141 research outputs found

    The CAMKK2-AMPK kinase pathway mediates the synaptotoxic effects of Aβ oligomers through Tau phosphorylation

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    Amyloid-β 1-42 (Aβ42) oligomers are synaptotoxic for excitatory cortical and hippocampal neurons and might play a role in early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression. Recent results suggested that Aβ42 oligomers trigger activation of AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), and its activation is increased in the brain of patients with AD. We show that increased intracellular calcium [Ca²⁺](i) induced by NMDA receptor activation or membrane depolarization activates AMPK in a CAMKK2-dependent manner. CAMKK2 or AMPK overactivation is sufficient to induce dendritic spine loss. Conversely, inhibiting their activity protects hippocampal neurons against synaptotoxic effects of Aβ42 oligomers in vitro and against the loss of dendritic spines observed in the human APP(SWE,IND)-expressing transgenic mouse model in vivo. AMPK phosphorylates Tau on KxGS motif S262, and expression of Tau S262A inhibits the synaptotoxic effects of Aβ42 oligomers. Our results identify a CAMKK2-AMPK-Tau pathway as a critical mediator of the synaptotoxic effects of Aβ42 oligomers

    Terminal axon branching is regulated by the LKB1-NUAK1 kinase pathway via presynaptic mitochondrial capture

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying the axon arborization of mammalian neurons are poorly understood but are critical for the establishment of functional neural circuits. We identified a pathway defined by two kinases, LKB1 and NUAK1, required for cortical axon branching in vivo. Conditional deletion of LKB1 after axon specification or knockdown of NUAK1 drastically reduced axon branching in vivo, whereas their overexpression was sufficient to increase axon branching. The LKB1-NUAK1 pathway controls mitochondria immobilization in axons. Using manipulation of Syntaphilin, a protein necessary and sufficient to arrest mitochondrial transport specifically in the axon, we demonstrate that the LKB1-NUAK1 kinase pathway regulates axon branching by promoting mitochondria immobilization. Finally, we show that LKB1 and NUAK1 are necessary and sufficient to immobilize mitochondria specifically at nascent presynaptic sites. Our results unravel a link between presynaptic mitochondrial capture and axon branching

    Identification and characterization of human Mex-3 proteins, a novel family of evolutionarily conserved RNA-binding proteins differentially localized to processing bodies

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    In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Mex-3 protein is a translational regulator that specifies the posterior blastomere identity in the early embryo and contributes to the maintenance of the germline totipotency. We have now identified a family of four homologous human Mex-3 genes, called hMex-3A to -3D that encode proteins containing two heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K homology (KH) domains and one carboxy-terminal RING finger module. The hMex-3 are phosphoproteins that bind RNA through their KH domains and shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm via the CRM1-dependent export pathway. Our analysis further revealed that hMex-3A and hMex-3B, but not hMex-3C, colocalize with both the hDcp1a decapping factor and Argonaute (Ago) proteins in processing bodies (P bodies), recently characterized as centers of mRNA turnover. Taken together, these findings indicate that hMex-3 proteins constitute a novel family of evolutionarily conserved RNA-binding proteins, differentially recruited to P bodies and potentially involved in post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms

    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity is not required for neuronal development but regulates axogenesis during metabolic stress

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    Mammalian brain connectivity requires the coordinated production and migration of billions of neurons and the formation of axons and dendrites. The LKB1/Par4 kinase is required for axon formation during cortical development in vivo partially through its ability to activate SAD-A/B kinases. LKB1 is a master kinase phosphorylating and activating at least 11 other serine/threonine kinases including the metabolic sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which defines this branch of the kinome. A recent study using a gene-trap allele of the β1 regulatory subunit of AMPK suggested that AMPK catalytic activity is required for proper brain development including neurogenesis and neuronal survival. We used a genetic loss-of-function approach producing AMPKα1/α2-null cortical neurons to demonstrate that AMPK catalytic activity is not required for cortical neurogenesis, neuronal migration, polarization, or survival. However, we found that application of metformin or AICAR, potent AMPK activators, inhibit axogenesis and axon growth in an AMPK-dependent manner. We show that inhibition of axon growth mediated by AMPK overactivation requires TSC1/2-mediated inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. Our results demonstrate that AMPK catalytic activity is not required for early neural development in vivo but its overactivation during metabolic stress impairs neuronal polarization in a mTOR-dependent manner

    AMP-activated protein kinase mediates mitochondrial fission in response to energy stress

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    Mitochondria undergo fragmentation in response to electron transport chain (ETC) poisons and mitochondrial DNA–linked disease mutations, yet how these stimuli mechanistically connect to the mitochondrial fission and fusion machinery is poorly understood. We found that the energy-sensing adenosine monophosphate (AMP)–activated protein kinase (AMPK) is genetically required for cells to undergo rapid mitochondrial fragmentation after treatment with ETC inhibitors. Moreover, direct pharmacological activation of AMPK was sufficient to rapidly promote mitochondrial fragmentation even in the absence of mitochondrial stress. A screen for substrates of AMPK identified mitochondrial fission factor (MFF), a mitochondrial outer-membrane receptor for DRP1, the cytoplasmic guanosine triphosphatase that catalyzes mitochondrial fission. Nonphosphorylatable and phosphomimetic alleles of the AMPK sites in MFF revealed that it is a key effector of AMPK-mediated mitochondrial fission

    Temporal evolution of plankton and particles distribution across a mesoscale front during the spring bloom

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    The effect of mesoscale features on the distribution of planktonic organisms are well documented. Yet, the interaction between these spatial features and the temporal scale, which can result in sudden increases of the planktonic biomass, is less known and not described at high resolution. A permanent mesoscale front in the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean) was repeatedly sampled between January and June 2021 using a SeaExplorer glider equipped with an Underwater Vision Profiler 6 (UVP6), a versatile in situ imager. Both plankton and particle distributions were resolved throughout the spring bloom to assess whether the front was a location of increased zooplankton concentration and whether it constrained particle distribution. Over the 5 months, the glider performed more than 5000 dives and the UVP6 collected 1.1 million images. We focused our analysis on shallow (300 m) transects, which gave a horizontal resolution of 900 m. About 13,000 images of planktonic organisms were retained. Ordination methods applied to particles and plankton concentrations revealed strong temporal variations during the bloom, with a succession of various zooplankton communities. Changes in particle abundance and size could be explained by changes in the plankton community. The front had a strong influence on particle distribution, while the signal was not as clear for plankton, probably because of the relatively small number of imaged organisms. This work confirms the need to sample both plankton and particles at fine scale to understand their interactions, a task for which automated in situ imaging is particularly adapted

    Interplay between Polo kinase, LKB1-activated NUAK1 kinase, PP1β<sup>MYPT1 </sup>phosphatase complex and the SCF<sup>βTrCP</sup> E3 ubiquitin ligase

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    NUAK1 (NUAK family SnF1-like kinase-1) and NUAK2 protein kinases are activated by the LKB1 tumour suppressor and have been implicated in regulating multiple processes such as cell survival, senescence, adhesion and polarity. In the present paper we present evidence that expression of NUAK1 is controlled by CDK (cyclin-dependent kinase), PLK (Polo kinase) and the SCF(βTrCP) (Skp, Cullin and F-box(βTrCP)) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Our data indicate that CDK phosphorylates NUAK1 at Ser(445), triggering binding to PLK, which subsequently phosphorylates NUAK1 at two conserved non-catalytic serine residues (Ser(476) and Ser(480)). This induces binding of NUAK1 to βTrCP, the substrate-recognition subunit of the SCF(βTrCP) E3 ligase, resulting in NUAK1 becoming ubiquitylated and degraded. We also show that NUAK1 and PLK1 are reciprocally controlled in the cell cycle. In G(2)–M-phase, when PLK1 is most active, NUAK1 levels are low and vice versa in S-phase, when PLK1 expression is low, NUAK1 is more highly expressed. Moreover, NUAK1 inhibitors (WZ4003 or HTH-01-015) suppress proliferation by reducing the population of cells in S-phase and mitosis, an effect that can be rescued by overexpression of a NUAK1 mutant in which Ser(476) and Ser(480) are mutated to alanine. Finally, previous work has suggested that NUAK1 phosphorylates and inhibits PP1β(MYPT1) (where PP1 is protein phosphatase 1) and that a major role for the PP1β(MYPT1) complex is to inhibit PLK1 by dephosphorylating its T-loop (Thr(210)). We demonstrate that activation of NUAK1 leads to a striking increase in phosphorylation of PLK1 at Thr(210), an effect that is suppressed by NUAK1 inhibitors. Our data link NUAK1 to important cell-cycle signalling components (CDK, PLK and SCF(βTrCP)) and suggest that NUAK1 plays a role in stimulating S-phase, as well as PLK1 activity via its ability to regulate the PP1β(MYPT1) phosphatase

    CDX2 regulation by the RNA-binding protein MEX3A: impact on intestinal differentiation and stemness

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    The homeobox transcription factor CDX2 plays a crucial role in intestinal cell fate specification, both during normal development and in tumorigenic processes involving intestinal reprogramming. The CDX2 regulatory network is intricate, but it has not yet been fully uncovered. Through genome-wide screening of a 3D culture system, the RNA-binding protein MEX3A was identified as putatively involved in CDX2 regulation; therefore, its biological relevance was addressed by setting up cell-based assays together with expression studies in murine intestine. We demonstrate here that MEX3A has a repressive function by controlling CDX2 levels in gastric and colorectal cellular models. This is dependent on the interaction with a specific binding determinant present in CDX2 mRNA 3'untranslated region. We have further determined that MEX3A impairs intestinal differentiation and cellular polarization, affects cell cycle progression and promotes increased expression of intestinal stem cell markers, namely LGR5, BMI1 and MSI1. Finally, we show that MEX3A is expressed in mouse intestine, supporting an in vivo context for interaction with CDX2 and modulation of stem cell properties. Therefore, we describe a novel CDX2 post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism, through the RNA-binding protein MEX3A, with a major impact in intestinal differentiation, polarity and stemness, likely contributing to intestinal homeostasis and carcinogenesis

    Diagnostic différentiel des intoxications à dominante cardiaque chez le chien

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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF