19 research outputs found

    Improving microbiological food Safety in peri-urban Mali; an experimental study

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    Introduction: Twenty years ago, a WHO review of the literature assumed that most food-borne disease transmission in developing countries takes place within the home, and advocated a major programme of interdisciplinary research to develop and test cost-effective interventions to promote food hygiene. Methods: The HACCP approach was applied step by step, to two selected weaning foods prepared by 15 volunteer mothers in peri-urban Mali. After setting Critical Control Points (CCP), actions were taken to control, reduce or eliminate microbial growth at these points. 432 food samples were collected and examined for thermotolerant coliforms in a local laboratory to assess the effectiveness of the approach. Lessons learnt were translated into messages delivered in a pilot study. Results: Traditional cooking was very effective in eliminating faecal contamination; reheating was as effective as cooking when adopted, because there was no significant difference in the temperatures reached in both cases. Behavioural corrective actions were effective in controlling faecal contamination at the other CCPs (serving the child after cooking and after reheating). Conclusion: In conclusion, the HACCP experiment improved significantly the bacterial safety of both types of weaning food studied. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Evaluation of β-blockers dosage regimen rationality in heart failure patients

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    Background: β-Blockers are often associated with further cardiac function deterioration, ledding to them being often underused/underdosed by certain physicians in heart failure treatment, although they were seen to be beneficial in decreasing the rates of mortality and morbidity, duration of hospitalization in HFrEF patients, but data on their benefits in HFmEF and HFpEF patients is limited. Objective was to evaluate rationality of β-blockers’ dosage regimen and its effectiveness in HF patients. Methods: 43 HF patients have been enrolled. Data were collected from the medication chart (dose, route, frequency); dosage regimen was evaluated and compared to that of ESC guidelines for HF treatment. Heart rates pre/post drug treatments, ejection fraction (at admission & post-discharge) were recorded; effectiveness was evaluated through heart rate control, reduction in: duration of hospitalization, rehospitalization and mortality rate. Post-discharge updates of the patients were obtained through out-patient consultation reports. Results: In All 43 patients dosage regimen of selected β-Blockers was found to be rational and following the ESC guideline for HF treatment. 65% of patients spent not more than 5 days in the hospital, 16% Re-hospitalized for cardiovascular diseases, and death rate was 4%. Conclusions: The dosage regimen of selected β-Blockers was found to be as per that of ESC-guidelines HF treatment. β-Blockers have also been found to have reduced: hospitalization stay, frequency of rehospitalization, and death rate among patients under study.

    Evaluation des méthodes de piégeage des termites au nord du Burkina Faso

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    En Afrique de l’Ouest, les termites sont communĂ©ment utilisĂ©s comme alimentation protĂ©inique pour la volaille. Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif de tester et d’amĂ©liorer une mĂ©thode traditionnelle de collecte des termites par piĂ©geage avec un rĂ©cipient renversĂ©, au Nord du Burkina Faso. Des essais ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s avec deux genres de termites (Macrotermes et Odontotermes) afin d’évaluer l’effet des saisons, des substrats, des rĂ©cipients et de l’exposition au soleil sur leur piĂ©geage. Six substrats ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s avec trois types de rĂ©cipients (en terre cuite, en fer et en plastique) pour collecter les termites. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le canari en terre cuite est le meilleur rĂ©cipient pour la collecte des termites. Les meilleurs substrats pour capturer les Macrotermes, ont Ă©tĂ© les substrats contenant des tiges de sorgho et, pour les Odontotermes, les substrats contenant la bouse de vache. L’exposition des pièges au soleil a eu un effet nĂ©gatif significatif sur les Odontotermes, mais pas sur les Macrotermes. Ces rĂ©sultats peuvent aider les aviculteurs Ă  amĂ©liorer le piĂ©geage des termites en utilisant le rĂ©cipient et les substrats les plus adĂ©quats et en protĂ©geant leur piège du soleil.Mots clĂ©s : Termites, aliments pour volaille, Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Burkina Faso.   English Title: Evaluation of termite trapping methods in northern Burkina Faso In West Africa, termites are commonly used as a protein feed for poultry. The objective of this study was to test and improve a traditional method of trapping termites with an overturned container in northern Burkina Faso. Trials have been conducted with two termite genera (Macrotermes and Odontotermes) to assess the effect of seasons, substrates, containers and sun exposure on their trapping. Six substrates were used with three types of containers (terracotta, iron and plastic) to collect termites. The results showed that the terracotta container is the best container for collecting termites. The best substrates for Macrotermes were the substrates containing sorghum stalks and, for Odontotermes, the substrates containing cow dung. Exposure of the traps to the sun had a significant negative effect on Odontotermes, but not on Macrotermes. These results can help poultry farmers improve termite trapping by using the most suitable container and substrates and protecting their trap from the sun.Keywords: Termites, poultry feed, Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Burkina Faso

    Piloting an intervention to improve microbiological food safety in Peri-Urban Mali.

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    INTRODUCTION: Diarrhoeal diseases remain a major cause of preventable death among children under five years old in developing countries. Studies related to infant diarrhoea causation have demonstrated a higher level of faecal contamination in weaning foods than in drinking water. Many studies have examined the microbiological quality of such foods, but few of them have resulted in an intervention. The present study builds upon an experiment in which the HACCP approach was applied to preparation of two common weaning foods (moni and fish soup) and used to develop simple hygiene measures which mothers could take in preparing and serving foods to their children, to prevent contamination. METHODS: A randomly selected sample of 60 volunteer mothers was split into two groups of 30, the first receiving messages promoting implementation of the hygiene measures, and the second as a control. Samples of the food were taken in all 60 households at the point where they would have been served to a child. These were examined microbiologically, and physical parameters were measured. The process was repeated after the mothers had received three weeks' training in the preventive measures, and again three months later on an unannounced visit. RESULTS: Before the intervention, thermotolerant coliform (TTC) contamination levels exceeded 100 per gram in 55% of food samples cooled after cooking (prior to child service) and in 86% of samples of food stored prior to child service. After the intervention, the contamination was detected (i.e. >10TTC/g) in less than 17% of food samples cooled (prior to child service) after cooking and in only 4% of food samples reheated after storage and cooled prior to child service. The reduction in faecal contamination was highly significant (P<0.0001). The follow-up visit three months later produced still better results; only 0% to 17% of food samples failed to meet our standard of <10TTC/g. CONCLUSION: The HACCP approach can lead to effective measures for improving home food safety, and is applicable with modest resources for promotion of food hygiene and safety in a low-income community

    Pratiques avicoles et gestion de la fertilité des sols dans les exploitations agricoles de l’Ouest du Burkina Faso

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    Objectif : l’article montre la place de la volaille dans la production de fumure organique (FO) et la fertilisation des champs des exploitations agricoles (EA).Méthodologie et résultats : Une enquête d’exploitation agricole a été réalisée avec une approche globale des caractéristiques structurelles et des activités d’élevage de l’exploitation, et la collecte de données déclarées par le chef d’exploitation. L’enquête a été réalisée en 2016 sur un échantillon de 300 EA dans les régions des Cascades et des Hauts-Bassins du Burkina Faso. Les résultats mettent en évidence 5 types d’EA : 2 types d’agriculteurs (type 1 : 8,92 ha, 129 volailles, 4 bovins et 6 petits ruminants ; type 2 : 5,48 ha, 31 volailles, 3 bovins et 7 petits ruminants) et 3 types d’agro-éleveurs (type 3 : 10,57 ha, 42 volailles, 11 bovins et 16 petits ruminants ; type 4 : 6,58 ha, 68 bovins et 26 petits ruminants ; type 5 : 36,40 ha, 117 volailles, 44 bovins, 47 petits ruminants). L’élevage extensif de volaille qui est le système dominant (plus de 70 % des EA enquêtées) apporte près de 26 % du revenu des EA du type 1. Ce système extensif permet de produire dans l’année 4,67 kg de fiente par volaille contre 19,21 et 5,08 kg/volaille/an respectivement pour la claustration et le système semi-intensif. La fiente de volaille représente entre 26,46 et 35,72 % de la production de fumure organique et contribue à fertiliser près de 4,50 % des superficies totales cultivées des EA.Conclusions et application des résultats : Cette contribution de la volaille dans la production de la FO et la fertilisation des champs peut être améliorée en réduisant les pertes durant le processus de production et de collecte des déjections. Le système d’élevage semi-intensif et la claustration se présentent comme des perspectives intéressantes à explorer.Mots clés : typologie, système d’élevage, volaille, substrat organique, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades

    Sustainable Use of <i>Macrotermes</i> spp. to Improve Traditional Poultry Farming through an Efficient Trapping System in Burkina Faso

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    This study aimed to promote the use of termites as feed in traditional poultry farming by developing sustainable and inexpensive termite trapping techniques. Various tests were carried out in Burkina Faso to improve the traditional technique of trapping termites of the genus Macrotermes using a reversed container filled with organic matters. We studied the effect of containers’ types, substrates, habitats, harvesting times, duration of trap deposition, and season on the quantity of termites trapped. Calabashes and terra cotta pots trapped more termites than iron boxes, but calabashes were quickly destroyed by termites. The quantity of termites harvested increased proportionally with the volume of the pot and was higher in a cultivated habitat than in a forest, despite the higher number of termite mounds in the forest. The quantity of termites harvested was lowest in the cold-dry season and highest during the rainy season, however, sizeable amounts of termites were collected throughout the year. Among six substrates and mixtures of substrates tested, maize cobs trapped the highest number of termites and cow dung the lowest. The best time of harvest varied among seasons and, if substrates are abundant, it is more efficient to empty the containers on a daily basis

    Optimization of Production Methods for Black Soldier Fly Larvae (<i>Hermetia illucens</i> L.) in Burkina Faso

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    Larvae of Hermetia illucens are a valuable source of protein for animal feed that can be produced by exposing animal and agro-industrial wastes to naturally occurring flies. The objective of this study was to improve techniques for obtaining H. illucens larvae to feed livestock in Burkina Faso. An experiment was conducted to determine the most favourable substrates and seasons for larval production. The substrates used were poultry manure, local beer waste, local beer waste mixed with poultry manure, cottonseed cake, and industrial brewery waste mixed with poultry manure. The production of larvae was carried out in four different seasons. The effect of the container’s oviposition area (0.07 m2, 0.09 m2, and 0.11 m2) and the type of container (terracotta, plastic, and iron) on larval production was also assessed. The produced larval biomass was high during, or just after, the rainy season but very low during the cool dry and hot dry seasons. Yields were higher with local beer waste mixed with poultry manure followed by local beer waste and cottonseed cake. The average mass of H. illucens larvae increased slightly with the oviposition area for the same amount of substrate. Iron and terracotta containers provided better results than plastic containers. The suitability of this production method for H. illucens larvae production is discussed

    Hydromechanical assessment of a complex landslide through geophysics and numerical modeling: Toward an upgrade for the Villerville landslide (Normandy, France)

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    International audienceThe Pays d'Auge (Normandy, France) is impacted by large deep-seated landslides along its coastline. The largest of these landslides, the “Cirque des Graves”, has been studied since the 1980s because of significant stakes in the active zone. To characterize the hydromechanical functioning of the central part of the cirque, which is the most active part and includes the majority of the issues at stake, we performed new investigations that complement prior studies. Through the joint use of high-resolution geophysics (seismic refraction and ERT) coupled with geotechnical knowledge, a geometric model was highlighted on a large profile. Then, the mechanical behavior and slope stability were assessed by finite-difference numerical modeling (FDM) with FLAC2D®. To calibrate the model, a back-analysis was first realized on an eastern profile, for which the geometry and slip surfaces were identified by field surveys. The agreement of the model results on the eastern profile constrained by inclinometry enables a transposition of the geomechanical parameters on the central profile to assess its functioning and to locate the areas subject to mechanical weaknesses. A translational movement was revealed at the upstream end of the landslide, as well as nested roto-translational envelopes in the downstream two-thirds of the landslide. These results allowed robust assumptions with regard to the location of the slip surfaces and the zones undergoing stress-strain. The influence of groundwater was also assessed and discussed with respect to the overall slope stability. This study demonstrates the pros and cons of conventional finite difference modeling, as well as of back-analysis by parametric transposition. The benefits of the joint use of geophysical methods and numerical modeling were also highlighted and discussed