119 research outputs found

    Landmark-dependent Navigation Strategy Declines across the Human Life-Span: Evidence from Over 37,000 Participants

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    Humans show a remarkable capacity to navigate various environments using different navigation strategies, and we know that strategy changes across the life span. However, this observation has been based on studies of small sample sizes. To this end, we used a mobile app-based video game (Sea Hero Quest) to test virtual navigation strategies and memory performance within a distinct radial arm maze level in over 37,000 participants. Players were presented with 6 pathways (3 open and 3 closed) and were required to navigate to the 3 open pathways to collect a target. Next, all 6 pathways were made available and the player was required to visit the pathways that were previously unavailable. Both reference memory and working memory errors were calculated. Crucially, at the end of the level, the player was asked a multiple-choice question about how they found the targets (i.e., a counting-dependent strategy vs. a landmark-dependent strategy). As predicted from previous laboratory studies, we found the use of landmarks declined linearly with age. Those using landmark-based strategies also performed better on reference memory than those using a counting-based strategy. These results extend previous observations in the laboratory showing a decreased use of landmark-dependent strategies with age

    Plasmonic Metasurface for Directional and Frequency-Selective Thermal Emission

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    International audienceIncandescent filaments and membranes are often used as infrared sources despite their low efficiency, broad angular emission, and lack of spectral selectivity. Here, we introduce a metasurface to control simultaneously the spectrum and the directivity of blackbody radiation. The plasmonic metasurface operates reliably at 600 °C with an emissivity higher than 0.85 in a narrow frequency band and in a narrow solid angle. This emitter paves the way for the development of compact, efficient, and cheap IR sources and gas detection systems

    Contribution of Color Information in Visual Saliency Model for Videos

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    International audienceMuch research has been concerned with the contribution of the low level features of a visual scene to the deployment of visual attention. Bottom-up saliency models have been developed to predict the location of gaze according to these features. So far, color besides to brightness, contrast and motion is considered as one of the primary features in computing bottom-up saliency. However, its contribution in guiding eye movements when viewing natural scenes has been debated. We investigated the contribution of color information in a bottom-up visual saliency model. The model efficiency was tested using the experimental data obtained on 45 observers who were eye tracked while freely exploring a large data set of color and grayscale videos. The two datasets of recorded eye positions, for grayscale and color videos, were compared with a luminance-based saliency model. We incorporated chrominance information to the model. Results show that color information improves the performance of the saliency model in predicting eye positions

    Problems with Saliency Maps

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    Despite the popularity that saliency models have gained in the computer vision community, they are most often conceived, exploited and benchmarked without taking heed of a number of problems and subtle issues they bring about. When saliency maps are used as proxies for the likelihood of fixating a location in a viewed scene, one such issue is the temporal dimension of visual attention deployment. Through a simple simulation it is shown how neglecting this dimension leads to results that at best cast shadows on the predictive performance of a model and its assessment via benchmarking procedures

    What is the role of the film viewer? The effects of narrative comprehension and viewing task on gaze control in film

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    Film is ubiquitous, but the processes that guide viewers' attention while viewing film narratives are poorly understood. In fact, many film theorists and practitioners disagree on whether the film stimulus (bottom-up) or the viewer (top-down) is more important in determining how we watch movies. Reading research has shown a strong connection between eye movements and comprehension, and scene perception studies have shown strong effects of viewing tasks on eye movements, but such idiosyncratic top-down control of gaze in film would be anathema to the universal control mainstream filmmakers typically aim for. Thus, in two experiments we tested whether the eye movements and comprehension relationship similarly held in a classic film example, the famous opening scene of Orson Welles' Touch of Evil (Welles & Zugsmith, Touch of Evil, 1958). Comprehension differences were compared with more volitionally controlled task-based effects on eye movements. To investigate the effects of comprehension on eye movements during film viewing, we manipulated viewers' comprehension by starting participants at different points in a film, and then tracked their eyes. Overall, the manipulation created large differences in comprehension, but only produced modest differences in eye movements. To amplify top-down effects on eye movements, a task manipulation was designed to prioritize peripheral scene features: a map task. This task manipulation created large differences in eye movements when compared to participants freely viewing the clip for comprehension. Thus, to allow for strong, volitional top-down control of eye movements in film, task manipulations need to make features that are important to narrative comprehension irrelevant to the viewing task. The evidence provided by this experimental case study suggests that filmmakers' belief in their ability to create systematic gaze behavior across viewers is confirmed, but that this does not indicate universally similar comprehension of the film narrative

    Listening to music reduces eye movements

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    Listening to music can change the way that people visually experience the environment, probably as a result of an inwardly directed shift of attention. We investigated whether this attentional shift can be demonstrated by reduced eye movement activity, and if so, whether that reduction depends on absorption. Participants listened to their preferred music, to unknown neutral music, or to no music while viewing a visual stimulus (a picture or a film clip). Preference and absorption were significantly higher for the preferred music than for the unknown music. Participants exhibited longer fixations, fewer saccades, and more blinks when they listened to music than when they sat in silence. However, no differences emerged between the preferred music condition and the neutral music condition. Thus, music significantly reduces eye movement activity, but an attentional shift from the outer to the inner world (i.e., to the emotions and memories evoked by the music) emerged as only one potential explanation. Other explanations, such as a shift of attention from visual to auditory input, are discussed

    « Le haut du panier de la France d'en bas » ?

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    Is the rise of crowdfunding for medical expenses in the United Kingdom symptomatic of systemic gaps in health and social care?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordCrowdfunding for medical care is a new phenomenon but increasingly used by individuals to seek financial help to cover the costs of health care. Ethical concerns have been raised about medical crowdfunding, including implications for equity, resource allocation, medical decision-making, the promotion of non-evidence based therapies, platforms’ lack of transparency and corporate interests. Medical crowdfunding efforts may point to shortcomings in health service provision, but they tend to have wider motivations and implications. However, there is no firm evidence base for establishing answers to even the most basic questions, such as who is seeking funds, for what, where and why. In this Essay, we provide an introduction to medical crowdfunding in the United Kingdom (UK). We synthesize what is currently known and the insights that might be gained from an exploratory review of 400 medical crowdfunding campaigns on the GoFundMe UK website: for instance, whether medical crowdfunding occurs in response to gaps in service provision, supports ‘queue jumping’ and how it relates to ‘medical tourism’. We conclude with a call for research on medical crowdfunding in the UK (and elsewhere) as a means to better understand patients’ perceived or actual unmet need for health and social care and inform policy development.Medical Research Council (MRC
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