1,039 research outputs found

    Le moment de la prestidigitation : magie, illusion et mana dans la pensée d’Émile Durkheim et Marcel Mauss

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    En faisant une lecture intertextuelle en profondeur des ouvrages de Durkheim et de Mauss, surtout ceux sur la magie et la religion, l’auteur de cet article présente une réévaluation et une réinterprétation de l’étude de Mauss sur la magie. Il soutient qu’à cause de la distorsion sémantico-référentielle implicite dans la théorie de Mauss comme dans celle de son oncle, Mauss a recherché un référent fondé sur la force pragmatique (c’est-à-dire indexicale) des pratiques magiques et rituelles ainsi que sur le discours qui les sous-tend. L’auteur fait valoir que la mana (dans la magie) et le hau (dans l’échange), qu’ils soient décrits par l’indigène ou par l’anthropologue, représentent des tentatives de stabiliser la valeur référentielle de cette force contextuelle essentiellement instable. Durkheim, avec plus d’insistance que Mauss, a trouvé cette valeur référentielle dans l’effervescence sociale et, ultimement, dans la société. Même si les deux écrivains ont manifesté leur engagement envers le socialisme, leurs perceptions de la magie, du rituel et de la religion partageaient avec le fascisme de nombreux présupposés épistémiques, comme Mauss semble l’avoir réalisé à la fin de sa vie.Through a detailed inter-textual reading of Durkheim and Mauss’s works, primarily on magic and religion, this essay offers a re-evaluation and reinterpretation of Mauss’s essay on magic. It argues that given the semantico-referential bias implicit in both his and his uncle’s theorizing, Mauss sought a referential basis for the pragmatic (i.e. indexical) force of magical and ritual practices and the discourse that supports them. It argues further that, whether articulated by the native or the anthropologist, mana (in magic) and hau (in exchange) are attempts to give stabilizing referential value to this essentially unstable contextualizing force. Durkheim — more insistently than Mauss — found it in social effervescence, ultimately in society. Despite, both writers manifest commitment to socialism, as Mauss seems to have recognized at the end of his life, their readings of magic, ritual, and religion ironically shared many of the same epistemic presuppositions as fascism.Al hacer una lectura intertextual en profundidad de las obras de Durkheim y Mauss, y sobre todo las de la magia y la religión, el autor de este artículo presenta una re-evaluación y una reinterpretación del estudio de Mauss sobre la magia. Sostiene que debido a la distorsión semántica de referencia implícita en la teoría de Mauss así como en la de su tío, Mauss buscó un referente basado en la fuerza pragmática (es decir indexical) de las prácticas mágicas y rituales, así como en el discurso en los que se basa. El autor hace valer que el mana (en la magia) y el hau (en el intercambio), que estén descritos por el indígena o por el antropólogo, representan tentativas de estabilizar el valor de referencia de esta fuerza del contexto esencialmente inestable. Durkheim, con más insistencia que Mauss, encontró este valor de referencia en la efervescencia social y, últimamente, en la sociedad. Aunque los dos escritores manifestaron su compromiso hacia el socialismo, sus percepciones de la magia, el ritual y la religión compartían con el fascismo numerosas preconcepciones epistémicas, como Mauss parece haber realizado al final de su vida

    De la colère à l’indignation : Le cas des harkis

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    Cet article explore la transformation possible de la colère – une émotion – en indignation ou bien outrage – une passion sociale. Se pose ici la question de savoir quand et comment finissent les émotions. On considèrera le rôle attribué à la revanche (Aristote) et au ressentiment (Max Scheler). Cette transformation est traitée à travers l’expérience des harkis, ces Algériens qui prirent le parti des Français durant la guerre d’indépendance d’Algérie, et qui furent massacrés par dizaines de milliers par la population algérienne à travers le pays à l’issue de la guerre. La colère des harkis, abandonnés par les Français, est médiatisée par le sens d’un destin : celui-ci n’est pas partagé par leurs enfants, qui souffrent des blessures des pères sans les connaître exactement, à cause du silence de ces derniers. Pris dans la douleur de leur propre expérience, les enfants vivent ainsi un double traumatisme. En retrait de l’expérience directe, leurs récits et leurs revendications politiques attisent la colère qui sous-tend leur indignation. Y a-t-il une issue? C’est la question que l’on se pose.This article delineates the possible transformation of anger, an emotion, into outrage, a social passion. Posing the question – when and how do emotions end? – it considers the putative role of revenge (in Aristotle’s perspective) and resentment (in Max Scheler’s perspective). The transformation is discussed in terms of the Harkis, the Algerians who sided with the French during Algeria’s war of independence, tens of thousands of whom were slaughtered by the Algerian population at large at the war’s end. Abandoned by the French, the Harkis’ anger is mediated by a sense of destiny which is not shared by their children, who suffer their father’s wounds without knowing what they exactly were as their fathers kept silent. Caught in their own painful experiences, the children are doubly traumatized. Removed from actual experience, the stories they tell as well as their political activism inflames the anger that lies behind their outrage. Is their a way out? This is the question this article is asking.Este artículo explora la posible transformación de la cólera –una emoción- en indignación/ultraje –una pasión social. Se plantea la cuestión de saber cuándo y cómo acaban las emociones. Se considera el rol atribuido a la revancha (Aristóteles) y al resentimiento (Max Scheler). Esta transformación es tratada a través de la experiencia de los Harkis, esos argelinos que apoyaron a los franceses durante la guerra de independencia de Argelia, miles de los cuales fueron masacrados por la población argelina a través del país al desenlace de la guerra. La cólera de los Harkis, abandonados por los franceses, ha sido mediatizada en el sentido de un destino : cosa que no comparten sus descendientes, quienes sin saber sufren las heridas de sus padres, quienes guardan en silencio lo que esto significa. Atrapados en el dolor de su propia experiencia, los descendientes viven un trauma doble. Lejos de la experiencia directa, sus historias y su reivindicación política avivan la cólera, originen de su indignación. ¿Hay alguna salida? Esta es la pregunta que nos hacemos

    Understanding Bullying Participant Roles: Stability across School Years and Personality and Behavioral Correlates

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    This study investigated the factorial validity, stability, and social, behavioral and emotional correlates of several different roles that students can play in the context of bullying. Data were collected from students at two time points across two school years, April and May of 2006 (n=284) and again in November and December of 2006 (n=185). A confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence for the validity of 4 participant roles (i.e. bully, reinforcer, assistant, and defender). However, further analysis revealed that there was a strong degree of intercorrelation between the three bully factors (i.e., bully, reinforcer, and assistant). Analyses found that participant roles are fairly stable across school years and that the greater the percentage of same raters across the time points, the greater the stability. All of the bullying roles (i.e., bully, reinforcer, and assistant) were significantly related to callous unemotional traits, emotional dysregulation, positive expectations for aggression, conduct problems, reactive relational aggression, proactive relational aggression, reactive overt aggression, and proactive overt aggression, but these relationships were stronger in boys. It was also found that the defender role was associated with less aggression and more prosocial behavior. These associations were stronger in girls. Finally, a linear regression analysis of the interaction between participant roles and victimization revealed that at T1, the association between bullying roles and aggression was moderated by victimization. Specifically, the association was stronger in those low on victimization. At T2, the association between defending and lower aggression and greater prosocial behavior was stronger in those low in victimization

    Examining Cognitive and Emotional Correlates to Proactive and Reactive Relational and Overt Aggression in a Community Sample

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    This study attempts to further test the importance of distinguishing between the reactive, proactive, relational, and overt forms of aggression by examining the distinct correlates to these types of aggression and test potential gender differences in these correlates. This study also attempts to tie research on aggression with research on bullying . A sample of 282, 4th through 6th graders were surveyed on instruments meant to assess the subtypes of aggression, as well as their correlates. Participants were placed in categories based on self-reports and peer ratings of whether they acted as bullies and/or whether they were victims of bullying. Results indicated that reactive aggression was associated with anger dysregulation and impulsivity in both boys and girls. Reactive relational aggression remained associated with anger dysregulation and impulsivity when controlling for overt aggression in girls but not boys. Proactive overt aggression was associated with CU traits in boys. Boy bullies were more reactively aggressive, whereas girl bullies and bully/victims were high on both reactive and proactive aggression

    Reactivity of oxygen ions in mixed oxides in dehydrogenation of propane

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    The Syndrome of Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion in Psychiatric Patients

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    The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is a common medical illness which has many etiologies-some of which are particular to psychiatric patients. This review will discuss the diagnosis of SIADH and then the various etiologies for its development with emphasis on those which are more relevant to psychiatric patients. Future research will be directed to a further understanding of this disorder, as well as to treatment options to decrease the significant morbidity associated with this condition

    TextualizaciĂłn, mistificaciĂłn y el poder de la estructura

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    En este artículo sostengo que muchas de las contribuciones del movimiento Writing Culture y muchas de sus críticas quedaron atrapadas en una “ilusión textual”. Por “ilusión textual”, hago referencia al encuadramiento de un texto de tal modo que se anulan conceptualmente sus contextos de producción y sus efectos y llega ser un artefacto independiente, que en última instancia -igual que en la noción de Geertz de cultura entendida como un ensamblaje de textos- se convierte en un modelo para lo que representa. Así formulado, el texto permite una serie de maniobras -críticas- auto-reflexivas, incluyendo algunas aparentemente transgresoras que, igual de reveladoras como puedan serlo, enmascaran de modo inevitable ciertas presunciones que constituyen la textualidad del texto y su rango de respuestas. Entre estas presunciones enmascaradas, están las actitudes hacia el lenguaje y su uso, en este caso, el énfasis en la función semánticoreferencial y el consecuente privilegio otorgado a la representación mimética a expensas de otras funciones lingüísticas, incluidas las pragmáticas, poéticas y fáticas. Unida a una tendencia histórico/cultural específica conducente a des-historizar el texto, la representación mimética llega a ser el principal foco textual y, en consecuencia, la cultura, modelada en textos, es articulada como una moda atemporal y representacional. Sostengo que el énfasis en los textos, que caracterizó al movimiento Writing Culture, limitó las reflexiones tanto de las circunstancias de la producción textual como de las maneras en que los textos constituyeron sus propias lecturas e interpretaciones. En resumen, sugiero que la etnografía y las ciencias sociales en general deberían prestar una atención más critica a las prácticas particulares de lectura/interpretación que cultivan y privilegian.In this paper I argue that many of the contributions to the Writing Culture movement and many of its critiques were caught in a “textual illusion.” By “textual illusion,” I mean the so framing a text that it overrides conceptually its contexts of production and its aftermath and becomes an independent artifact, which in the extreme -as in Geertz’s notion of culture as an ensemble of texts- becomes the model for what it depicts. So framed, the text permits a series of -critical- self-reflective maneuvers, including seemingly transgressive ones, that, as illuminating as they may be, inevitably mask some of the presuppositions that constitute the text’s textuality and the range of responses to it. Among these masked presuppositions are attitudes toward language and language usage; in case in point, the emphasis on the semantico-referential function and the consequent privileging of mimetic representation at the expense of other linguistic functions, including the pragmatic, the poetic, and the phatic. Coupled with a culture/historical-specific tendency to de-historicize the text, mimetic representation becomes the paramount textual focus and, in consequence, culture, modeled on text, is articulated in timeless, representational fashion. I argue that the emphasis on texts, which characterized the Writing Culture movement, limited consideration of both the circumstances of textual production and the ways in which the texts themselves constitute their own readings and interpretations. In short, I suggest that ethnography and the social sciences in general should focus critical attention on the particular reading/interpretive practices they cultivate and privilege

    Présentation. Les passions : au coeur du politique?

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    OncoLog Volume 47, Number 01, January 2002

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    Preserving and Restoring the Ability to Swallow in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Requires a Team Approach Modified Barium Swallow Helps Speech Pathologists Determine What Patients Are Able to Eat House Call: Common Cancers, Common Symptoms Portal Vein Embolization Offers More Pateints an Opportunity for Potentially Curative Hepatic Resectionhttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1102/thumbnail.jp

    OncoLog Volume 45, Number 02, February 2000

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    National Cooperation Leads to New Standard of Treatment for Cervical Cancer House Call: Stress and Cancer: What\u27s the Connection? Researchers Study Hormone Intervention Therapy to Prevent Treatment-Induced Sterility Protocols: Cervical Cancer Clinical Trials Regular Pap Smears Still Key to Preventing Cervical Cancerhttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1082/thumbnail.jp
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