4 research outputs found

    Impact of grassland management on soil carbon storage and organic matter biogeochemistry

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    La séquestration du C dans les sols réduit les effets du changement climatique, et améliore la qualité du sol. L'introduction des prairies temporaires dans le cycle des cultures pourrait améliorer les matières organiques du sol (SOM). L'objectif de la thèse était d'évaluer l'impact des modes de gestion de prairies temporaires sur la quantité, la composition et les processus de stabilisation des SOM et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GHG).Mes résultats montrent un arrière effet de la gestion des prairies temporaires sur les SOM après 3 ans de culture. La durée des prairies influence la quantité et la composition de la biomasse microbienne ainsi que la nature des SOM. La fertilisation en N de la prairie est nécessaire à la séquestration du C dans le sol sans augmenter les émissions de GHG.Pour remplacer la fertilisation en N minérale, des légumineuses peuvent être utilisées. En conséquence, je me suis intéressée à l'effet de la luzerne sur les formes de C, de N et de P dans les sols sous mélanges luzerne-graminées. Mes résultats indiquent une absence d'augmentation du stock de C dans les sols sous mélanges comparés aux monocultures de graminées fertilisées, malgré une plus forte productivité de la luzerne. Les biomarqueurs moléculaires indiquent que l'introduction de la luzerne en prairie influence la dégradation des SOM plus que leur stabilisation. De plus, la luzerne influence fortement les formes du P dans les sols sous mélanges.Ainsi, lors de l'introduction de prairie dans les cycles de culture, il est important d'optimiser les modes de gestion afin de faire le bon compromis entre le stockage du C, les émissions de GHG et l'utilisation d'engrais.Soil C sequestration reduces the effects of climate change, improves soil quality and food security. Soil organic matter (SOM) could be enhanced by introduction of ley grassland into the cropping cycle. The objective of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the effect of management practices of ley grassland on the quantity, composition and stabilization processes of SOM and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). My data showed legacy effects of duration and fertilization of the temporary grassland phase on SOM after 3 years of cropping. The duration of grassland phase influenced the quantity and composition of the microbial biomass as well as the nature of SOM. N fertilization during the grassland phase is necessary for soil C sequestration in soil without increasing GHG emissions.To replace mineral N fertilization, legumes may be used in forage production systems. Consequently, I was interested in the effect of introduction of lucerne on C, N and P forms in soils under lucerne-grass mixtures. My results indicate similar soil C stocks under mixtures and grass monocultures, despite the high productivity of lucerne. Molecular biomarkers indicated that the introduction of lucerne in grassland influenced the degradation of the SOM more than its stabilization. Moreover, the presence of lucerne influenced P forms in soils under mixtures.In conclusion, the introduction of ley grasslands into cropping cycles requires careful evaluation of the management practices in order to optimize C storage, GHG emissions and N fertilizer use

    Monitoring Grassland Management Effects on Soil Organic Carbon—A Matter of Scale

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    Introduction of temporary grasslands into cropping cycles could be a sustainable management practice leading to increased soil organic carbon (SOC) to contribute to climate change adaption and mitigation. To investigate the impact of temporary grassland management practices on SOC storage of croplands, we used a spatially resolved sampling approach combined with geostatistical analyses across an agricultural experiment. The experiment included blocks (0.4- to 3-ha blocks) of continuous grassland, continuous cropping and temporary grasslands with different durations and N-fertilizations on a 23-ha site in western France. We measured changes in SOC storage over this 9-year experiment on loamy soil and investigated physicochemical soil parameters. In the soil profiles (0–90 cm), SOC stocks ranged from 82.7 to 98.5 t ha−1 in 2005 and from 81.3 to 103.9 t ha−1 in 2014. On 0.4-ha blocks, the continuous grassland increased SOC in the soil profile with highest gains in the first 30 cm, while losses were recorded under continuous cropping. Where temporary grasslands were introduced into cropping cycles, SOC stocks were maintained. These observations were only partly confirmed when changing the scale of observation to 3-ha blocks. At the 3-ha scale, most grassland treatments exhibited both gains and losses of SOC, which could be partly related to soil physicochemical properties. Overall, our data suggest that both management practices and soil characteristics determine if carbon will accumulate in SOC pools. For detailed understanding of SOC changes, a combination of measurements at different scales is necessary

    Current controversies on mechanisms controlling soil carbon storage: implications for interactions with practitioners and policy-makers. A review

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    Abstract There is currently an intense debate about the potential for additional organic carbon storage in soil, the strategies by which it may be accomplished and what the actual benefits might be for agriculture and the climate. Controversy forms an essential part of the scientific process, but on the topic of soil carbon storage, it may confuse the agricultural community and the general public and may delay actions to fight climate change. In an attempt to shed light on this topic, the originality of this article lies in its intention to provide a balanced description of contradictory scientific opinions on soil carbon storage and to examine how the scientific community can support decision-making despite the controversy. In the first part, we review and attempt to reconcile conflicting views on the mechanisms controlling organic carbon dynamics in soil. We discuss the divergent opinions about chemical recalcitrance, the microbial or plant origin of persistent soil organic matter, the contribution of particulate organic matter to additional organic carbon storage in soil, and the spatial and energetic inaccessibility of soil organic matter to decomposers. In the second part, we examine the advantages and limitations of big data management and modeling, which are essential tools to link the latest scientific theories with the actions taken by stakeholders. Finally, we show how the analysis and discussion of controversies can guide scientists in supporting stakeholders for the design of (i) appropriate trade-offs for biomass use in agriculture and forestry and (ii) climate-smart management practices, keeping in mind their still unresolved effects on soil carbon storage