69 research outputs found

    Shared Decision Making in the Heart Team

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    This heart team review gives an overview of the current status of SDM in heart teams, and investigates the perceived needs for implementation of a SDM approach in clinical practice through an exploratory cross-sectional survey (N=101) and in-depth interviews (N=9) among an international community of heart team physicians specialized in HVD. Although heart team physicians agree on the importance of involving patients in heart team treatment decisions, half leaned toward the heart team making final decisions. In addition, limited understanding of the concept of SDM poses another barrier for physicians in involving patients in their own clinical practice. Finally, limited knowledge of and experience with the use of evidence-based decision aids is hampering wider implementation of SDM in clinical practice. The perceived needs and requirements for implementation of SDM according to heart team physicians forecast a long and winding road forward to sustainable implementation of SDM in heart teams. However, directly addressing attitudes, skills and tools may pave the way to effective implementation of SDM in heart teams. In conclusion, SDM is a means to improve care delivery for patients with HVD. Barriers exist for successful implementation by heart teams, yet opportunities arise as the culture shifts to physicians supporting patient engagement in decision making

    Impact of gonadectomy on blood pressure regulation in ageing male and female rats

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    Sexual dimorphism in blood pressure has been associated with differential expression of the angiotensin II (AII) receptors and with activity of the nervous system. It is generally accepted that aging affects kidney function as well as autonomic nervous system and hormonal balance. Given that hypertension is more prevalent in men than women until women reach their seventh decade we hypothesised that females would be relatively protected from adverse effects of ageing compared to males, and that this would be mediated by the protective effect of ovarian steroids. Intact and gonadectomised male and female normotensive Wistar rats aged 6, 12 and 18 months were used to study renal function, blood pressure, heart rate and blood pressure variability. We observed that intact females had lower levels of proteinuria and higher (12.5%) creatinine clearance compared to intact males, and that this difference was abolished by castration but not by ovariectomy. Ovariectomy resulted in a change by 9% in heart rate, resulting in similar cardiovascular parameters to those observed in males or gonadectomised males. Spectral analysis of systolic blood pressure revealed that high frequency power spectra were significantly elevated in the females vs. males and were reduced by ovariectomy. Taken altogether the results show that females are protected from age-related declining renal function and to a lesser extent from rising blood pressure in comparison to males. Whilst ovariectomy had some deleterious effects in females, the strongest effects were associated with gonadectomy in males, suggesting a damaging effect of male hormones

    Association between global leukocyte DNA methylation and cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic studies to date have not provided satisfactory evidence regarding risk polymorphisms for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Conversely, epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, seem to influence the risk of CVD and related conditions. Because postmenopausal women experience an increase in CVD, we set out to determine whether global DNA methylation was associated with cardiovascular risk in this population. METHODS: In this cross sectional study carried out in a university hospital, 90 postmenopausal women without prior CVD diagnosis (55.5 ± 4.9 years, 5.8 [3.0–10.0] years since menopause) were enrolled. DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes and global DNA methylation levels were obtained with an ELISA kit. Cardiovascular risk was estimated by the Framingham General Cardiovascular Risk Score (10-year risk) (FRS). Clinical and laboratory variables were assessed. Patients were stratified into two CVD risk groups: low (FRS: <10 %, n = 69) and intermediate/high risk (FRS ≥10 %, n = 21). RESULTS: Age, time since menopause, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL-c levels were higher in FRS ≥10 % group vs. FRS <10 % group. BMI, triglycerides, HDL-c, HOMA-IR, glucose and hsC-reactive protein levels were similar in the two groups. Global DNA methylation (% 5mC) in the overall sample was 26.5 % (23.6–36.9). The FRS ≥10 % group presented lower global methylation levels compared with the FRS <10 % group: 23.9 % (20.6–29.1) vs. 28.8 % (24.3–39.6), p = 0.02. This analysis remained significant even after adjustment for time since menopause (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that lower global DNA methylation is associated with higher cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women

    Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis

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    Background: Health care systems are increasingly moving towards more integrated approaches. Shared decision making (SDM) is central to these models but may be complicated by the need to negotiate and communicate decisions between multiple providers, as well as patients and their family carers; particularly for older people with complex needs. The aim of this review was to provide a context relevant understanding of how interventions to facilitate SDM might work for older people with multiple health and care needs, and how they might be applied in integrated care models. Methods: Iterative, stakeholder driven, realist synthesis following RAMESES publication standards. It involved: 1) scoping literature and stakeholder interviews (n-13) to develop initial programme theory/ies, 2) systematic searches for evidence to test and develop the theories, and 3) validation of programme theory/ies with stakeholders (n=11). We searched PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Google, Google Scholar, and undertook lateral searches. All types of evidence were included. Results: We included 88 papers; 29 focused on older people or people with complex needs. We identified four context-mechanism-outcome configurations that together provide an account of what needs to be in place for SDM to work for older people with complex needs. This includes: understanding and assessing patient and carer values and capacity to access and use care, organising systems to support and prioritise SDM, supporting and preparing patients and family carers to engage in SDM and a person-centred culture of which SDM is a part. Programmes likely to be successful in promoting SDM are those that allow older people to feel that they are respected and understood, and that engender confidence to engage in SDM. Conclusions: To embed SDM in practice requires a radical shift from a biomedical focus to a more person-centred ethos. Service providers will need support to change their professional behaviour and to better organise and deliver services. Face to face interactions, permission and space to discuss options, and continuity of patient-professional relationships are key in supporting older people with complex needs to engage in SDM. Future research needs to focus on inter-professional approaches to SDM and how families and carers are involved

    The Heart Team: Where did it Come from and Where is it Going

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