7,415 research outputs found

    Understanding the tsunami with a simple model

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    In this paper, we use the approximation of shallow water waves (Margaritondo G 2005 Eur. J. Phys. 26 401) to understand the behaviour of a tsunami in a variable depth. We deduce the shallow water wave equation and the continuity equation that must be satisfied when a wave encounters a discontinuity in the sea depth. A short explanation about how the tsunami hit the west coast of India is given based on the refraction phenomenon. Our procedure also includes a simple numerical calculation suitable for undergraduate students in physics and engineering

    Discrimination of soil phases by dual energy x-ray tomography

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    Numerous soil ecological functions are influenced by soil structure through its impact on spatial and temporal distributions of soil particles, water, and air within the soil profile. The nondestructive technique of x‐ray computed tomography (CT) was used for studying soil structure. X‐ray attenuation determined for two energy levels (80 kV and 120 kV) was used to calculate distributions of water, air, and solids, as well as the voxel dry bulk density for two silt loam subsoils. The spatial resolution during scanning was 0.25 mm in the horizontal and 1 mm in the vertical direction. For different voxel sizes, the weighted mean of the derived volumetric water, air, and solid contents, and the dry bulk densities agreed with the sample's phase composition and dry bulk density obtained by weighing. The use of dual energy scanning to study the heterogeneity of soil structure and the spatial distribution of water, air, and solids is discussed

    ELKO Spinor Fields: Lagrangians for Gravity derived from Supergravity

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    Dual-helicity eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator (ELKO spinor fields) belong -- together with Majorana spinor fields -- to a wider class of spinor fields, the so-called flagpole spinor fields, corresponding to the class-(5), according to Lounesto spinor field classification based on the relations and values taken by their associated bilinear covariants. There exists only six such disjoint classes: the first three corresponding to Dirac spinor fields, and the other three respectively corresponding to flagpole, flag-dipole and Weyl spinor fields. Using the mapping from ELKO spinor fields to the three classes Dirac spinor fields, it is shown that the Einstein-Hilbert, the Einstein-Palatini, and the Holst actions can be derived from the Quadratic Spinor Lagrangian (QSL), as the prime Lagrangian for supergravity. The Holst action is related to the Ashtekar's quantum gravity formulation. To each one of these classes, there corresponds a unique kind of action for a covariant gravity theory. Furthermore we consider the necessary and sufficient conditions to map Dirac spinor fields (DSFs) to ELKO, in order to naturally extend the Standard Model to spinor fields possessing mass dimension one. As ELKO is a prime candidate to describe dark matter and can be obtained from the DSFs, via a mapping explicitly constructed that does not preserve spinor field classes, we prove that in particular the Einstein-Hilbert, Einstein-Palatini, and Holst actions can be derived from the QSL, as a fundamental Lagrangian for supergravity, via ELKO spinor fields. The geometric meaning of the mass dimension-transmuting operator - leading ELKO Lagrangian into the Dirac Lagrangian - is also pointed out, together with its relationship to the instanton Hopf fibration.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, accepted for publication in Int.J.Geom.Meth.Mod.Phys. (2009

    Geometric scaling in the spectrum of an electron captured by a stationary finite dipole

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    We examine the energy spectrum of a charged particle in the presence of a {\it non-rotating} finite electric dipole. For {\emph{any}} value of the dipole moment pp above a certain critical value p_{\mathrm{c}}$ an infinite series of bound states arises of which the energy eigenvalues obey an Efimov-like geometric scaling law with an accumulation point at zero energy. These properties are largely destroyed in a realistic situation when rotations are included. Nevertheless, our analysis of the idealised case is of interest because it may possibly be realised using quantum dots as artificial atoms.Comment: 5 figures; references added, outlook section reduce

    Crater Morphometry and Scaling in Coarse, Rubble-Like Targets: Insights from Impact Experiments

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    Spacecraft images reveal that the asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu, and Bennu are covered with coarse, boulder-rich material [13]. Impactors that collide with these bodies encounter a target with extreme physical heterogeneity. Other bodies can also possess significant physical heterogeneity (e.g., megaregolith, layering, etc.). Such heterogeneities establish free surfaces and impedance contrasts that can affect shock propagation and attenuation. Therefore, such heterogeneities may also affect crater formation and excavation [4], melt generation [57] and crater scaling [4]. As described by [8,9], the extent to which target heterogeneity affects crater formation likely depends on how the length scale, d, of the heterogeneity (e.g., boulder size on a rubble-pile asteroid) compares to the width of the shock, w, generated by impact. Here we further test this hypothesis using impact experiments across a broad range of impact velocities and target grain sizes to systematically vary the ratio between the width of the shock and the diameter of target grains

    A Transgenic Rat for Investigating the Anatomy and Function of Corticotrophin Releasing Factor Circuits.

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    Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) is a 41 amino acid neuropeptide that coordinates adaptive responses to stress. CRF projections from neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) to the brainstem are of particular interest for their role in motivated behavior. To directly examine the anatomy and function of CRF neurons, we generated a BAC transgenic Crh-Cre rat in which bacterial Cre recombinase is expressed from the Crh promoter. Using Cre-dependent reporters, we found that Cre expressing neurons in these rats are immunoreactive for CRF and are clustered in the lateral CeA (CeL) and the oval nucleus of the BNST. We detected major projections from CeA CRF neurons to parabrachial nuclei and the locus coeruleus, dorsal and ventral BNST, and more minor projections to lateral portions of the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and lateral hypothalamus. Optogenetic stimulation of CeA CRF neurons evoked GABA-ergic responses in 11% of non-CRF neurons in the medial CeA (CeM) and 44% of non-CRF neurons in the CeL. Chemogenetic stimulation of CeA CRF neurons induced Fos in a similar proportion of non-CRF CeM neurons but a smaller proportion of non-CRF CeL neurons. The CRF1 receptor antagonist R121919 reduced this Fos induction by two-thirds in these regions. These results indicate that CeL CRF neurons provide both local inhibitory GABA and excitatory CRF signals to other CeA neurons, and demonstrate the value of the Crh-Cre rat as a tool for studying circuit function and physiology of CRF neurons

    Modulation of Localized States in Electroconvection

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    We report on the effects of temporal modulation of the driving force on a particular class of localized states, known as worms, that have been observed in electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals. The worms consist of the superposition of traveling waves and have been observed to have unique, small widths, but to vary in length. The transition from the pure conduction state to worms occurs via a backward bifurcation. A possible explanation of the formation of the worms has been given in terms of coupled amplitude equations. Because the worms consist of the superposition of traveling waves, temporal modulation of the control parameter is a useful probe of the dynamics of the system. We observe that temporal modulation increases the average length of the worms and stabilizes worms below the transition point in the absence of modulation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Backfiring and favouring : how design processes in HCI lead to anti-patterns and repentant designers

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    Design is typically envisioned as aiming to improve situations for users, but this can fail. Failure can be the result of flawed design solutions, i.e. anti-patterns. Prior work in anti-patterns has largely focused on their characteristics. We instead concentrate on why they occur by outlining two processes that result in anti-patterns: 1) backfiring, and 2) favouring. The purpose of the paper is to help designers and researchers better understand how design processes can lead to negative impacts and to repentant designers by introducing a richer vocabulary for discussing such processes. We explore how anti-patterns evolve in HCI by specifically applying the vocabulary to examples of social media design. We believe that highlighting these processes will help the HCI community reflect on their own work and also raise awareness of the opportunities for avoiding anti-patterns. Our hope is that this will result in fewer negative experiences for designers and users alike