7 research outputs found

    Resistance and pathogenicity : how toxins are involved in the carrot-Alternaria dauci interaction

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    La brĂ»lure foliaire causĂ©e par Alternaria dauci est la maladie foliaire la plus dommageable pour les cultures de carottes, entravant la rĂ©colte mĂ©canique. Seuls des cultivars partiellement rĂ©sistants sont connus et commercialisĂ©s, mais leurs niveaux de rĂ©sistance sont insuffisants. Les mĂ©canismes de la rĂ©sistance quantitative des plantes aux agents pathogĂšnes sont mal caractĂ©risĂ©s. Nous avons choisi d'Ă©tudier ces mĂ©canismes dans l'interaction A. dauci-carotte. Auparavant, plusieurs rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux convergents ont montrĂ© que la rĂ©sistance aux toxines fongiques entre en jeu dans cette interaction. Les tests de toxicitĂ© effectuĂ©s avec des suspensions cellulaires de carotte ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une corrĂ©lation entre la rĂ©sistance des carottes Ă  A.dauci et la rĂ©sistance des cellules de carotte aux exsudats du champignon. Ces rĂ©sultats nous ont incitĂ©s Ă  Ă©tudier les toxines impliquĂ©es dans le pouvoir pathogĂšne d'A. dauci et afin de pouvoir Ă©tudier la rĂ©ponse de la plante Ă  celles –ci. En utilisant les profils HPLC de la phase organique d'exsudats de diffĂ©rentes souches de champignons, nous avons dĂ©couvert une corrĂ©lation entre la production de toxines et l’agressivitĂ© de ces souches suggĂ©rant que la production de toxines joue un rĂŽle majeur dans l’interaction A. dauci-carotte. Nous avons effectuĂ© l'extraction, la purification et la caractĂ©risation de l'une des molĂ©cules candidates que nous avons nommĂ© aldaulactone. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© sa toxicitĂ© grĂące Ă  un nouveau protocole de quantification de cellules mortes et vivantes. Un transcriptome d’A. dauci et une Ă©tude de l’expression des gĂšnes en fonction de la production d’aldaulactone ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour Ă©tudier sa voie de biosynthĂšse.Alternaria leaf blight, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria dauci, is the most damaging foliar disease of carrots, especially because it hampers leaf-pull harvesting. Only partially – and insufficiently – resistant cultivars exist. In general, partial resistance mechanisms are poorly understood, so we chose to study them in this interaction. Previous results obtained in the lab highlighted a correlation between plant resistance to the fungus and plant cell resistance toward fungal toxins. It was also shown using carrot cell suspensions that fungal exudates’ toxicity was only present in the organic phase. These results led us to better characterize the toxins produced by A. dauci, in order to get a deeper understanding of carrot cell resistance mechanisms toward those toxins. HPLC analysis of the exudates from different fungal strain uncovered a correlation between toxin production and the aggressiveness of the fungal strains, suggesting that toxin production is an important component of said aggressiveness. We extracted, purified and characterize one of these candidates, and named it aldaulactone. Using a new image analysis protocol, we demonstrated the toxicity of Aldaulactone on carrot cell suspensions. Transcriptomic data from Alternaria dauci were used to explore the biosynthesis pathway of Aldaulactone. Candidate Genes were selected and their level of expression compared with aldaulactone production in various A. dauci cultures

    Pouvoir pathogĂšne et rĂ©sistance : implication des toxines dans l’interaction carotte-Alternaria dauci

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    Alternaria leaf blight, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria dauci, is the most damaging foliar disease of carrots, especially because it hampers leaf-pull harvesting. Only partially – and insufficiently – resistant cultivars exist. In general, partial resistance mechanisms are poorly understood, so we chose to study them in this interaction. Previous results obtained in the lab highlighted a correlation between plant resistance to the fungus and plant cell resistance toward fungal toxins. It was also shown using carrot cell suspensions that fungal exudates’ toxicity was only present in the organic phase. These results led us to better characterize the toxins produced by A. dauci, in order to get a deeper understanding of carrot cell resistance mechanisms toward those toxins. HPLC analysis of the exudates from different fungal strain uncovered a correlation between toxin production and the aggressiveness of the fungal strains, suggesting that toxin production is an important component of said aggressiveness. We extracted, purified and characterize one of these candidates, and named it aldaulactone. Using a new image analysis protocol, we demonstrated the toxicity of Aldaulactone on carrot cell suspensions. Transcriptomic data from Alternaria dauci were used to explore the biosynthesis pathway of Aldaulactone. Candidate Genes were selected and their level of expression compared with aldaulactone production in various A. dauci cultures.La brĂ»lure foliaire causĂ©e par Alternaria dauci est la maladie foliaire la plus dommageable pour les cultures de carottes, entravant la rĂ©colte mĂ©canique. Seuls des cultivars partiellement rĂ©sistants sont connus et commercialisĂ©s, mais leurs niveaux de rĂ©sistance sont insuffisants. Les mĂ©canismes de la rĂ©sistance quantitative des plantes aux agents pathogĂšnes sont mal caractĂ©risĂ©s. Nous avons choisi d'Ă©tudier ces mĂ©canismes dans l'interaction A. dauci-carotte. Auparavant, plusieurs rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux convergents ont montrĂ© que la rĂ©sistance aux toxines fongiques entre en jeu dans cette interaction. Les tests de toxicitĂ© effectuĂ©s avec des suspensions cellulaires de carotte ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une corrĂ©lation entre la rĂ©sistance des carottes Ă  A.dauci et la rĂ©sistance des cellules de carotte aux exsudats du champignon. Ces rĂ©sultats nous ont incitĂ©s Ă  Ă©tudier les toxines impliquĂ©es dans le pouvoir pathogĂšne d'A. dauci et afin de pouvoir Ă©tudier la rĂ©ponse de la plante Ă  celles –ci. En utilisant les profils HPLC de la phase organique d'exsudats de diffĂ©rentes souches de champignons, nous avons dĂ©couvert une corrĂ©lation entre la production de toxines et l’agressivitĂ© de ces souches suggĂ©rant que la production de toxines joue un rĂŽle majeur dans l’interaction A. dauci-carotte. Nous avons effectuĂ© l'extraction, la purification et la caractĂ©risation de l'une des molĂ©cules candidates que nous avons nommĂ© aldaulactone. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© sa toxicitĂ© grĂące Ă  un nouveau protocole de quantification de cellules mortes et vivantes. Un transcriptome d’A. dauci et une Ă©tude de l’expression des gĂšnes en fonction de la production d’aldaulactone ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour Ă©tudier sa voie de biosynthĂšse

    Characterization of NRPS and PKS genes involved in the biosynthesis of SMs in Alternaria dauci including the phytotoxic polyketide aldaulactone

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    International audienceAbstract Alternaria dauci is a Dothideomycete fungus, causal agent of carrot leaf blight. As a member of the Alternaria genus, known to produce a lot of secondary metabolite toxins, A. dauci is also supposed to synthetize host specific and non-host specific toxins playing a crucial role in pathogenicity. This study provides the first reviewing of secondary metabolism genetic basis in the Alternaria genus by prediction of 55 different putative core genes. Interestingly, aldaulactone, a phytotoxic benzenediol lactone from A. dauci , was demonstrated as important in pathogenicity and in carrot partial resistance to this fungus . As nothing is known about aldaulactone biosynthesis, bioinformatic analyses on a publicly available A. dauci genome data set that were reassembled, thanks to a transcriptome data set described here, allowed to identify 19 putative secondary metabolism clusters. We exploited phylogeny to pinpoint cluster 8 as a candidate in aldaulactone biosynthesis. This cluster contains AdPKS7 and AdPKS8 , homologs with genes encoding a reducing and a non-reducing polyketide synthase. Clusters containing such a pair of PKS genes have been identified in the biosynthesis of resorcylic acid lactones or dihydroxyphenylacetic acid lactones. AdPKS7 and AdPKS8 gene expression patterns correlated with aldaulactone production in different experimental conditions. The present results highly suggest that both genes are responsible for aldaulactone biosynthesis

    Aldaulactone – an original phytotoxic secondary metabolite involved in the aggressiveness of Alternaria dauci on carrot

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    Qualitative plant resistance mechanisms and pathogen virulence have been extensively studied since the formulation of the gene-for-gene hypothesis. The mechanisms involved in the quantitative traits of aggressiveness and plant partial resistance are less well-known. Nevertheless, they are prevalent in most plant-necrotrophic pathogen interactions, including the Daucus carota–Alternaria dauci interaction. Phytotoxic metabolite production by the pathogen plays a key role in aggressiveness in these interactions. The aim of the present study was to explore the link between A. dauci aggressiveness and toxin production. We challenged carrot embryogenic cell cultures from a susceptible genotype (H1) and two partially resistant genotypes (I2 and K3) with exudates from A. dauci strains with various aggressiveness levels. Interestingly, A. dauci-resistant carrot genotypes were only affected by exudates from the most aggressive strain in our study (ITA002). Our results highlight a positive link between A. dauci aggressiveness and the fungal exudate cell toxicity. We hypothesize that the fungal exudate toxicity was linked with the amount of toxic compounds produced by the fungus. Interestingly, organic exudate production by the fungus was correlated with aggressiveness. Hence, we further analyzed the fungal organic extract using HPLC, and correlations between the observed peak intensities and fungal aggressiveness were measured. One observed peak was closely correlated with fungal aggressiveness. We succeeded in purifying this peak and NMR analysis revealed that the purified compound was a novel 10-membered benzenediol lactone, a polyketid that we named ‘aldaulactone’.  We used a new automated image analysis method and found that aldaulactone was toxic to in vitro cultured plant cells at those concentrations. The effects of both aldaulactone and fungal organic extracts were weaker on I2-resistant carrot cells compared to H1 carrot cells. Taken together, our results suggest that: (i) aldaulactone is a new phytotoxin, (ii) there is a relationship between the amount of aldaulactone produced and fungal aggressiveness, and (iii) carrot resistance to A. dauci involves mechanisms of resistance to aldaulactone

    Table_2_Aldaulactone – An Original Phytotoxic Secondary Metabolite Involved in the Aggressiveness of Alternaria dauci on Carrot.DOCX

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    <p>Qualitative plant resistance mechanisms and pathogen virulence have been extensively studied since the formulation of the gene-for-gene hypothesis. The mechanisms involved in the quantitative traits of aggressiveness and plant partial resistance are less well-known. Nevertheless, they are prevalent in most plant-necrotrophic pathogen interactions, including the Daucus carota–Alternaria dauci interaction. Phytotoxic metabolite production by the pathogen plays a key role in aggressiveness in these interactions. The aim of the present study was to explore the link between A. dauci aggressiveness and toxin production. We challenged carrot embryogenic cell cultures from a susceptible genotype (H1) and two partially resistant genotypes (I2 and K3) with exudates from A. dauci strains with various aggressiveness levels. Interestingly, A. dauci-resistant carrot genotypes were only affected by exudates from the most aggressive strain in our study (ITA002). Our results highlight a positive link between A. dauci aggressiveness and the fungal exudate cell toxicity. We hypothesize that the fungal exudate toxicity was linked with the amount of toxic compounds produced by the fungus. Interestingly, organic exudate production by the fungus was correlated with aggressiveness. Hence, we further analyzed the fungal organic extract using HPLC, and correlations between the observed peak intensities and fungal aggressiveness were measured. One observed peak was closely correlated with fungal aggressiveness. We succeeded in purifying this peak and NMR analysis revealed that the purified compound was a novel 10-membered benzenediol lactone, a polyketid that we named ‘aldaulactone’. We used a new automated image analysis method and found that aldaulactone was toxic to in vitro cultured plant cells at those concentrations. The effects of both aldaulactone and fungal organic extracts were weaker on I2-resistant carrot cells compared to H1 carrot cells. Taken together, our results suggest that: (i) aldaulactone is a new phytotoxin, (ii) there is a relationship between the amount of aldaulactone produced and fungal aggressiveness, and (iii) carrot resistance to A. dauci involves mechanisms of resistance to aldaulactone.</p