634 research outputs found

    La Constitution de Place-Royale en lieu symbolique : entre construction identitaire et promotion touristique 

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    Le phĂ©nomĂšne du tourisme culturel, qui se traduit entre autres par un engouement des visiteurs pour le patrimoine, conduit les destinations touristiques telles que QuĂ©bec Ă  faire de la mise en valeur de leurs sites patrimoniaux un objectif majeur de leur politique touristique. C’est dans ce contexte que nous nous proposons d’étudier la restauration de Place-Royale et sa mise en tourisme. Si, Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1960, la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration du site et son Ă©dification en lieu symbolique rĂ©pondent Ă  des enjeux politiques et identitaires, c’est plutĂŽt son potentiel d’attraction touristique qui prĂ©vaut Ă  l’heure actuelle. Par l’analyse du discours de guides touristiques et de l’impact de la restauration du site dans son apprĂ©hension par les touristes, nous montrons comment Place-Royale est devenue un instrument de marketing substantiel au sein de la stratĂ©gie promotionnelle de la ville de QuĂ©bec.Tourist destinations like QuĂ©bec City have made the development of heritage sites one of the major goals of their promotional efforts because of the growing phenomenon of cultural tourism, where visitors are attracted to all things related to heritage. In this context, our study proposes to examine the restoration of Place Royale and its association with tourism. While in the late 1960s, the revitalizing of the area and its reconstruction as a symbolic site were the result of a political desire related to cultural identity, today it is Place Royale’s tourist potential that dominates the discourse. Through an analysis of tourist literature and of the impact the site’s restoration has had on the attitudes of tourists, we will show how Place Royale has become a substantial marketing tool within QuĂ©bec City’s promotional strategy

    Where are Protons and Deuterons in KH_pD_{1-p}CO_3? A Neutron Diffraction Study

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    The crystals of potassium hydrogen carbonate (KHCO3) and the KDCO3 analogue are isomorphous. They are composed of hydrogen or deuterium bonded centrosymmetric dimers (HCO3-)(2) or (DCO3-)(2). The space group symmetry of KHpD1-pCO3 (p approximate to 0.75) determined with neutron diffraction is identical to those of KHCO3 and KDCO3. This is at variance with a random distribution of H and D nuclei. These crystals are macroscopic quantum systems in which protons or/and deuterons merge into macroscopic states

    Nonlocal protons and deuterons opposed to disorder: a single-crystal neutron diffraction study of KH0.76D0.24CO3 and a theoretical framewok

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    We show with neutron diffraction that a single-crystal of potassium hydrogen deuterium carbonate at room temperature, namely KH0.76_{0.76}D0.24_{0.24}CO3_3, is isomorphous with the KHCO3_3 and KDCO3_3 derivatives. Protons and deuterons are not disordered particles located at definite sites and Bragg peaks are best fitted with separate H and D sublattices. We propose a theoretical framework for nonlocal observables and macroscopic states compatible with the crystal field

    A neutron diffraction study of macroscopically entangled proton states in the high temperature phase of the KHCO3 crystal at 340 K

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    International audienceWe utilize single-crystal neutron diffraction to study the C2/mC2/m structure of potassium hydrogen carbonate (KHCO3_3) and macroscopic quantum entanglement above the phase transition at Tc=318T_c = 318 K. Whereas split atom sites could be due to disorder, the diffraction pattern at 340 K evidences macroscopic proton states identical to those previously observed below TcT_c by F. Fillaux et al., (2006 \textit{J. Phys.: Condens. Matter} \textbf{18} 3229). We propose a theoretical framework for decoherence-free proton states and the calculated differential cross-section accords with observations. The structural transition occurs from one ordered P21/aP2_1/a structure (T<TcT < T_c) to another ordered C2/mC2/m structure. There is no breakdown of the quantum regime. It is suggested that the crystal is a macroscopic quantum object which can be represented by a state vector. Raman spectroscopy and quasi-elastic neutron scattering suggest that the ∣C2/m⟩|C2/m\rangle state vector is a superposition of the state vectors for two P21/aP2_1/a-like structures symmetric with respect to (a,c)(a,c) planes

    Evidence of macroscopically entangled protons in a mixed isotope crystal of KHp_{p}D1−p_{1-p}CO3_3

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    International audienceWe examine whether protons and deuterons in the crystal of KH0.76_{0.76}D0.24_{0.24}CO3_3 at 300 K are particles or matter waves. The neutron scattering function measured over a broad range of reciprocal space reveals the enhanced diffraction pattern anticipated for antisymmetrized macroscopic states for protons (fermions). These features exclude a statistical distribution of protons and deuterons. Raman spectra are consistent with a mixture of KHCO3_3 and KDCO3_3 sublattices whose isomorphous structures are independent of the isotope content. We propose a theoretical framework for decoherence-free proton and deuteron states

    « Je prends part Ă  votre douleur  » : la lettre de consolation Ă  Port-Royal

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    Les lettres de consolation sont nombreuses au monastĂšre de Port-Royal, Ă©crites pour la plupart par les abbesses issues de la famille Arnauld, AngĂ©lique et AgnĂšs Arnauld, AngĂ©lique de Saint-Jean Arnauld d’Andilly, par les hommes de la communautĂ©, confesseurs et Solitaires (nom donnĂ© aux hommes du monde qui se sont retirĂ©s Ă  Port-Royal pour vivre dans la solitude et l’étude), ou encore par des proches des religieuses. La charge de supĂ©rieure implique la rĂ©daction de ces lettres de circonstance,..
