133 research outputs found

    From Dream to Despair: The Ironies of the Great Migration in William Attaway’s Blood on the Forge

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    Often assimilated to «urban realism» of the 1940s, William Attaway’s Blood on the Forge resists such a  classification. Unlike the violent modes of protest literature wherein the individual confronts headlong the  white racist system, Attaway uses irony to subvert the racist determination of African American  subjectivity. The novel dramatizes the trauma of racism and segregation with which the Moss brothers are  confronted. In their attempt to escape from the sharecropping system and its economic and racial  oppression, Attaway’s protagonists leave rural Kentucky (South) for the steel mill town in the North.  Instead of the better future such a move might imply, Attaway’s characters suffer and they are either  crippled or killed at the end of the novel. This article argues that the condition of the characters is ironic in  that they lose in the North the human qualities they brought with them from the South. The purpose of this  study is not so much to break new ground but rather to promote a productive reading of Attaway and give  him the place he deserves in African American literature. Often assimilated to «urban realism» of the 1940s, William Attaway’s Blood on the Forge resists such a  classification. Unlike the violent modes of protest literature wherein the individual confronts headlong the  white racist system, Attaway uses irony to subvert the racist determination of African American  subjectivity. The novel dramatizes the trauma of racism and segregation with which the Moss brothers are  confronted. In their attempt to escape from the sharecropping system and its economic and racial  oppression, Attaway’s protagonists leave rural Kentucky (South) for the steel mill town in the North.  Instead of the better future such a move might imply, Attaway’s characters suffer and they are either  crippled or killed at the end of the novel. This article argues that the condition of the characters is ironic in  that they lose in the North the human qualities they brought with them from the South. The purpose of this  study is not so much to break new ground but rather to promote a productive reading of Attaway and give  him the place he deserves in African American literature. Often assimilated to «urban realism» of the 1940s, William Attaway’s Blood on the Forge resists such a  classification. Unlike the violent modes of protest literature wherein the individual confronts headlong the  white racist system, Attaway uses irony to subvert the racist determination of African American  subjectivity. The novel dramatizes the trauma of racism and segregation with which the Moss brothers are  confronted. In their attempt to escape from the sharecropping system and its economic and racial  oppression, Attaway’s protagonists leave rural Kentucky (South) for the steel mill town in the North.  Instead of the better future such a move might imply, Attaway’s characters suffer and they are either  crippled or killed at the end of the novel. This article argues that the condition of the characters is ironic in  that they lose in the North the human qualities they brought with them from the South. The purpose of this  study is not so much to break new ground but rather to promote a productive reading of Attaway and give  him the place he deserves in African American literature. Often assimilated to «urban realism» of the 1940s, William Attaway’s Blood on the Forge resists such a  classification. Unlike the violent modes of protest literature wherein the individual confronts headlong the  white racist system, Attaway uses irony to subvert the racist determination of African American  subjectivity. The novel dramatizes the trauma of racism and segregation with which the Moss brothers are  confronted. In their attempt to escape from the sharecropping system and its economic and racial  oppression, Attaway’s protagonists leave rural Kentucky (South) for the steel mill town in the North.  Instead of the better future such a move might imply, Attaway’s characters suffer and they are either  crippled or killed at the end of the novel. This article argues that the condition of the characters is ironic in  that they lose in the North the human qualities they brought with them from the South. The purpose of this  study is not so much to break new ground but rather to promote a productive reading of Attaway and give  him the place he deserves in African American literature.&nbsp

    The Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth as Countries Develop Financially and Economically: WAEMU Countries Case

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    We analyse financial development’s impact on real gross domestic product per capita in seven West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries from 1970 to 2014. We assume that income and financial development process converge to USA, France and Japan’s levels respectively. An analysis of the unit root and cointegration tests revealed non-stationary and cointegrated series. Estimates are based on the Dynamic Seemingly Unrelated Regression method (DSUR). Our study shows that, (i) the effect of financial development on real per capita GDP improves in WAEMU countries as the latter converge financially to their respective levels in USA, France and Japan; (ii) the effect of financial development on real GDP per capita decreases in the WAEMU countries as they grow economically to reach USA, France and Japan’s income levels; (iii) the degree of the effect of financial development on real per capita GDP in the case of financial systems is stronger than that of the convergence of income

    Diagnose Sexuelle Des Os Coxaux Archéoanthropologiques Issus De L’amas Coquillier De Songon Kassemblé Au Sud-Est De La Côte d’Ivoire

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    Since 2008, some surfaces gatherings have been done on the archaeological shells middens of Songon Kassemblé in Ivory Coast. As a result, several pieces of anthropological bones have been collected. Each collection with a minimum of three individuals, contains some skulls, some longs bones of the uppers and the inferiors members, and some hips bones. These bones are the main material for experimentation. In fact, determing the sex is the purpose of this work. To do so, firstly we will estimate the age of the hips bone owners at the time of their death. Secondly morphoscopical and morphometrical methods has been used. The results are, the sex of three hips bone owners is female and the last one sex is indeterminate

    Evaluation des Impacts de la Transhumance sur les Ressources Pastorales au sud duMali dans la Commune Rurale de Dabia (Cercle de Kéniéba)

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    En région sahélienne du Mali, l’élevage est de type extensif basé essentiellement sur l’exploitation des ressources naturelles. Les pratiques traditionnelles actuelles ne permettent plus de répondre efficacement aux problèmes d’alimentation et d’abreuvement des animaux. Sous l’effet conjugué des aléas climatiques, l’amplitude de la transhumance est devenue plus courante et plus importante et les séjours dans les zones d’accueil deviennent de plus en plus longs. Située plus au sud et sous un climat de type préguinéen dans le cercle de Kéniéba, la commune rurale de Dabia est devenue une zone de concentration des transhumants. La présente étude vise à analyser les impacts de la transhumance sur les ressources pastorales de ladite commune. Le travail a consisté à effectuer des enquêtes auprès des agroéleveurs (200 personnes), des pasteurs transhumants (34 personnes). Ces enquêtes ont été couplées avec des interviews semi-structurées auprès des agents des services en charge du développement rural. De plus, des relevés phytoécologiques ont été effectués au niveau des parcours. Les investigations ont montré que la transhumance occasionne la déforestation à travers la coupe abusive des arbres (97% d’enquêtés), la détérioration du tissu social se caractérisant par des conflits (55%), des viols des femmes (8%) et les dégâts des champs (55%). Les relevés phytoécologiques ont permis d’inventorier 63 espèces herbacées et 47 espèces ligneuses. La production de biomasse sèche herbacée variait en fonction de l’unité pastorale. Elle était moins productive 1,63 t.MS/ha sur les buttes cuirassées contre 2,74 t.MS/ha sur plaines limonosableuses. Les capacités de charge sont faibles 0,46 UBT/ha/6mois sur les cuirasses contre 0,81 UBT/ha/6mois sur les plaines. Il ressort de cette étude que la transhumance est un facteur qui contribue à la dégradation de l’environnement. Pour ce faire des mesures doivent être envisagées par les autorités pour amoindrir les impacts négatifs. In the Sahelian region of Mali, livestock farming is extensive and based mainly on the exploitation of natural resources. Current traditional practices are no longer effective in addressing feeding and watering problems. Under the combined effect of climatic hazards, the amplitude of transhumance has become more common and more important and stays in reception areas are getting longer and longer. Located further south and under a pre-Guinean climate in the Kéniéba district, the rural commune of Dabia has become a concentration zone for transhumants. This study aims to analyze the impacts of transhumance on the pastoral resources of the said commune. The work involved conducting surveys of agro-pastoralists (200 people) and transhumant pastoralists (34 people). These surveys were coupled with semistructured interviews with rural development service agents. In addition, phytoecological surveys were carried out at the range level. The investigations showed that transhumance causes deforestation through the excessive cutting of trees (97% of respondents), the deterioration of the social fabric being characterized by conflicts (55%), rape of women (8%) and field damage (55%). Phytoecological surveys made it possible to inventory 63 herbaceous species and 47 woody species. Herbaceous dry biomass production varied according to pastoral unit. It was less productive at 1.63 t.MS / ha on armored hillocks compared to 2.74 t.MS / ha on sandy-loam plains. Load capacities are low 0.46 UBT / ha / 6 months on the battles against 0.81 UBT / ha / 6 months on the plains. It emerges from this study that transhumance is a factor contributing to the degradation of the environment. To do this, measures must be considered by the authorities to reduce negative impacts

    Approche stylistique et pragmatique des maximes conversationnelles dans Jusqu’à nouvel avis de Guillaume Oyono-Mbia

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    La conversation est un échange communicatif de type interlocutif plaçant les participants  sur un pied d’égalité. Elle admet une liberté dans les prises de parole et le choix des thèmes est peu contraignant. Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait penser, la conversation repose sur un niveau hiérarchisé au cœur duquel figurent le principe de coopération et les maximes conversationnelles. Les arts de la scène, qui sont par essence verbaux,  reposent sur des fondements similaires. Le théâtre, genre représentatif de cette forme d’interlocution, semble  reproduire la conversation ordinaire. Cependant, il s’en démarque à travers certains procédés langagiers résultant de la scène englobante littéraire. C’est pourquoi la stylistique est convoquée pour mettre au jour les modalités par lesquelles l’œuvre viole les maximes conversationnelles et le principe de coopération. Dans cette perspective, l’approche stylistique est corrélée à la pragmatique. La raison en est que les concepts et les outils mobilisés pour décrypter les lois du discours ont été forgés à partir de cette science

    Sites Archéologiques Et Vestiges Ostéologiques En Côte d’Ivoire

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    Depuis plus de deux décennies, des enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs anthropologues biologiques sont formés dans les universités ivoiriennes. Par conséquent, une étude relative aux sites archéologiques qui abritent des vestiges osseux anthropologiques et zoologiques. Elle a pour objectif principal la prospection, l’identification et la fouille à l’échelle nationale de ces sites. Aux termes des premiers résultats consécutifs à ces opérations de terrain, sept sites ont été identifiés. Il s’agit des sites de : Songon Kassemblé, Songon M’Braté, Dohouan, Daovogo, Poungbè, Nawavogo et Anda. Les analyses diachronique et synchronique ont permis d’apprécier leur état de préservation. Trois de ces sites, à savoir ceux de Songon Kassemblé, de Songon M’Braté et de Dohouan sont menacés de disparition. Sur l’ensemble de ces sites, ont été collectés des restes archéo-ostéologiques humains et fauniques associés à des artefacts. Au regard des destructions anthropiques observées, l’État Ivoirien se doit de protéger ce patrimoine archéo-ostéologique revêtant à la fois une dimension culturelle et scientifique, en faisant respecter les dispositions légales en la matière. Archaeologicals Sites And Osteologicals Remains In Côte D’ivoireAbstract               For more than two decades, biologicals anthropologists teacher-researchers and researchers have been trained in Ivorians universities. Therefore, a study relating to archaeological sites that house anthropologicals and zoologicals bone remains. Its main objective is the prospecting, identification and excavation of these sites on a national scale. According to the first results following these field operations, seven sites have been identified. These are the sites of: Songon Kassemblé, Songon M'Braté, Dohouan, Daovogo, Poungbè, Nawavogo and Anda. The diachronic and synchronic analyzes made it possible to assess their state of preservation. Three of these sites, namely those of Songon Kassemblé, Songon M’Braté and Dohouan are threatened with disappearance. On all of these sites, humans and faunals archaeo-osteologicals remains associated with artefacts were collected. In view of the anthropogenic destruction observed, the Ivorian State must protect this archaeo-osteological heritage, which has both a cultural and scientific dimension, by enforcing the legal provisions in this area.Keywords: Humans and wildlifes archaeo-osteologicals remains, State of Preservation, Heritage Protection

    Perceptions et Practiques en Matiere de Contraception dans une Communaute Urbaine de la Ville d’Abidjan (Cote d’ Ivore)

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    Introduction : L’utilisation efficace de la contraception dépend de l’attitude des utilisatrices à l’égard de celle-ci. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les perceptions et pratiques en matière de contraception en milieu urbain. Matériel et Méthodes : Une étude transversale descriptive mixte a été réalisée au quartier Dallas, dans la commune d'Adjamé, auprès de femmes en âge de reproduction, d'hommes et de chefs religieux. L'aspect quantitatif a eu lieu du 5 mai au 4 juin 2018, tandis que l'aspect qualitatif a eu lieu du 5 juin au 4 juillet. De plus, des données quantitatives et qualitatives ont été saisies et analysées à l'aide du logiciel Epi info 6.1. Après l'enregistrement et la transcription, une analyse du contenu a été effectuée. Résultats :Troiscent femmes ont été sélectionnées pour l’enquête quantitative et 29 personnes ont participé à l’enquête qualitative. L’âge moyen des femmes était de 29,4 ±9,1 ans. Cent trente-deux femmes n’avaient pas abordé le sujet de la contraception avec leur partenaire. Les principales raisons étaient le désintérêt de la femme pour le sujet et l’ignorance. Soixante-deux femmes pensaient que la contraception était une pratique non bénéfique pour la santé. Les raisons pour lesquelles les femmes désapprouvaient la contraception étaient le rejet et les maladies. Les méthodes modernes étaient les plus utilisées. Conclusion : Les campagnes de sensibilisation et d’information au niveau communautaire peuvent permettre aux femmes et aux hommes d’avoir des attitudes adéquates vis à vis de la contraception moderne. Introduction: The effective use of contraceptive depends on user's attitudes towards contraception. This paper focuses on determining the perceptions and practices of contraception in urban areas. Material and Methods: A mixed descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Dallas, district of Adjamé, among women of reproductive age, men, and religious leaders. The quantitative aspect took place from May 5th to June 4th, 2018, while the qualitative aspect took place from June 5th to July 4th. Also, quantitative and qualitative data were captured and analyzed using Epi info software. After recording and transcription, a content analysis was carried out. Results: Three hundred women were selected for the quantitative survey, and 29 people participated in the qualitative survey. The average age of the women was 29.4 ± 9.1 years. Among them, one hundred and thirty-two women had not discussed contraception with their partners. The main reasons were theirignorance and lack of interest in the subject. In addition, sixty-two women thought that contraception was a non-healthy practice. The main reason for their disapproval was rejection and disease. Moreover, modern methods were the most widely used. Conclusion: Awareness and information campaigns at the community level can help women and men to develop appropriate attitudes towards modern contraception

    Paragangliome nasopharynge avec extension a la base du crane: Une localisation inhabituelle des paragangliomes

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    Introduction : Le paragangliome est une rare tumeur neuroendocrine. La localisation nasopharyngée avec extension à la base du crâne est très rare.Présentation du cas : Il s‘agissait d‘une dame de 39 ans, prise en charge au service de neurochirurgie du CHU « Hôpital du Mali » pour un paragangliome nasopharyngé qui s‘étendait à la base du crâne. La patiente présentait une dyspnée d‘aggravation progressive associée à une épistaxis à répétition évoluant depuis 3 ans environ et une paralysie faciale périphérique gauche. Le scanner avait mis en évidence une masse volumineuse siégeant au niveau du nasopharynx obstruant partiellement les fosses nasales. La lésion était rehaussée après injection de produit de contraste. La patiente a eu une chirurgie d‘exérèse de la tumeur en 2 temps. L‘analyse anatomopathologique avec immunohistochimie a permis de confirmer le diagnostic de paragangliome. Une radiothérapie complémentaire a été réalisée sur le résidu tumoral. Les suites du traitement ont été satisfaisantes.Discussion : Les paragangliomes de la tête et du cou ne représentent que 0,6% des tumeurs de la tête et du cou et 3% de tous les  paragangliomes. Le traitement repose sur la chirurgie. La radiothérapie est indiquée si la chirurgie n‘assure pas une résection complète.Conclusion : Les paragangliomes sont une entité à prendre en compte dans les tumeurs nasopharyngées et de la base du crâne.   Englsih title: Nasopharyngeal paraganglioma with extension at the skull base: An unusual location of the paragangliomas Introduction: Paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor. Nasopharyngeal localization with extension at the skull base is very rare.Case: A thirty-nine-year-old woman, was managed by the Neurosurgery Department of « Hôpital du Mali » for a nasopharyngeal paraganglioma that extended to the skull base. The patient had progressive dyspnea associated with repeated epistaxis for 3 years and left peripheral facial palsy. The CT scan showed a bulky mass sitting in the nasopharynx partially obstructing the nasal cavity. The lesion was enhanced after injection of contrast. The patient had surgery to remove the tumor in 2 steps. Histological analysis with  immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis. Complementary radiotherapy was performed on the tumor residue. The results of the treatment were satisfactory.Discussion: Head and neck paragangliomas represent only 0.6% of head and neck tumors and 3% of all paragangliomas. The treatment is based on surgery. Radiotherapy is indicated if the surgery does not provide complete resection.Conclusion: Paragangliomas are an entity to be considered in nasopharyngeal and skull base tumors

    La Longevite Chez Les Ivoiriens

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    This study analyzes longevity factors among Ivoirians. Clearly, it consists on identifying the life expectancy secrets. To do this, data were gathered from religious and non-religious categories using qualitative approaches. The respondents were selected according to reasoned choice method. For this study people aged between 65 years and more were selected. Data collection took place in district of Abidjan and in the District of Odienné over a period of 3 weeks, from 06 June 2016 to 26 June 2016. Six (06) individuals were interviewed and the results revealed religious, spiritual, dietary, cultural and physical factors as the foundation of longevity among Ivoirians
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