3,425 research outputs found

    Electron angular distributions above the dayside auroral oval

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    An electrostatic analyzer was employed on the Ariel 4 satellite to determine pitch angle distributions of electron intensities over the dayside auroral oval. Two major precipitation zones were encountered: an equatorward zone of broad spectra with intensities of approximately 1000 electrons/(sq cm-sec-sr-eV) and a poleward zone, the polar cusp, with intensities typical of those of the magnetosheath. Angular distributions within the equatorward zone are generally isotropic outside of the atmospheric backscatter cone. The precipitation mechanism appears to be pitch angle scattering near the distant magnetic equator. In contrast, pitch angle distributions within the polar cusp are often found to be strongly field aligned with intensities within the atmospheric loss cone greater by factors of approximately 10 than the mirroring intensities. These distributions are qualititatively similar to those for the inverted V precipitation events at later local times, and probably share a common acceleration mechanism with the inverted V phenomenon

    Instrumental effects on the temperature and density derived from the light ion mass spectrometer

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    An expression for the flux into a retarding potential analyzer (RPA) is derived which takes into account the instrumental effect of a dependence on energy of the solid angle of the acceptance cone. A second instrumental effect of a limited bandpass is briefly discussed. Using the (LIMS) instrument on SCATHA, it is shown that temperatures and densities derived without considering the effect of the solid angle dependence on energy will be too low, dramatically so for E(t) E(1), where E(1) is the e folding distance of the solid angle dependence and E(t) is the thermal energy of the plasma. For E(t) E(1), there is effectively no impact on the derived temperatures and densities if the solid angle effect is ignored

    Energization pf polar-cusp electrons at the noon meridian

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    Observations gained with an electrostatic analyzer on board the low altitude, polar orbiting Aeriel 4 satellite demonstrate that the directional, differential spectra of polar-cusp electron intensities are regulated by the sign of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) elevation angle. In the energy range 200 is approximately less than E is approximately less than 700 eV, spectra of polar cusp electron intensities were not observed to respond to changes in the sign of the IMF elevation angle. At greater densities, spectra were found to be significantly harder when the IMF angle of elevation was greater than 0 deg, with a factor of approximately 10 typical for 2-keV electron intensities. These enhanced intensities appear to be localized within approximately a one hour sector of magnetic local time centered on the noon meridian

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the criterion validity of nutrition assessment tools for diagnosing protein-energy malnutrition in the older community setting

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    Background: Accurate diagnosis is a key step in managing protein-energy malnutrition. This review seeks to determine the criterion (concurrent and predictive) validity and reliability of nutrition assessment tools in making a diagnosis of protein-energy malnutrition in community-living older adults. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken using six electronic databases in September 2016. Studies in any language were included which measured malnutrition via a nutrition assessment tool in adults ≥65 years living in their own homes. Data relating to the predictive validity of tools were analysed via meta-analyses. GRADE was used to evaluate the body of evidence. Results: There were 6,412 records identified, of which eight papers were included. Two studies evaluated the concurrent validity of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and six evaluated the predictive validity of the MNA. The quality of the body of evidence for the concurrent validity of both the MNA andSGA was very low. The quality of the body of evidence for the predictive validity of the MNA in detecting risk of death was moderate (RR: 1.92 [95%CI: 1.55-2.39]; P Conclusions: Due to the small number of studies identified and no evaluation of the predictive validity of tools other than the MNA, there is insufficient evidence to recommend a particular nutrition assessment tool for diagnosing protein-energy malnutrition in older adults in the community setting. High quality diagnostic accuracy studies are needed for all nutrition assessment tools used in older community samples, including measuring of health outcomes subsequent to nutrition assessment by the SGA and PG-SGA

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the criterion validity of nutrition assessment tools for diagnosing protein-energy malnutrition in the older community setting (the MACRo Study)

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    Background & aims: Malnutrition is a significant barrier to healthy and independent ageing in older adults who live in their own homes, and accurate diagnosis is a key step in managing the condition. However, there has not been sufficient systematic review or pooling of existing data regarding malnutrition diagnosis in the geriatric community setting. The current paper was conducted as part of the MACRo (Malnutrition in the Ageing Community Review) Study and seeks to determine the criterion (concurrent and predictive) validity and reliability of nutrition assessment tools in making a diagnosis of protein-energy malnutrition in the general older adult community. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken using six electronic databases in September 2016. Studies in any language were included which measured malnutrition via a nutrition assessment tool in adults ≥65 years living in their own homes. Data relating to the predictive validity of tools were analysed via meta-analyses. GRADE was used to evaluate the body of evidence. Results: There were 6412 records identified, of which 104 potentially eligible records were screened via full text. Eight papers were included; two which evaluated the concurrent validity of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and six which evaluated the predictive validity of the MNA. The quality of the body of evidence for the concurrent validity of both the MNA and SGA was very low. The quality of the body of evidence for the predictive validity of the MNA in detecting risk of death was moderate (RR: 1.92 [95% CI: 1.55–2.39]; P < 0.00001; n = 2013 participants; n = 4 studies; I2: 0%). The quality of the body of evidence for the predictive validity of the MNA in detecting risk of poor physical function was very low (SMD: 1.02 [95%CI: 0.24–1.80]; P = 0.01; n = 4046 participants; n = 3 studies; I2:89%). Conclusions: Due to the small number of studies identified and no evaluation of the predictive validity of tools other than the MNA, there is insufficient evidence to recommend a particular nutrition assessment tool for diagnosing PEM in older adults in the community. High quality diagnostic accuracy studies are needed for all nutrition assessment tools used in older community samples, including measuring of health outcomes subsequent to nutrition assessment by the SGA and PG-SGA

    Rumbles in the Medical Schools?

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    I note disquiet among those who teach in the regions medical schools. Two recent articles in this journal report their unresponsiveness to the needs of the students and, even more importantly, to the needs of the populace who look towards them to provide the medical services the region sorely needs. The issue of this journal dated December 2004 has articles on the subject by Kakande1 and Kigonya2 who both railed against declining educational standards. Kigonya noted ‘a decline in the standards of medical education in Uganda’, and that ‘a significant number of house officers who are deficient in basic clinical skills, of taking a focused history and making a physical examination’; Kakande1 suggested that the region’s medical schools had to give renewed emphasis to ‘teaching and patient care’ and that the teacher ‘must return to the bedside for teaching medical students’. They both asserted, quite properly, that the primary role of the region’s medical schools, is to produce doctors competent in dealing with the common pathology of the region and that this was being threatened by the unresponsive bureaucracy of the universities. They criticized two developments which had significantly contributed to the decline; the growing tendency of the medical schools to appoint and give promotion and tenure to those clinical teachers who were research-orientated rather than those committed to teaching and, secondly, their tendency to impose new curricula, imported usually from the West, which lacked relevance to the countries’ needs

    A New Class of Non-Linear Stability Preserving Operators

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    We extend Br\"and\'en's recent proof of a conjecture of Stanley and describe a new class of non-linear operators that preserve weak Hurwitz stability and the Laguerre-P\'olya class.Comment: Fixed typos, spelling, and updated links in reference

    Maghemite-like regions at crossing of two antiphase boundaries in doped BiFeO3

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    We report the observation of a novel structure at the point where two antiphase boundaries cross in a doped bismuth ferrite of composition (Bi0.85Nd0.15)(Fe0.9Ti0.1)O0.3. The structure was investigated using a combination of high angle annular dark field imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy spectrum imaging in the scanning transmission electron microscope. A three-dimensional model was constructed by combining the position and chemistry data with previous results and assuming octahedral coordination of all Fe and Ti atoms. The resulting structure shows some novel L shaped arrangements of iron columns, which are coordinated in a similar manner to FeO6 octahedra in maghemite. It is suggested that this may lead to local ferromagnetic orderings similar to those in maghemite
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