3,538 research outputs found

    MgB2 tunnel junctions and 19 K low-noise dc superconducting quantum interference devices

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    Point contact junctions made from two pieces of MgB2 can be adjusted to exhibit either superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) or superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) current-voltage characteristics. The SIS characteristics are in good agreement with the standard tunneling model for s-wave superconductors, and yield an energy gap of (2.02 +/- 0.08) meV. The SNS characteristics are in good agreement with the predictions of the resistively-shunted junction model. DC Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices made from two SNS junctions yield magnetic field noise as low as 35 fT/Hz^{1/2} at 19 K.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Power systems research at MSFC

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    Power systems research reviews at Marshall Space Flight Cente

    Late-Type Stars in M31. I.: A Photometric Study of AGB Stars and Metallicity Gradients.

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    We have imaged five 7\arcmin \x 7\arcmin\ fields in M31 spanning galactocentric radii from 4 to 32 kpc along the SW-major axis. The fields were observed through two broad-band (\V\ and \I) and two narrow-band (\CN\ and \TiO) filters. The broad-band data were used to construct \IvsVI\ color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and, in some of our fields, we found significant numbers of stars in the Cepheid instability strip. A distance modulus for the Cepheids in the middle field was found that agreed well with other values in the literature values. The width of the giant branch (GB) in the \IvsVI\ CMD of all 5 fields was investigated, and we show that in four of the fields a likely explanation for the GB width is a combination of {\it both} metallicity and mass variations. Using the broad-band data, the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) luminosity functions (LFs) were measured in the five fields, and we show that differences exist between these LFs. We speculate on how the different star forming histories in the fields may lead to the observed AGB LFs and GB widths. Using the narrow-band data along with the broad-band data we separated the AGB stars into carbon-rich (C) and oxygen-rich (M) types. The carbon stars LFs were used to obtain an estimate for the distance modulus of M31 which agrees with the value derived from Cepheids. The ratio of C- to M-stars (C/M) is believed to be an indicator of gaseous chemical abundance at the time of formation of these stars. We show that the C/M ratio increases smoothly with galactocentric distance, suggesting an inverse correlation with metallicity. This is the first demonstration of this effect within a single extragalactic system. We find that differences in the width of the GB and the AGB LFs do not significantly affect the C/M ratio. We consider the effect of the increasing C/M ratio on the ISM in M31, and cite evidence in favor of a model where the grain composition in M31 is a function of galactocentric distance.Comment: UUencoded compressed postscript, 3 Figs. available on request. (Contact [email protected]

    Unexpected Magnetism of Small Silver Clusters

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    The ground-state electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of small silver clusters, Agn_n (2\len\le22), have been studied using a linear combination of atomic Gaussian-type orbitals within the density functional theory. The results show that the silver atoms, which are diamagnetic in bulk environment, can be magnetic when they are grouped together in clusters. The Ag13_{13} cluster with icosahedral symmetry has the highest magnetic moment per atom among the studied silver clusters. The cluster symmetry and the reduced coordination number specific of small clusters reveal as a fundamental factor for the onset of the magnetism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Searching for music: understanding the discovery, acquisition, processing and organization of music in a domestic setting for design

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    This series of studies make it clear that a wide range of both physical and digital resources are involved in domestic music consumption. The selection of digital resources is particularly evident, and it can be observed that domestic music consumption is a fragmented business, taking advantage of many different "channels'' for getting, using and preparing music. While there are not a series of common channels, each home displayed a variety of methods in respect to using metadata in multiple different modalities: regardless, the activities involved in getting, using and preparing music cohere through a noticeable, emergent set of workflows. We find that not only does metadata support searching, as one might expect, but also it pervades all parts of the workflow and is used in real-time as a reflexive artifact and in terms of its future perceived/prescribed use. The findings of the research raise a series of possibilities and issues that form the basis for understanding and designing for metadata use

    Carbon Stars and other Luminous Stellar Populations in M33

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    The M33 galaxy is a nearby, relatively metal-poor, late-type spiral. Its proximity and almost face-on inclination means that it projects over a large area on the sky, making it an ideal candidate for wide-field CCD mosaic imaging. Photometry was obtained for more than 10^6 stars covering a 74' x 56' field centered on M33. Main sequence (MS), supergiant branch (SGB), red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) populations are identified and classified based on broad-band V and I photometry. Narrow-band filters are used to measure spectral features allowing the AGB population to be further divided into C and M-star types. The galactic structure of M33 is examined using star counts, colour-colour and colour-magnitude selected stellar populations. We use the C to M-star ratio to investigate the metallicity gradient in the disk of M33. The C/M-star ratio is found to increase and then flatten with increasing galactocentric radius in agreement with viscous disk formation models. The C-star luminosity function is found to be similar to M31 and the SMC, suggesting that C-stars should be useful distance indicators. The ``spectacular arcs of carbon stars'' in M33 postulated recently by Block et al. (2004) are found in our work to be simply an extension of M33's disk.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Problematising international placements as a site of intercultural learning

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    This paper theorises some of the learning outcomes of a three-year project concerning student learning in international social work placements in Malaysia. The problematic issue of promoting cultural and intercultural competence through such placements is examined, where overlapping hegemonies are discussed in terms of isomorphism of social work models, that of the nation state, together with those relating to professional values and knowledge, and the tyrannies of received ideas. A critical discussion of cultural competence as the rationale for international placements is discussed in terms of the development of the graduating social worker as a self-reflexive practitioner. The development of sustainable international partnerships able to support student placement and the issue of non-symmetrical reciprocation, typical of wide socio-economic differentials across global regions, is additionally discussed

    Doping and Irradiation Controlled Vortex Pinning Behavior in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 Single Crystals

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    We report on the systematic evolution of vortex pinning behavior in isovalent doped single crystals of BaFe2(As1-xPx)2. Proceeding from optimal doped to ovedoped samples, we find a clear transfor- mation of the magnetization hysteresis from a fishtail behavior to a distinct peak effect followed by a reversible magnetization and Bean Livingston surface barriers. Strong point pinning dominates the vortex behavior at low fields whereas weak collective pinning determines the behavior at higher fields. In addition to doping effects, we show that particle irradiation by energetic protons can tune vortex pinning in these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures,significant change of eraly version, accepted by PRB rapid communication

    Enabling the new economic actor: data protection, the digital economy, and the Databox

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    This paper offers a sociological perspective on data protection regulation and its relevance to design. From this perspective, proposed regulation in Europe and the USA seeks to create a new economic actor—the consumer as personal data trader—through new legal frameworks that shift the locus of agency and control in data processing towards the individual consumer or “data subject”. The sociological perspective on proposed data regulation recognises the reflexive relationship between law and the social order, and the commensurate needs to balance the demand for compliance with the design of computational tools that enable this new economic actor. We present the Databox model as a means of providing data protection and allowing the individual to exploit personal data to become an active player in the emerging data economy.The authors acknowledge the support of the EPSRC, Grants EP/M001636/1, EP/M02315X/1, EP/N028260/1, and EU FP7 Grant 611001.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from [PUBLISHER] via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0939-