94 research outputs found

    A new gamma*-p / pbar-p factorization test in diffraction, valid below Q^2 about 6 GeV^2

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    One of the key experimental issues in high energy hadron physics is the extent to which data from the diffractive interaction mechanism may be described by a factorized formula which is the product of a universal term describing the probability of finding a Pomeron in a proton (loosely referred to as the "Pomeron flux-factor") and a term decribing the Pomeron's interaction with the other incident proton. In the present paper, after demonstrating that existing data on diffractive gamma*-p and pbar-p interactions show that the Pomeron flux-factor is not universal, we present the results of a new test of factorization in these interactions which does not rely on universality of the flux-factor. The test is satisfied to within ~20% for 1 < Q^2 ~ 6 GeV^2 and beta < 0.2 in the gamma*-p interactions, suggesting that the resons for non-universality of the flux-factor have a limited effect on the factorization itself. However, a clear breakdown of this test is observed at larger Q^2. Kharzeev and Levin suggest that this can be attributed to the onset of QCD evolution effects in the Pomeron's structure. The breakdown occurs in a Q^2 region which agrees with their estimates of a small Pomeron size.Comment: 20 pages, 7 Encapsulated Postscript figures, LaTex, submitted to European Phisical Journal

    Diffractive production of dijets by double Pomeron exchange processes

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    A phenomenological description of diffractive dijet hadroproduction via double Pomeron exchange is presented. This description is based on a modified version of the Ingelman-Schlein model which includes the evolution of the Pomeron structure function and corrections regarding rapidity gap suppression effects. The same quark-dominant Pomeron structure function employed in a previous report to describe diffractive dijet and W production via single Pomeron processes is shown here to yield results consistent with the available data for double Pomeron processes as well.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX4.

    Naa And Naag Variation In Neuronal Activation During Visual Stimulation.

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    N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) and its hydrolysis product N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA) are among the most important brain metabolites. NAA is a marker of neuron integrity and viability, while NAAG modulates glutamate release and may have a role in neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity. Investigating on a quantitative basis the role of these metabolites in brain metabolism in vivo by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a major challenge since the main signals of NAA and NAAG largely overlap. This is a preliminary study in which we evaluated NAA and NAAG changes during a visual stimulation experiment using functional MRS. The paradigm used consisted of a rest period (5 min and 20 s), followed by a stimulation period (10 min and 40 s) and another rest period (10 min and 40 s). MRS from 17 healthy subjects were acquired at 3T with TR/TE = 2000/288 ms. Spectra were averaged over subjects and quantified with LCModel. The main outcomes were that NAA concentration decreased by about 20% with the stimulus, while the concentration of NAAG concomitantly increased by about 200%. Such variations fall into models for the energy metabolism underlying neuronal activation that point to NAAG as being responsible for the hyperemic vascular response that causes the BOLD signal. They also agree with the fact that NAAG and NAA are present in the brain at a ratio of about 1:10, and with the fact that the only known metabolic pathway for NAAG synthesis is from NAA and glutamate.451031-

    Charm Contribution to the Structure Function in Diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    The charm contribution to the structure functions of diffractive deep inelastic scattering is considered here within the context of the Ingelman-Schlein model. Numerical estimations of this contribution are made from parametrizations of the HERA data. Influence of the Pomeron flux factor is analized as well as the effect of the shape of the initial parton distribution employed in the calculations. The obtained results indicate that the charm contribution to diffractive deep inelastic process might be large enough to be measured in the HERA experiments.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Caffeine and Placebo Improved Maximal Exercise Performance Despite Unchanged Motor Cortex Activation and Greater Prefrontal Cortex Deoxygenation

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    Caffeine (CAF) is an ergogenic aid used to improve exercise performance. Independent studies have suggested that caffeine may have the ability to increase corticospinal excitability, thereby decreasing the motor cortex activation required to generate a similar motor output. However, CAF has also been suggested to induce a prefrontal cortex (PFC) deoxygenation. Others have suggested that placebo (PLA) may trigger comparable effects to CAF, as independent studies found PLA effects on motor performance, corticospinal excitability, and PFC oxygenation. Thus, we investigated if CAF and CAF-perceived PLA may improve motor performance, despite the likely unchanged MC activation and greater PFC deoxygenation. Nine participants (26.4 ± 4.8 years old, VO2MAX of 42.2 ± 4.6 mL kg-1 min-1) performed three maximal incremental tests (MITs) in control (no supplementation) and ∼60 min after CAF and PLA ingestion. PFC oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy at Fp1 position), MC activation (EEG at Cz position) and vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscle activity (EMG) were measured throughout the tests. Compared to control, CAF and PLA increased rectus femoris muscle EMG (P = 0.030; F = 2.88; d = 0.84) at 100% of the MIT, and enhanced the peak power output (P = 0.006; F = 12.97; d = 1.8) and time to exhaustion (P = 0.007; F = 12.97; d = 1.8). In contrast, CAF and PLA did not change MC activation, but increased the PFC deoxygenation as indicated by the lower O2Hb (P = 0.001; F = 4.68; d = 1.08) and THb concentrations (P = 0.01; F = 1.96; d = 0.7) at 80 and 100% the MIT duration. These results showed that CAF and CAF-perceived PLA had the ability to improve motor performance, despite unchanged MC activation and greater PFC deoxygenation. The effectiveness of CAF as ergogenic aid to improve MIT performance was challenged

    Diffractive Contribution to the Elasticity and the Nucleonic Flux in the Atmosphere

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    We calculate the average elasticity considering non-diffractive and single diffractive interactions and perform an analysis of the cosmic-ray flux by means of an analytical solution for the nucleonic diffusion equation. We show that the diffractive contribution is important for the adequate description of the nucleonic and hadronic fluxes in the atmosphere.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 2 figures (uuencoded PostScript

    Leading particle effect, inelasticity and the connection between average multiplicities in {\bf e+ee^+e^-} and {\bf pppp} processes

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    The Regge-Mueller formalism is used to describe the inclusive spectrum of the proton in ppp p collisions. From such a description the energy dependences of both average inelasticity and leading proton multiplicity are calculated. These quantities are then used to establish the connection between the average charged particle multiplicities measured in {\bf e+ee^+e^-} and {\bf pp/pˉppp/{\bar p}p} processes. The description obtained for the leading proton cross section implies that Feynman scaling is strongly violated only at the extreme values of xFx_F, that is at the central region (xF0x_F \approx 0) and at the diffraction region (xF1x_F \approx 1), while it is approximately observed in the intermediate region of the spectrum.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Asymmetrical hippocampal connectivity in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: evidence from resting state fMRI

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), the most common type of focal epilepsy in adults, is often caused by hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Patients with HS usually present memory dysfunction, which is material-specific according to the hemisphere involved and has been correlated to the degree of HS as measured by postoperative histopathology as well as by the degree of hippocampal atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Verbal memory is mostly affected by left-sided HS, whereas visuo-spatial memory is more affected by right HS. Some of these impairments may be related to abnormalities of the network in which individual hippocampus takes part. Functional connectivity can play an important role to understand how the hippocampi interact with other brain areas. It can be estimated via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) resting state experiments by evaluating patterns of functional networks. In this study, we investigated the functional connectivity patterns of 9 control subjects, 9 patients with right MTLE and 9 patients with left MTLE.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected differences in functional connectivity within and between hippocampi in patients with unilateral MTLE associated with ipsilateral HS by resting state fMRI. Functional connectivity resulted to be more impaired ipsilateral to the seizure focus in both patient groups when compared to control subjects. This effect was even more pronounced for the left MTLE group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings presented here suggest that left HS causes more reduction of functional connectivity than right HS in subjects with left hemisphere dominance for language.</p