39 research outputs found

    Neurophysiological signatures of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration : pathology versus phenotype

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    The disruption of brain networks is characteristic of neurodegenerative dementias. However, it is controversial whether changes in connectivity reflect only the functional anatomy of disease, with selective vulnerability of brain networks, or the specific neurophysiological consequences of different neuropathologies within brain networks. We proposed that the oscillatory dynamics of cortical circuits reflect the tuning of local neural interactions, such that different pathologies are selective in their impact on the frequency spectrum of oscillations, whereas clinical syndromes reflect the anatomical distribution of pathology and physiological change. To test this hypothesis, we used magnetoencephalography from five patient groups, representing dissociated pathological subtypes and distributions across frontal, parietal and temporal lobes: amnestic Alzheimer's disease, posterior cortical atrophy, and three syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration. We measured effective connectivity with graph theory-based measures of local efficiency, using partial directed coherence between sensors. As expected, each disease caused large-scale changes of neurophysiological brain networks, with reductions in local efficiency compared to controls. Critically however, the frequency range of altered connectivity was consistent across clinical syndromes that shared a likely underlying pathology, whilst the localization of changes differed between clinical syndromes. Multivariate pattern analysis of the frequency-specific topographies of local efficiency separated the disorders from each other and from controls (accuracy 62% to 100%, according to the groups' differences in likely pathology and clinical syndrome). The data indicate that magnetoencephalography has the potential to reveal specific changes in neurophysiology resulting from neurodegenerative disease. Our findings confirm that while clinical syndromes have characteristic anatomical patterns of abnormal connectivity that may be identified with other methods like structural brain imaging, the different mechanisms of neurodegeneration also cause characteristic spectral signatures of physiological coupling that are not accessible with structural imaging nor confounded by the neurovascular signalling of functional MRI. We suggest that these spectral characteristics of altered connectivity are the result of differential disruption of neuronal microstructure and synaptic physiology by Alzheimer's disease versus frontotemporal lobar degeneration.Peer reviewe

    Different decision deficits impair response inhibition in progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease

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    Progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson’s disease have distinct underlying neuropathology, but both diseases affect cognitive function in addition to causing a movement disorder. They impair response inhibition and may lead to impulsivity, which can occur even in the presence of profound akinesia and rigidity. The current study examined the mechanisms of cognitive impairments underlying disinhibition, using horizontal saccadic latencies that obviate the impact of limb slowness on executing response decisions. Nineteen patients with clinically diagnosed progressive supranuclear palsy (Richardson’s syndrome), 24 patients with clinically diagnosed Parkinson’s disease and 26 healthy control subjects completed a saccadic Go/No-Go task with a head-mounted infrared saccadometer. Participants were cued on each trial to make a pro-saccade to a horizontal target or withhold their responses. Both patient groups had impaired behavioural performance, with more commission errors than controls. Mean saccadic latencies were similar between all three groups. We analysed behavioural responses as a binary decision between Go and No-Go choices. By using Bayesian parameter estimation, we fitted a hierarchical drift–diffusion model to individual participants’ single trial data. The model decomposes saccadic latencies into parameters for the decision process: decision boundary, drift rate of accumulation, decision bias, and non-decision time. In a leave-one-out three-way classification analysis, the model parameters provided better discrimination between patients and controls than raw behavioural measures. Furthermore, the model revealed disease-specific deficits in the Go/No-Go decision process. Both patient groups had slower drift rate of accumulation, and shorter non-decision time than controls. But patients with progressive supranuclear palsy were strongly biased towards a pro-saccade decision boundary compared to Parkinson’s patients and controls. This indicates a prepotency of responding in combination with a reduction in further accumulation of evidence, which provides a parsimonious explanation for the apparently paradoxical combination of disinhibition and severe akinesia. The combination of the well-tolerated oculomotor paradigm and the sensitivity of the model-based analysis provides a valuable approach for interrogating decision-making processes in neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanistic differences underlying participants’ poor performance were not observable from classical analysis of behavioural data, but were clearly revealed by modelling. These differences provide a rational basis on which to develop and assess new therapeutic strategies for cognition and behaviour in these disorders

    Predicting beneficial effects of atomoxetine and citalopram on response inhibition in Parkinson's disease with clinical and neuroimaging measures.

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    Recent studies indicate that selective noradrenergic (atomoxetine) and serotonergic (citalopram) reuptake inhibitors may improve response inhibition in selected patients with Parkinson's disease, restoring behavioral performance and brain activity. We reassessed the behavioral efficacy of these drugs in a larger cohort and developed predictive models to identify patient responders. We used a double-blind randomized three-way crossover design to investigate stopping efficiency in 34 patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease after 40 mg atomoxetine, 30 mg citalopram, or placebo. Diffusion-weighted and functional imaging measured microstructural properties and regional brain activations, respectively. We confirmed that Parkinson's disease impairs response inhibition. Overall, drug effects on response inhibition varied substantially across patients at both behavioral and brain activity levels. We therefore built binary classifiers with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to predict patients' responses in terms of improved stopping efficiency. We identified two optimal models: (1) a "clinical" model that predicted the response of an individual patient with 77-79% accuracy for atomoxetine and citalopram, using clinically available information including age, cognitive status, and levodopa equivalent dose, and a simple diffusion-weighted imaging scan; and (2) a "mechanistic" model that explained the behavioral response with 85% accuracy for each drug, using drug-induced changes of brain activations in the striatum and presupplementary motor area from functional imaging. These data support growing evidence for the role of noradrenaline and serotonin in inhibitory control. Although noradrenergic and serotonergic drugs have highly variable effects in patients with Parkinson's disease, the individual patient's response to each drug can be predicted using a pattern of clinical and neuroimaging features.The BCNI is supported by the Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council. We are grateful to Dr Gordon Logan for advice on stop-signal reaction time estimation and to Dr Marta Correia for advice on diffusion-weighted imaging data analysis. Conflict of interest: Prof. Sahakian has received grants from Janssen/J&J, personal fees from Cambridge Cognition, personal fees from Lundbeck, and personal fees from Servier, outside the submitted work. Prof. Robbins has received personal fees and royalties from Cambridge Cognition, personal fees and grants from Eli Lilly Inc, personal fees and grants from Lundbeck, grants from GSK, personal fees from Teva Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Shire Pharmaceuticals, grants from Medical Research Council, editorial honorarium from Springer Verlag Germany, and personal fees from Chempartners, outside the submitted work. Prof. Rowe has received grant funding from AZ-Medimmune unrelated to the current work. Dr Housden is an employee of Cambridge Cognition. Other authors reported no biomedical financial interests or potential conflict of interest.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hbm.2308

    White matter change with apathy and impulsivity in frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the white matter correlates of apathy and impulsivity in the major syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration, using diffusion-weighted imaging and data from the PiPPIN (Pick's Disease and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Prevalence and Incidence) study. We included behavioral and language variants of frontotemporal dementia, corticobasal syndrome, and progressive supranuclear palsy. METHODS: Seventy patients and 30 controls underwent diffusion tensor imaging at 3-tesla after detailed assessment of apathy and impulsivity. We used tract-based spatial statistics of fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity, correlating with 8 orthogonal dimensions of apathy and impulsivity derived from a principal component analysis of neuropsychological, behavioral, and questionnaire measures. RESULTS: Three components were associated with significant white matter tract abnormalities. Carer-rated change in everyday skills, self-care, and motivation correlated with widespread changes in dorsal frontoparietal and corticospinal tracts, while carer observations of impulsive-apathetic and challenging behaviors revealed disruption in ventral frontotemporal tracts. Objective neuropsychological tests of cognitive control, reflection impulsivity, and reward responsiveness were associated with focal changes in the right frontal lobe and presupplementary motor area. These changes were observed across clinical diagnostic groups, and were not restricted to the disorders for which diagnostic criteria include apathy and impulsivity. CONCLUSION: The current study provides evidence of distinct structural network changes in white matter associated with different neurobehavioral components of apathy and impulsivity across the diverse spectrum of syndromes and pathologies associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration

    Network connectivity and structural correlates of survival in progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal syndrome

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    There is a pressing need to understand the factors that predict prognosis in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS), with high heterogeneity over the poor average survival. We test the hypothesis that the magnitude and distribution of connectivity changes in PSP and CBS predict the rate of progression and survival time, using datasets from the Cambridge Centre for Parkinson-plus and the UK National PSP Research Network (PROSPECT-MR). Resting-state functional MRI images were available from 146 participants with PSP, 82 participants with CBS, and 90 healthy controls. Large-scale networks were identified through independent component analyses, with correlations taken between component time series. Independent component analysis was also used to select between-network connectivity components to compare with baseline clinical severity, longitudinal rate of change in severity, and survival. Transdiagnostic survival predictors were identified using partial least squares regression for Cox models, with connectivity compared to patients' demographics, structural imaging, and clinical scores using five-fold cross-validation. In PSP and CBS, between-network connectivity components were identified that differed from controls, were associated with disease severity, and were related to survival and rate of change in clinical severity. A transdiagnostic component predicted survival beyond demographic and motion metrics but with lower accuracy than an optimal model that included the clinical and structural imaging measures. Cortical atrophy enhanced the connectivity changes that were most predictive of survival. Between-network connectivity is associated with variability in prognosis in PSP and CBS but does not improve predictive accuracy beyond clinical and structural imaging metrics