8 research outputs found

    No FeS layer in Mercury? Evidence from Ti/Al measured by MESSENGER

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    In this study we investigate the likeliness of the existence of an iron sulfide layer (FeS matte) at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) of Mercury by comparing new chemical surface data obtained by the X-ray Spectrometer onboard the MESSENGER spacecraft with geochemical models supported by high-pressure experiments under reducing conditions. We present a new data set consisting of 233 Ti/Si measurements, which combined with Al/Si data show that Mercury's surface has a slightly subchondritic Ti/Al ratio of 0.035 ± 0.008. Multiphase equilibria experiments show that at the conditions of Mercury's core formation, Ti is chalcophile but not siderophile, making Ti a useful tracer of sulfide melt formation. We parameterize and use our partitioning data in a model to calculate the relative depletion of Ti in the bulk silicate fraction of Mercury as a function of a putative FeS layer thickness. By comparing the model results and surface elemental data we show that Mercury most likely does not have a FeS layer, and in case it would have one, it would only be a few kilometers thick (<13km). We also show that Mercury's metallic Fe(Si) core cannot contain more than ∼1.5 wt.% sulfur and that the formation of this core under reducing conditions is responsible for the slightly subchondritic Ti/Al ratio of Mercury's surface. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Heterogeneous Distribution of Chromium on Mercury

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    Measurements made with geochemical instruments on the MESSENGER spacecraft revealed that Mercury's crust is surprisingly rich in volatile elements, including S, Na, K, Cl, and C, and that it is enriched in Mg and depleted in Al, Ca, and Fe, relative to other terrestrial planets. Geochemical maps also indicated the presence of a number of distinct geochemical terranes. The MESSENGER X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) detected X-ray fluorescence, induced by incident solar X-rays, from the top approx. 10s of micrometers of Mercury's surface. Like Fe, Cr was only detectable by XRS during large solar flares. However, accurate Cr measurements are more susceptible to systematic errors than other elements measured by the XRS. Therefore, to date, Cr data have been published for only 11 XRS measurements, but we have recently derived a map of Cr/Si across Mercury's surface. This map is based on data acquired through the complete MESSENGER mission and reveals clear spatial heterogeneity in Cr