inland site was exposed to terrestrial sources of warm INPs while the coastal site was not. Warm INPs were more numerous in precipitation at the inland site by an order of magnitude. Using FLEXPART (FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model) dispersion modeling and radar-derived cloud vertical structure, we detected influence from terrestrial INP sources at the inland site but did not find clear evidence of marine warm INPs at either site.We episodically detected warm INPs from long-range-transported sources at both sites. By extending the FLEXPART modeling using a meteorological reanalysis, we demonstrate that long-range-transported warm INPs were observed only when the upper tropospheric jet provided transport to cloud tops. Using radar-derived hydrometeor classifications, we demonstrate that hydrometeors over the terrestrially influenced inland site were more likely to be in the ice phase for cloud temperatures between 0 and -10°C. We thus conclude that terrestrial and long-rangetransported aerosol were important sources of warm INPs during this atmospheric river. Meteorological details such as transport mechanism and cloud structure were important in determining (i) warm INP source and injection temperature and (ii) ultimately the impact of warm INPs on mixed-phase cloud properties

    Measurements of Isoprene-Derived Organosulfates in Ambient Aerosols by Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry - Part 1: Single Particle Atmospheric Observations in Atlanta

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    Organosulfate species have recently been identified as a potentially significant class of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) species, yet little is known about their behavior in the atmosphere. In this work, organosulfates were observed in individual ambient aerosols using single particle mass spectrometry in Atlanta, GA during the 2002 Aerosol Nucleation and Characterization Experiment (ANARChE) and the 2008 August Mini-Intensive Gas and Aerosol Study (AMIGAS). Organosulfates derived from biogenically produced isoprene were detected as deprotonated molecular ions in negative-ion spectra measured by aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry; comparison to high-resolution mass spectrometry data obtained from filter samples corroborated the peak assignments. The size-resolved chemical composition measurements revealed that organosulfate species were mostly detected in submicrometer aerosols and across a range of aerosols from different sources, consistent with secondary reaction products. Detection of organosulfates in a large fraction of negative-ion ambient spectra − ca. 90−95% during ANARChE and ~65% of submicrometer particles in AMIGAS − highlights the ubiquity of organosulfate species in the ambient aerosols of biogenically influenced urban environments

    Changes in precipitating snow chemistry with location and elevation in the California Sierra Nevada

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    Orographic snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is an important source of water for California and can vary significantly on an annual basis. The microphysical properties of orographic clouds and subsequent formation of precipitation are impacted, in part, by aerosols of varying size, number, and chemical composition, which are incorporated into clouds formed along the Sierra barrier. Herein, the physicochemical properties and sources of insoluble residues and soluble ions found in precipitation samples were explored for three sites of variable elevation in the Sierra Nevada during the 2012–2013 winter season. Residues were characterized using a suite of physicochemical techniques to determine the size‐resolved number concentrations and associated chemical composition. A transition in the aerosol sources that served as cloud seeds or were scavenged in‐cloud and below‐cloud was observed as a function of location and elevation. Anthropogenic influence from the Central Valley was dominant at the two lowest elevation sites (1900 and 2200 m above mean sea level (AMSL)), whereas long‐range transported mineral dust was a larger contributor at the highest elevation site where cleaner conditions were observed (2600 m AMSL). The residues and soluble ions observed provide insight into how multiple aerosol sources can impact cloud and precipitation formation processes, even over relatively small spatial scales. The transition with increasing elevation to aerosols that serve as ice nucleating particles may impact the properties and extent of snowfall in remote mountain regions where snowpack provides a vital supply of water.Key PointsPhysiochemical properties of particles found in precipitation were determinedBoth anthropogenic and natural sources contributed to the snow residue chemistrySnow residue sources varied depending on location and elevationPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/1/jgrd53083-sup-0001-SI.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/2/jgrd53083_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/3/jgrd53083.pd

    Ice nucleating particles carried from below a phytoplankton bloom to the arctic atmosphere

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 46(14), (2019): 8572-8581, doi: 10.1029/2019GL083039.As Arctic temperatures rise at twice the global rate, sea ice is diminishing more quickly than models can predict. Processes that dictate Arctic cloud formation and impacts on the atmospheric energy budget are poorly understood, yet crucial for evaluating the rapidly changing Arctic. In parallel, warmer temperatures afford conditions favorable for productivity of microorganisms that can effectively serve as ice nucleating particles (INPs). Yet the sources of marine biologically derived INPs remain largely unknown due to limited observations. Here we show, for the first time, how biologically derived INPs were likely transported hundreds of kilometers from deep Bering Strait waters and upwelled to the Arctic Ocean surface to become airborne, a process dependent upon a summertime phytoplankton bloom, bacterial respiration, ocean dynamics, and wind‐driven mixing. Given projected enhancement in marine productivity, combined oceanic and atmospheric transport mechanisms may play a crucial role in provision of INPs from blooms to the Arctic atmosphere.We sincerely thank the U.S. Coast Guard and crew of the Healy for assistance with equipment installation and guidance, operation of the underway and CTD systems, and general operation of the vessel during transit and at targeted sampling stations. We would also like to thank Allan Bertram, Meng Si, Victoria Irish, and Benjamin Murray for providing INP data from their previous studies. J. M. C., R. P., P. L., L. T., and E. B. were funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Arctic Research Program. J. C. was supported by the NOAA Experiential Research & Training Opportunities (NERTO) program. T. A. and N. C. were supported through the NOAA Earnest F. Hollings Scholarship program. A. P. was funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant PLR‐1303617. Russel C. Schnell and Michael Spall are acknowledged for insightful discussions during data analysis and interpretation. There are no financial conflicts of interest for any author. INP data are available in the supporting information, while remaining DBO‐NCIS data presented in the manuscript are available online (at https://www2.whoi.edu/site/dboncis/).2020-01-1