1,388 research outputs found

    Optical properties of pyrochlore oxide Pb2Ru2O7−δPb_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7-{\delta}}

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    We present optical conductivity spectra for Pb2Ru2O7−δPb_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7-{\delta}} single crystal at different temperatures. Among reported pyrochlore ruthenates, this compound exhibits metallic behavior in a wide temperature range and has the least resistivity. At low frequencies, the optical spectra show typical Drude responses, but with a knee feature around 1000 \cm. Above 20000 \cm, a broad absorption feature is observed. Our analysis suggests that the low frequency responses can be understood from two Drude components arising from the partially filled Ru t2gt_{2g} bands with different plasma frequencies and scattering rates. The high frequency broad absorption may be contributed by two interband transitions: from occupied Ru t2gt_{2g} states to empty ege_{g} bands and from the fully filled O 2p bands to unoccupied Ru t2gt_{2g} states.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Non-Fermi liquid normal state of the Heavy Fermion superconductor UBe13

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    Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior in the normal state of the heavy-fermion superconductor UBe13 is studied by means of low-temperature measurements of the specific heat, C, and electrical resistivity, \rho, on a high-quality single crystal in magnetic fields up to 15.5 T. At B=0, unconventional superconductivity forms at Tc=0.9 K out of an incoherent state, characterized by a large and strongly temperature dependent \rho(T). In the magnetic field interval 4 T \leq B \leq 10 T, \rho(T) follows a T^3/2 behavior for Tc(B)\leq T \leq 1 K, while \rho is proportional to T at higher temperatures. Corresponding Non-Fermi liquid behavior is observed in C/T as well and hints at a nearby antiferromagnetic (AF) quantum critical point (QCP) covered by the superconducting state. We speculate that the suppression of short-range AF correlations observed by thermal expansion and specific heat measurements below T_L \simeq 0.7 K (B=0) yields a field-induced QCP, T_L \to 0, at B=4.5 T.Comment: Presented at the M2S-2003 conference in Rio / Brazi

    An exploration of concepts of community through a case study of UK university web production

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    The paper explores the inter-relation and differences between the concepts of occupational community, community of practice, online community and social network. It uses as a case study illustration the domain of UK university web site production and specifically a listserv for those involved in it. Different latent occupational communities are explored, and the potential for the listserv to help realize these as an active sense of community is considered. The listserv is not (for most participants) a tight knit community of practice, indeed it fails many criteria for an online community. It is perhaps best conceived as a loose knit network of practice, valued for information, implicit support and for the maintenance of weak ties. Through the analysis the case for using strict definitions of the theoretical concepts is made

    Statistical properties of thermodynamically predicted RNA secondary structures in viral genomes

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    By performing a comprehensive study on 1832 segments of 1212 complete genomes of viruses, we show that in viral genomes the hairpin structures of thermodynamically predicted RNA secondary structures are more abundant than expected under a simple random null hypothesis. The detected hairpin structures of RNA secondary structures are present both in coding and in noncoding regions for the four groups of viruses categorized as dsDNA, dsRNA, ssDNA and ssRNA. For all groups hairpin structures of RNA secondary structures are detected more frequently than expected for a random null hypothesis in noncoding rather than in coding regions. However, potential RNA secondary structures are also present in coding regions of dsDNA group. In fact we detect evolutionary conserved RNA secondary structures in conserved coding and noncoding regions of a large set of complete genomes of dsDNA herpesviruses.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Nickel on Lead, Magnetically Dead or Alive?

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    Two atomic layers of Ni condensed onto Pb films behave, according to anomalous Hall effect measurements, as magnetic dead layers. However, the Ni lowers the superconducting T_{c} of the Pb film. This has lead to the conclusion that the Ni layers are still very weakly magnetic. In the present paper the electron dephasing due to the Ni has been measured by weak localization. The dephasing is smaller by a factor 100 than the pair-breaking. This proves that the T_{c}-reduction in the PbNi films is not due magnetic Ni moments

    Innovations in air sampling to detect plant pathogens

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    Many innovations in the development and use of air sampling devices have occurred in plant pathology since the first description of the Hirst spore trap. These include improvements in capture efficiency at relatively high air-volume collection rates, methods to enhance the ease of sample processing with downstream diagnostic methods and even full automation of sampling, diagnosis and wireless reporting of results. Other innovations have been to mount air samplers on mobile platforms such as UAVs and ground vehicles to allow sampling at different altitudes and locations in a short space of time to identify potential sources and population structure. Geographical Information Systems and the application to a network of samplers can allow a greater prediction of airborne inoculum and dispersal dynamics. This field of technology is now developing quickly as novel diagnostic methods allow increasingly rapid and accurate quantifications of airborne species and genetic traits. Sampling and interpretation of results, particularly action-thresholds, is improved by understanding components of air dispersal and dilution processes and can add greater precision in the application of crop protection products as part of integrated pest and disease management decisions. The applications of air samplers are likely to increase, with much greater adoption by growers or industry support workers to aid in crop protection decisions. The same devices are likely to improve information available for detection of allergens causing hay fever and asthma or provide valuable metadata for regional plant disease dynamics

    Optical investigation on the electronic structures of Y_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7}, CaRuO_{3}, SrRuO_{3}, and Bi_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7}

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    We investigated the electronic structures of the bandwidth-controlled ruthenates, Y2_{2}Ru2_{2}O7_{7}, CaRuO3_{3}, SrRuO3_{3}, and Bi2_{2}Ru2% _{2}O7_{7}, by optical conductivity analysis in a wide energy region of 5 meV ∼\sim 12 eV. We could assign optical transitions from the systematic changes of the spectra and by comparison with the O 1ss x-ray absorption data. We estimated some physical parameters, such as the on-site Coulomb repulsion energy and the crystal-field splitting energy. These parameters show that the 4dd orbitals should be more extended than 3dd ones. These results are also discussed in terms of the Mott-Hubbard model.Comment: 12 pages (1 table), 3 figure

    QED Effective Action at Finite Temperature: Two-Loop Dominance

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    We calculate the two-loop effective action of QED for arbitrary constant electromagnetic fields at finite temperature T in the limit of T much smaller than the electron mass. It is shown that in this regime the two-loop contribution always exceeds the influence of the one-loop part due to the thermal excitation of the internal photon. As an application, we study light propagation and photon splitting in the presence of a magnetic background field at low temperature. We furthermore discover a thermally induced contribution to pair production in electric fields.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, LaTe

    Keeping it in the family: Parental influences on young people's attitudes to police

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    Prior research finds young people are less satisfied with police than their older counterparts. Despite this, our understanding of youth attitudes to police is limited, as most research has focused on adult attitudes to police. This study adds to our understanding by examining the influence of parent–child dynamics on youth attitudes to police. We predict that youth attitudes to police will be influenced by their parents’ attitudes. A survey of 540 school students in South East Queensland reveals that perceived parental attitudes to police are associated with youth attitudes to police. However, this effect is partially mediated by maternal, but not paternal attachment. These findings suggest that youth attitudes to police are not simply influenced by contact with police and delinquency, but that familial context is important. Consequently, our theoretical understanding of youth attitudes to police must move beyond a focus upon police contact and delinquency
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