1,989 research outputs found

    Dusty star forming galaxies at high redshift

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    The global star formation rate in high redshift galaxies, based on optical surveys, shows a strong peak at a redshift of z=1.5, which implies that we have already seen most of the formation. High redshift galaxies may, however, emit most of their energy at submillimeter wavelengths if they contain substantial amounts of dust. The dust would absorb the starlight and reradiate it as far-infrared light, which would be redshifted to the submillimeter range. Here we report a deep survey of two blank regions of sky performed at submillimeter wavelengths (450 and 850-micron). If the sources we detect in the 850-micron band are powered by star formation, then each must be converting more than 100 solar masses of gas per year into stars, which is larger than the maximum star formation rates inferred for most optically-selected galaxies. The total amount of high redshift star formation is essentially fixed by the level of background light, but where the peak occurs in redshift for the submillimeter is not yet established. However, the background light contribution from only the sources detected at 850-micron is already comparable to that from the optically-selected sources. Establishing the main epoch of star formation will therefore require a combination of optical and submillimeter studies.Comment: 10 pages + 2 Postscript figures, under embargo at Natur

    AVEC 2011 – the first international Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge

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    Abstract. The Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge andWorkshop (AVEC 2011) is the first competition event aimed at comparison of multimedia processing and machine learning methods for automatic audio, visual and audiovisual emotion analysis, with all participants competing under strictly the same conditions. This paper first describes the challenge par-ticipation conditions. Next follows the data used – the SEMAINE corpus – and its partitioning into train, development, and test partitions for the challenge with labelling in four dimensions, namely activity, expectation, power, and valence. Further, audio and video baseline features are intro-duced as well as baseline results that use these features for the three sub-challenges of audio, video, and audiovisual emotion recognition

    Evaluation of X-ray/EUV Nanolithography Facility at AS Through Wavefront Propagation Simulations

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    Synchrotron light sources can provide the required spatial coherence, stability and control that is required to support the development of advanced lithography at the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavelengths that are relevant to current and future fabricating technologies. Here we present an evaluation of the optical performance of the soft X-ray (SXR) beamline of the Australian Synchrotron (AS) and its suitability for developing interference lithography using radiation in the 91.8 eV (13.5 nm) to 300 eV (4.13 nm) range. A comprehensive physical optics model of the APPLE-II undulator source and SXR beamline was constructed to simulate the properties of the illumination at the proposed location of a photomask, as a function of photon energy, collimation, and monochromator parameters. The model is validated using a combination of experimental measurements of the photon intensity distribution of the undulator harmonics. We show that the undulator harmonics intensity ratio can be accurately measured using an imaging detector and controlled using beamline optics. Finally, we evaluate photomask geometric constraints and achievable performance for the limiting case of fully spatially coherent illumination.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Preprint: submitted to Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 16/11/2

    A guideline for the formation of sub-national climate-smart agriculture alliances in Tanzania

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    About the guideline: This document summarizes recommendations on best practices on how to form and operationalize of sustainable sub-national Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) alliances for CSA actors in Tanzania. These are based on the experience and recommendations of existing District CSA Alliances and views from selected CSA actors in the country. It seeks to support ongoing efforts in the country to promote the adoption of CSA practices and technologies

    The Radio/Optical Catalog of the SSA13 Field

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    We present a 1.4-GHz catalog of 810 radio sources (560 sources in the complete sample) with 1.8" resolution found within a 17' radius in the SSA13 field (RA=13h12m,DEC=42d38'). The radio image from the VLA has an rms noise level of 4.82 microJy/beam at the field center, and Subaru optical images in r-band (6300A) and z-band (9200A) have a three-sigma detection magnitude of 26.1 and 24.9, respectively. 88% of the radio sources are identified with an optical counterpart, and there is significantly more reddening for objects fainter than 24-mag. The radio and optical parameters are tabulated, and source morphologies are displayed by radio contours overlaying optical false-color images. The radio structures show a wealth of complexity and these are classified into a small number of categories. About one-third of the radio sources are larger than 1.2" and their orientation is often similar to that of the associated galaxy or binary-galaxy system. The density of sources in the SSA13 field above 75 microJy is 0.40 per square arcmin, with a slope of -2.43 in the differential counts. The radio spectral index may steepen for sources below 75 microJy. We estimate that at most 40% of the microJansky radio sources are dominated by AGN processes.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures of which fig 6 contains 33 parts. In press, Astrophysical Journal, Supp

    Detecting high redshift evolved galaxies as the hosts of optically faint hard X-ray sources

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    We combine deep Subaru near-infrared images of the massive lensing clusters A2390 and A370 with Keck optical data to map the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of Chandra X-ray sources lying behind the clusters. The three sources behind A2390 are found to have extremely red colors with SEDs consistent with evolved galaxies at redshifts z>1.4. One source has extremely anomalous colors, which we interpret as evidence for a type Sa SED at a redshift around 2.5. The photometric redshift of another source has been confirmed at z=1.467 from near-infrared spectroscopy using the CISCO spectrograph on Subaru. Mapping of optically faint hard X-ray sources may prove to be an extremely efficient way to locate luminous evolved galaxies at high redshifts.Comment: 5 pages, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Redshift clustering in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present initial results from a redshift survey carried out with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph on the 10~m W. M. Keck Telescope in the Hubble Deep Field. In the redshift distribution of the 140 extragalactic objects in this sample we find 6 strong peaks, with velocity dispersions of 400{\sim}400{\kms}. The areal density of objects within a particular peak, while it may be non-uniform, does not show evidence for strong central concentration. These peaks have characteristics (velocity dispersions, density enhancements, spacing, and spatial extent) similar to those seen in a comparable redshift survey in a different high galactic latitude field (Cohen et al 1996), confirming that the structures are generic. They are probably the high redshift counterparts of huge galaxy structures (``walls'') observed locally.Comment: 14 pages, including 2 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Red Companions to a z=2.15 Radio Loud Quasar

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    We have conducted observations of the environment around the z=2.15 radio loud quasar 1550-269 in search of distant galaxies associated either with it or the z=2.09 CIV absorber along its line of sight. Such objects will be distinguished by their red colours, R-K>4.5. We find five such objects in a 1.5 arcmin^2 field around the quasar, with typical K magnitudes of ~20.4 and no detected R band emission. We also find a sixth object with K=19.6+/-0.3, and undetected at R, just two arcseconds from the quasar. The nature of all these objects is currently unclear, and will remain so until we have determined their redshifts. We suggest that it is likely that they are associated with either the quasar or the CIV absorber, in which case their properties might be similar to those of the z=2.38 red Ly-alpha emitting galaxies discovered by Francis et al. (1997). The small separation between the quasar and the brightest of our objects suggests that it may be the galaxy responsible for the CIV metal line absorption system. The closeness to the quasar and the red colour might have precluded similar objects from being uncovered in previous searches for emission from CIV and eg. damped absorbers.Comment: To appear in "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R. Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Sawicki & R. Brunne

    The Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey: K-band Galaxy Number Counts

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    We present K-band number counts for the faint galaxies in the Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey (CADIS). We covered 4 CADIS fields, a total area of 0.2deg^2, in the broad band filters B, R and K. We detect about 4000 galaxies in the K-band images, with a completeness limit of K=19.75mag, and derive the K-band galaxy number counts in the range of 14.25 < K < 19.75mag. This is the largest medium deep K-band survey to date in this magnitude range. The B- and R-band number counts are also derived, down to completeness limits of B=24.75mag and R=23.25mag. The K-selected galaxies in this magnitude range are of particular interest, since some medium deep near-infrared surveys have identified breaks of both the slope of the K-band number counts and the mean B-K color at K=17\sim18mag. There is, however, a significant disagreement in the K-band number counts among the existing surveys. Our large near-infrared selected galaxy sample allows us to establish the presence of a clear break in the slope at K=17.0mag from dlogN/dm = 0.64 at brighter magnitudes to dlogN/dm = 0.36 at the fainter end. We construct no-evolution and passive evolution models, and find that the passive evolution model can simultaneously fit the B-, R- and K-band number counts well. The B-K colors show a clear trend to bluer colors for K > 18mag. We also find that most of the K=18-20mag galaxies have a B-K color bluer than the prediction of a no-evolution model for an L_* Sbc galaxy, implying either significant evolution, even for massive galaxies, or the existence of an extra population of small galaxies.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 10 pages, 7 figure

    The DEIMOS 10k spectroscopic survey catalog of the COSMOS field

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    We present a catalog of 10718 objects in the COSMOS field observed through multi-slit spectroscopy with the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck II telescope in the wavelength range ~5500-9800A. The catalog contains 6617 objects with high-quality spectra (two or more spectral features), and 1798 objects with a single spectroscopic feature confirmed by the photometric redshift. For 2024 typically faint objects we could not obtain reliable redshifts. The objects have been selected from a variety of input catalogs based on multi-wavelength observations in the field, and thus have a diverse selection function, which enables the study of the diversity in the galaxy population. The magnitude distribution of our objects is peaked at I_AB~23 and K_AB~21, with a secondary peak at K_AB~24. We sample a broad redshift distribution in the range 0<z<6, with one peak at z~1, and another one around z~4. We have identified 13 redshift spikes at z>0.65 with chance probabilities <4xE-4$, some of which are clearly related to protocluster structures of sizes >10 Mpc. An object-to-object comparison with a multitude of other spectroscopic samples in the same field shows that our DEIMOS sample is among the best in terms of fraction of spectroscopic failures and relative redshift accuracy. We have determined the fraction of spectroscopic blends to about 0.8% in our sample. This is likely a lower limit and at any rate well below the most pessimistic expectations. Interestingly, we find evidence for strong lensing of Ly-alpha background emitters within the slits of 12 of our target galaxies, increasing their apparent density by about a factor of 4.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures and 5 tables. The full catalogue table is available on http://cosmos.astro.caltech.edu. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa