703 research outputs found

    Proof of concept of prehabilitation: a combination of education and behavioural change, to promote physical activity in people with fibromyalgia

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    Objectives To establish proof of concept of a prehabilitation intervention, a combination of education and behavioural change, preceding a physical activity programme in people with fibromyalgia (FM). Settings Open-label, feasibility clinical trial. Participants Eleven people with FM (10 women). Interventions The prehabilitation intervention consisted of 4 weeks, 1 weekly session (~1 to 1.5 hours), aimed to increase self-efficacy and understand why and how to engage in a gentle and self-paced physical activity programme (6 weeks of walking with telephone support). Primary and secondary outcome measures Primary outcome was the acceptability and credibility of the intervention by means of the Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes comprised scales to measure FM severity, specific symptoms and sedentary behaviour. An exit interview was conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses and barriers to the intervention. Results One participant dropped out due to finding the walking programme excessively stressful. Participants expected the intervention would improve their symptoms by 22%–38% but resulted in 5%–26% improvements. Participants would be confident in recommending this intervention to a friend who experiences similar problems. The interviews suggested that the fluctuation of symptoms should be considered as an outcome and that the prehabilitation intervention should accomodate these fluctuation. Additional suggestions were to incorporate initial interviews (patient-centred approach), to tailor the programmes to individuals’ priorities and to offer a variety of physical activity programmes to improve motivation. Conclusions This feasibility study demonstrated that our novel approach is acceptable to people with FM. Future interventions should pay attention to flexibility, symptoms fluctuation and patients support.Health and Social Care Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland (STL/5268/16 to CH and JGM)Ramón y Cajal 2021 Excellence Research Grant action from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FSE/AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN, RYC2021-034311- I

    The potential of triterpenoids as chemotaxonomic tools to identify and differentiate genuine, adulterated and archaeological balsams

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    International audiencePlant exudates have been extensively used in the past for different applications related to their olfactory, physical or medical properties. Their identification in archaeological samples relies, notably, on the characterisation of chemotaxonomic molecular markers but is often hampered by the severe alteration of their typical genuine molecular signature due to ageing. Among these exudates, those recovered from Styrax, Liquidambar and Myroxylon tree species – defined as balsams – have been exploited in the past for their pleasant scent and medical properties. They are characterised by a large variety of aromatic compounds, especially of the cinnamate and benzoate series, which can be used to assess their botanical source. These compound series may, however, be subject to alteration over time during exposure to environmental conditions in the case of archaeological material. As a result, their reliability as chemotaxonomic markers to characterise and discriminate archaeological balsams is problematic and questionable. We have, therefore, carried out a comparative analysis of various extant balsams (Styrax officinalis, S. paralleloneurum, S. tonkinensis, Liquidambar styraciflua, L. orientalis and Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae) using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to search for more solid lipid markers. The results revealed that a distinction between styrax, liquidambars, Peru and Tolu balsams is possible based on the distribution of pentacyclic triterpenes. The predominance of uncommon 6‑oxygenated derivatives of oleanolic acid among triterpenoids could be specifically related to styrax resins. Liquidambar gums were characterised by the predominance of oleanonic acid together with uncommon 3-epi oleanolic and ursolic acids, whereas Peru balsam was rich in cinnamic and benzoic acids, but devoid of triterpenoids. Thanks to the high specificity of some of these triterpenes, already known for their low volatility and robustness towards alteration processes, they should be considered as reliable molecular tools for the unambiguous identification of archaeological balsams. In addition to archaeological applications, these triterpenic markers might also find an application for the detection of counterfeit balsams

    Rehabilitation for post-COVID-19 condition through a supervised exercise intervention: A randomized controlled trial

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to compare the outcomes of patients with post-COVID-19 condition undergoing supervised therapeutic exercise intervention or following the self-management WHO (World Health Organization) rehabilitation leaflet. Methods A randomized controlled trial was carried out that included 39 participants with post-COVID-19 condition who had a chronic symptomatic phase lasting >12 weeks. Comprehensive medical screening, patient-reported symptoms, and cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength were assessed. Patients were randomly assigned to a tailored multicomponent exercise program based on concurrent training for 8 weeks (two supervised sessions per week comprised resistance training combined with aerobic training [moderate intensity variable training], plus a third day of monitored light intensity continuous training), or to a control group which followed the WHO guidelines for rehabilitation after COVID-19. Results After follow-up, there were changes in physical outcomes in both groups, however, the magnitude of the change pre–post intervention favored the exercise group in cardiovascular and strength markers: VO2max +5.7%, sit-to-stand −22.7% and load-velocity profiles in bench press +6.3%, and half squat +16.9%, (p < 0.05). In addition, exercise intervention resulted in a significantly better quality of life, less fatigue, less depression, and improved functional status, as well as in superior cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength compared to controls (p < 0.05). No adverse events were observed during the training sessions. Conclusion Compared to current WHO recommendations, a supervised, tailored concurrent training at low and moderate intensity for both resistance and endurance training is a more effective, safe, and well-tolerated intervention in post-COVID-19 conditions.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PID2019-108202RA-I00Centro Médico Virgen de la Caridad 3511

    The Role of Padel in Improving Physical Fitness and Health Promotion: Progress, Limitations, and Future Perspectives—A Narrative Review

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    Benefits of regular exercise for health are beyond any doubt. However, adherence to regular physical activity is an ongoing challenge. Among the options for exercise engagement, racket sports, and particularly padel, stand as emerging practices for children and adults to have fun, improve physical fitness, and potentially develop motor and cognitive skills. In the last decade, the literature on padel is increasing exponentially. However, there is a need for further experimental research. To design safe and effective sport-base physical activity promotion interventions, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the physical requirements, technical complexity, injury risks, and strength and conditioning programs. To assist researchers to conduct effective padel-based interventions for health, this review summarizes the state-of-the-art evidence about padel, identifies key topics to be addressed in the future, and discusses the potential role of padel as a physical fitness and health promotion strategy. A narrative review is presented, summarizing the results of padel articles from three different databases: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Studies written in Spanish and English were the inclusion criteria. The studies had to be published from 2000 onwards and be original, as well as peer-reviewed

    Benefits of regular table tennis practice in body composition and physical fitness compared to physically active children aged 10–11 years

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in body composition and physical fitness between children who played table tennis regularly during a two-year period compared to physically active children who were not engaged in a regular activity. Three hundred seventy-four children aged 10 to 11 years were divided into two groups: table tennis players (n = 109 boys and 73 girls) and physically active group (n = 88 boys and 104 girls). Anthropometric analysis included body mass index, skinfolds, perimeters and bone diameters. Somatotype and body composition were determined according to age-specific equations. Physical fitness assessment included hand grip dynamometry (strength), sit-and-reach test (range of movement) and maximal multistage 20 m shuttle run test (cardiovascular fitness). The result show that children who regularly played table tennis had greater bone development and superior physical fitness compared to those who were physically active but not engaged in a regular physical activity. This is the largest study to date presenting data about the potential of table tennis to benefit health in children. These results constitute an important first step in clarifying the effectiveness of table tennis as a health-promotion strategy to encourage children to undertake regular physical activity and limit sedentary behavior

    Mise en scène du rituel en cinéma anthropologique et documentaire

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    Les conférences ont permis de sensibiliser à l’apport de l’enregistrement audio-visuel dans la recherche en anthropologie. Données filmiques utilisées pour le cours : Je fabrique un balafon, Julie Courel, 60 mn, Ouagadougou 2007, prix Bartók d’ethnomusicologie au festival international Jean Rouch, 2008. Entretien filmé : Konomba Traoré, 30 min, 2007. Dans un premier temps nous avons explicité la démarche et les options de mise en scène utilisées dans le film de recherche puis nous avons observé ce que le film donne à voir des textures, rythmes, codes et gestes, autant de dimensions constitutives du rite dont l’écrit saurait difficilement rendre compte. Les deux dernières séances ont été consacrées à l’analyse praxéologique de la dernière séquence du film ayant trait au rite de sacralisation du balafon

    Mise en scène du rituel en cinéma anthropologique et documentaire

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    Les conférences ont permis de sensibiliser à l’apport de l’enregistrement audio-visuel dans la recherche en anthropologie. Données filmiques utilisées pour le cours : Je fabrique un balafon, Julie Courel, 60 mn, Ouagadougou 2007, prix Bartók d’ethnomusicologie au festival international Jean Rouch, 2008. Entretien filmé : Konomba Traoré, 30 min, 2007. Dans un premier temps nous avons explicité la démarche et les options de mise en scène utilisées dans le film de recherche puis nous avons observé ce que le film donne à voir des textures, rythmes, codes et gestes, autant de dimensions constitutives du rite dont l’écrit saurait difficilement rendre compte. Les deux dernières séances ont été consacrées à l’analyse praxéologique de la dernière séquence du film ayant trait au rite de sacralisation du balafon

    Un poète, une muse, un Falstaff : Le Songe d’une nuit d’été d’Ambroise Thomas ou Shakespeare devenu personnage du théâtre lyrique romantique

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    Plus d’un siècle avant l’opéra de Benjamin Britten Le Songe d’une nuit d’été (1960), un opéra-comique français éponyme du compositeur Ambroise Thomas (1850 pour la première version, 1886 pour la seconde), ayant quant à lui usurpé le titre de la comédie shakespearienne, connaît un franc succès sur les scènes françaises. Cette contribution se propose d’éclairer quelques aspects de la présence protéiforme de « Shakespeare après Shakespeare » dans le livret de Joseph Bernard Rosier et Adolphe de Leuven, ainsi que sa réception productive en dehors de l’Hexagone. Près d’un demi-siècle après la première individuation dramatique de l’auteur-personnage Shakespeare en France, dans la comédie d’Alexandre Duval Shakespeare amoureux (1803), les deux librettistes mettent ainsi en scène, sous couvert de l’illustre patronyme et dans une intrigue inédite, une figure d’artiste qui, sous les auspices d’une mystérieuse muse s’avérant être la reine Élisabeth Ire, passe du statut de jeune auteur débauché à la recherche de l’Amour à celui de Poète national, l’ébauche d’idylle entre les deux protagonistes se muant en apothéose finale associant pour l’éternité le personnage de Shakespeare à sa puissante souveraine. Cette appropriation de la figure du poète-dramaturge élisabéthain par le genre lyrique, s’exonérant de toute vérité historique ou biographique, se double d’un jeu intertextuel : les grands motifs du théâtre de Shakespeare plus ou moins trivialisés se retrouvent mis au service d’intrigues parallèles se recoupant à la manière de la dramaturgie shakespearienne, tandis que les scènes d’auberge, rivalisant avec leurs illustres modèles, servent l’atmosphère de l’opéra-comique. Enfin, la réécriture du personnage de Falstaff, côtoyant la figure de son créateur, rappelle aussi les affinités de l’anti-héros shakespearien avec l’opéra.More than a century before Benjamin Britten’s opera, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1960), a French opéra-comique composed by Ambroise Thomas (Le Songe d’une nuit d’été, 1850 for the first version, 1886 for the second), which also takes its title from Shakespeare’s comedy without directly referring to it, proved to be an overwhelming success on the French stage. This paper will identify and discuss aspects of the protean presence of « Shakespeare after Shakespeare » in Joseph Bernard Rosier’s and Adolphe de Leuven’s nineteenth-century libretto, before following his productive reception outside France. Almost a half-century after the first theatrical individuation of Shakespeare as an author-character on the French stage in Alexandre Duval’s comedy Shakespeare Amoureux (1803), the two librettists place the illustrious Shakespeare in a new and original plot as an artist who, under the inspiration of a mysterious muse who turns out to be Queen Elizabeth I, is transformed from a young, merrymaking author in search of love, to a national poet ; the emerging romantic idyll between the two protagonists shifts towards a final apotheosis illustrating the lasting association in minds between national poet Shakespeare and the powerful monarch. The appropriation of the Elizabethan poet-playwright by lyrical theater, without regard for historical or biographical facts, is enriched by intertextual play: the principal themes and motifs of Shakepeare’s works, more or less transformed or trivialized, find themselves in the service of parallel intertwining plots reminiscent of Shakespearean dramaturgy, while tavern scenes that rival their illustrious predecessors contribute to the opéra-comique’s atmosphere. Lastly, representation of Falstaff socializing with his creator also recalls the affinities between the Shakespearean anti-hero and opera
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